305 products were found matching your search for Proceedings of Eighth International in 1 shops:
Care And Conservation of Manuscripts 8 : Proceedings of the Eighth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen 16th-17th October 2003
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.35 $Much work is required to ensure the well-being of the manuscripts in the care of libraries, archives and other collections. The international seminars held in Copenhagen provide a good opportunity for conservators, archivists, librarians and those who work with manuscripts to meet and discuss their problems. Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 8 examines wooden bindings, the manufacture of parchment, the conservation of embroidered bindings, the study of paint layers, the restoration of heat-damage parchment, binding decoration and hand tools for Ottoman period manuscripts, biomonitoring of rare books and documents, German stamped bindings, new recipes for the conservation of leather and parchment, as well as codicology and palæography. The book is well illustrated and contains references and a list of manuscripts.
Egyptology At the Dawn of the Twenty-first Century Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo, 2000: V. 1
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $This comprehensive three-volume set marks the publication of the proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, held in Cairo in 2000. This massive and impressive 1693-page work encompasses the research of over 350 of the world’s leading Egyptologists―writing in English, French, or German―and contains over 600 illustrations. A dedicated team of editors, proofreaders, and designers worked hard for three years to bring all the disparate elements of this publication―including photographs, tables, graphs, hieroglyphs, hieratic script, and Greek, Arabic, Coptic, and Hebrew fonts―together to create a work that is a benchmark in Egyptological publishing.Organized thematically to reflect the breadth and depth of the material presented at the Congress, these papers provide a survey of current Egyptological research at the dawn of the twenty-first century. The proceedings include the eight ‘Millennium Debates’ led by esteemed Egyptologists, addressing key issues in the field, as well as nearly every paper presented at the Congress.The 248 papers cover the whole spectrum of Egyptological research, and contain many photographs, maps, and plans, that are published here for the first time. Grouped under the themes of archaeology, history, religion, language, conservation, and museology, these contributions together form the most comprehensive picture of Egyptology today. Contributors include: John Baines, Zahi Hawass, Antonio Loprieno, William J. Murnane, Aly Radwan, Donald Redford, Edna Russmann, Helmut Satzinger, Regine Schulz, W. Kelly Simpson, Hourig Sourouzian, Herman te Velde, Kent Weeks
Care And Conservation of Manuscripts 8 : Proceedings of the Eighth International Seminar Held at the University of Copenhagen 16th-17th October 2003
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.66 $Much work is required to ensure the well-being of the manuscripts in the care of libraries, archives and other collections. The international seminars held in Copenhagen provide a good opportunity for conservators, archivists, librarians and those who work with manuscripts to meet and discuss their problems. Care and Conservation of Manuscripts 8 examines wooden bindings, the manufacture of parchment, the conservation of embroidered bindings, the study of paint layers, the restoration of heat-damage parchment, binding decoration and hand tools for Ottoman period manuscripts, biomonitoring of rare books and documents, German stamped bindings, new recipes for the conservation of leather and parchment, as well as codicology and palæography. The book is well illustrated and contains references and a list of manuscripts.
Proceedings of the Sesqui-centennial Gathering of the Descendants of Isaac and Ann Jackson : at Harmony Grove, Chester Co., Pa., Eighth Month, Twenty-
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.89 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Graph Drawing : 8th International Symposium Gd 2000, Colonial Williamsburg, Va, Usa, September 20-23, 2000 : Proceedings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.66 $This year’s meeting marked the Eighth International Symposium on Graph D- wing. The organizing and program committees worked hard to make this year’s symposium possible, and we were delighted that so many people came to - lonial Williamsburg, Virginia, for three days of the latest results in the eld of graph drawing. As in previous years, the review process was quite competitive. We accepted 30 out of 53 regular-length submissions, and 5 out of 15 short submissions, for a total acceptance ratio of 35 out of 68, or 51%. This year’s program featured several new developments in the eld. Four di erent approaches for handling very large graphs were presented in a session on force-directed layout. Two sessions were devoted to the latest advances in orthogonal graph drawing. And alongside the usual mix of theory and practice papers we had several contributions based on empirical studies of users and of systems. Our invited talks were given by two speakers who were new to most members of the GD community, but who work in areas that are closely related to graph drawing. Professor Colin Ware of the University of New Hampshire told us how knowledge of human visual perception is useful for the design of e ective data visualizations. And Professor David Jensen of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst talked about the process of knowledge discovery from graphs, a process that involves more than just graph drawing and visualization.
