55 products were found matching your search for Politische Justiz 1918 1933 in 2 shops:
Justiz im Dritten Reich 1933-1940
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.85 $Die "Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte" sind das Flagschiff der Publikationen des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin. In unregelmäßiger Folge erscheinen seit 1957 Editionen und Monographien zu brennenden Fragen der Zeitgeschichte. In der Mehrzahl handelt es sich dabei um Forschungsergebnisse, die aus Institutsprojekten hervorgegangen sind. Eine Veröffentlichung erfolgt erst nach dem Abschluss eines aufwendigen Begutachtungsverfahrens, an dem herausragende Gelehrte beteiligt sind. Den derzeitigen Schwerpunkt bilden die Projekte "Demokratischer Staat und terroristische Herausforderung. Die Anti-Terrorismus-Politik der 1970er und 1980er Jahre in Westeuropa," "Der KSZE-Prozess: Multilaterale Konferenzdiplomatie und die Folgen (1975-1989/91)" und "Die Verfolgung von NS-Verbrechen durch deutsche Justizbehörden seit 1945."
Justiz im Dritten Reich 1933-1940 : Anpassung und Unterwerfung in der Ära Gürtner [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.32 $Die "Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte" sind das Flagschiff der Publikationen des Instituts für Zeitgeschichte München-Berlin. In unregelmäßiger Folge erscheinen seit 1957 Editionen und Monographien zu brennenden Fragen der Zeitgeschichte. In der Mehrzahl handelt es sich dabei um Forschungsergebnisse, die aus Institutsprojekten hervorgegangen sind. Eine Veröffentlichung erfolgt erst nach dem Abschluss eines aufwendigen Begutachtungsverfahrens, an dem herausragende Gelehrte beteiligt sind. Den derzeitigen Schwerpunkt bilden die Projekte "Demokratischer Staat und terroristische Herausforderung. Die Anti-Terrorismus-Politik der 1970er und 1980er Jahre in Westeuropa," "Der KSZE-Prozess: Multilaterale Konferenzdiplomatie und die Folgen (1975-1989/91)" und "Die Verfolgung von NS-Verbrechen durch deutsche Justizbehörden seit 1945."
Sozialstruktur, politische Traditionen und Liberalismus. Eine empirische Längsschnittstudie zur Wahlentwicklung in Deutschland 1871 bis 1933.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.66 $In dieser theoriegeleiteten empirischen Studie wird zum ersten Mal die langfristige Entwicklung des deutschen Parteiensystems von der Reichsgründung im Jahr 1871 bis zum Ende der Parteien im Jahr 1933 in Abhängigkeit von regionalen, sozialstrukturellen, konfessionellen, politischen und situativen Bestimmungsfaktoren mit dem Ziel beschrieben, den Einfluß mehrerer Determinanten des Parteiensystems im Zeitverlauf zu bestimmen. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die Beziehungen zwischen der Sozialstruktur der deutschen Gesellschaft, den Wählertraditionen im Kaiserreich, dem Niedergang des Liberalismus und der Ausbreitung der NSDAP am Ende der Weimarer Republik. Der Verfasser geht dabei systematisch der Frage nach, inwieweit die Berücksichtigung von Wählertraditionen die herkömmlichen Erklärungsmodelle der Parteientwicklung in der Weimarer Republik verbessern können.
Politische Publizistik. 1919 bis 1933.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.31 $RustyRiver offers fast daily shipping and 100% customer satisfaction GUARANTEED! This book is in very good condition! Dust jacket has a little wear on edges.
Die Deutsche Reichspost 1933-1945, 2 Bde. eine politische Verwaltungsgeschichte. Ausgewählte Dokumente
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.46 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Politische Publizistik 1919-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.17 $RustyRiver offers fast daily shipping and 100% customer satisfaction GUARANTEED! This book is in very good condition! Dust jacket has a little wear on edges.
