85 products were found matching your search for Policy Analyse in 1 shops:
Stalin's Ocean-going Fleet: Soviet Naval Strategy and Shipbuilding Programs, 1935-53 (Naval Policy and History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.43 $In this book a German and a Russian naval historian analyse the discussions in the leading Soviet political, military, and naval circles concerning naval strategy and the decisions taken for the warship-building programmes. Starting with the situation at the end of the Civil War, they describe the reconstitution of the fleet during the difficult economic conditions up to the mid-1920s, with the consequence of a change from the 'classical' naval strategy to a ‘jeune école' model in the first two Five-Year Plans from 1926/28 to 1935, including the efforts to obtain foreign assistance in the design of warships and submarines. Their key objective is to explain the reasons for the sudden change in 1935 and 1936 to start building a big ocean-going fleet with heavy battleships, battle-cruisers, a few aircraft carriers, cruisers, and numerous destroyers and submarines, as well as smaller vessels and auxiliaries, surpassing most of the naval programs of all other navies in the late 1930s. They describe the many changes in the programmes against the background of the threats Stalin must have perceived from international developments and his fear of internal ‘enemies of the people', leading to the great purges, which also affected the navy heavily. The last part of the book is concerned with the reopening of the naval planning processes in 1944 and 1945 and the discussions of the naval leadership with Stalin, the party and government officials about the direction of the new building programmes as the Cold War began. Appendices with exact building dates of the Soviet warships and submarines from 1922 to 1956 add to the value of this book.
Stalin's Ocean-going Fleet: Soviet Naval Strategy and Shipbuilding Programs, 1935-53 (Naval Policy and History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.43 $In this book a German and a Russian naval historian analyse the discussions in the leading Soviet political, military, and naval circles concerning naval strategy and the decisions taken for the warship-building programmes. Starting with the situation at the end of the Civil War, they describe the reconstitution of the fleet during the difficult economic conditions up to the mid-1920s, with the consequence of a change from the 'classical' naval strategy to a ‘jeune école' model in the first two Five-Year Plans from 1926/28 to 1935, including the efforts to obtain foreign assistance in the design of warships and submarines. Their key objective is to explain the reasons for the sudden change in 1935 and 1936 to start building a big ocean-going fleet with heavy battleships, battle-cruisers, a few aircraft carriers, cruisers, and numerous destroyers and submarines, as well as smaller vessels and auxiliaries, surpassing most of the naval programs of all other navies in the late 1930s. They describe the many changes in the programmes against the background of the threats Stalin must have perceived from international developments and his fear of internal ‘enemies of the people', leading to the great purges, which also affected the navy heavily. The last part of the book is concerned with the reopening of the naval planning processes in 1944 and 1945 and the discussions of the naval leadership with Stalin, the party and government officials about the direction of the new building programmes as the Cold War began. Appendices with exact building dates of the Soviet warships and submarines from 1922 to 1956 add to the value of this book.
Critical Approaches to Education Policy Analysis (Education, Equity, Economy, 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 207.06 $This volume informs the growing number of educational policy scholars on the use of critical theoretical frameworks in their analyses. It offers insights on which theories are appropriate within the area of critical educational policy research and how theory and method interact and are applied in critical policy analyses. Highlighting how different critical theoretical frameworks are used in educational policy research to reshape and redefine the way scholars approach the field, the volume offers work by emerging and senior scholars in the field of educational policy who apply critical frameworks to their research. The chapters examine a wide range of current educational policy topics through different critical theoretical lenses, including critical race theory, critical discourse analysis, postmodernism, feminist poststructuralism, critical theories related to LGBTQ issues, and advocacy approaches.
Soviet Policies in the Middle East: From World War Two to Gorbachev (Cambridge Russian Paperbacks)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.55 $This is a comprehensive study of Soviet policies in the Middle East. Concentrating on policy developments, Professor Golan analyses the major Soviet decisions and objectives from the end of World War II to the Gorbachev era. She pays particular attention to the wars and crises of recent years and the often problematic development of political relationships in the region. Professor Golan begins by demonstrating how, until the end of the Brezhnev period, Soviet policies towards the Middle East were principally influenced by the demands of superpower competition with the USA. This is followed by a series of broadly chronological case studies of the main Soviet alliances, such as Syria and South Yemen; and of Sadat's Egypt and Khomeni's Iran. This original and important book culminates in a study of Gorbachev's interests, initiatives, and 'new thinking' in relation to overall Soviet foreign policy objectives and the role of the Soviet Union in the region.