Catalogue of Winners’ Plates in the Eighth International Calligraphy Competition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $IRCICA publishes catalogues containing reproductions of the works having won awards in the calligraphy competitions it organizes once every three years. 64 calligraphers from 15 countries won awards in the Eighth International Calligraphy Competition which was announced in 2008 and finalized in 2010. The competition was dedicated to the Syrian calligrapher Muhammad Badawi al-Dirani (1894-1967). It was conducted in ten categories of writing styles: jaly thuluth, thuluth, naskh, jaly taliq, taliq, jaly diwani, diwani, qufi, riq'a and maghribi. It contains information on the competition and on the participants, in order to encourage communication and cooperation among the latter.
DNA Computing and Molecular Programming : 22nd International Conference, DNA 22, Munich, Germany, September 4-8, 2016. Proceedings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 157.52 $This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming, DNA 22, held Munich, Germany, in September 16The 11 full papers presented together with 10 invited and tutorial talks were carefully selected from 55 submissionsResearch in DNA computing and molecular programming draws together mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, biology, and nanotechnology to address the analysis, design, and synthesis of information-based molecular systems
Intelligent Robotics and Applications : 9th International Conference, Proceedings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 196.22 $This two volume set LNAI 9834 and 9835 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Applications, ICIRA 2016, held in Tokyo, Japan, in August 2016. The 114 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 148 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections such as Robot Control; Robot Mechanism, Robot Vision and Sensing; Planning, Localization, and Mapping; Interactive Intelligence; Cognitive Robotics; Bio-Inspired Robotics; Smart Material Based Systems; Mechatronics Systems for Nondestructive Testing; Social Robotics; Human Support Robotics; Assistive Robotics; Intelligent Space; Sensing and Monitoring in Environment and Agricultural Sciences; Human Data Analysis; Robot Hand.
Material Aspects of Etruscan Religion. Proceedings of the International Colloquium Leiden, May 29 and 30, 2008.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.94 $The articles in this publication are presentations given during and offered to the Colloquium Material Aspects of Etruscan Religion, organised by the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University on 29 and 30 May 2008. They shed much new light upon religious aspects of sanctuaries, cities, settlements, necropoles, and tombs in Etruria, in the Po valley and in Campania. Also several, hitherto unpublished artefacts with ritual representations are commented upon. A new analysis of the role, gestures and instruments of haruspices (divination experts) suggests that Etruscan divination is of Near Eastern origin. Interdisciplinary research on the function of litui proves that this curved staff of priests (but not of seers) probably originates from the Near East. Finally, the religious background of Etruscan theatrical plays, always related to historical events in Roman history, is analysed. This BABESCH Supplement casts light on Etruscan gods, the process of anthropomorphisation, the cults, votive deposits, the cult places, including necropoles, architectural decoration of temples and the relationship with representations on vases in the Faliscan border area of Etruria, rituals, and attributes of seers and priests. Furthermore, a new typology of altars is included. Extremely important are the results of very recent excavations in Tarquinia, at Gravisca, a multicultural harbour sanctuary near Tarquinia, at Marzabotto and several other places. The introduction sketches the main lines of the development of Etruscan religion with references to the contents of the `colloquium papers.
Human Rights in International Criminal Proceedings 2005.Oxford University Press. Paperback. xviii,280pp. Bibliogr. Index.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.24 $This book takes a procedural approach to human rights guarantees in international criminal proceedings and covers both the systems of the ad hoc Tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda and the International Criminal Court. It analyzes the rights conferred on individuals involved in international criminal trials from the commencement of investigations to the sentencing stage, as well as the procedural rights of victims and witnesses.
Recent Advances in City Logistics : Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on City Logistics Langkawi, Malaysia, 12-14 July, 2005
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $Urban freight transport has become an essential issue in urban planning. There are many challenges and problems relating to increasing levels of traffic congestion, negative environmental impacts and energy consumption. To cope with these complicated problems, new city logistics schemes are required that are aimed at increasing the efficiency of urban freight transport systems as well as reducing traffic congestion and impacts on the environment. Recent developments in ICT (Information and Communication Technology) and ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) help tackle these difficult problems. As well, the corporate social responsibility of shippers and freight carriers promotes public-private partnerships in urban freight transport planning. This book, "Recent Advances in City Logistics," is an outcome of the Fourth International Conference on City Logistics (City Logistics IV held in Langkawi in 2005) organised by the Institute for City Logistics. It includes recent developments in the modelling, evaluation and planning of city logistics schemes. Since city logistics measures have already been implemented in several cities, a review of the performance of these innovative schemes is presented. As well, an overview of the data collection for modelling, evaluating and benchmarking city logistics schemes and intermodal freight transport for city logistics is given. Recent developments and applications of ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) in city logistics are covered. It outlines developments in modelling, evaluation, and planning of city logistics schemes. It reviews performance of existing innovations, and presents an overview of data collection techniques.
