61 products were found matching your search for Quick Richard Youtube Marketing in 6 shops:
The 15 Steps To Profitable YouTube Marketing: The Proven Method For Building Money-Making YouTube Ad Campaigns
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.87 $574 pages. 9.00x6.00x1.30 inches. In Stock.
Social Media: Marketing Strategies for Rapid Growth Using: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.25 $Take your business to new heights with up-to-date social media marketing - Updated for 2017! How can 'Social Media: Marketing Strategies for Rapid Growth Using: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube' help you achieve this? Learn how to grow an engaged and supportive following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube and LinkedIn.Tell your story and get your brands message across in a way that consumers enjoy and even look forward too.Develop the skills needed to turn media consumers into paying customersLearn the key demographics of each social media platform and how to use this to your advantageLearn how to target your marketing to very specific groups of people for increased engagement and conversionLearn how to improve your bottom line with more efficient marketing and cheaper customer acquisitionTake your business or brand to the Stratosphere!Ideal for businesses of all sizes, brands and even personal pages It’s time to take your social media channels to new heights. It's time to grow your business the right way. Get relevant and dominate your platforms in 2016! Grab “Social Media: Marketing Strategies for Rapid Growth Using: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and YouTube” now and learn how to take your business to the next level.
YouTube and Video Marketing: An Hour a Day
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.55 $Fully updated with new information, including the latest changes to YouTube! If you're a marketer, consultant, or small business owner, this is the guide you need to understand video marketing tactics, develop a strategy, implement the campaign, and measure results. You'll find extensive coverage of keyword strategies, tips on optimizing your video, distribution and promotion tactics, YouTube advertising opportunities, and crucial metrics and analysis. Avoid errors, create a dynamite campaign, and break it all down in achievable tasks with this practical, hour-a-day, do-it-yourself guide. Shows you how to successfully develop, implement, and measure a successful video marketing strategy Written in the popular An Hour a Day format, which breaks intimidating topics down to easily approachable tasks Thoroughly updated with the latest YouTube functionality, helpful new case studies, the latest marketing insights, and more Covers optimization strategies, distribution techniques, community promotion tactics, and more Explores the crucial keyword development phase and best practices for creating and maintaining a presence on YouTube via brand channel development and customization Shows you how to optimize video for YouTube and search engine visibility Give your organization a visible, vital, video presence online with YouTube and Video Marketing: An Hour a Day, Second Edition.
Social Media Marketing: Unlock the Secrets of Personal Branding to Grow Your Small Business and Become an Influencer Using YouTube, Facebook,
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.81 $If you want to discover how to grow your small business using social media marketing, then keep reading...Social media is a rapidly growing ecosystem that has developed as a strong platform for small businesses and influencers to make their impact on the world. Regardless of what has attracted you to building a presence online, getting involved in social media marketing is a powerful way to leverage the internet to help you build a successful business.If you are ready to identify your vision, carve out your unique brand, and market yourself online so that you can earn an additional side income or become a full-blown digital nomad, now is the time! This book was written from an entrepreneur, with the guidance and support of many other successful entrepreneurs who are each leveraging social media for maximum growth. So discover the secrets you need to know to succeed using social media today!In this book, you will learn valuable tools such as:Creating your visionIdentifying your brand personaFacebook marketingInstagram marketingTwitter marketingYouTube marketingBlogging for SEOAdvertisingAnd more!The book will of course cover the specifics you need such as:How to make YouTube videos, blog posts, and social media content that convertsHow you can use sales funnels and contests to maximize your follower countThe skinny on Facebook and Instagram advertisements and how to make them actually convertThe many ways that you can make money with a blogAnd much more!So if you want to learn more about social media marketing, then scroll up and click “add to cart”!
Social Media Marketing - when you have NO CLUE!: Youtube, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook: Volume 4 (Successful Blog Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.76 $SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING + FREE BONUSSTEP-BY-STEP: Winning, Easy-to-Follow Strategies for Building a Large Following on Social MediaYoutube - Instagram - Pinterest - Twitter - FacebookLearn how to make money with your Social Networks and how to market your brand most effectivelyEach Chapter is set up as follows:- Overview and Current Trends for each Platform- Your Profile- Your Posts- Strategies for Growing your Following- Tools & Further Training- Daily RoutineMassive Monetization Chapter for YoutubeInteractive with many Videos and Outside ResourcesFREE Bonus Report: “Words that Sell”The Psychology behind the 10 most Influential Words in the English Language and how you can use them to GrowYour Following and turn Readers into BuyersWould You Like To Know More?Download now and start your Social Media Portfolio on a road to SuccessScroll to the top of the page and select the BUY button.Soziale Medien, Soziale Netzwerke, Internet Marketing, Online Marketing
Quick Start Youtube: How to Quickly Set Up Your Channel for Ongoing success.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.92 $This book is in Very Good condition. The cover and pages have minor shelf wear. Binding is tight and pages are intact.
