15 products were found matching your search for Polsterbett Canberra Advance mit in 1 shops:
Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications (MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.96 $Design education, research, and practice have recently seen considerable evolution as university programs, researchers, journals, and conferences systematize design as a discipline and science. Nam P. Suh's book Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications contributes to this systematic and scientific base and presents a fresh perspective on design, establishing a rational framework for the discipline. The book follows Suh's successful publication, The Principles of Design (OUP 1990), although the two books are substantially different in both content and approach. The first three chapters of Axiomatic Design cover the fundamental principles of axiomatic design. The following chapters offer a complete treatment of the design of systems, software, materials and materials processing, manufacturing systems, and product design. Suh shows how a scientific and systematic approach to design improves efficiency, productivity, savings, reliability, and quality for industries that currently rely on ad hoc design systems; Axiomatic Design contains the principles and practical knowledge necessary to achieve these improvements. Perfect for senior and graduate design and mechanical engineering students as well as professional engineers, this unique text offers the tools necessary to design with ease and elegance and serves as a stepping-stone in the ever-evolving intellectual science of design.Features· Applies the principles of axiomatic design to a variety of real-life situations including mechanism design, software engineering, and basic business processes· Includes numerous integrated case studies using axiomatic design to solve real-life design challenges· Draws material from consulting cases with industrial firms throughout the world· Requires no prerequisite reading (The Principles of Design can be read for clarification)
Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications (MIT-Pappalardo Series in Mechanical Engineering)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 225.89 $Design education, research, and practice have recently seen considerable evolution as university programs, researchers, journals, and conferences systematize design as a discipline and science. Nam P. Suh's book Axiomatic Design: Advances and Applications contributes to this systematic and scientific base and presents a fresh perspective on design, establishing a rational framework for the discipline. The book follows Suh's successful publication, The Principles of Design (OUP 1990), although the two books are substantially different in both content and approach. The first three chapters of Axiomatic Design cover the fundamental principles of axiomatic design. The following chapters offer a complete treatment of the design of systems, software, materials and materials processing, manufacturing systems, and product design. Suh shows how a scientific and systematic approach to design improves efficiency, productivity, savings, reliability, and quality for industries that currently rely on ad hoc design systems; Axiomatic Design contains the principles and practical knowledge necessary to achieve these improvements. Perfect for senior and graduate design and mechanical engineering students as well as professional engineers, this unique text offers the tools necessary to design with ease and elegance and serves as a stepping-stone in the ever-evolving intellectual science of design.Features· Applies the principles of axiomatic design to a variety of real-life situations including mechanism design, software engineering, and basic business processes· Includes numerous integrated case studies using axiomatic design to solve real-life design challenges· Draws material from consulting cases with industrial firms throughout the world· Requires no prerequisite reading (The Principles of Design can be read for clarification)
The Economics of Risk and Time (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.86 $This book updates and advances the theory of expected utility as applied to risk analysis and financial decision making. Von Neumann and Morgenstern pioneered the use of expected utility theory in the 1940s, but most utility functions used in financial management are still relatively simplistic and assume a mean-variance world. Taking into account recent advances in the economics of risk and uncertainty, this book focuses on richer applications of expected utility in finance, macroeconomics, and environmental economics.The book covers these topics: expected utility theory and related concepts; the standard portfolio problem of choice under uncertainty involving two different assets; P the basic hyperplane separation theorem and log-supermodular functions as technical tools for solving various decision-making problems under uncertainty; s choice involving multiple risks; the Arrow-Debreu portfolio problem; consumption and saving; the equilibrium price of risk and time in an Arrow-Debreu economy; and dynamic models of decision making when a flow of information on future risks is expected over time. The book is appropriate for both students and professionals. Concepts are presented intuitively as well as formally, and the theory is balanced by empirical considerations. Each chapter concludes with a problem set.