Artificial Immune Systems : 9th International Conference, ICARIS 2010, Edinburgh, UK, July 26-29, 2010, Proceedings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.28 $Arti?cial immune systems (AIS) is a diverse and maturing area of research that bridges the disciplines of immunology and computation. The original research impetus in AIS had a clear focus on applying immunological principles to c- putationalproblemsinpracticaldomainssuchascomputersecurity,datamining and optimization. As the ?eld has matured, it has diversi?ed such that we now see a growing interest in formalizing the theoretical properties of earlier - proaches, elaborating underlying relationships between applied computational models and those from theoretical immunology, as well a return to the roots of the domain in which the methods of computer science are being applied to - munological modelling problems. Following the trends in the ?eld, the ICARIS conference intends to provide a forum for all these perspectives. The 9th InternationalConference on AIS (ICARIS 2010)built on the success of previous years, providing a convenient vantage point for broader re?ection as it returned to Edinburgh, the venue of the Second ICARIS in 2003. This time, the conference was hosted by Edinburgh Napier University at its Craiglockhart Campus, recently reopened after extensive refurbishment which has resulted in a stunning building and state-of-the-art facilities. The extent to which the ?eld has matured over the preceding years is clear; a substantial track of theor- ical research now underpins the discipline. The applied stream has expanded in its outlook, and has examples of AIS algorithms being applied across a wide spectrum of practicalproblems,rangingfrom sensornetworksto semi-conductor design.
EARLY GREEK CULT PRACTICE Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium At the Swedish Institute At Athens, 26-29, June, 1986
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 225.00 $Minor creasing to spine. Light shelfwear. ; Skrifter Utgivna Av Svenska Institutet I Athen / Acta Instituti Atheniensis Regni Sueciae, Series in 4°, XXXVIII; 303 pages; The purpose of the Fifth International Symposium at the Swedish Institute at Athens, the papers and discussions of which are contained in this volume, was to initiate a discussion of the various phenomena characteristic of Greek cult practice of the pre-Hellenistic periods, ranging from sacrifice and libations to the handling of cult images and the placing of votive gifts in a sanctuary. It was planned as a cross-discipline symposium so as to allow the problems to be addressed by scholars from diverging points of view, by diverse methods and on the basis of the available evidence, be it archaeological, architectural, iconographical, literary or epigraphical. We also invited an anthropologist, Professor W. Arens, of the State University of New York at Stony Brook, in order to put Greek cult practice in the more general perspective of cultural anthropology. These efforts notwithstanding, it proved impossible to even touch upon all relevant aspects of the topic within the limited time of three days of sessions (and a one day field-trip). The result was a concentration of papers and discussions on a few central phenomena, such as animal sacrifice, votive offerings and ritual meals, and a number of single contributions dealing with a wide range of other aspects. It is our hope that the proceedings will inspire further research in this fascinating field. Robin Hägg
EXAFS and Near Edge Structure: Proceedings of the International Conference Frascati, Italy, September 1317, 1982 (Springer Series in Chemical Physics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 179.23 $The field of X-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron radiation is growing so rapidly and expanding into such different research areas that it is now diffi cult to keep up with the literature. EXAFS and XANES are becoming interdis ciplinary methods used in solid-state physics, biology, and chemistry, and are making impressive contributions to these branches of science. The present book gives a panorama of the research activity in this field. It contains the papers presented at the International Conference on EXAFS and Near Edge Structure held in Frascati, Italy, September 13-17, 1982. This was the first international conference devoted to EXAFS spectroscopy (Extended X-ray Ab sorption Fine Structure) and its applications. The other topic of the con ference was the new XANES (X-ray Absorption Near Edge Structure), which in of experimental and theoretical developments finally appears to have terms left its infancy. The applications of EXAFS concern the determination of local structures in complex systems; we have therefore divided the subject matter into differ ent parts on various types of materials: amorphous metals, glasses, solu tions, biological systems, catalysts, and special crystals such as mixed valence systems and ionic conductors. EXAFS provides unique information for each kind of system, but the analysis of EXAFS data also poses special prob lems in each case. General problems of EXAFS data analysis are discussed, as well as developments in instrumentation for X-ray absorption using syn chrotron radiation and laboratory EXAFS.
Kimberlites, Diatremes, and Diamonds : Their Geology, Petrology and Geochemistry: Proceedings of the Second International Kimberlite Conference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.49 $Published by the American Geophysical Union as part of the Special Publications Series, Volume 1.Since the first edition was published in 1979, the Third International Kimberlite Conference was held in Clermont-Ferrand in 1982. Nevertheless, several of the problems addressed by papers in the first edition of this publication are still valid and remain unanswered today. For example, we still do not understand the spatial and temporal relationship between kimberiite, xenocrysts and xenoliths, nor do we understand why kimberlites occur where they do or why they often intruded ancient cratonic areas periodically throughout geologic time. There is a growing suspicion that continental rifting or perhaps doleritic/basaltic volcanism is a precursor to kimberlitic activity, but the links are tenuous and often conflicting.
