102 products were found matching your search for Pany Christian Die Auswirkungen in 3 shops:
Christian Louboutin, Laced Shoes, female, Red, Size: 6 US Suede English Lace-Up Moccasin
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 385.00 $Elevate your shoe game with these luxurious Christian Louboutin Suede Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfect for the modern woman who values both style and comfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfekt til den moderne kvinde, der værdsætter både stil og komfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfect voor de moderne vrouw die zowel stijl als comfort waardeert. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfekt for den moderne kvinnen som verdsetter både stil og komfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfekt för den moderna kvinnan som värdesätter både stil och komfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Idealne dla nowoczesnej kobiety, która ceni zarówno styl, jak i komfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfekt für die moderne Frau, die sowohl Stil als auch Komfort schätzt. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfetto per la donna moderna che apprezza sia lo stile che il comfort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Parfait pour la femme moderne qui valorise à la fois le style et le confort. Lace-Up Moccasins. Perfecto para la mujer moderna que valora tanto el estilo como la comodidad. Lace-Up Moccasins. Täydellinen modernille naiselle, joka arvostaa sekä tyyliä että mukavuutta.
What Dreams May Die (A Sweet Dreams Christian Romance)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.11 $Is this chance reunion a bizarre fluke or an act of providence? And does it make any difference?She’s a full-time missionary.He’s working at a Christian ministry thousands of miles away.Will a summer reunion kindle old flames or bury them both in painful memories?When Megan flies out to Orchard Grove, Washington, her only goal is to connect with her brother and his pregnant wife. The last thing she needs is a chance meeting with the man who broke her heart years ago after she left the States to become a full-time missionary.Brad’s taking his summer off from teaching to care for his elderly grandmother. He’s looking forward to some time away from his intense ministry at a home for troubled teens.What he’s not expecting is to run into Megan, the woman he fell so hard for many years ago. The woman who left him to follow God’s call to the mission field.The woman he can’t get over no matter how hard he tries.What Dreams May Die is a heart-touching, inspirational story about two Christians who have devoted their lives to serving others and are about to find out that God’s plans for his children are far more glorious than anything we could ask or imagine.Read it today.
Let Us Die That We May Live : Greek Homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria C.350-c.450 Ad
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 226.51 $This book presents fresh, lively translations of fourteen such homilies, the majority for the first time in English. The homilies were delivered in some of the main cities of the Greek East of the later Roman Empire, by well-known figures such as Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom, as well as the equally gifted preachers Asterius of Amasea and Hesychius of Jerusalem.'Let us die that we may live' offers an approachable, surprising, and not always reverent insight into the life of the Early Church. It reveals the full importance of the martyr homily in terms of style, treatment of its subject, and social and liturgical issues, in a way that will be useful across disciplines such as theology, classical studies, and religion.
Early Christian Paraenesis in Context (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.16 $An up-to-date discussion of early Christian paraenesis in its Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish contexts in the light of one hundred years of scholarship, issuing from a research project by Nordic and international scholars. The concept of paraenesis is basic to New Testament scholarship but hardly anywhere else. How is that to be explained? The concept is also, notoriously, without any agreed-upon definition and it is even contested. Can it at all be salvaged? This volume reassesses the scholarly discussion of paraenesis - both the concept and the phenomenon - since Paul Wendland and Martin Dibelius and argues for a number of ways in which it may continue to be fruitful.
Hope to Die: The Christian Meaning of Death and the Resurrection of the Body
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.09 $Family-owned bookshop in Steubenville, Ohio. Books shipped within 24 hours. Written by a Franciscan University of Steubenville Professor. Written by our very own Ohio Valley author!