Human Robotics: Neuromechanics and Motor Control (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.43 $A synthesis of biomechanics and neural control that draws on recent advances in robotics to address control problems solved by the human sensorimotor system.This book proposes a transdisciplinary approach to investigating human motor control that synthesizes musculoskeletal biomechanics and neural control. The authors argue that this integrated approach―which uses the framework of robotics to understand sensorimotor control problems―offers a more complete and accurate description than either a purely neural computational approach or a purely biomechanical one.The authors offer an account of motor control in which explanatory models are based on experimental evidence using mathematical approaches reminiscent of physics. These computational models yield algorithms for motor control that may be used as tools to investigate or treat diseases of the sensorimotor system and to guide the development of algorithms and hardware that can be incorporated into products designed to assist with the tasks of daily living. The authors focus on the insights their approach offers in understanding how movement of the arm is controlled and how the control adapts to changing environments. The book begins with muscle mechanics and control, progresses in a logical manner to planning and behavior, and describes applications in neurorehabilitation and robotics. The material is self-contained, and accessible to researchers and professionals in a range of fields, including psychology, kinesiology, neurology, computer science, and robotics.
A Hole in the Head: More Tales in the History of Neuroscience (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.72 $Essays on great figures and important issues, advances and blind alleys—from trepanation to the discovery of grandmother cells—in the history of brain sciences.
The Cognitive Neurosciences, fifth edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.02 $The fifth edition of a work that defines the field of cognitive neuroscience, with entirely new material that reflects recent advances in the field.Each edition of this classic reference has proved to be a benchmark in the developing field of cognitive neuroscience. The fifth edition of The Cognitive Neurosciences continues to chart new directions in the study of the biological underpinnings of complex cognition―the relationship between the structural and physiological mechanisms of the nervous system and the psychological reality of the mind. It offers entirely new material, reflecting recent advances in the field. Many of the developments in cognitive neuroscience have been shaped by the introduction of novel tools and methodologies, and a new section is devoted to methods that promise to guide the field into the future―from sophisticated models of causality in brain function to the application of network theory to massive data sets. Another new section treats neuroscience and society, considering some of the moral and political quandaries posed by current neuroscientific methods. Other sections describe, among other things, new research that draws on developmental imaging to study the changing structure and function of the brain over the lifespan; progress in establishing increasingly precise models of memory; research that confirms the study of emotion and social cognition as a core area in cognitive neuroscience; and new findings that cast doubt on the so-called neural correlates of consciousness.
Human Robotics: Neuromechanics and Motor Control (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.42 $A synthesis of biomechanics and neural control that draws on recent advances in robotics to address control problems solved by the human sensorimotor system.This book proposes a transdisciplinary approach to investigating human motor control that synthesizes musculoskeletal biomechanics and neural control. The authors argue that this integrated approach―which uses the framework of robotics to understand sensorimotor control problems―offers a more complete and accurate description than either a purely neural computational approach or a purely biomechanical one.The authors offer an account of motor control in which explanatory models are based on experimental evidence using mathematical approaches reminiscent of physics. These computational models yield algorithms for motor control that may be used as tools to investigate or treat diseases of the sensorimotor system and to guide the development of algorithms and hardware that can be incorporated into products designed to assist with the tasks of daily living. The authors focus on the insights their approach offers in understanding how movement of the arm is controlled and how the control adapts to changing environments. The book begins with muscle mechanics and control, progresses in a logical manner to planning and behavior, and describes applications in neurorehabilitation and robotics. The material is self-contained, and accessible to researchers and professionals in a range of fields, including psychology, kinesiology, neurology, computer science, and robotics.
State-Space Models with Regime Switching: Classical and Gibbs-Sampling Approaches with Applications (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.49 $Both state-space models and Markov switching models have been highly productive paths for empirical research in macroeconomics and finance. This book presents recent advances in econometric methods that make feasible the estimation of models that have both features. One approach, in the classical framework, approximates the likelihood function; the other, in the Bayesian framework, uses Gibbs-sampling to simulate posterior distributions from data.The authors present numerous applications of these approaches in detail: decomposition of time series into trend and cycle, a new index of coincident economic indicators, approaches to modeling monetary policy uncertainty, Friedman's "plucking" model of recessions, the detection of turning points in the business cycle and the question of whether booms and recessions are duration-dependent, state-space models with heteroskedastic disturbances, fads and crashes in financial markets, long-run real exchange rates, and mean reversion in asset returns.