The Political Economy of Industrial Policy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 178.51 $The book provides a comprehensive discussion of the controversial issue of industrial policy, drawing on some recent developments in economic theory in areas like political economy, institutional economics, industrial economics, and theories of technical progress. By integrating the analyses of political economy, economic institutions, and technical change into a single framework, the book offers policy conclusions which are of direct relevance to policy-makers. Drawing on the cases of Japan and Korea, the book also explores the economic and political conditions for the conduct of a successful industrial policy.
The Public Administration Profession: Policy, Management, and Ethics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.57 $While many introductory public administration textbooks contain a dedicated chapter on ethics, The Public Administration Profession is the first to utilize ethics as a lens for understanding the discipline. Analyses of the ASPA Code of Ethics are deftly woven into each chapter alongside complete coverage of the institutions, processes, concepts, persons, history, and typologies a student needs to gain a thorough grasp of public service as a field of study and practice. Features include: A significant focus on "public interests," nonprofit management, hybrid-private organizations, contracting out and collaborations, and public service at state and local levels. A careful examination of the role that religion may play in public servants’ decision making, as well as the unignorable and growing role that faith-based organizations play in public administration and nonprofit management at large. End-of-chapter ethics case studies, key concepts and persons, and dedicated "local community action steps" in each chapter. Appendices dedicated to future public administration and nonprofit career management, writing successful papers throughout a student’s career, and professional codes of ethics. A comprehensive suite of online supplements, including: lecture slides; quizzes and sample examinations for undergraduate and graduate courses containing multiple choice, true-false, identifications, and essay questions; chapter outlines with suggestions for classroom discussion; and suggestions for use of appendices, e.g., how to successfully write a short term paper, a brief policy memo, resume, or a book review. Providing students with a comprehensive introduction to the subject while offering instructors an elegant new way to bring ethics prominently into the curriculum, The Public Administration Profession is an ideal introductory text for public administration and public affairs courses at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Critical Approaches to Education Policy Analysis : Moving Beyond Tradition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 152.27 $This volume informs the growing number of educational policy scholars on the use of critical theoretical frameworks in their analyses. It offers insights on which theories are appropriate within the area of critical educational policy research and how theory and method interact and are applied in critical policy analyses. Highlighting how different critical theoretical frameworks are used in educational policy research to reshape and redefine the way scholars approach the field, the volume offers work by emerging and senior scholars in the field of educational policy who apply critical frameworks to their research. The chapters examine a wide range of current educational policy topics through different critical theoretical lenses, including critical race theory, critical discourse analysis, postmodernism, feminist poststructuralism, critical theories related to LGBTQ issues, and advocacy approaches.
Racism and Antiracism : Inequalities, Opportunities and Policies
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.41 $How racist is society today? How have the patterns of discrimination and disadvantage changed over the past twenty years? This key text explores the nature and extent of racial discrimination, and the successes and failures of equal opportunities programmes. Incisive analyses focus upon the operation of institutional racism in immigration law, housing, social work, employment training and the criminal justice system. They explore changes over time and examine the interwoven strands of 'race', class and gender that form the pattern of disadvantage. This provides a context for a critical discussion of the formulation, implementation and outcomes of equal opportunities policies in the local state and the private sector. The authors rigorously investigate both 'liberal' and 'radical' approaches to equal opportunities in the area of 'race'. They analyze the political and ideological contentions that influence the ways in which issues are defined and support is mobilized. They also highlight the shortcomings of current legislation. A successful balance of important recent articles and substantial contributions specially written for this text, Racism and Antiracism will be essential reading for teachers, students and all those concerned with discrimination and with antiracist policy. Although rooted in the British experience, it addresses issues and problems common to many Western societies. An Open University Reader for the course 'Race', Education and Society.
Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies: Update Edition, With an Epilogue on Health Care
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 123.73 $Updated in a new 2nd edition, Agendas, Alternatives, and Public Policies has been reissued in this Longman Classics edition, featuring a new epilogue: Health Care Reform from Clinton to Obama. Comparing the Clinton administration in 1993 with the Obama administration in 2009 and 2010, Kingdon analyses how agenda setting, actors, and alternatives affect public policy.
Educational Policy, Narrative and Discourse
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.09 $This collection of Allan Luke’s key writings on educational policy, curriculum, and school reform follows the development and use of critical discourse analyses to study educational policy and practice. Turning to a series of narrative analyses of the relationship between politics, culture, economics, and education, Luke‘s writings address the challenges of shifting from an academic and scientific critique of policy to ‘getting your hands dirty’ in the making of state educational policy. The volume includes international examples of policy formation for social justice and equity, and closes with an auto-ethnographic view on policymaking and the need for increased critical, sociological evidence-based educational reform. Together with its companion volume, Critical Literacy, Schooling and Social Justice: The Selected Works of Allan Luke, this collection gathers Luke’s seminal key writings spanning the fields of education, applied linguistics, sociology, and cultural studies for the benefit of scholars, students, teachers, and teacher educators around the world.
Educational Policy, Narrative and Discourse
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.84 $This collection of Allan Luke’s key writings on educational policy, curriculum, and school reform follows the development and use of critical discourse analyses to study educational policy and practice. Turning to a series of narrative analyses of the relationship between politics, culture, economics, and education, Luke‘s writings address the challenges of shifting from an academic and scientific critique of policy to ‘getting your hands dirty’ in the making of state educational policy. The volume includes international examples of policy formation for social justice and equity, and closes with an auto-ethnographic view on policymaking and the need for increased critical, sociological evidence-based educational reform. Together with its companion volume, Critical Literacy, Schooling and Social Justice: The Selected Works of Allan Luke, this collection gathers Luke’s seminal key writings spanning the fields of education, applied linguistics, sociology, and cultural studies for the benefit of scholars, students, teachers, and teacher educators around the world.
The Origin of the Welfare State in England and Germany, 1850-1914: Social Policies Compared (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.87 $A comparative study of the origins of the welfare state in England and Germany from 1850 to 1914. Peter Hennock analyses policies on social security and the public provision of medical care, dealing with public poor relief, industrial injury, with sickness, invalidity and old age, and with unemployment. He demonstrates that national insurance has played a larger role in Germany than in Britain from the beginning. The book will appeal to students and scholars of British and European political history, social policy and the welfare state.
The Political Economy of Industrial Policy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.34 $The book provides a comprehensive discussion of the controversial issue of industrial policy, drawing on some recent developments in economic theory in areas like political economy, institutional economics, industrial economics, and theories of technical progress. By integrating the analyses of political economy, economic institutions, and technical change into a single framework, the book offers policy conclusions which are of direct relevance to policy-makers. Drawing on the cases of Japan and Korea, the book also explores the economic and political conditions for the conduct of a successful industrial policy.
Sports Tourism: Participants, Policy and Providers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.11 $Sports Tourism: participants, policy and providers tackles these issues from three viewpoints:* participants: examining the profiles, motivations and behaviour patterns of sports tourists to create a typology of participants.* policy: analyses the response by policy makers to this phenomenon and the problems of achieving integration between two sectors with historically different cultures.* providers: their motivations, aims, objectives and strategies. * A unique text, covering the subject in unprecedented depth. * Extended case study chapters provide practical illustrations of the conceptual frameworks and theories.* Substantial areas of the book underpinned by extensive empirical data and primary research.
The Origin of the Welfare State in England and Germany, 1850-1914: Social Policies Compared
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.26 $A comparative study of the origins of the welfare state in England and Germany from 1850 to 1914. Peter Hennock analyses policies on social security and the public provision of medical care, dealing with public poor relief, industrial injury, with sickness, invalidity and old age, and with unemployment. He demonstrates that national insurance has played a larger role in Germany than in Britain from the beginning. The book will appeal to students and scholars of British and European political history, social policy and the welfare state.
