20 products were found matching your search for Petrarca Francesco Bekenntnisse in in 1 shops:
Canzoniere - Petrarca Francesco
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.32 $pp. 1603 Rilegato in finta pelle blu con copertina in acetato entro custodia in cartoncino rif. libr. meridiani
Francesco Petrarca. La Biografia per Immagini
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.56 $Francesco Petrarca. La biografia per immagini. Fotografie in nero e a colori di Lorenzo Capellini 16mo (cm 25x17). pp. 32 + tavole fotografiche. . Perfetto (Mint). . Prima edizione (First Edition). .
Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.24 $Although Francesco Petrarca (1304–74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet’s place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone—scholar, student, or general reader—can turn for information on each of Petrarch’s works, its place in the poet’s oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features. A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch’s love of classical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch’s Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
Selected Letters, Volume 2 (The I Tatti Renaissance Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.74 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive the cultural and moral excellence of ancient Greece and Rome. This two-volume set contains an ample, representative sample from his enormous and fascinating correspondence with all the leading figures of his day, from popes, emperors, and kings to younger contemporaries such as Cola di Rienzi and Giovanni Boccaccio. The letters illustrate the remarkable story of Petrarca’s life in a Europe beset by war, plague, clerical corruption, and political disintegration. The ninety-seven letters in this selection, all freshly translated, cover the full range of Petrarca’s interests, including the rediscovery of lost classical texts, the reform of the Church, the ideal prince, education in the classics, and the revival of ancient moral philosophy. They include Petrarca’s imaginary correspondence with the ancient authors he loved so well, and his autobiographical Letter to Posterity.
The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.96 $Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-74), best known for his influential collection of Italian lyric poetry dedicated to his beloved Laura, was also a remarkable classical scholar, a deeply religious thinker and a philosopher of secular ethics. In this wide-ranging study, chapters by leading scholars view Petrarch's life through his works, from the epic Africa to the Letter to Posterity, from the Canzoniere to the vernacular epic Triumphi. Petrarch is revealed as the heir to the converging influences of classical cultural and medieval Christianity, but also to his great vernacular precursor, Dante, and his friend, collaborator and sly critic, Boccaccio. Particular attention is given to Petrach's profound influence on the Humanist movement and on the courtly cult of vernacular love poetry, while raising important questions as to the validity of the distinction between medieval and modern and what is lost in attempting to classify this elusive figure.
Petrarch : A Critical Guide to the Complete Works
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.44 $Although Francesco Petrarca (1304–74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet’s place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone—scholar, student, or general reader—can turn for information on each of Petrarch’s works, its place in the poet’s oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features. A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch’s love of classical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch’s Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
Selected Letters
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.00 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive the cultural and moral excellence of ancient Greece and Rome. This two-volume set contains an ample, representative sample from his enormous and fascinating correspondence with all the leading figures of his day, from popes, emperors, and kings to younger contemporaries such as Cola di Rienzi and Giovanni Boccaccio. The letters illustrate the remarkable story of Petrarca’s life in a Europe beset by war, plague, clerical corruption, and political disintegration. The ninety-seven letters in this selection, all freshly translated, cover the full range of Petrarca’s interests, including the rediscovery of lost classical texts, the reform of the Church, the ideal prince, education in the classics, and the revival of ancient moral philosophy. They include Petrarca’s imaginary correspondence with the ancient authors he loved so well, and his autobiographical Letter to Posterity.
My Secret Book
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.46 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive literary Latin, the language of the Roman Empire, and Greco-Roman culture in general. My Secret Book (Secretum) records “the private conflict of my thoughts,” in the form of a dialogue between Franciscus and Augustinus in the presence of a beautiful woman, Truth personified. The discussion reveals remarkable self-awareness as Petrarca probes and evaluates the springs of his own morally dubious addictions to Fame and Love.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.67 $Francesco Petrarca (1304-1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive ancient Roman language and literature. Just as Petrarch's Latin epic Africa imitated Virgil and his compendium On Illustrious Men was inspired by Livy, so Petrarch's four Invectives were intended to revive the eloquence of the great Roman orator Cicero. The Invectives are directed against the cultural idols of the Middle Ages--against scholastic philosophy and medicine and the dominance of French culture in general. They defend the value of literary culture against obscurantism and provide a clear statement of the values of Renaissance humanism. This volume provides a new critical edition of the Latin text based on the two autograph copies, and the first English translation of three of the four invectives.
