13 products were found matching your search for Pzkpfw in 1 shops:
PzKpfw IV in Action - Armor No. 12
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.81 $PzKpfw IV in action, Armor Number 12 booklet. Squadron/Signal Publications. B&w and color illustrations throughout.
PzKpfw 38(t) in Action - Armor No. 19
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.05 $"PzKpfw 38(t) In Action," Squadron/Signal Publications. / / Based on the results of special testing by the Czechoslovak armored corps, / the decision to adopt the TNH tank as a standard light tank of the army, the / LT vz.38, was made in July 1938. Ordered immediately were 150 of these tanks. / The first tanks were delivered 22 May 1939, to the Germans, who began the / occupation of Czechoslovakia, 15 March 1939. / / FEATURES: Includes information on a variety of German Panzerkampfwagen 38 (t). / Filled with specifications, facts and photos, including a two-page / color center section showing different markings and configurations. / A very handy guide for modelers trying for true scale appearance! / / SPECS: 49 Pages - 11" x 8.25" / sdw 5/21/01
Scale Armor - Modeling the M4 Sherman and the Pzkpfw Vi Tiger Tanks
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.35 $Complete and through instructions on modelling the Sherman and Tiger Tanks. Show in tremendous detail and in many many configurations. Real photographs of actual tanks are used to get you as close as possible to the real thing. A must have book for any modeler, and a very intereting book for the World War II history buff.
Panzerkampfwagen III Medium Tank 1936-44
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.59 $During the glory years of blitzkrieg the PzKpfw III was the only weapon in the German tank arsenal that really counted. Like Napoleon's vieux moustaches, it did not merely witness history in the making – it made it, from the Channel to the Volga, and from the Arctic to the North African desert. It was the PzKpfw III that brought Hitler to the gates of Moscow and the closest to achieving his wildest dreams. This detailed study delves into the development and employment of the PzKpfw III, as well as its organisation and battlefield experience, illustrated by an examination of the battles in which it took part.
Assault Gun Stug III Ausf. D Sdkfz 142 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.00 $Technical/historical background illustrated with b/w photos and a selection of detailed walk around photographs highlighting technical details of German assault guns which combined the PzKpfw III tank chassis and the 7.5 cm StuK L/24 assault gun. Includes 161 full color exterior and interior photos of the SdKfz 142 StuG III Ausf. D preserved at the Pansarmuseum in Axvall, Sweden, 45 b&w historical photos of StuG III Ausf. A-E, and 7 pp 1/24th, 1/35th & 1/72nd scale drawings of both standard and tropicalised StuG III Ausf. D.
Tanks of Hitler's Eastern Allies 1941-45
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.42 $The titanic armor battles of the Russian Front are widely known, but the role of Germany's eastern allies is not as well known. Two of these countries, Romania and Hungary, manufactured their own tanks as well as purchasing tanks from Germany. These ranged from older, obsolete types such as the PzKpfw 35(t) all the way up to the latest and best German vehicles including the Tiger I and Hetzer. These tanks played a frequent role in the battles in southern Russia and Ukraine and were especially prominent in the disaster at Stalingrad where the Red Army specifically chose the weaker Romanian and Hungarian salients for their critical envelopment operation. This New Vanguard will provide a broad survey of the various and colorful tanks used. Besides covering the largest of these Axis tank forces, this book will cover the many smaller and lesser known forces including the Italian contingent in Russia, the Finnish armored force, and the small but interesting armored forces of the Russian Vlasov (RONA), Croatian, Bulgarian and Slovakian armies. This subject is seeing increasing interest in the modeling world; for example Tamiya recently announced a PzKpfw 35 (t) (suitable for Romanian, Slovak armies) a Finnish StuG III, and a Finnish BT-42.
Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf.G, H and J 1942–45 (New Vanguard)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.89 $The Panzerkampfwagen IV was one of the most numerous and successful German tanks of World War II. Despite the introduction of the Panther and Tiger tanks, the PzKpfw IV remained the backbone of the German armoured units until the end of the war. This book details all of the variants of the Panzerkampfwagen IV with the long guns 7.5cm KwK 40 L/43 and L/48. Until 1942 armed with a short 7.5cm KwK L/24, it was used primarily in an infantry support role. However with the upgrading to the long 7.5cm it became the main battle tank of the Panzer Divisions.