Microsound (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.94 $Below the level of the musical note lies the realm of microsound, of sound particles lasting less than one-tenth of a second. Recent technological advances allow us to probe and manipulate these pinpoints of sound, dissolving the traditional building blocks of music―notes and their intervals―into a more fluid and supple medium. The sensations of point, pulse (series of points), line (tone), and surface (texture) emerge as particle density increases. Sounds coalesce, evaporate, and mutate into other sounds. Composers have used theories of microsound in computer music since the 1950s. Distinguished practitioners include Karlheinz Stockhausen and Iannis Xenakis. Today, with the increased interest in computer and electronic music, many young composers and software synthesis developers are exploring its advantages. Covering all aspects of composition with sound particles, Microsound offers composition theory, historical accounts, technical overviews, acoustical experiments, descriptions of musical works, and aesthetic reflections. The book is accompanied by an audio CD of examples.
A Hole in the Head: More Tales in the History of Neuroscience (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.00 $Essays on great figures and important issues, advances and blind alleys—from trepanation to the discovery of grandmother cells—in the history of brain sciences.
Hide and Seek: Camouflage, Photography, and the Media of Reconnaissance (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.42 $A history and theory of the drive to hide in plain sight.Camouflage is an adaptive logic of escape from photographic representation. In Hide and Seek, Hanna Rose Shell traces the evolution of camouflage as it developed in counterpoint to technological advances in photography, innovations in warfare, and as-yet-unsolved mysteries of natural history. Today camouflage is commonly thought of as a textile pattern of interlocking greens and browns. But in Hide and Seek it reveals itself to be much more―a set of institutional structures, mixed-media art practices, and permutations of subjectivity, that emerged over the course of the twentieth century in environments increasingly mediated by photographic and cinematic intervention. Through a series of fascinating case studies, Shell uncovers three conceptually linked species of photographic camouflage―the static, the serial, and the dynamic―and shows how each not only reflects the type of photographic reconnaissance it was meant to counter, but also contains aspects of the previously developed species. Hide and Seek develops its argument from the material forms camouflage has left behind: photomontages, paper blankets, stuffed rabbits, ghillie suits, and instructional films. Beginning with natural history and figurative art in the late nineteenth-century, continuing through the rise of aerial warfare in World War I, and onto the cinematic techniques designed to train snipers and civilians during World War II, this book is both a history and a theory of the drive to hide in plain sight.
Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.97 $How to use nonlinear dynamic models in policy analysis.Policymakers need quantitative as well as qualitative answers to pressing policy questions. Because of advances in computational methods, quantitative estimates are now derived from coherent nonlinear dynamic macroeconomic models embodying measures of risk and calibrated to capture specific characteristics of real-world situations. This text shows how such models can be made accessible and operational for confronting policy issues. The book starts with a simple setting based on market-clearing price flexibility. It gradually incorporates departures from the simple competitive framework in the form of price and wage stickiness, taxes, rigidities in investment, financial frictions, and habit persistence in consumption. Most chapters end with computational exercises; the Matlab code for the base model can be found in the appendix. As the models evolve, readers are encouraged to modify the codes from the first simple model to more complex extensions. Computational Macroeconomics for the Open Economy can be used by graduate students in economics and finance as well as policy-oriented researchers.
Foundations Of Computer Music (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $This survey chronicles the major advances in computer music that have changed the way music is composed, performed, and recorded. It contains many of the classic, seminal articles in the field (most of which are now out of print) in revised and updated versions. Computer music pioneers, digital audio specialists, and highly knowledgeable practitioners have contributed to the book. Thirty-six articles written in the 1970s and 1980s cover sound synthesis techniques, synthesizer hardware and engineering, software systems for music, and perception and digital signal processing. The editors have provided extensive summaries for each section.
Endodontic Advances and Evidence-Based Clinical Guidelines
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.59 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
So leicht geht Projektunterricht in den Klassen 5/6
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.62 $Differenzierende Materialien mit Praxisbeispielen fuer alle Faecher zum sofortigen Einsatz - fuer einen schnell organisierten Projektunterricht:komplett ausgearbeitete Kopiervorlagen,grundlegende Methoden (Brainwriting, Advance Organizer),
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