642 products were found matching your search for Palabras in 2 shops:
Palabras de Jesús y sus primeros seguidores / Words of Jesus and his first followers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.00 $Una cita de inspiración de las palabras de Jesús y algunos de Sus primeros seguidores por cada día del año. Un calendario perpetuo que se puede usar una y otra vez. Ofrece fotografías de lugares mencionados en el Nuevo Testamento (cada foto con un título descriptivo).
Palabras Secretas: Palabras de uso frecuente (Spanish Secret High-Frequency Words Cards) - 1 game by Really Good Stuff
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 41.98 $Challenge Your Young Word Sleuths To Reveal And Read High-Frequency Spanish Words Under each picture, students place a letter chip representing the initial sound of the Spanish word. When all the letters are in place, the secret high-frequency word is revealed! Flip over the chips to self-check. Includes 86 words and mdash;26 each of three-, four-, and five-letter words, and eight sixletter words. 43 double-sided high-frequency word cards * Size: 6" by 5" to 12" by 5" * 140 letter chips * Size: 1" diameter each * 1 storage box with lid * Really Good Instructional Guide 165437 Palabras Secretas: Palabras de uso frecuente (Spanish Secret High-Frequency Words Cards) palabras de alta frecuencia fluidez sonido inicial conciencia fonemica dual language Spanish literacy center bilingual spanish high frequency high- 165437 Palabras Secretas: Palabras de uso frecuente (Spanish Secret High-Frequency Words Cards) palabras de alta frecuencia fluidez sonido inicial conciencia fonemica dual language Spanish literacy center bilingual spanish high frequency high-
Formar Palabras Con Silabas (Make-A-Word Center: Spanish Syllables) - 1 center by Really Good Stuff
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 49.99 $Build Words With Different Syllable Types Build two- and three-syllable words with various syllable structures: CV, CCV, VC, and CVC. Name the picture, build it with syllable tiles, and write it. Turn over the photo card to self-check. Color-coded according to syllable type. 40 2-sided photo cards * Size: 3" by 2" each * 95 syllable tiles * Size: 1" by 1" each * 21 alphabet stickers * 4 work mats * Size: 17" by 4" each * Really Good Instructional Guide 307460 Formar Palabras Con Silabas Make A Word Center Spanish Syllables word building syllables open syllables direct syllables inverse syllables closed syllables syllable segmentation syllable isolation Spanish syllables formar palabras sAla 307460 Formar Palabras Con Silabas Make A Word Center Spanish Syllables word building syllables open syllables direct syllables inverse syllables closed syllables syllable segmentation syllable isolation Spanish syllables formar palabras sAla
Construccin de palabras Tapetes y tarjetas (Spanish Word Building Mats And Cards) - 1 multi-item kit by Really Good Stuff
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 40.93 $Build Spanish Words With Syllable Chunks And Letters Students name the picture, build the two- or three-syllable word with syllable tiles, and then write it with a dry erase marker or build it with letters. They flip over the picture cards to self-check. Color-coded mats and cards make it easy to differentiate. This set is ideal for early learners who need practice building words with direct syllables. 12 double-sided word-building mats * Write Again wipe-off laminate * Size: 8" by 8" each * 32 double-sided * laminated picture cards * Size: 4" by 4" each * 76 syllable tiles * Size: 1" by 1" each * 1 laminated instruction card * 1 storage box with lid 165307 Construccin de palabras Tapetes y tarjetas (Spanish Word Building Mats And Cards) silabas conciencia silabica armar palabras construir palabras letras dual language Spanish literacy center bilingual spanish word words building builds 165307 Construccin de palabras Tapetes y tarjetas (Spanish Word Building Mats And Cards) silabas conciencia silabica armar palabras construir palabras letras dual language Spanish literacy center bilingual spanish word words building builds
Mi Cuaderno de Palabras de Uso Frecuente - Palabras 1-50 - 12 Journals by Really Good Stuff
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 32.99 $Master 50 High-Frequency Words In One Journal With Fun Activities and Fluency Checks In this fun and engaging journal, students get plenty of space to trace, discern and cross out, cut up, read, and write 50 high-frequency Spanish words both in context and isolation. Recognition of common high-frequency words helps build an early readers word recognition rate and reading fluency. As readers master these words, they build confidence in themselves and develop reading independence and a love of language and the written word. This journal is great for Spanish-speaking students, students who are learning Spanish, or any students who are working toward biliteracy. This journal includes fluency