37 products were found matching your search for Quansheng Zhao Interpreting Chinese in 3 shops:
Women's Green Pure Silk Scarf Ink & Colour By Zhao Ji Auspicious Crane Long Large Soft Strokes Silk
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 125.00 $ (+10.00 $)It's the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy. This is the sentiment behind the chinese brush painting, "auspicious cranes," by zhao ji, the eighth emperor of the song dynasty. In 1112, on the 16th day of the first lunar month, the emperor observed a mass of clouds above the imperial gates, later followed by a group of cranes. As crowds gathered to witness this event, the emperor decided to paint this masterpiece with ink and colour on a silk hand scroll. Designed in Toronto. Material 100% mulberry silk 12 momme Light weight Silk charmeuse Smooth front, matte back Due to the delicate nature of our printed scarves, we recommend gentle hand washing only. Steps: Soak in lukewarm water and mild detergent for no longer than 30 minutes. Wash and rinse by gently squeezing the scarf under running water. Do not rub or wring the fabric. Hang to dry with smooth clips. Avoid sunlight. Steam on the low heat setting.
Women's Blue Printmaking Scoop Neck Cotton Midi Dress Small Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 279.00 $"Blue Printmaking" is made of mid-weight, non-stretch combed cotton fabric with a blue printmaking design. It features a scoop neck, front zip fastening, short sleeves, fitted waistline, and a mid-length hemline. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch poplin. Scoop neck. Front zip fastening. Fitted waistline and mid-length. 100% cotton Dry clean only
Women's Blue Printmaking Scoop Neck Cotton Midi Dress Medium Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 279.00 $"Blue Printmaking" is made of mid-weight, non-stretch combed cotton fabric with a blue printmaking design. It features a scoop neck, front zip fastening, short sleeves, fitted waistline, and a mid-length hemline. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch poplin. Scoop neck. Front zip fastening. Fitted waistline and mid-length. 100% cotton Dry clean only
Women's Blue Printmaking Taffeta Midi Dress Small Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 289.00 $The hand-illustrated floral dress is made from a Mid-weight, non-stretch taffeta, and features V neckline and elbow-length puff sleeves with elastic cuffs. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch taffeta. V neckline and elbow-length puff sleeves with elastic cuffs. Pleated bodice. Hook-and-eye and hidden zip at side. Side-seam pockets! 100% polyester Dry clean
Women's Green Pure Silk Scarf Ink & Colour By Zhao Ji Auspicious Crane Small Small Soft Strokes Silk
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 62.00 $ (+10.00 $)It's the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy. This is the sentiment behind the chinese brush painting, "auspicious cranes," by zhao ji, the eighth emperor of the song dynasty. In 1112, on the 16th day of the first lunar month, the emperor observed a mass of clouds above the imperial gates, later followed by a group of cranes. As crowds gathered to witness this event, the emperor decided to paint this masterpiece with ink and colour on a silk hand scroll. Designed in Toronto. Material . 100% mulberry silk . 12 momme . Light weight . Silk charmeuse . Smooth front, matte back . Due to the delicate nature of our printed scarves, we recommend gentle hand washing only. Steps: 1. Soak in lukewarm water and mild detergent for no longer than 30 minutes 2. Wash and rinse by gently squeezing the scarf under running water. Do not rub or wring the fabric 3. Hang to dry with smooth clips. Avoid sunlight 4. Steam on the low heat setting
Women's Blue Printmaking Scoop Neck Cotton Midi Dress Large Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 279.00 $"Blue Printmaking" is made of mid-weight, non-stretch combed cotton fabric with a blue printmaking design. It features a scoop neck, front zip fastening, short sleeves, fitted waistline, and a mid-length hemline. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch poplin. Scoop neck. Front zip fastening. Fitted waistline and mid-length. 100% cotton Dry clean only
Women's Green Pure Silk Scarf Ink & Colour By Zhao Ji Auspicious Crane Large Large Soft Strokes Silk
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 125.00 $ (+10.00 $)It's the simplest things in life that bring us the most joy. This is the sentiment behind the Chinese brush painting, "auspicious cranes," by zhao ji, the eighth emperor of the song dynasty. In 1112, on the 16th day of the first lunar month, the emperor observed a mass of clouds above the imperial gates, later followed by a group of cranes. As crowds gathered to witness this event, the emperor decided to paint this masterpiece with ink and colour on a silk hand scroll. Designed in Toronto. Material 100% mulberry silk 12 momme Light weight Silk charmeuse Smooth front, matte back Due to the delicate nature of our printed scarves, we recommend gentle hand washing only. Steps: Soak in lukewarm water and mild detergent for no longer than 30 minutes. Wash and rinse by gently squeezing the scarf under running water. Do not rub or wring the fabric. Hang to dry with smooth clips. Avoid sunlight. Steam on the low heat setting.