Leonardo in Britain. Collections and Historical Reception Proceedings of the International Conference (London, 25-27 May 2016).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.91 $This volume discusses the reception of Leonardo’s artistic, theoretical and scientific work from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. It also examines the roles of collectors, intellectuals and artists in Britain in the transmission and transformation of his legacy. At stake is what role, or rather roles, Leonardo played in British art, aesthetics and scientific thought.Leonardo da Vinci’s legacy in Britain has remained largely overshadowed by that of other Italian artists. What was actually known of his work? Were particular aspects of his art and writings favored? This volume investigates how Leonardo’s artistic, theoretical and scientific work has been received in Britain from the seventeenth century onwards. It offers new information concerning the provenance of certain key works and considers their significance for the formation of important British private and public collections. It also addresses the crucial issue of what was considered to be an original work by Leonardo, encompassing related discussions on the roles of versions and copies. In addition, it investigates the shaping of early academic discourse and the appearance of the first English editions of the ‘Treatise on Painting’, as well as considering the publication of English anthologies of his writings and methodological approaches to Leonardo studies. At the same that this volume focuses on the historical reception of Leonardo and his followers’ works in Britain, it makes a wider contribution to studies concerning cultural and intellectual exchanges between Italy and Britain.
Thinking, Observing And Mining The Universe: Proceedings Of The International Conference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 298.27 $This is a collection of review articles and more specialized papers on the main issues of early universe physics. Both theoretical and experimental fields of research are dealt with.
The Zeldovich Universe (IAU S308): Genesis and Growth of the Cosmic Web (Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union Symposia and Colloquia)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.75 $On megaparsec scales, matter and galaxies have aggregated into a complex network of interconnected filaments, wall-like structures and compact clusters surrounded by large near-empty void regions. Dubbed the 'Cosmic Web', theoretical and observational studies have led to its recognition as a key aspect of structure in the Universe, representing a universal phase in the gravitationally driven emergence and evolution of cosmic structure. IAU Symposium 308 marked the centenary of the birth of the Russian physicist and cosmologist Yakov B. Zeldovich (1914-87), who was instrumental in the development of this view of structure formation. His seminal work paved the way towards an understanding of the complex web-like structure observed in our Universe. This volume synthesizes the insights obtained from many different observational and theoretical studies, and helps prepare researchers and students working in this vibrant field for the many upcoming surveys.
Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Trichoptera, Lyon, (France) July 21-26, 1986 (Series Entomologica)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 15.96 $When we offered to host the 5th International Symposium on Trichoptera in Lyon in July 1986, we knew that for us the great Adventure was about to begin. On that July morning in 1983 in Clemson (South Carolina), we could only dimly imagine what the future held in store. One of the worst moment came, in fact, when we were told by th official scientific authorities that no subsidies would be forthcoming. This refusal meant that we would be unable to give any financial help to those colleagues with only modest means at their disposal. Let us hope that the publication of the Proceedings will convince certain French scientists, and the powers that be, that the study of Trichoptera represents a valid and exciting field of research. The American raid on Tripoli, which did not at the time seem to have any link with Trichoptera, threatened to act as a deterrent as far as the North American participants were concerned. However, the fears expressed by some of our colleagues (and not without reason, when we consider the series of terrorist attacks later carried out in France) were soon allayed, although the organisers of the Congress must confess to having kept a discreet eye open for any suspicious brown paper parcels or unattended luggage.
Oceanographic History: The Pacific and Beyond (Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on the History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 236.79 $From a study of knowledge of the sea among indigenous cultures in the South Seas to inquiries into the subject of sea monsters, from studies of Pacific currents to descriptions of ocean-going research vessels, the sixty-three essays presented here reflect the scientific complexity and richness of social relationships that characterize ocean-ographic history. Based on papers presented at the Fifth International Congress on the History of Oceanography held at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography (the first ICHO meeting following the cessation of the Cold War), the volume features an unusual breadth of contributions.Oceanography itself involves the full spectrum of physical, biological, and earth sciences in their formal, empirical, and applied manifestations. The contributors to Oceanographic History: The Pacific and Beyond undertake the interdisciplinary task of telling the story of oceanography’s past, drawing on diverse methodologies. Their essays explore the concepts, techniques, and technologies of oceanography, as well as the social, economic, and institutional determinants of oceanographic history. Although focused on the Pacific, the geographic range of subjects is global and includes Micronesia, East Africa, and Antarctica; the bathymetric range comprises inshore fisheries, coral reefs, and the “azoic zone.”The seventy-one contributors represent every continent of the globe except Antarctica, bringing together material on the history of oceanography never before published.
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