Berlin Metropolis 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.49 $This lavishly illustrated book examines Berlin in depth during a period of explosive growth between the two world wars. Between 1871 and 1919, the population of Berlin quadrupled,and the city became the political center of Germany, as well as the turbulent crossroads of the modern age. This was reflected in the work of artists, directors, writers, and critics of the time. As an imperial capital, Berlin was the site of violent political revolution and radical aesthetic innovation. After the Germandefeat in World War I, artists employed collage to challengetraditional concepts of art. Berlin Dadaists reflected uponthe horrors of war, and the terrors of revolution and civil war.Between 1924 and 1929 as the spirit of modernity took hold,jazz, posters, magazines, advertisements, and cinema playeda central role in the development of Berlin’s urban experience.The concept of the “Neue Frau”―the modern, emancipatedwoman–helped move the city in a new direction. Finally, Berlinbecame a stage for political confrontation between the leftand the right and was deeply affected by the economic crisisand mass unemployment at the end of the 1920s. This bookexplores in numerous essays and illustrations the artistic,cultural, and social upheavals in Berlin between 1918 and 1933,and places them in a broader historical framework.
Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933: Fight for the Streets and Fear of Civil War (Studies in German History, 10)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.62 $The Prussian province of Saxony-where the Communist uprising of March 1921 took place and two Combat Leagues (Wehrverbnde) were founded (the right-wing Stahlhelm and the Social Democratic Reichsbanner) - is widely recognized as a politically important region in this period of German history. Using a case study of this socially diverse province, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of political violence in Weimar Germany with particular emphasis on the political culture from which it emerged. It refutes both the claim that the Bolshevik revolution was the prime cause of violence, and the argument that the First World War's all-encompassing "brutalization" doomed post-1918 German political life from the very beginning. The study thus contributes to a view of the Weimar Republic as a state in severe crisis but with alternatives to the Nazi takeover.
Berlin in the Twenties: Art and Culture 1918 - 1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $Language:Chinese.HardCover Pub Date: 2007 Publisher: Thames & Hudson Limited Click on the Google Preview image above to the read some pages of this book! Berlin in the 1920s was home to some of the most extraordinary minds of modern times The and was a vigorous melting pot of radical new ideas and concepts in every field. Comprising essays on the key movements and figures of the era. this book presents a readable portrait of this astonishing cultural ferment and its most important protagonists. Contents: The changing face of Berlin: a decade of rapid expansionp. 23The November vanishing point: revolution and reactionp. 59War and peace: Expressionism and Dadap. 77Vile circumstances: the aesthetics of verismp. 103Unity and purity: utopias. collectives and futurismsp. 125Metropolis of the modern: detachment and indifferencep. 155Cult and culture of the superficial: the new obje...
The Weimar Years: Rise and Fall 1918–1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.55 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 2.31
Weimar Communism as Mass Movement 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.82 $Now a quarter of a century after the opening of the archives in Berlin and Moscow, the role of the German Communist Party (KPD) has been the subject of a new wave of studies. With this book, this new field of scholarship will be available in English for the first time. The book begins with the editors' comprehensive contextualisation of the KPD within the history of the ill-fated Weimar Republic, as well its location within the Moscow-based Communist International (Comintern) thus bringing together the global and the `local'. In the rest of the book, authors offer a flavour of the rich texture of the world of German Communism. Attention is given to the party's revolutionary origins in 1918/19, accounting for the importance of not only Rosa Luxemburg's Spartacus League, but also the `Left Radicals', whose stronghold was Bremen and north-western Germany. The policy dilemmas of being a mass party in Germany are then elucidated, but ultimately, the party's fate and its policy-making were dominated by Moscow in the process known as `Stalinisation', which neared completion by the end of the 1920s. However, this volume also includes a detailed appraisal of left-wing Communists' opposition to Stalin and Stalinisation, as well as the party's changing relationship with the SPD-led trade unions. A section in the volume presents new research on how German communism aspired to reach beyond its core support among the working class by examining its overtures to peasants, avant-garde artists, pacifists and prominent left-wing personalities outside the party's ranks. Finally, an account of Stalin's own betrayal of German communism is offered after the Nazis' `seizure of power' in 1933. This book represents essential reading for academic, undergraduate and general readers interested in twentieth German history and politics and the interwar communist movement. With thanks to the Nina Fishman translation award run by the Amiel Melburn Trust.
Straw Sandals _ Chinese Short Stories, 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.44 $wraps, 444 pp, wraps soiled Standard shipping (no tracking) / Priority (with tracking) / Custom quote for large or heavy orders.
Weimar 1918 - 1933. Sonderausgabe. Die Geschichte der ersten deutschen Demokratie. Winkler, Heinrich August
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.71 $Book by Winkler, Heinrich August
Weimar: A cultural history, 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.88 $In shrink wrap! Looks like an interesting title!
