24 products were found matching your search for Pitard Francis Rapa Nui in 3 shops:
Easter Island: Rapa Nui
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.08 $"Easter Island ia a book in which S&E editors, through its brand NicEye, documents one of Chile´s most famous World Heritage sites declared by UNESCO. In this book, we review the history of an island located in the middle of the South Pacific, halfway between Continental Chile and Tahiti: Rapa Nui. Named as such by its natives, it has become famous all over the world not only for its unique location and geography, but also for the existence of almost one thousand gigantic sculptures that can be found all over the island; carved out of rock and spanning centuries, they are called Moais."
Rapa Nui - Easter Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.98 $Easter Island (or Rapa Nui) has long captivated travellers and explorers since it was first encountered by European voyagers in 1722. The island’s colossal stone carvings (moai) have been the primary attraction, yet these have overshadowed the broader culture of the Rapanui people. This significant edited collection brings together thirteen specialists from eight countries in a series of studies that address the pre-history, history, contemporary society and popular culture of Easter Island. Consideration is given to both the Rapanui and western cultures with topics covered including archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, tourism, literature, comic books and music. This is a multidisciplinary book with subjects ranging from fact to fiction and from Thor Heyerdahl and Katherine Routledge to Indiana Jones and Lara Croft.
Easter Island, Earth Island : The Enigmas of Rapa Nui
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.12 $Easter Island, isolated deep in the South Pacific and now a World Heritage Site, was home to a fascinating prehistoric culture—one that produced massive stone effigies (the moai) and the birdman cult—and yet much of the island’s past remains shrouded in mystery. Where did the islanders come from, and when? How did Rapa Nui culture evolve over the centuries? How, and why, did their natural environment change over time?Paul Bahn and John Flenley guide readers through the mysteries and enigmas of Rapa Nui, incorporating the records of early explorers, folk legends, and archaeological evidence along the way. They cover the island’s geological and environmental history and explore its flora and fauna, illustrating how human actions affected the natural environment of the island. This fourth edition draws in: recent DNA studies of ancient human and animal bones as well as plant remains; evolving understandings of how the moai were transported; and current efforts to reforest the island.
Easter Island's Silent Sentinels: The Sculpture and Architecture of Rapa Nui
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.45 $It may be the most interesting and yet loneliest spot on earth: a volcanic rock surrounded by a million square miles of ocean, named for the day Dutch explorers discovered it, Easter Sunday, April 5, 1722. Here people created a complex society, sophisticated astronomy, exquisite wood sculpture, monumental stone architecture, roads, and a puzzling ideographic script. And then they went about sculpting amazing, giant human figures in stone.This richly illustrated book of the history, culture, and art of Easter Island is the first to examine in detail the island's vernacular architecture, often overshadowed by its giant stone statues. It shows the conjecturally reconstructed prehistoric pole houses; the ahu, the sculptures' platform, as a spectacular expression of prehistoric megalithic architecture; and the Easter Island Statue Project's inventory of the colossal moai sculptures.This publication is made possible in part by a generous contribution from Furthermore: a program of the J. M. Kaplan Fund.
Easter Island: Rapa Nui
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.46 $"Easter Island ia a book in which S&E editors, through its brand NicEye, documents one of Chile´s most famous World Heritage sites declared by UNESCO. In this book, we review the history of an island located in the middle of the South Pacific, halfway between Continental Chile and Tahiti: Rapa Nui. Named as such by its natives, it has become famous all over the world not only for its unique location and geography, but also for the existence of almost one thousand gigantic sculptures that can be found all over the island; carved out of rock and spanning centuries, they are called Moais."