Women's Blue Printmaking Scoop Neck Cotton Midi Dress Xxs Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 279.00 $"Blue Printmaking" is made of mid-weight, non-stretch combed cotton fabric with a blue printmaking design. It features a scoop neck, front zip fastening, short sleeves, fitted waistline, and a mid-length hemline. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch poplin. Scoop neck. Front zip fastening. Fitted waistline and mid-length. 100% cotton Dry clean only
Women's Blue Printmaking Scoop Neck Cotton Midi Dress Extra Small Jessie Zhao New York
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 279.00 $"Blue Printmaking" is made of mid-weight, non-stretch combed cotton fabric with a blue printmaking design. It features a scoop neck, front zip fastening, short sleeves, fitted waistline, and a mid-length hemline. The artwork on this garment was created by Han Qin, a prominent Chinese American artist and curator who focuses on creating art through social engagement and digital anthropology. The specific artwork featured is titled "Triumph of Wanderers," a woodcut print that represents the immigration experiences of those who embrace globalization, diversity, and sociality. Fabric: Mid-weight, non-stretch poplin. Scoop neck. Front zip fastening. Fitted waistline and mid-length. 100% cotton Dry clean only
Understanding and Interpreting Chinese Economic Reform
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.18 $This book provides the most insightful and comprehensive examination of China's strategy and implementation of its economic reform. When history is written China's remarkable transformation may prove to be the 21st century's most compelling theme. The author, Jianlian Wu, is the principle reason why anyone interested in the world ecomomy or global financial developments must read or be aware of this book. Professor Wu alone possesses an authority regarding these developments because of the influential role he has and will continue to play in China's economic reform. Seldom are such books written with this level of authority. We have a story of which we all must be aware being written by one its most important architects. It is as if we had access to Alexander Hamilton when he helped form America’s economic system.
Interpreting Chronic Illness:: The Convergence of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy, and Biomedicine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.08 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 0.93
Genuine [ Chinese Minority Literature (English ) ] Zhao star 9787508514581(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.59 $Chinese literature is jointly created by 56 nationalities. Apart from Han nationality, the minorities also have their long and glorious history. The literature created by Chinese minoritiescan compare with Han nationality in quantity and quality. The Chinese ethnic minority literature is a general term for the literature of all the minorities except Han nationality within China.
Prisoner of the State: The Secret Journal of Premier Zhao Ziyang - Gaige Licheng (Traditional Chinese Version)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 85.00 $本書是已故中國共產黨前總書記趙紫陽獨白口述錄音而成的回憶錄,據報導,2005年1月趙紫陽過世時,知道有這些錄音帶的人士暗中經過複雜的努力,將這些資料集中在一處,然後將錄音內容謄寫,以供出版。 趙紫陽的前政治秘書鮑彤的兒子鮑樸和妻子花了四年時間把這些錄音翻譯成英文,在六四20周年前夕出版。這本回憶錄的英文名字是《Prisoner of The State》,譯成中文是《國家的囚犯》。 趙紫陽在回憶錄中反思六四天安門事件,形容那是一場悲劇。書中一段內容記錄趙紫陽在解放軍開進北京並殺害數百、可能是數千名學生時的感覺。趙紫陽回憶道:「在6月3日晚上,我在和家人一同坐在庭院中,聽到了激烈的槍聲......震驚世界的悲劇沒能躲過,還是發生了。」數日後,他被革除了總書記職務。
Zhao Meng e ? ? script. character primer (Chinese classic color set(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.58 $赵孟頫(1254—1322),字子昂,号松雪道人。宋宗室,吴兴(今浙江湖州)人。官集贤直学士、翰林学士承旨、荣禄大夫。卒赠魏国公,谥文敏。元代书画大家。真、行、草、隶、篆无不精绝,尤以楷、行书著称于世。元代虞集认为:“赵松雪书,笔既流利,学亦渊深,可谓书之兼学力天资,精奥神化而不可及矣。”中华书局编辑部编的《赵孟頫行书千字文》是赵孟頫晚年书写的一件千文作品,先是楷书,后渐舒展为行书。此件行书千字文为绢本,纵26.5毫米,横373.4毫米,藏于故宫博物院。卷后有元张雨、赵雍、赵奕、黄公望,明莫云卿、徐霖等众人跋文。明代书家詹景凤评说:“此卷笔法高古、圆润峻秀,为承旨得意之作。”莫云卿评说:“昔人谓方圆一万里,上下数百年,绝无承旨书法,观此本信然。”
Interpreting Islam in China: Pilgrimage, Scripture, and Language in the Han Kitab
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 184.34 $During the early modern period, Muslims in China began to embrace the Chinese characteristics of their heritage. Several scholar-teachers incorporated tenets from traditional Chinese education into their promotion of Islamic knowledge. As a result, some Sino-Muslims established an educational network which utilized an Islamic curriculum made up of Arabic, Persian, and Chinese works. The corpus of Chinese Islamic texts written in this system is collectively labeled the Han Kitab.Interpreting Islam in China explores the Sino-Islamic intellectual tradition through the works of some its brightest luminaries. Three prominent Sino-Muslim authors are used to illustrate transformations within this tradition, Wang Daiyu, Liu Zhi, and Ma Dexin. Kristian Petersen puts these scholars in dialogue and demonstrates the continuities and departures within this tradition. Through an analysis of their writings, he considers several questions: How malleable are religious categories and why are they variously interpreted across time? How do changing historical circumstances affect the interpretation of religious beliefs and practices? How do individuals navigate multiple sources of authority? How do practices inform belief? Overall, he shows that these authors presented an increasingly universalistic portrait of Islam through which Sino-Muslims were encouraged to participate within the global community of Muslims. The growing emphasis on performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, comprehensive knowledge of the Qur'an, and personal knowledge of Arabic stimulated communal engagement. Petersen demonstrates that the integration of Sino-Muslims within a growing global environment, where international travel and communication was increasingly possible, was accompanied by the rising self-awareness of a universally engaged Muslim community.
