8 products were found matching your search for Produktentwicklung mit virtuellen Communities in 1 shops:
HCI Remixed: Essays on Works That Have Influenced the HCI Community (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.75 $Personal and reflective essays that describe how particular works―whether papers, books, or demos, from classics to forgotten gems―have influenced each writer's approach to HCI.Over almost three decades, the field of human-computer interaction (HCI) has produced a rich and varied literature. Although the focus of attention today is naturally on new work, older contributions that played a role in shaping the trajectory and character of the field have much to tell us. The contributors to HCI Remixed were asked to reflect on a single work at least ten years old that influenced their approach to HCI. The result is this collection of fifty-one short, engaging, and idiosyncratic essays, reflections on a range of works in a variety of forms that chart the emergence of a new field. An article, a demo, a book: any of these can solve a problem, demonstrate the usefulness of a new method, or prompt a shift in perspective. HCI Remixed offers us glimpses of how this comes about. The contributors consider such HCI classics as Sutherland's Sketchpad, Englebart's demo of NLS, and Fitts on Fitts' Law―and such forgotten gems as Pulfer's NRC Music Machine, and Galloway and Rabinowitz's Hole in Space. Others reflect on works somewhere in between classic and forgotten―Kidd's “The Marks Are on the Knowledge Worker,” King Beach's “Becoming a Bartender,” and others. Some contributors turn to works in neighboring disciplines―Henry Dreyfuss's book on industrial design, for example―and some range farther afield, to Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis and Jane Jacobs's The Death and Life of Great American Cities. Taken together, the essays offer an accessible, lively, and engaging introduction to HCI research that reflects the diversity of the field's beginnings.
Building Successful Online Communities: Evidence-Based Social Design (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.51 $How insights from the social sciences, including social psychology and economics, can improve the design of online communities.Online communities are among the most popular destinations on the Internet, but not all online communities are equally successful. For every flourishing Facebook, there is a moribund Friendster―not to mention the scores of smaller social networking sites that never attracted enough members to be viable. This book offers lessons from theory and empirical research in the social sciences that can help improve the design of online communities.The authors draw on the literature in psychology, economics, and other social sciences, as well as their own research, translating general findings into useful design claims. They explain, for example, how to encourage information contributions based on the theory of public goods, and how to build members' commitment based on theories of interpersonal bond formation. For each design claim, they offer supporting evidence from theory, experiments, or observational studies.
Investing in Science: Social Cost-Benefit Analysis of Research Infrastructures (The MIT Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.86 $A proposal for using cost-benefit analysis to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of public investment in large scientific projects.Large particle accelerators, outer space probes, genomics platforms: all are scientific enterprises managed through the new form of the research infrastructure, in which communities of scientists collaborate across nations, universities, research institutions, and disciplines. Such large projects are often publicly funded, with no accepted way to measure the benefits to society of these investments. In this book, Massimo Florio suggests the use of cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to evaluate the socioeconomic impact of public investment in large and costly scientific projects.The core concept of CBA of any infrastructure is to undertake the consistent intertemporal accounting of social welfare effects using the available information. Florio develops a simple framework for such accounting in the research infrastructure context and then offers a systematic analysis of the benefits in terms of the social agents involved. He measures the benefits to scientists, students, and postdoctoral researchers; the effect on firms of knowledge spillovers; the benefits to users of information technology and science-based innovation; the welfare effects on the general public of cultural services provided by RIs; and the willingness of taxpayers to fund scientific knowledge creation. Finally, Florio shows how these costs and benefits can be expressed in the form of stochastic net present value and other summary indicators.
Verkehr mit den Unkörperlichen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $Neuware - 'Das Unaussprechbare, das Nichts, die Leere, sie scheinen die zeitgenössi sche Kunst seit einigen Jahrzehnten zu beherrschen. Von der monochromen Malerei Yves Kleins bis zu den virtuellen Körpern des Cyberspace, wir befin den uns im Zeitalter des Immateriellen mit Sicht auf das Spirituelle. Häufig wurde der Weg des Zen nachgezeichnet, um das Phänomen zu verstehen. Die französische Philosophin Anne Cauquelin hingegen lenkt den Blick zurück auf die physikalische Theorie der Stoiker. Der Leser staunt, wie passgenau die Lehre des Körperlosen auf die Erscheinungsformen aktueller Kunst und virtueller Realität anzuwenden ist. Anne Cauquelin erklärt ihr Motiv, sich mit der antiken Lehre der Stoiker auseinanderzusetzen: '[.] weil der Rückgriff auf eine antike Theorie es erlaubt, jeden Verdacht von Mystizismus oder Spi ritualismus zu vermeiden: wir haben es bereits festgestellt, die Theorie des Körperlosen ist eine physikalische Theorie.'Anne Cauquelin, Schriftstellerin und Essayistin, lehrt Philosophie an der Université de Paris X und an der Université de Picardie.'