Moon Chile: With Rapa Nui (Easter Island) (Travel Guide)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.09 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Rapa nui: Iorana Te Ma'ohi: Dilemas estrategicos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.48 $Rapa Nui: Iorana Te Ma'ohi, Dilemas Estratégicos nace de la amistad y cooperación entre isleños y continentales con el fin de proponer un plan para que Rapa Nui enfrente el futuro con éxito y de manera sustentable. El punto de partida es una historia y cultura únicas, cuya ubicación en el ombligo del Pacífico atrae a un número de visitantes que crece de año en año. El punto de llegada es un futuro pleno de oportunidades, pero frágil: ya una vez sus habitantes y cultura estuvieron al borde de la extinción, en una reveladora metáfora de la vulnerabilidad e nuestro planeta. Elaborado por un equipo multidisciplinario de académicos, casi todos de la UC, junto a líderes de opinión locales convocados por la Municipalidad de Isla de Pascua, el texto aporta una visión inusualmente aplia: incluye arqueología, educación, el cuidado del medio ambiente y los recursos naturales, economía, infraestructura y reulación, el turismo y las comunicaciones estratégicas. A partir de un diagnóstico y una estadía en la isla efectuada en 2007, los diferentes coatores proponen caminos a seguir a partir de la situación actual para así potenciar y actualizar el ethos isleño, que es el alma de un patrimonio que hace de Rapa Nui un lugar especialmente valioso a nivel mundial.
Rapa Nui, Island of Memory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.14 $Georgia Lee is a natural story-teller with an eye for detail and an ear for nuance. Above all, there is her capacity for shared intimacy. Lee began her fieldwork on Easter Island in 1981, entering into close relationships with the islanders, both men and women. She describes her relationships with the Rapanui people, weaving strands of communal tales together, achieving a tapestry of the island unlike anything else. Rapa Nui, Island of Memory is truth from a contemporary perspective in all its direct and elusive complexity. --from the Introduction, by Beverley Haun
Corpus Rapa Nui: Inventaire Mondial de la Statuaire en Bois de l'Île de Pâques / Global Inventory of the Wooden Statuary of Easter Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 299.99 $Limited edition of 300 copies.
Easter Island, Earth Island : The Enigmas of Rapa Nui
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.69 $Easter Island, isolated deep in the South Pacific and now a World Heritage Site, was home to a fascinating prehistoric culture—one that produced massive stone effigies (the moai) and the birdman cult—and yet much of the island’s past remains shrouded in mystery. Where did the islanders come from, and when? How did Rapa Nui culture evolve over the centuries? How, and why, did their natural environment change over time?Paul Bahn and John Flenley guide readers through the mysteries and enigmas of Rapa Nui, incorporating the records of early explorers, folk legends, and archaeological evidence along the way. They cover the island’s geological and environmental history and explore its flora and fauna, illustrating how human actions affected the natural environment of the island. This fourth edition draws in: recent DNA studies of ancient human and animal bones as well as plant remains; evolving understandings of how the moai were transported; and current efforts to reforest the island.
KMA Audio Machines Moai Maea Analog Octaver Pedal
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 249.99 $For thousands of years they tower over the green meadows along the coast and the hillside of Rapa Nui. Moai Maea, silent and solemn - venerated and...
KMA Audio Machines Moai Maea
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 249.99 $For thousand of years they tower over the green meadows along the coast and the hillside of Rapa Nui. Moai Maea, silent and solemn - venerated and ...
The Moai Murders (Archaeological Mysteries, No. 9)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.88 $While admiring the Moai, giant stone carvings, on Easter Island, now known as Rapa Nui, antiques dealer Lara McClintoch and her best friend Moira find their much-needed vacation interrupted when a rivalry among Rapa Nui experts at their hotel results in murder. Original.
Iconic Tattooed Man of Easter Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.62 $An impressively tattooed but unnamed Easter Island (Rapa Nui) man appears often in the pages of Pacific Island histories and museum catalogs. The Swedish ethnographer Dr. Knut Hjalmar Stolpe knew him only as Tepano, the Tahitian version of the Christian name Stephen. But what was his real Rapanui identity, and what can his life story tell us about the history of Easter Island?This book reveals his identity, who illustrated him, and how he transcended the tragic events of 19th-century Rapa Nui to become one of the most iconic faces of the Polynesian past. The authors summarize the history of tattoo as practiced by Rapanui artisans, link that history to island geography, and present rare barkcloth sculptures as a visual record of tattoo patterns.
Splendid Isolation: Art of Easter Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.12 $Few Pacific islands hold as prominent a place in the Western imagination as Easter Island. The most remote inhabited place on earth, Easter Island is home to the Rapa Nui, a Polynesian people who developed a unique series of artistic traditions. While the island is renowned for the colossal stone figures that adorned its temples, much of its art remains unfamiliar to wider audiences. This book examines the island's diverse artistic heritage and presents and discusses more than fifty works, ranging from robust stone images to refined wooden sculpture, rare barkcloth figures, and examples of rongorongo, the island's unique and undeciphered script.