Lord, I Don't Want to Die a Christian: My Journal and Journey to Freedom (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.71 $Lord, I Don't Want to Die a Christian: My Journal and Journey to Freedom 1.11
'Let us die that we may live': Greek homilies on Christian Martyrs from Asia Minor, Palestine and Syria c.350-c.450 AD
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 149.02 $This book presents fresh, lively translations of fourteen such homilies, the majority for the first time in English. The homilies were delivered in some of the main cities of the Greek East of the later Roman Empire, by well-known figures such as Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa and John Chrysostom, as well as the equally gifted preachers Asterius of Amasea and Hesychius of Jerusalem.'Let us die that we may live' offers an approachable, surprising, and not always reverent insight into the life of the Early Church. It reveals the full importance of the martyr homily in terms of style, treatment of its subject, and social and liturgical issues, in a way that will be useful across disciplines such as theology, classical studies, and religion.
Destination Jerusalem: Isis, Convert or Die, Christian Persecution and Preparing for the Days Ahead
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.67 $A Christian refugee sobs, Jesus, forgive them! after fleeing the deadly rampage of Islamic State fighters. A Yazidi mother tells of the horrific fate her late son suffered at the hands of these marauding Muslim terrorists. An Israeli woman recounts how Hamas jihadists rose like zombies from the beach near her house to launch a terror attack on her kibbutz. Sirens wail over the skies of Jerusalem. Beheadings make global news, shake the leaders of Western powers, and shape public policy and military strategy. Against this precarious backdrop, Irans mullahs quietly prepare their deadly nuclear cocktail. Sounds like a plot from a spy novel, but its all too real!ISIS stunned the world with its Islamic blitzkrieg that swept through Syria and northern Iraq and declared an Islamic caliphate for the first time in nearly one hundred years. Once again, Christians bore the brunt of this menace. These militants forced tens of thousands of Christians to flee their ancient homes and gave them four grisly choices: pay the Islamic tax for infidels, leave, convert, or die by the sword. Hamas also sparked a fifty-day war demonstrating that their agenda remains the same: End of the Jewish State. Israel found herself once more in the vanguard against radical Islam. Her future is wedded to our own since jihadists see Israel as the little Satan and the U.S. as the big Satan.CBN News Middle East Bureau Chief Chris Mitchell landed on the front lines of these conflicts. In Destination Jerusalem, he brings you firsthand accounts of the men, women, and children caught in these fiery trials. Their story lines resound with the grand themes of our age: the rise of radical Islam, the ongoing persecutionsome say ethnic cleansingof Christians in the Middle East, and the centrality of Jerusalem in world history.
A Love to Die For: A Christian Western Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.01 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Christian Rohlfs: Die Begegnung Mit Der Moderne
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.27 $239 S. : überw. Ill. ; 28 cm NEUBUCH ! 9783777427751 Werktäglicher Versand. Jede Lieferung m. ordentl. Rechnung und ausgew. MwSt. Der Versand erfolgt als Büchersendung / Einschreiben mit der Deutschen Post bzw. als Päckchen / Paket mit DHL. Die Lieferzeit ist abhängig von der Versandart und beträgt innerhalb Deutschlands 3-5 Tage, in der EU 5 - 12 Tage. KEIN Versand an Packstationen. Körperschaften und juristische Personen werden auf Wunsch per offener Rechnung beliefert. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 550
Early Christian Paraenesis in Context (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.46 $An up-to-date discussion of early Christian paraenesis in its Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish contexts in the light of one hundred years of scholarship, issuing from a research project by Nordic and international scholars. The concept of paraenesis is basic to New Testament scholarship but hardly anywhere else. How is that to be explained? The concept is also, notoriously, without any agreed-upon definition and it is even contested. Can it at all be salvaged? This volume reassesses the scholarly discussion of paraenesis - both the concept and the phenomenon - since Paul Wendland and Martin Dibelius and argues for a number of ways in which it may continue to be fruitful.
Die Walkure
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.99 $Johan Botha, Albert Dohmen, Edith Haller, and Linda Watson star in this 2010 Bayreuth Festival production of the Wagner opera conducted by Christian Thielemann.
Die Zauberflote
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 34.98 $Directed by Brian Large, Pierre Audi. Starring Genia Khmeier, Genia K hmeier, Christian Gerhaher.
