3 products were found matching your search for Porto Novo in 1 shops:
Porto-Novo : Cité Rouge, Esprit de Lagune
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.46 $Through his photographs of Porto-Novo, Benin's historic capital, Jean-Dominique Burton shows us a city steeped in history but also turned towards the future: it is equally vibrant and at peace, undying but at risk. A city's foundation lies both in its architecture and its memories. Each must be cared for. Constructions can be supported, can be rebuilt and preserved. Memories are kept within families, by story-tellers and through legends. As we follow Jean-Dominique through the streets of Porto-Novo, both the urgent need to preserve this memory and the modern, vibrant life of the city spring to life before our eyes. This contemporary reality is that of an African city that grows day by day on the bedrock of a rich and contrasted history. In a hundred years' time, Porto-Novo shall be an ultramodern city provided it has managed to safeguard its distinctive past and identity. This visual journey through the city's heart reveals all the life, strength and beauty that must now be kept safe from harm.
Porto-Novo: Cité rouge, esprit du lagon / Red City, Spirit of the Lagoon (French and English Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.04 $Through his photographs of Porto-Novo, Benin's historic capital, Jean-Dominique Burton shows us a city steeped in history but also turned towards the future: it is equally vibrant and at peace, undying but at risk. A city's foundation lies both in its architecture and its memories. Each must be cared for. Constructions can be supported, can be rebuilt and preserved. Memories are kept within families, by story-tellers and through legends. As we follow Jean-Dominique through the streets of Porto-Novo, both the urgent need to preserve this memory and the modern, vibrant life of the city spring to life before our eyes. This contemporary reality is that of an African city that grows day by day on the bedrock of a rich and contrasted history. In a hundred years' time, Porto-Novo shall be an ultramodern city provided it has managed to safeguard its distinctive past and identity. This visual journey through the city's heart reveals all the life, strength and beauty that must now be kept safe from harm.
Elis Regina: Nada Sera Como Antes (Em Portugues do Brasil)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $O livro ELIS REGINA: NADA SERA COMO ANTES narra a vida de Elis desde seus primeiros dias em Porto Alegre, quando cantava Fascinacao ao lado das amigas nas escadarias de um colegio, ate sua despedida tragica, aos 36 anos, quando estava prestes a, de novo, mudar tudo em sua vida. Ao todo foram quatro anos de entrevistas e pesquisas em arquivos. A ideia de escrever a biografia surgiu por meio de um convite da editora ao ao autor. No comeco, o perfil do livro era uma homenagem, mas conforme o autor foi descobrindo mais historias e avancando nas entrevistas, viu que havia muito mais o que contar. Pessoas importantes que ate entao nunca haviam se pronunciado - como dezenas de musicos que tocaram com ela. Depois de dois anos em campo - durante esse tempo foram inumeros arquivos consultados e 126 entrevistas, a maioria delas feitas pessoalmente -, o autor comecou a colocar a historia no papel.-Mesmo quando parei para escrever, as historias continuavam a aparecer, e o livro ganhava novas partes de tempos em tempos. Ele ficou vivo o tempo todo. E confesso que, se pudesse, estaria neste momento colocando mais historias, conta. -Nao vivi a era de Elis. Quando ela faleceu, em janeiro 19 de janeiro de 1982, eu tinha nove anos de idade, e diante dessa personagem gigante, fui o que sou ha 16 anos - reporter. Me joguei com o respeito que a historia merecia, mas sem nenhuma tese a defender. Creio que o olhar descontaminado de paixoes ou odios ajude a tracar um perfil mais humano e menos divino, diz o autor.
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