83 products were found matching your search for Pfaller Robert Die Einbildungen in 6 shops:
Hornady Bullet Seating Die, .25 Remington, .25-06 Remington, .257 Roberts, .257 Weatherby Magnum, 44104
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 39.99 $ -
RCBS Two-Die Set for .257 Roberts Ackley Improved, 40-Degree Shoulder
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 71.96 $Under the banner of RCBS, a brand synonymous with precision and quality, comes the Two-Die Set for .257 Roberts Ackley Improved, 40-Degree Shoulder. This set is renowned among reloading enthusiasts for its superior craftsmanship and performance. The set comprises two essential components: a full-length sizer die and a seater die. The sizer die is equipped with an expander-decapping unit, a feature designed to efficiently remove spent primers while simultaneously expanding the case mouth. This process ensures a smooth and precise reloading experience. To further enhance the durability and functionality of the sizer die, it features strategically placed vent holes. These vents serve a dual purpose: they prevent case damage by releasing trapped air and excess lubricant, thereby ensuring the longevity of your cartridges and the die itself.The second component of this set, the seater die, is designed with meticulous attention to detail. It includes a bullet seater plug and a built-in roll or taper crimp, tailored specifically for the .257 Roberts Ackley Improved, 40-Degree Shoulder cartridge. This ensures a perfect fit and secure seating of the bullet every time, enhancing the accuracy and consistency of your reloads.In summary, the RCBS Two-Die Set for .257 Roberts Ackley Improved, 40-Degree Shoulder is a durable, high-quality, and reliable choice for those seeking precision and consistency in reloading this specific type of ammunition.
Robert Sobukwe - How can Man Die Better
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.45 $"On 21 March 1960, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe led a mass defiance of South Africa's pass laws. He urged blacks to go to the nearest police station and demand arrest. Police opened fire on a peaceful crowd in the township of Sharpeville and killed 69 people. The protest changed the course of South Africa's history. Afrikaner rule stiffened and black resistance went underground. International opinion hardened against apartheid. Sobukwe, leader of the Pan-Africanist Congress, was jailed for three years for incitement. At the end of his sentence the government, fearful of his power, rushed the so-called 'Sobukwe Clause' through Parliament, to keep him in prison without a trial. For the next six years, Sobukwe was kept in solitary confinement on Robben Island, the infamous apartheid prison near Cape Town. On his release, Sobukwe was banished to the town of Kimberley with very severe restrictions on his freedom. He died there nine years later in February 1978. This book is the story of this South African hero - the lonely prisoner on Robben Island. It is also the story of the friendship between Robert Sobukwe and Benjamin Pogrund whose joint experiences and debates chart the course of a tyrannous regime and the growth of black resistance. "
Robert Sobukwe - How can Man Die Better
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.58 $"On 21 March 1960, Robert Mangaliso Sobukwe led a mass defiance of South Africa's pass laws. He urged blacks to go to the nearest police station and demand arrest. Police opened fire on a peaceful crowd in the township of Sharpeville and killed 69 people. The protest changed the course of South Africa's history. Afrikaner rule stiffened and black resistance went underground. International opinion hardened against apartheid. Sobukwe, leader of the Pan-Africanist Congress, was jailed for three years for incitement. At the end of his sentence the government, fearful of his power, rushed the so-called 'Sobukwe Clause' through Parliament, to keep him in prison without a trial. For the next six years, Sobukwe was kept in solitary confinement on Robben Island, the infamous apartheid prison near Cape Town. On his release, Sobukwe was banished to the town of Kimberley with very severe restrictions on his freedom. He died there nine years later in February 1978. This book is the story of this South African hero - the lonely prisoner on Robben Island. It is also the story of the friendship between Robert Sobukwe and Benjamin Pogrund whose joint experiences and debates chart the course of a tyrannous regime and the growth of black resistance. "
Die Zürauer Aphorismen: Hrsg. U. M. E. Nachw. V. Robert Calasso
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.41 $133 pages. German language. 6.93x4.72x0.63 inches. In Stock.
RCBS Group A Full Length Die Set, .257 Roberts, 12501
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 65.99 $ -
Lee 257 Roberts & 257 Ackley Improved Factory Crimp Die, 90835
Vendor: Opticsplanet.com Price: 29.39 $ -
Roberts Deluxe Carpet Knee Kicker with Adjustable Length from 17 in. to 21 in.
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 10.71 $The ROBERTS Deluxe Adjustable Carpet Knee Kicker features a foam-filled bumper pad and a checkered, non-slip hand grip for safe use. Quickly adjust the kicker length between 17 in. to 21 in. with a single button push. The die cast aluminum body is lightweight and durable for easy, reliable use.
Roberts Deluxe High Profile Carpet Knee Kicker with Extra Thick Bumper and Adjustable Length from 17.5 in. to 21.5 in.
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 109.75 $The ROBERTS Deluxe High Profile Carpet Knee Kicker features an extra thick foam-filled bumper pad and a checkered, non-slip hand grip. Its high profile design provides clearance over stretcher heads. The die cast aluminum body is lightweight and durable for easy, reliable use. Use the trigger release to adjust the length from 17.5 in. to 21.5 in.