Selected Letters
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.59 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive the cultural and moral excellence of ancient Greece and Rome. This two-volume set contains an ample, representative sample from his enormous and fascinating correspondence with all the leading figures of his day, from popes, emperors, and kings to younger contemporaries such as Cola di Rienzi and Giovanni Boccaccio. The letters illustrate the remarkable story of Petrarca’s life in a Europe beset by war, plague, clerical corruption, and political disintegration. The ninety-seven letters in this selection, all freshly translated, cover the full range of Petrarca’s interests, including the rediscovery of lost classical texts, the reform of the Church, the ideal prince, education in the classics, and the revival of ancient moral philosophy. They include Petrarca’s imaginary correspondence with the ancient authors he loved so well, and his autobiographical Letter to Posterity.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.28 $FRANCESCO PETRARCH: CANZONIERE Edited by Thomas Campbell and Cassidy Hughes Francesco Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-1374) is the supreme poet of love in the Western tradition, alongside poets such as Sappho and William Shakespeare. Francesco Petrarch is also the Renaissance artist and humanist par excellence. Petrarchism is termed the longest poetic tradition in the Occident, and Petrarch has influenced poets such as Maurice Scève, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Torquato Tasso, Edmund Spenser, Michael Drayton, Joachim Du Bellay, Pierre de Ronsard, Rainer Maria Rilke and Robert Graves, among hundreds of others. Petrarch’s Canzoniere, often also known as the Rime Sparse, lies at the heart of his achievement: it comprises 366 poems about love, written in Italian and worked on right up until Petrarch’s death in 1374. In the Canzoniere, there are hundreds of sonnets, 29 canzoni, 7 ballate, 9 sestine and 4 madrigali. Petrarch’s other major works included Secretum, Triumphs, Africa, De Vita Solitaria, verse epistles, biographies, allegorical ecologues and hundreds of letters. The translations into English in this book are from a variety of authors, including George MacDonald. Includes a note on Francesco Petrarch, a bibliography, and a gallery of pictures. 660 pages. www.crmoon.com
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.32 $Although Francesco Petrarca (1304–74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet’s place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone—scholar, student, or general reader—can turn for information on each of Petrarch’s works, its place in the poet’s oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features. A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch’s love of classical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch’s Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
My Secret Book
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.14 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive literary Latin, the language of the Roman Empire, and Greco-Roman culture in general. My Secret Book (Secretum) records “the private conflict of my thoughts,” in the form of a dialogue between Franciscus and Augustinus in the presence of a beautiful woman, Truth personified. The discussion reveals remarkable self-awareness as Petrarca probes and evaluates the springs of his own morally dubious addictions to Fame and Love.
Selected Letters
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.19 $Francesco Petrarca (1304–1374), one of the greatest of Italian poets, was also the leading spirit in the Renaissance movement to revive the cultural and moral excellence of ancient Greece and Rome. This two-volume set contains an ample, representative sample from his enormous and fascinating correspondence with all the leading figures of his day, from popes, emperors, and kings to younger contemporaries such as Cola di Rienzi and Giovanni Boccaccio. The letters illustrate the remarkable story of Petrarca’s life in a Europe beset by war, plague, clerical corruption, and political disintegration. The ninety-seven letters in this selection, all freshly translated, cover the full range of Petrarca’s interests, including the rediscovery of lost classical texts, the reform of the Church, the ideal prince, education in the classics, and the revival of ancient moral philosophy. They include Petrarca’s imaginary correspondence with the ancient authors he loved so well, and his autobiographical Letter to Posterity.