checks for progress monitoring and is perfect for take-home practice. l"*MULTIPLE WAYS TO ENGAGE: This journal includes multiple ways to engage in word recognition and word building skills like tracing, formation, crossing out activities, as well as a cutting and gluing component to take it further. IDEAL FOR BILINGUAL AND DUAL LANGUAGE CLASSROOMS: Help students work toward biliteracy with this handy journal of common Spanish words.; INCLUDES FLUENCY CHECKS: This journal includes fluency checks for progress monitoring. ; TWELVE JOURNALS: Students can practice identifying, tracing, writing and cutting out high-frequency words in this engaging 64-page journal that includes plenty of practice to help students achieve mastery. ; LEARN ANOTHER 50 WORDS, TOO! In addition to this set of 50 words, we also offer another set of 50 high-frequency Spanish words (171279)."; Spanish ELA Spanish Activities for K-2 Kindergarten Spanish First Grade Spanish Second Grade Spanish Spanish High-Frequency Words Spanish Common Words First Words in Spanish Spanish Fluency Checks Spanish Word Recognition Spanish Word Practice Easy Spanish Words Biliteracy Spanish Journal Spanish Writing Activities Spanish Take Home Work ESL Reading ELL Reading Spanish ELA Spanish Activities fo
Really Good Stuff Construccion de Palabras, Tapetes, Tarjetas y Letras by Really Good Stuff
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 69.99 $Learning Spanish Made Fun! HOW IT WORKS: Students name the picture, build the two- or three-syllable word with syllable tiles, and then write it with a dry erase marker or build it with the letter tiles. They flip over the picture cards to self-check. Color-coded mats and cards make it easy to differentiate.; EDUCATIONAL: This set is ideal for early learners who need practice building words with direct syllables. Designed to be a fun, focused activity to entertain and engage children while they grasp important concepts and skills for eventual language fluency. Develops speed, accuracy, and confidence. ; HOMESCHOOL FRIENDLY: Great learning resource for either at home or in the classroom. Allows parents to supplement children's learning in the areas they need it most.; GAMES FOR ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KIDS: Create fun games that promote learning as well as positive interaction with one another.; 165414 Construccin de palabras Tapetes tarjetas y letras (Spanish Word Building Mats Cards And Letter Tiles) letras acentuadas formar palabras construir palabras dual language silabas conciencia silabica armar palabras construir palabras RGS 165414 Construccin de palabras Tapetes tarjetas y letras (Spanish Word Building Mats Cards And Letter Tiles) letras acentuadas formar palabras construir palabras dual language silabas conciencia silabica armar palabras construir palabras RGS 165414 165414 165414 165414 165414
Really Good Stuff Roll And Read: Tira y lee: palabras de uso frecuente (Spanish High-Frequency Words) - 1 game by Really Good St
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 41.98 $Build Fluency With A Fun Dice Game Partners take turns rolling dice, finding and reading words in the appropriate spaces, and then either covering the spaces or tracing the words. Various options end the game, so play is different each time. Game includes 120 high-frequency words; each pair of write-on/ wipe-off mats shows 30 words on each side. 8 2-sided game mats * Size: 8" by 11" each * 120 transparent chips (60 blue and 60 red) * Size: " diameter each * 2 sets of 2 unique dice * Size: 1" by 1" each * 2 sand timers * Storage box * Size: 10" by 12" * Really Good Stuff Teaching Guide 306589 Roll And Read Tira y lee palabras de uso frecuente Spanish High Frequency Words 306589 Roll And Read Tira y lee palabras de uso frecuente Spanish High Frequency Words
Really Good Stuff Lee, Construye, y Escribe Palabras de Uso Frequente (Spanish Magnetic Read, Build, and Write High-Frequency Wo
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 229.99 $Easily Differentiate Spanish Sight Word Study With This Hands-On Kit We've combined the trickiest Spanish high-frequency words with magnetic letters and activity boards for a perfect center or small group activity. Magnetic words and letters stay put while students read, build, and write. Ideal For Bilingual And Dual Language Classrooms: Help students work toward biliteracy with this kit designed to help build fluency in reading and writing Spanish words. 6 Double-Sided Activity Boards For Spanish Sight Word Practice: The six magnetic boards offer different levels of activity on each side for differentiated skills practice. Students read the word, build it with letter magnets, write it with a dry erase marker, and use it in a sentence on the board or aloud. 