Roberts 4.5 in. H X 4.5 in. W X 17 in. L Aluminum Knee Kicker 1 pc
Vendor: Acehardware.com Price: 89.99 $The ROBERTS Deluxe Adjustable Carpet Knee Kicker is the first modern knee kicker to be sold on the market. It features a foam-filled bumper pad and a checkered, non-slip hand grip for safe use. Quickly adjust the kicker length between 17 in. to 21 in. with a single button push. The die cast aluminum body is lightweight and durable for easy, reliable use. The 10-412 Deluxe Knee Kicker is ROBERTS most popular knee kicker and has been the industry standard for over 40 years. *
Roberts Carpet Puller with Serrated Clamps for Maximum Pulling Power
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 20.01 $ROBERTS Carpet Puller is the ultimate tool for quick and complete carpet removal. It is ideal to tear out and remove glued-down carpet without a pad, double glued-down carpet with a pad, and stretch-in carpet installations. This die cast aluminum tool is engineered with serrated clamps to provide an extremely firm grip on the carpet. Its large comfortable handle on a unique hinge mechanism makes it easy to operate and delivers maximum pulling power.
Robert, P: PONS Le Petit Robert 2017/2018
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.99 $Neu Neuware, Restauflage, auf Lager - Das Standardwerk der französischen Sprache - Aktuell von A bis Z. - Mehr als 60.000 Stichwörter mit rund 300.000 präzise definierten Wortbedeutungen. - Die ganze Bandbreite des Französischen, vom Alltagswortschatz bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Fachbegriffen. - Zitate aus Filmen, Chansons und literarischen Werken. - Alle neuen Femininformen der Berufs- und Tätigkeitsbezeichnungen. - Ein lückenloses Netz von Verweisen auf Synonyme, Antonyme und Homonyme.
Robert Ryman and Urs Raussmüller: Advancing the Experience Hallen für Neue Kunst, Schaffhausen (German/English) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.64 $126 Seiten/Pages, 27.7 x 21 cm - In den Hallen für Neue Kunst, Schaffhausen, waren die Gemälde von Robert Ryman für dreissig Jahre (1984-2014) repräsentativ und kontinuierlich in einem architektonischen Ambiente zu erleben, das Raussmüller eigens für Ryman errichtet hatte. 2008 schufen die beiden Künstler hier mit Ryman-Werken aus 50 Jahren Schaffenszeit eine ganzheitliche Situation aus Malerei, Licht und Raum. Publikation mit faszinierenden Fotografien, einer Einführung von Christel Sauer und Gesprächen mit Ryman und Raussmüller zu Gemälden und deren Möglichkeiten.
Robert Hardy's Seven Days
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.57 $Robert Hardy is a successful businessman who is so consumed by his own ambitions that he neglects his wife and children. A wishy-washy believer at best, Hardy finds his faith tested to the ultimate limit when he becomes convinced that he's going to die in seven days. Can he repair broken relationships, make amends with those he's hurt, and undergo a spiritual transformation in just seven days?
Der Fremde im Kriege. zur politischen Theorie und Biographie von Robert Michels 1876 - 1936,
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.11 $Diese intellektuelle Biographie unternimmt eine grundlegende Revision von Robert Michels politischem Werk und Leben sie ist die bislang umfassendste Gesamtdeutung jenes Klassikers der Politikwissenschaft. Hat die Forschung bisher beim frühen Michels nach Erklärungen für die spätere Wende zum akademischen Botschafter des italienischen Faschismus gesucht, wird hier auf der Basis unbekannten Text- und Archivmaterials der Präfaschist Michels als Legende der Forschung, aber auch des späten Michels selbst entlarvt. Das macht den Blick frei auf den unkonventionellen Sozialdemokraten Michels: als radikaler Liberaler und Republikaner, Feminist, Sexualreformer, Bewegungsforscher, leidenschaftlicher Vertreter des nationalen Selbstbestimmungsrechts und europäischer Pazifist. Die Rekonstruktion der vielfältigen Brüche seiner Biographie präzisiert Michels politische Verantwortung in den 20er und 30er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts: Obwohl kein ""Faschist der ersten Stunde"", steht er für die Erosion des politischen Liberalismus in der Nachkriegszeit.
Robert, P: PONS Le Petit Robert 2017/2018
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.59 $Gebraucht - Sehr gut SG - leichte Beschädigungen oder Verschmutzungen, ungelesenes Mängelexemplar, gestempelt - Das Standardwerk der französischen Sprache - Aktuell von A bis Z. - Mehr als 60.000 Stichwörter mit rund 300.000 präzise definierten Wortbedeutungen. - Die ganze Bandbreite des Französischen, vom Alltagswortschatz bis hin zu wissenschaftlichen Fachbegriffen. - Zitate aus Filmen, Chansons und literarischen Werken. - Alle neuen Femininformen der Berufs- und Tätigkeitsbezeichnungen. - Ein lückenloses Netz von Verweisen auf Synonyme, Antonyme und Homonyme.