ola 4 network marketing richard poe mb estado
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 393.12 $Luego del éxito de su serie de libros Ola 3, Richard Poe pasó varios años realizando una exhaustiva investigación de la industria del Network Marketing. En esta época de rápidos cambios, los avances tecnológicos en informática y comunicaciones, incluyendo el desarrollo de Internet, impusieron un nuevo sello a esta actividad de rápido crecimiento y flexibilidad, al cual él denominó Ola 4.Tal como Poe lo expresa, el Network Marketing deja de ser una modalidad para convertirse en la distribución interactiva. Las grandes empresas, ya lejos de negar al MLM lo incorporan a sus estrategias de venta, comercializando sus productos a través de las empresas líderes del sector.Según el enfoque expresado en este libro, en un mundo globalizado, hiperinformado y cambiante, donde las personas tienden a recluirse en capullos e intentan evitar las agresivas técnicas actuales de comercialización, el Network Marketing se proyecta para lograr la perfecta confluencia de la tecnología más avanzada con el invalorable contacto humano, cada vez más necesario en este contexto.Ola 4 permitirá complementar la siempre actualizada información sobre MLM presentada en Ola 3, con valiosos datos referentes a las últimas tendencias que demuestran que el MLM es una actividad de creciente vigencia.Vivimos en tiempos excitantes. Millones de personas alrededor del mundo están soñando con iniciar sus propios negocios. Ola 4 les mostrará cómo, en el siglo XXI, el MLM les podrá ayudar a lograr objetivos financieros sin precedentes. El libro trata decenas de tópicos imperdibles, entre ellos:- cómo no rendirse nunca- cómo llegar a ser un "titán de la actitud"- cómo aprovechar la potencialidad de Internet sin perder el poder del contacto- personal- el increíble poder de las historias, etc.En palabras de su autor:"Después de Ola 4 el MLM ya no requerirá de defensores."
Basiswissen Marketing: Quick Guide für (Quer-) Einsteiger, Jobwechsler, Selbstständige, Auszubildende und Studierende (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 91.01 $Dieser Quick Guide liefert kompaktes Grundlagenwissen über Marketinginstrumente, Marketingstrategien und die wichtigsten Kommunikationstools – auf den Punkt aufbereitet. Die entscheidenden Aufgabenbereiche des Marketing werden griffig erklärt und mithilfe von einprägsamen Beispielen erläutert: Aufbau einer Marketingorganisation, Märkte und Marketingziele, Kaufverhalten, Kaufentscheidungsprozesse sowie Absatz-, Wachstums- und Kommunikationsstrategien. Die Schaubilder geben einen schnellen Überblick, und praxisnahe Übungsaufgaben inklusive Musterlösungen bieten dem Leser die Möglichkeit, seinen Lernfortschritt direkt zu überprüfen. Ideal auch für die Vorbereitung auf Klausuren und Prüfungen! Ob Studierender, Auszubildender, Quereinsteiger, Berufsanfänger, Jobwechsler, Selbstständiger oder Start-up-Unternehmer: Dieser „Spickzettel“ bietet schnelle Orientierung für alle, die sich Marketingwissen in kurzer Zeit aneignen wollen.
Marketing Hope : Get-Rich-Quick Schemes in Siberia
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 155.65 $Multilevel marketing and pyramid schemes promote the idea that participants can easily become rich. These popular economies turn ordinary people into advocates of their interests and missionaries of the American Dream. Marketing Hope looks at how different types of get-rich-quick schemes manifest themselves in a Siberian town. By focusing on their social dynamics, Leonie Schiffauer provides insights into how capitalist logic is learned and negotiated, and how it affects local realities in a post-Soviet environment.
Mao in the Boardroom: Marketing Genius from the Mind of the Master Guerrilla
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.65 $Steve Jobs, Richard Branson, and Ben and Jerry may think they were the first guerrilla marketers, but Mao beat them to the punch years ago. Get ready for the lessons of success from the original “Chairman” of the board. This is the new Little Red Book for a capitalist world.