In Search of Jewish Community: Jewish Identities in Germany and Austria, 1918-1933 (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.59 $"... an excellent collection... well written and cogently argued." ―David N. MyersThe history of Jews in interwar Germany and Austria is often viewed either as the culmination of tremendous success in the economic and cultural realms and of individual assimilation and acculturation, or as the beginning of the road that led to Auschwitz. By contrast, this volume demonstrates a reemerging sense of community within the German-speaking Jewish population of these two countries in the two decades after World War I.
The Illusion of Peace: International Relations in Europe, 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.03 $Sally Marks' compelling analysis of European diplomacy between World War I and Hitler's advent, explores the reasons why a lasting peace failed to occur in the interwar era. Building on the theories of the first edition, Marks argues that the Allied failu
Sirens & Sinners: A Visual History of Weimar Film 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.36 $Celebrates the height of Weimar cinema through images and commentaries on more than seventy of its finest films Between the First and Second World Wars, Germany under the Weimar Republic was the scene of one of the most creative periods in film history. Through the silent era to the early years of sound, the visual flair and technical innovation of its filmmakers set an international standard for the powerful possibilities of cinema as an art form, with movies such as The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, Metropolis, and M building a legacy that shaped the world of film.Here is a showcase of more than seventy films, selected to give a wide-ranging overview of Weimar cinema at its finest. Every genre is represented, from escapist comedies and musicals to gritty depictions of contemporary city life, from period dramas to fantastical visions of the future, with themes such as sexuality and social issues tackled by iconic stars like Marlene Dietrich and Louise Brooks. A wealth of film stills captures the bold vision of great directors like Fritz Lang and Ernst Lubitsch, while the text sets the historical scene and gives intriguing insights into what the films meant to the society that created them. This chapter in movie history was brought to a close by Hitler’s rise to power in 1933. Directors, screenwriters and actors found themselves obliged to leave Germany, and brought their talents to Hollywood. 443 illustrations, 335 in duotone
Die Bellizistische Republik : Wehrkonsens Und Wehrhaftmachung in Deutschland 1918-1933 -Language: German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.57 $Die geheime Aufrüstung der Weimarer Republik basierte auf einem lagerübergreifenden Wehrkonsens. Von den Republikanern in den Krisen der ersten Jahre zunächst als Form des Republikschutzes mitgetragen, wurde die Unterstützung der "schwarzen Rüstungen" zu einem Element der Weimarer Staatsraison, die auch für die Republikaner verbindlich blieb - selbst dann, als die geheime personelle Rüstung, etwa in Gestalt der Grenzschutzmilizen im preußischen Osten, zur Hochburg eines rechtsradikalen und staatsfeindlichen Paramilitarismus wurde. Der Autor rekonstruiert erstmals die umfassende Unterstützung der Geheimrüstung durch Politik und Verwaltung und belegt die Existenz eines "deep state", eines durch die zivil-militärische Rüstungskooperation konstituierten "Tiefenstaats", der zwar in der republikanischen Ordnung verankert war, aber außerhalb ihrer Normen und Gesetze agierte. Schließlich verortet sie diesen Wehrkonsens in der ideengeschichtlichen Kontinuität bellizistischer, von einem Primat der "Wehrhaftigkeit" ausgehender Denkstile und Deutungsmuster.
Russen in Berlin [Neubuch] Literatur Malerei Theater Film 1918-1933
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.72 $614 Seiten Gebundenes Buch mit Original-Schutzumschlag. Buch ist neu, aus priv. Vorbesitz. original eingeschweisst. Mit dem, für vor längerer Zeit gedruckten Büchern häufig, leicht getöntem Schnitt. ISBN: 9783379001199 Wir senden umgehend mit beiliegender MwSt.Rechnung. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 423
Political Violence in the Weimar Republic, 1918-1933: Fight for the Streets and Fear of Civil War (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.03 $The Prussian province of Saxony-where the Communist uprising of March 1921 took place and two Combat Leagues (Wehrverbnde) were founded (the right-wing Stahlhelm and the Social Democratic Reichsbanner) - is widely recognized as a politically important region in this period of German history. Using a case study of this socially diverse province, this book provides a comprehensive analysis of political violence in Weimar Germany with particular emphasis on the political culture from which it emerged. It refutes both the claim that the Bolshevik revolution was the prime cause of violence, and the argument that the First World War's all-encompassing "brutalization" doomed post-1918 German political life from the very beginning. The study thus contributes to a view of the Weimar Republic as a state in severe crisis but with alternatives to the Nazi takeover.
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