Gerda Taro: Inventing Robert Capa [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.00 $A reexamination of the woman who created the legend of Robert Capa, the world'sfirst female photojournalist to die in combat, Gerda TaroIn Paris in 1934, a young and beautiful Jewish émigrée, Gerda Pohorylles, met a Hungarian political exile, André Friedmann. They reinvented themselves as the photographers Gerda Taro and Robert Capa—and he would become the most important photojournalist of his generation. When Gerda was killed in the Spanish Civil war at the age of 26, Robert Capa was her most notable mourner—his grief was beyond control. Her funeral drew crowds of thousands and she became a hero of the political left. Despite the legend that was built around her, she subsequently became a mere footnote in Capa's story. Seventy years after her death a long-lost suitcase was discovered in Mexico, containing thousands of negatives by Capa and Taro. Most astonishingly of all, the "Mexican suitcase" showed that photographs that had been attributed previously to Capa were, in fact, the work of Taro. Jane Rogoyska's book will trace Taro's life and reveal the depth of her relationship with Capa. Charismatic and extraordinary, they epitomized one of the most tumultuous periods of the century.
Gerda Taro: Inventing Robert Capa [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.25 $A reexamination of the woman who created the legend of Robert Capa, the world'sfirst female photojournalist to die in combat, Gerda TaroIn Paris in 1934, a young and beautiful Jewish émigrée, Gerda Pohorylles, met a Hungarian political exile, André Friedmann. They reinvented themselves as the photographers Gerda Taro and Robert Capa—and he would become the most important photojournalist of his generation. When Gerda was killed in the Spanish Civil war at the age of 26, Robert Capa was her most notable mourner—his grief was beyond control. Her funeral drew crowds of thousands and she became a hero of the political left. Despite the legend that was built around her, she subsequently became a mere footnote in Capa's story. Seventy years after her death a long-lost suitcase was discovered in Mexico, containing thousands of negatives by Capa and Taro. Most astonishingly of all, the "Mexican suitcase" showed that photographs that had been attributed previously to Capa were, in fact, the work of Taro. Jane Rogoyska's book will trace Taro's life and reveal the depth of her relationship with Capa. Charismatic and extraordinary, they epitomized one of the most tumultuous periods of the century.
Der Fremde im Kriege: Zur politischen Theorie und Biographie von Robert Michels 1876-1936 (Politische Ideen) (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 148.93 $Diese intellektuelle Biographie unternimmt eine grundlegende Revision von Robert Michels politischem Werk und Leben sie ist die bislang umfassendste Gesamtdeutung jenes Klassikers der Politikwissenschaft. Hat die Forschung bisher beim frühen Michels nach Erklärungen für die spätere Wende zum akademischen Botschafter des italienischen Faschismus gesucht, wird hier auf der Basis unbekannten Text- und Archivmaterials der Präfaschist Michels als Legende der Forschung, aber auch des späten Michels selbst entlarvt. Das macht den Blick frei auf den unkonventionellen Sozialdemokraten Michels: als radikaler Liberaler und Republikaner, Feminist, Sexualreformer, Bewegungsforscher, leidenschaftlicher Vertreter des nationalen Selbstbestimmungsrechts und europäischer Pazifist. Die Rekonstruktion der vielfältigen Brüche seiner Biographie präzisiert Michels politische Verantwortung in den 20er und 30er Jahren des vergangenen Jahrhunderts: Obwohl kein ""Faschist der ersten Stunde"", steht er für die Erosion des politischen Liberalismus in der Nachkriegszeit.
Echoes of Shannon Street : The Kidnapping and Murder of Officer Robert S. Hester
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.35 $A documentary titled, "Shannon Street: Echoes Under A Blood Red Moon, A Memphis Tragedy", based on the book is due to be released in the Spring of 2016. The film adaptation is in Pre-Production. It is, to this day, the largest number of suspects to die in a non-riotous, local police action in this country. Echoes of Shannon Street is a true crime police procedural that tells the story of the abduction of two white police officers by black cult members in the racially-divided city of Memphis in January, 1983. The event began a highly-publicized and sharply criticized stand-off between hundreds of police officers and the seven suspects barricaded inside a small house in a predominantly black area of north Memphis. For the next day and a half, negotiators attempted in vain to communicate with the leader of the cult, a mentally ill man named Sanders. Inside a local school, top police officials discussed their options. Outside, police officers stood in the cold, anxiously awaiting orders to go inside and rescue their fellow officer. The wait was long and hard, made even more horrific by the fact that for five hours, the officer’s beating and his cries for help were heard through bullet-riddled windows and broadcasted through the officer’s own radio. Thirty hours later, one of the abducted officers lies in a hospital, a bullet wound through his hand and face. The other is found dead in the living room of the house, cuffed with his own handcuffs, his bloody flashlight nearby. All seven suspects are dead, shot by the department’s all-white TACTICAL Unit. Twenty-eight years later, few will talk of it. Actual radio transcripts, witness statements, and autopsy reports included in the thousand page case file are reprinted in whole or in part. Use of these documents, in addition to investigator’s notes, crime scene photos, newspaper accounts, and recent interviews with some of the officers involved, tell the hour-by-hour account of a hostage crisis out of control.
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