Global Commons, Domestic Decisions: The Comparative Politics of Climate Change (American and Comparative Environmental Policy)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.92 $Comparative case studies and analyses of the influence of domestic politics on countries' climate change policies and Kyoto ratification decisions.Climate change represents a “tragedy of the commons” on a global scale, requiring the cooperation of nations that do not necessarily put the Earth's well-being above their own national interests. And yet international efforts to address global warming have met with some success; the Kyoto Protocol, in which industrialized countries committed to reducing their collective emissions, took effect in 2005 (although without the participation of the United States). Reversing the lens used by previous scholarship on the topic, Global Commons, Domestic Decisions explains international action on climate change from the perspective of countries' domestic politics. In an effort to understand both what progress has been made and why it has been so limited, experts in comparative politics look at the experience of seven jurisdictions in deciding whether or not to ratify the Kyoto Protocol and to pursue national climate change mitigation policies. By analyzing the domestic politics and international positions of the United States, Australia, Russia, China, the European Union, Japan, and Canada, the authors demonstrate clearly that decisions about global policies are often made locally, in the context of electoral and political incentives, the normative commitments of policymakers, and domestic political institutions. Using a common analytical framework throughout, the book offers a unique comparison of the domestic political forces within each nation that affect climate change policy and provides insights into why some countries have been able to adopt innovative and aggressive positions on climate change both domestically and internationally.
Treasury in Public Policy-Making
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.78 $Analyses the Treasury's role in public policy making and makes an original contribution to knowledge about the current work of the Treasury.The book focuses on three main areas:* the development of the Treasury from earliest times to the present* the current structure and organization of the Treasury following the radical changes which took place in 1995 as a result of the 1994 Fundamental Expenditure Review* the Treasury's role in the financing and responsibility of Next Step Agencies, including brief case studies of the Civil Service College, the Contributions Agency and the Royal Mint.
The Public Administration Profession:Policy Management and Ethics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.98 $While many introductory public administration textbooks contain a dedicated chapter on ethics, The Public Administration Profession is the first to utilize ethics as a lens for understanding the discipline. Analyses of the ASPA Code of Ethics are deftly woven into each chapter alongside complete coverage of the institutions, processes, concepts, persons, history, and typologies a student needs to gain a thorough grasp of public service as a field of study and practice. Features include: A significant focus on "public interests," nonprofit management, hybrid-private organizations, contracting out and collaborations, and public service at state and local levels. A careful examination of the role that religion may play in public servants’ decision making, as well as the unignorable and growing role that faith-based organizations play in public administration and nonprofit management at large. End-of-chapter ethics case studies, key concepts and persons, and dedicated "local community action steps" in each chapter. Appendices dedicated to future public administration and nonprofit career management, writing successful papers throughout a student’s career, and professional codes of ethics. A comprehensive suite of online supplements, including: lecture slides; quizzes and sample examinations for undergraduate and graduate courses containing multiple choice, true-false, identifications, and essay questions; chapter outlines with suggestions for classroom discussion; and suggestions for use of appendices, e.g., how to successfully write a short term paper, a brief policy memo, resume, or a book review. Providing students with a comprehensive introduction to the subject while offering instructors an elegant new way to bring ethics prominently into the curriculum, The Public Administration Profession is an ideal introductory text for public administration and public affairs courses at the undergraduate or graduate level.
Economics of Monetary Union
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.71 $The tenth edition of Economics of Monetary Union provides a concise analysis of the theories and policies relating to monetary union. The author analyses both the costs and benefits associated with exiting the eurozone, as well as presenting a discussion of the banking union, the current issues surrounding the TARGET2 payment system, and the role of the European Central Bank. In Part One the author examines the implications of adopting a common currency, assessing each country's benefit from being a member of the eurozone, while also questioning whether other parts of the world would gain from monetary unification. Part Two of the book looks at the problems of running a monetary union by analysing Europe's experience and the issues faced by the European Central Bank.
The Global Macro Economy and Finance (International Economic Association Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.73 $This volume explores the measurement of economic and social progress in our societies, and proposes new frameworks to integrate economic dimensions with other aspects of human well-being. Leading economists analyse the light that the recent crisis has shed on the global economic architecture, and the policies needed to address these systemic risks.
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