276 Letters (Including Spanish Characters) In A Storage Case: The magnetic letters include red vowels and blue consonants, Spanish characters, and two forms of the letters a and g so students learn to recognize both. Store them neatly in the plastic case that comes with compartments. Build Sentences With 100 Magnetic Words: Kids will have fun placing the magnetic words on the classrooms whiteboard, metal doors, file cabinets, or any metal surface to practice reading high frequency words and forming sentences in Spanish. Emergent readers benefit from the way the white background emphasizes the word shape, and from the color-coded consonants and vowels. Encourage kids to practice reading and building Spanish words and sentences with this interactive word study kit. 1 plastic storage case with 28 compartments - Size: 16 "L X 10 "W X 2"H Comes with 52 stickers to label them (includes lower and upper case alphabet letters, Spanish letters, numbers 0 - 9, math symbols, money symbols and one blank sticker. 6 double-sided magnetic dry erase Read, Build And Write Boards - Size: 10" by 10" each 276 plastic magnetic letters with red vowels and blue consonants (includes Spanish characters and two forms of the
Letras y tarjetas de trabajo para la construccin de palabras (Spanish Word Building Task Cards And Letter Tiles) - 20 cards, 95
Vendor: Discountschoolsupply.com Price: 41.99 $Offer A Hands-On Way To Build And Change Words In Spanish Two-sided-for-differentiation, these cards provide systematic practice in Spanish word building using the lowercase letter tiles. Target consonant and vowel sounds in 40 numbered activities. Great for school or home use. 20 double-sided * laminated task cards and 1 cover card with instructions on the back * Size: 7 3/8 " by 4" each * 95 plastic letter tiles (38 red vowels and 57 black consonants) * Size: approximately ?" by 1" each * 2 zip-top storage bags (1 for cards * 1 for letter tiles) 165986 Letras y tarjetas de trabajo para la construcci-n de palabras (Spanish Word Building Task Cards And Letter Tiles) formar dual language bilingual vocales consonantes manipulacion de letras participacion familiar escuela a casa spanish wor 165986 Letras y tarjetas de trabajo para la construcci-n de palabras (Spanish Word Building Task Cards And Letter Tiles) formar dual language bilingual vocales consonantes manipulacion de letras participacion familiar escuela a casa spanish wor
Palabras De Los Maestros Ascendidos/ Words of the Promoters: Vol 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.75 $Este libro fue traducido del ingles por Conny Mendez, en su afan de llevar al castellano los mensajes de esperanza y sabiduria de los Maestros Ascendidos y enriquecer el acervo de conocimientos metafisicos. En el se hace un llamado para que cada ser humano sobre la tierra vea, conozca y se asocie con Ellos, en sus visibles, tangibles, vivientes y alentadores Grandes Seres Cosmicos, pues no importa cuanto deseen proteger a la humanidad; la humanidad tiene que despertar para que de esta forma, estos Grandes Maestros nos puedan ayudar a todos y cada uno de nosotros. Vol II
Palabras de sabiduría para las adolescentes : Libros para ayudar a las adolescentes a vencer los pensamientos negativos, ser positivas y a construir u
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.77 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Palabras De Mediodia.Noon Words
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Poetry. Latino/Latina Studies. PALABRAS DE MEDIODIA/NOON WORDS is Lucha Corpi's pioneering collection of poems that established her as a major figure in Mexican American literature. Written in Spanish and expertly translated by Catherine Rodriguez-Nieto, the poems fairly bloom off the page in a display of lyric virtuosity. Lucha Corpi is a poet, novelist and children's book author. She is the author of a series of mystery novels featuring Gloria Damasco, the first Chicana detective in American literature, among them BLACK WIDOW'S WARDROBE (1999) is also available from SPD. The recipient of numerous awards, including NEA and Oakland Cultural Arts fellowships, Lucha Corpi lives in Oakland where she has been a teacher since 1973.
Palabras moribundas (Pensamiento)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.12 $Las palabras moribundas tienen un poder evocador que lleva hacia nuestra memoria el recuerdo de personas queridas que ya no están, épocas de nuestra vida que pasaron, utensilios perdidos, tareas superadas, antiguas modas divertidas. Este libro puede ser una especie de álbum de fotos familiares para muchos lectores que algún día utilizaron términos como chipén, pasquín, pickup, chiticalla, romadizo, almazuela, córcholis, mandil, encetar, garrotillo, mancar. . . o elepé o tomavistas. Pasaron por nuestras bocas y nuestros oídos, pero ¿cuánto tiempo hace que usted no oye, lee o pronuncia la palaba desgalichado? Leyendo estos vocablos y recordando sus usos aparecerán de nuevo muchas imágenes que no sospechábamos tan lejanas; y tal vez lamentemos que sus ecos se estén perdiendo. Lo que pretende este libro es que esas palabras no mueran, y que al menos revivan en la memoria de miles de lectores.