How Social Movements Die: Repression and Demobilization of the Republic of New Africa
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.28 $How do social movements die? Some explanations highlight internal factors like factionalization, whereas others stress external factors like repression. Christian Davenport offers an alternative explanation where both factors interact. Drawing on organizational, as well as individual-level, explanations, Davenport argues that social movement death is the outgrowth of a coevolutionary dynamic whereby challengers, influenced by their understanding of what states will do to oppose them, attempt to recruit, motivate, calm, and prepare constituents while governments attempt to hinder all of these processes at the same time. Davenport employs a previously unavailable database that contains information on a black nationalist/secessionist organization, the Republic of New Africa, and the activities of authorities in the U.S. city of Detroit and state and federal authorities.
Buch V¿VIII gegen Celsus. Die Schrift vom Gebet
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.55 $The series is devoted to Christian texts from the Greek-speaking parts of the ancient Roman Empire. Published since 1897 (first in Leipzig, then in Berlin) by the Royal Prussian Academy under the project Griechische Christliche Schriftsteller, which was continued by the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy, the series offers large critical editions accompanied by historical introductions and indices of those works that have not been included in other major editions. When complete, the series will provide complete coverage of the first three centuries.
Kommentar zu den Apostolischen Vätern: Die Didache
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $One hundred twenty-five years ago, Philotheos Bryennios discovered the text of the Didache in an eleventh-century manuscript version. In 1883 he edited the manuscript for publication, and its special fascination for scholars remains undiminished. One of the oldest extracanonical Christian documents, the Didache's origins can be traced to the first century. It is apparently a catechism, intended to provide basic instruction in the Christian lifestyle and worship for persons preparing for baptism.The Didache exhibits fascinating echoes of Jesus' teaching in its Matthean form, along with rare glimpses into the life of an early Christian community -- its values, its observance of the Eucharist, its leaders, and the character of its hope.Niederwimmer's wonderful commentary is a model of clarity and learning and a splendid addition to this premier commentary series.
Bibelausgaben, Die Merian Bibel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.15 $German Luther Bible, Old and New Testaments with Engravings by Matthäus Merian / Revised Text 1964 / Die Merian Bible - Mit den Kupferstichen von Matthäus Merian /// This is a great Christian product sourced from BIML- Bible In My Language, the leader in foreign language Bibles and outreach materials from Baltimore, Maryland in the USA. BIML stocks Bibles in more than 600 languages.
Monster Cable des Alltags: Die gesammelten Schrecken der Monster des Alltags
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.08 $112 Seiten Christian Moser, Die gesammelten Schrecken der Monster des Alltags - Sonderausgabe, Carlsen Verlag, Festeinband, 2011, 112 Seiten, gebraucht, nur leichte Gebrauchsspuren, kleinere Druckstellen am Einband, guter Zustand, keine Eintragungen oder Markierungen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 277
Ten Fun Things to Do Before You Die
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.98 $Karol Jackowski, a member of the Sisters of Christian Community, draws on her reserves of wry wisdom to produce recipes for happy living and offers some solid food for the mind.
Iulius Africanus Chronographiae: The Extant Fragments (Die griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der ersten Jahrhunderte, N.F. 15)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 172.37 $Iulius Africanus has rightly been called the 'Father of Christian Chronography'. His world chronicle is one of the few works of Christian literature pioneering a new genre. Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages mainly articulated their reflection on history in the form of the world chronicle. The work has not been preserved in its entirety; the extant fragments have to be laboriously pieced together from the works of later authors. To date, there has not been a critical edition of this material, and the edition in use today dates back nearly 200 years (J.M. Routh 1814). This new edition in the GCS series closes an old gap in the programme of this series- and at the same time marks a new beginning, because this is the first edition ever in this series to be published with an English translation. The edition establishes a completely new foundation for our knowledge of Early Christian historical thinking, and in addition provides an important component in our understanding of an important epoch, the 'Imperial Crisis' of the 3rd century, in which the new world of Late Antiquity began to develop out of the Hellenic-Roman heritage.
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