Petrarch Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.87 $Although Francesco Petrarca (1304–74) is best known today for cementing the sonnet’s place in literary history, he was also a philosopher, historian, orator, and one of the foremost classical scholars of his age. Petrarch: A Critical Guide to the Complete Works is the only comprehensive, single-volume source to which anyone—scholar, student, or general reader—can turn for information on each of Petrarch’s works, its place in the poet’s oeuvre, and a critical exposition of its defining features. A sophisticated but accessible handbook that illuminates Petrarch’s love of classical culture, his devout Christianity, his public celebrity, and his struggle for inner peace, this encyclopedic volume covers both Petrarch’s Italian and Latin writings and the various genres in which he excelled: poem, tract, dialogue, oration, and letter. A biographical introduction and chronology anchor the book, making Petrarch an invaluable resource for specialists in Italian, comparative literature, history, classics, religious studies, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.
Rerum Familiarium Libri [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.39 $Book by Francesco Petrarca, Francesco Petrarch
Canzoniere (European Writers)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.92 $FRANCESCO PETRARCH: CANZONIERE Edited by Thomas Campbell and Cassidy Hughes Francesco Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-1374) is the supreme poet of love in the Western tradition, alongside poets such as Sappho and William Shakespeare. Francesco Petrarch is also the Renaissance artist and humanist par excellence. Petrarchism is termed the longest poetic tradition in the Occident, and Petrarch has influenced poets such as Maurice Scève, Sir Thomas Wyatt, Torquato Tasso, Edmund Spenser, Michael Drayton, Joachim Du Bellay, Pierre de Ronsard, Rainer Maria Rilke and Robert Graves, among hundreds of others. Petrarch’s Canzoniere, often also known as the Rime Sparse, lies at the heart of his achievement: it comprises 366 poems about love, written in Italian and worked on right up until Petrarch’s death in 1374. In the Canzoniere, there are hundreds of sonnets, 29 canzoni, 7 ballate, 9 sestine and 4 madrigali. Petrarch’s other major works included Secretum, Triumphs, Africa, De Vita Solitaria, verse epistles, biographies, allegorical ecologues and hundreds of letters. The translations into English in this book are from a variety of authors, including George MacDonald. Includes a note on Francesco Petrarch, a bibliography, and a gallery of pictures. 660 pages. www.crmoon.com
The Sonnets, Triumphs, and Other Poems of Petrarch: The Canzonieres, Ballatas, Madrigales and Sestinas - Complete with Biography and Excerpts of Lette
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.12 $The full compendium of Francesco Petrarch's poetic verses, rendered in English in this high quality edition, which also includes a biography of the great poet by Thomas Campbell. Notable for being the pivotal figure whose work commenced the Italian Renaissance, Francesco Petrarca's significance is gargantuan. His personal rediscovery of authentic correspondences written by the Roman statesman and legal scholar Cicero was the spark that set the enthusiasm for the arts and sciences alight throughout Italy and later much of Europe in a trend which would span centuries. Petrarch's personal creative proclivities were for poetry, a form in which he innovated and excelled. Serving as a model for later Italian poets such as Dante and Giovanni Boccaccio, Petrarch's poems are the vivid forebear of the wellspring of lyrical creativity which underpinned the Renaissance era. For Petrarch, his life's love and foremost poetic subject was Laura de Noves, a woman who for decades he considered a purely platonic muse.
The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch (Cambridge Companions to Literature)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.88 $Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca, 1304-74), best known for his influential collection of Italian lyric poetry dedicated to his beloved Laura, was also a remarkable classical scholar, a deeply religious thinker and a philosopher of secular ethics. In this wide-ranging study, chapters by leading scholars view Petrarch's life through his works, from the epic Africa to the Letter to Posterity, from the Canzoniere to the vernacular epic Triumphi. Petrarch is revealed as the heir to the converging influences of classical cultural and medieval Christianity, but also to his great vernacular precursor, Dante, and his friend, collaborator and sly critic, Boccaccio. Particular attention is given to Petrach's profound influence on the Humanist movement and on the courtly cult of vernacular love poetry, while raising important questions as to the validity of the distinction between medieval and modern and what is lost in attempting to classify this elusive figure.
Rerum Familiarum, Vol. 1: Libri I-VIII (Bks. 1-8)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.98 $Book by Francesco Petrarca, Francesco Petrarch
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