Palabras huérfanas. Verónica Sierra Blas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $Madrid. 24 cm. 434 p., [16] p. de lám. : il. bl. y n. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección 'Taurus historia'. Sierra Blas, Verónica ( 1978-). España-. Historia-. 1936-1939 (Guerra civil) .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. ISBN: 978-84-306-0676-4
Palabra Abierta
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.03 $Palabra abierta, 2/e, is a theme-driven and process-based Spanish composition text designed to develop advanced students' critical-thinking skills and academic writing proficiency. Through a functional grammar approach students learn about a variety of genres, with a particular focus on the academic essay. Each chapter explores multiple aspects of a common theme through various written genres and teaches students about functional components that constitute each of the genres presented. Each chapter also includes one model essay that demonstrates the genre in which students will be asked to compose. Readings and activities provide students with the appropriate vocabulary, linguistic structures, and writing strategies to allow them to meaningfully engage in chapter topics as well as diversify and expand their writing skills.
Palabras Santas/ Holy Words: Bendiciones, Decretos Y Plegarias/ Blessings, Decrees and Prayers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.16 $113 pages. Spanish language. 6.00x4.50x0.25 inches. In Stock.
Palabra dada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.04 $Idioma/Language: Español. Ésta es la más significativa obra de Massignon, en la que se muestran nuevas formas de circulación del saber entre las ciencias y el clamor de lo humillado, y mediante un lenguaje que horada el puramente instrumental hasta la «palabra dada» al hombre desde sus más inviolables impulsos de libertad y justicia; como el hilo de una melodía de esperanzas por entre el cronograma del dolor, la dominación y el encierro cósmico del hombre. «Palabra dada» al «Extranjero» que transmuta los deseos de poseedor en pobreza y entrega al don de la vida. Componen las cinco partes del libro los pasos de una «quête» espiritual entrelazada con todas las sabidurías, en un «estructuralismo espiritual» que hace de la ciencia un lugar hospitalario interdisciplinar, donde cita un entramado de causas materiales, políticas, éticas, y redes imaginales de mitos, creencias y arquetipos de lo sagrado, y como parte de la palabra con la que el hombre puede responder a las demandas que le hace el amor. Que en este libro se incendia a través de su geografía espiritual; por la historia de las compasiones; la resistencia no violenta a la injusticia; en el «manto de fuego de Abraham», donde dialogan las tres culturas bajo ese manto; recorriendo saberes matemáticos, lingüísticos, sobre el tiempo, la historia y el arte árabes, pero también de las culturas javanesa, hindú o japonesa, y en realidad en «horadaciones» hacia la palabra dada universalmente al hombre. *** Nota: Los envíos a España peninsular, Baleares y Canarias se realizan a través de mensajería urgente. No aceptamos pedidos con destino a Ceuta y Melilla.
Palabras del cielo/ Words from Heaven: Devocional De 90 Días
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.74 $96 pages. Spanish language. 6.00x4.00x0.24 inches. In Stock.
Palabras De Mi Corazón: El libro práctico de plegarias judías (Words From My Heart) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.77 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.29
Palabras del Cielo: An Exploration of Latina/o Theatre for Young Audiences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.55 $Set to be the most comprehensive resource examining Latina/o Theatre for Young Audiences, this book examines the subject material through a variety of entry points. The collection offers 12 of the most acclaimed Latina/o bilingual plays targeting different age ranges, ethnic backgrounds and themes. It also contains an additional six chapters of research by some of the most influential Latina/o scholars in the country who speak not only to the plays in the collection but also to the issue of diversity and inclusion in the field of Theatre for Young Audiences. The plays included are: Alicia in Wonder Tierra (or I Don't Eat Goat Head) Cinderella Eats Rice and Beans: A Salsa Fairy Tale Xochi: Jaguar Princess Mariachi Girl Luna ¡Bocón! The Highest Heaven la ofrenda (the offering) Simply Maria, or the American Dream Sueños Frosted Flakes It's All Bueno That Day in Tucson
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