Panzer IV on the Battlefield Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.96 $Often referred to as a workhorse the PzKpfw IV is certainly not a glamorous beast but from North Africa to the Eastern front it was a ubiquitous fixture on the various battlefields of WWII. Using archive and original photographs to lay down a visual time line for this Panzer's development, the book takes a historical overview of this strategically important tank. Description and definition of all the different Ausfs are included both within the introduction and captions. It applies recent findings to the analysis and commentary of the photographs. These include the authors own research into unit specific stowage and factory production differences, which feature for the first time within the context of a monograph looking at the vehicles overall evolution. Information that should be invaluable to both historians and modelers.
Panzer III (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.06 $Paperback. The PzKpfw III (Panzerkampfwagen III) is a German medium tank designed by Daimler-Benz AG. The first tests of the vehicle took place in 1936. The construction of the PzKpfw III consisted of four main modules: the turret, the front of the hull, the rear of the hull with the engine compartment cover and the lower hull. The first version of PzKpfw III Ausf. A was produced in May 1937. Soon after, the Ausf. B and C versions also entered production. Ausf. D version was introduced in January 1938. Early PzKpfw III models were prototype vehicles and were not suitable for mass production on a large scale. They were powered by Maybach HL 108 TR petrol engines with 250 HP. They were armed with 37mm guns and three MG-34 machine guns (two in the turret and one in the hull). drawing sheets, colour profiles Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
Panzer IV on the Battlefield: World War Two Photobook Series, Volume 10 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.00 $Often referred to as a workhorse the PzKpfw IV is certainly not a glamorous beast but from North Africa to the Eastern front it was a ubiquitous fixture on the various battlefields of WWII. Using archive and original photographs to lay down a visual time line for this Panzer's development, the book takes a historical overview of this strategically important tank. Description and definition of all the different Ausfs are included both within the introduction and captions. It applies recent findings to the analysis and commentary of the photographs. These include the authors own research into unit specific stowage and factory production differences, which feature for the first time within the context of a monograph looking at the vehicles overall evolution. Information that should be invaluable to both historians and modelers.
Panzerkampfwagen IV Medium Tank 1936–45 (New Vanguard, 28)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.04 $The PzKpfw IV was essentially an integrated support weapon, and its involvement in WWII is difficult to separate from the story of the Panzerwaffe as a whole. A powerful and robust fighting machine, the PzKpfw IV was supplied to various allies of Germany, and remained in service with the Spanish and Finnish armies for some time after the end of the war. In the glory years of 1942-43 the PzKpfw IV was the mainstay of the Panzerwaffe, and Bryan Perrett's in-depth examination of this prolific fighting machine does full justice to the fascinating history and technical details of one of the greatest armoured vehicles ever to have fought.
SturmgeschTz III a, B, F, F L43, F/8, G (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.06 $Paperback. First prototypes of German tank destroyer Sturmgeschutz III (StuG III) were built in 1937 and based on PzKpfw III Ausf. B tank. Vehicles were armed with short-barelled 75mm gun. From spring, 1942, StuG IIIs were equipped with StuK 40 75mm gun. Self propelled guns StuG III served in separated assault artillery units, and later in self propelled guns brigades. They were also used in support units of armoured divisions. The Sturmgeschuetz III was Germany's most-produced fully tracked armoured fighting vehicle during World War II. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
Panzer III vs Somua S 35 (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.99 $This fully illustrated study pits Germany's PzKpfw III tank against France's Somua S 35 in the vast armored battles that opened the campaign.The armor clashes in May 1940 were the biggest the world had yet seen, as the German advances of that period came to epitomize Blitzkrieg. Nonetheless the Wehrmacht's Panzer III was well matched by the French Somua S35; the two representing very different design philosophies and yet ranking among the best designs in the world at the time.
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