Reforming the Unreformable Lessons from Nigeria The MIT Press
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.59 $A report on development economics in action, by a crucial player in Nigeria's recent reforms.Corrupt, mismanaged, and seemingly hopeless: that's how the international community viewed Nigeria in the early 2000s. Then Nigeria implemented a sweeping set of economic and political changes and began to reform the unreformable. This book tells the story of how a dedicated and politically committed team of reformers set out to fix a series of broken institutions, and in the process repositioned Nigeria's economy in ways that helped create a more diversified springboard for steadier long-term growth. The author, Harvard- and MIT-trained economist Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, currently Nigeria's Coordinating Minister for the Economy and Minister of Finance and formerly Managing Director of the World Bank, played a crucial part in her country's economic reforms. In Nigeria's Debt Management Office, and later as Minister of Finance, she spearheaded negotiations with the Paris Club that led to the wiping out of $30 billion of Nigeria's external debt, 60 percent of which was outright cancellation. Reforming the Unreformable offers an insider's view of those debt negotiations; it also details the fight against corruption and the struggle to implement a series of macroeconomic and structural reforms. This story of development economics in action, written from the front lines of economic reform in Africa, offers a unique perspective on the complex and uncertain global economic environment.
The Cradle of Humanity: Prehistoric Art and Culture (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.07 $A radically interdisciplinary inquiry into the origins of human consciousness, community, and potential.The Cradle of Humanity: Prehistoric Art and Culture collects essays and lectures by Georges Bataille spanning 30 years of research in anthropology, comparative religion, aesthetics, and philosophy. These were neither idle nor idyllic years; the discovery of Lascaux in 1940 coincides with the bloodiest war in history―with new machines of death, Auschwitz, and Hiroshima. Bataille's reflections on the possible origins of humanity coincide with the intensified threat of its possible extinction. For Bataille, prehistory is universal history; it is the history of a human community prior to its fall into separation, into nations and races. The art of prehistory offers the earliest traces of nascent yet fully human consciousness―of consciousness not yet fully separated from natural flora and fauna, or from the energetic forces of the universe. A play of identities, the art of prehistory is the art of a consciousness struggling against itself, of a human spirit struggling against brute animal physicality. Prehistory is the cradle of humanity, the birth of tragedy. Bataille reaches beyond disciplinary specializations to imagine a moment when thought was universal. Bataille's work provides a model for interdisciplinary inquiry in our own day, a universal imagination and thought for our own potential community. The Cradle of Humanity: Prehistoric Art and Culture speaks to philosophers and historians of thought, to anthropologists interested in the history of their discipline and in new methodologies, to theologians and religious comparatists interested in the origins and nature of man's encounter with the sacred, and to art historians and aestheticians grappling with the place of prehistory in the canons of art.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $Neu Neuware, verlagsfrisch; new item Besorgungsartikel, mit längerer Auslieferungszeit. -'Das Unaussprechbare, das Nichts, die Leere, sie scheinen die zeitgenössi sche Kunst seit einigen Jahrzehnten zu beherrschen. Von der monochromen Malerei Yves Kleins bis zu den virtuellen Körpern des Cyberspace, wir befin den uns im Zeitalter des Immateriellen mit Sicht auf das Spirituelle. Häufig wurde der Weg des Zen nachgezeichnet, um das Phänomen zu verstehen. Die französische Philosophin Anne Cauquelin hingegen lenkt den Blick zurück auf die physikalische Theorie der Stoiker. Der Leser staunt, wie passgenau die Lehre des Körperlosen auf die Erscheinungsformen aktueller Kunst und virtueller Realität anzuwenden ist. Anne Cauquelin erklärt ihr Motiv, sich mit der antiken Lehre der Stoiker auseinanderzusetzen: '[.] weil der Rückgriff auf eine antike Theorie es erlaubt, jeden Verdacht von Mystizismus oder Spi ritualismus zu vermeiden: wir haben es bereits festgestellt, die Theorie des Körperlosen ist eine physikalische Theorie.'Anne Cauquelin, Schriftstellerin und Essayistin, lehrt Philosophie an der Université de Paris X und an der Université de Picardie.' 233 pp. Deutsch
Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.97 $What happens when a graduate of MIT, the bastion of technological advancement, and his bride move to a community so primitive in its technology that even Amish groups consider it antiquated?Eric Brende conceives a real-life experiment: to see if, in fact, all our cell phones, wide-screen TVs, and SUVs have made life easier and better -- or whether life would be preferable without them. By turns, the query narrows down to a single question: What is the least we need to achieve the most? With this in mind, the Brendes ditch their car, electric stove, refrigerator, running water, and everything else motorized or "hooked to the grid" and begin an eighteen-month trial run -- one that dramatically changes the way they live, and proves entertaining and surprising to readers.Better OFF is a smart, often comedic, and always riveting book that also mingles scientific analysis with the human story, demonstrating how a world free of technological excess can shrink stress -- and waistlines -- and expand happiness, health, and leisure. Our notion that technophobes are backward gets turned on its head as the Brendes realize that the crucial technological decisions of their adopted Minimite community are made more soberly and deliberately than in the surrounding culture, and the result is greater -- not lesser -- mastery over the conditions of human existence.
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