Inventing 'Easter Island'
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.35 $Easter Island, or Rapa Nui as it is known to its inhabitants, is located in the Pacific Ocean, 3600 kilometres west of South America. Annexed by Chile in 1888, the island has been a source of fascination for the world beyond the island since the first visit by Europeans in 1722 due to its intriguing statues and complex history. Inventing 'Easter Island' examines narrative strategies and visual conventions in the discursive construction of 'Easter Island' as distinct from the native conception of 'Rapa Nui.' It looks at the geographic imaginary that pervaded the eighteenth century, a period of overwhelming imperial expansion. Beverley Haun begins with a discussion of forces that shaped the European version of island culture and goes on to consider the representation of that culture in the form of explorer texts and illustrations, as well as more recent texts and images in comic books and kitsch from off the island. Throughout, 'Easter Island' is used as a case study of the impact of imperialism on the view of a culture from outside. The study hinges on three key points - an inquiry into the formation of 'Easter Island' as a subject; an examination of how the constructed space and culture have been shaped, reshaped, and represented in discursive spaces; and a discussion of cultural memory and how the constraints of foreign texts and images have shaped thought and action about 'Easter Island.'Richly illustrated and unique in its findings, Inventing 'Easter Island' will appeal to cultural theorists, anthropologists, educators, and anyone interested in the history of the South Pacific.
The Mystery of Easter Island (Mystic Travellers Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.78 $First published in 1919, this work provides information on that most mysterious of islands - Easter Island (Rapa Nui). It details Routledge's journey by yacht from England to South America, around Patagonia to Chile and on to Easter Island, giving an account of its life, history and folklore. In the book, Routledge and her companions explore the secret caves, ancient roads, pyramid platforms and the strange stone statues on the island. She also discusses the Rongo Rongo script, the Bird cult, the war between the Short Ears and the Long Ears, together with much other material.
Cuando Mack conocio a Mac / When Mack Met Mac
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.84 $Mack is curious and daring. He loves to travel and get to know other cultures. In this instance, he goes to Easter Island, then returns to Santiago, Chile, finally flying to Buenos Aires to visit his grandson Tim.On this trip, he gets to know the moais of the Rapa Nui civilization, the most typical places in Buenos Aires, and also the mysterious man named Mac. This book is part of the Leer en espa?ol series, Introductory Level (less than 300 words).
Pacific 2000 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Easter Island and the Pacific [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.00 $Chapters include: New Horizons in Pacific Research; Archaeology on Rapa Nui; Hawaiian Archaeology; Western Pacific Research; Samoan Prehistory; French Polynesian Prehistory; Arts of the Pacific; Anthropology on Rapa Nui; Polynesian Languages and Literature; Polynesian Physical Anthropology; and Conservation Problems in the Pacific.
Stanley s Dream : The Medical Expedition to Easter Island
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.91 $In 1964?65, an international team of thirty-eight scientists and assistants, led by Montreal physician Stanley Skoryna, sailed to the mysterious Rapa Nui (Easter Island) to conduct an unprecedented survey of its biosphere. Born of Cold War concerns about pollution, overpopulation, and conflict, and initially conceived as the first of two trips, the project was designed to document the island's status before a proposed airport would link the one thousand people living in humanity's remotest community to the rest of the world ? its germs, genes, culture, and economy. Based on archival papers, diaries, photographs, and interviews with nearly twenty members of the original team, Stanley's Dream sets the expedition in its global context within the early days of ecological research and the understudied International Biological Program. Jacalyn Duffin traces the origins, the voyage, the often-complicated life within the constructed camp, the scientific preoccupations, the role of women, the resultant reports, films, and publications, and the previously unrecognized accomplishments of the project, including a goodwill tour of South America, the delivery of vaccines, and the discovery of a wonder drug. For Rapa Nui, the expedition coincided with its rebellion against the colonizing Chilean military, resulting in its first democratic election. For Canada, it reflected national optimism as the country prepared for its centennial and adopted its own flag. Ending with Duffin's own journey to the island to uncover the legacy of the study and the impact of the airport, and to elicit local memories, Stanley's Dream is an entertaining and poignant account of a long-forgotten but important Canadian-led international expedition.
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