Interpreting Islam in China: Pilgrimage, Scripture, and Language in the Han Kitab (AAR Academy Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.01 $During the early modern period, Muslims in China began to embrace the Chinese characteristics of their heritage. Several scholar-teachers incorporated tenets from traditional Chinese education into their promotion of Islamic knowledge. As a result, some Sino-Muslims established an educational network which utilized an Islamic curriculum made up of Arabic, Persian, and Chinese works. The corpus of Chinese Islamic texts written in this system is collectively labeled the Han Kitab.Interpreting Islam in China explores the Sino-Islamic intellectual tradition through the works of some its brightest luminaries. Three prominent Sino-Muslim authors are used to illustrate transformations within this tradition, Wang Daiyu, Liu Zhi, and Ma Dexin. Kristian Petersen puts these scholars in dialogue and demonstrates the continuities and departures within this tradition. Through an analysis of their writings, he considers several questions: How malleable are religious categories and why are they variously interpreted across time? How do changing historical circumstances affect the interpretation of religious beliefs and practices? How do individuals navigate multiple sources of authority? How do practices inform belief? Overall, he shows that these authors presented an increasingly universalistic portrait of Islam through which Sino-Muslims were encouraged to participate within the global community of Muslims. The growing emphasis on performing the pilgrimage to Mecca, comprehensive knowledge of the Qur'an, and personal knowledge of Arabic stimulated communal engagement. Petersen demonstrates that the integration of Sino-Muslims within a growing global environment, where international travel and communication was increasingly possible, was accompanied by the rising self-awareness of a universally engaged Muslim community.
Blood Letters: The Untold Story of Lin Zhao, a Martyr in Mao's China
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.96 $The staggering story of the most important Chinese political dissident of the Mao era, a devout Christian who was imprisoned, tortured, and executed by the regimeBlood Letters tells the astonishing tale of Lin Zhao, a poet and journalist arrested by the authorities in 1960 and executed eight years later, at the height of the Cultural Revolution. The only Chinese citizen known to have openly and steadfastly opposed communism under Mao, she rooted her dissent in her Christian faith--and expressed it in long, prophetic writings done in her own blood, and at times on her clothes and on cloth torn from her bedsheets.Miraculously, Lin Zhao's prison writings survived, though they have only recently come to light. Drawing on these works and others from the years before her arrest, as well as interviews with her friends, her classmates, and other former political prisoners, Lian Xi paints an indelible portrait of courage and faith in the face of unrelenting evil.
World System : An Introduction to Philosophy of the world system(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 62.81 $Ship out in 2 business day, And Fast shipping, Free Tracking number will be provided after the shipment.Paperback. Pub Date :2011-10-01 Pages: 271 Language: Chinese Publisher: China Renmin University Press Product Name: World System : An Introduction to Philosophy of the world system : Zhao Tingyang ISBN Number: 9787300142654 Publisher: China Renmin University Press Product Types : Book published :2011 -10-01 printed :2011 -10-01 [Description] when the Chinese want to think of the whole world . to be responsible for the world . you can not have nothing to say to the world . we must be able to t.Four Satisfaction guaranteed,or money back.
discover that drug: anti-cancer medicine Chinese folk scene in the documentary(Chinese Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.45 $Language:chinese.author:zhao Zhong Yue Tian Yuan Zhu.binding:soft Cover.publisher:jiangsu People S Publishing House.
From Legend to Science: A History of Chinese Medicine
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.04 $In 'From Legend to Science' Ruan Jin Zhao tells how, as a young student, he had asked himself,' How can these simple leaves and twigs cure a disease? Thus began the author's exploration of Chinese medicine, the development of which he traces in depth. A marvel of the ancient world, it was holistic in its inception, ever mindful of man's position between heaven and earth. Never severed from its philosophical base, as was Western medicine, the Chinese traditional medicine emphasized balance and harmony within the human body, treating the body as an organic whole, with the over-arching Yin/Yang principle.
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