Wave 4: Network Marketing in the 21st Century
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.72 $Ride the Wave into the 21st Century!In the ground-breaking Wave 3, Richard Poe revealed how the new world of computers has liberated network marketing from its humble beginnings to offer an unprecedented professional opportunity for financial freedom. Now, in Wave 4, Poe shows how the marriage between the Internet and people-to-people sales will accelerate the growth of network marketing. Poe predicts that this new technology-driven wave will sweep up in its wake millions of people who have never before considered network marketing. In addition, he explains how the Internet, coupled with the touch of good old-fashioned personal attention, will revolutionize direct selling, as the demand for new products and services explodes beyond borders. We live in exciting times. Millions of people around the world are dreaming of starting up their own businesses. Wave 4 shows them how network marketing can help them achieve exciting financial goals in the 21st century! "A splendid read, not only for network marketers, but for anyone wishing to thrive in the home-based economy of the 21st century. Richard Poe cuts through the hype, with insight and objectivity, presenting an unusually clear-headed view of this exciting new business frontier."—Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People "Wave 4 is a tidal wave, carrying new millennium surfers into rich ports of call."—Dr. Denis Waitley, author of The Psychology of Winning for the 21st CenturyFrom the Trade Paperback edition.
Moneywords : Easy-to-use Copywriting & Marketing Secrets That Sell Anything to Anyone
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.09 $MoneyWords is part of the powerful Quick & Easy Copywriting Series by Ray Edwards. This series is perfect for anyone who wants to see more sales, have more clients, and achieve greater success in their online business. Use the secrets in these books for writing blog posts, articles, emails, sales letters, and ads that make you money. Get More Attention And Sell More Products... NOW! The Quick & Easy Copywriting Series is sure to increase your bottom line no matter your level of experience. Whether you’re a beginner or expert, the tips and tricks in these books will catalyze your sales into the next level of success.
The Million Dollar Listing Social Media: The Ultimate Social Media Marketing Guide for Real Estate Professionals!
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.28 $Discover the techniques that will make your real estate business grow exponentially. This easy to comprehend guide will teach how to navigate the roadmap of Social Media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Pinterest, Twitter, YouTube, Snapchat and many more. An easy to comprehend manual that will guide you from beginning to end on what has to be done to succeed in today’s digital marketing arena. Anyone in the real estate arena field including but not limited to Realtors, appraisers, investors, developers, general contractors, landscape artists, interior designers, stagers, 3D artists, architects & even engineers can take advantage of these valuable lessons. Whether you have advanced knowledge on social media or little or no knowledge in this field, rest assured, there will be something in here that will apply to your business and help you grow.
Marketing Hope
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.91 $Multilevel marketing and pyramid schemes promote the idea that participants can easily become rich. These popular economies turn ordinary people into advocates of their interests and missionaries of the American Dream. Marketing Hope looks at how different types of get-rich-quick schemes manifest themselves in a Siberian town. By focusing on their social dynamics, Leonie Schiffauer provides insights into how capitalist logic is learned and negotiated, and how it affects local realities in a post-Soviet environment.
Marketing in a Nutshell: Key concepts for non-specialists
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.95 $Marketing in a Nutshell is an easy-to-use quick reference source for non-marketing specialists. Designed as a dip-in guide, this accessible book will be invaluable to general managers, non-qualified marketers and students taking a module in marketing alongside their other studies. Marketing in a Nutshell makes the authors’ marketing know-how and expert insights accessible to all.Dip-in reference format makes a comprehensive powerhouse of marketing knowledge available to every non-marketing manager at a moment's noticeConcise, easy-to-read standalone summaries of key marketing principles, concepts, tools and techniquesCredible and expert marketing insights from leading marketing consultants especially for non-specialists
Marketing: Real People, Real Choices (9th Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.95 $New Us Student Edition. for Quick Delivery Please Choose Expedited Shipping. Standard/media Mail Might Take Up to 14 Days From Ohio. Unable to Ship Internationally.
The End of Marketing: Humanizing Your Brand in the Age of Social Media and AI
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.99 $Social networks are the new norm and traditional marketing is failing in today's digital, always-on culture. Businesses across the world are having to face up to how they remain relevant in the choppy waters of the digital ocean. In an era where a YouTube star gets more daily impressions than Nike, Coca-Cola and Walmart combined, traditional marketing as we know it is dead. The End of Marketing revolutionizes the way brands, agencies and marketers should approach marketing. From how Donald Trump won the American presidency using social media and why Kim Kardashian is one of the world's biggest online brands, through to the impact of bots and automation, this book will teach you about new features and emerging platforms that will engage customers and employees. Discover bold content ideas, hear from some of the world's largest brands and content creators and find out how to build smarter paid-strategies, guaranteed to help you dominate your markets. The End of Marketing explains that no matter how easy it is to reach potential customers, the key relationship between brand and consumer still needs the human touch. Learn how to put 'social' back into social media and claim brand relevancy in a world where algorithms dominate, organic reach is dwindling and consumers don't want to be sold to, they want to be engaged.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.72 $Professor Richard Sandhusen's brand-new and important fourth edition of Marketing explains how four digital-age systems have merged into one to change marketing and management practice as much in the past five years as in the previous half century. These systems--decision support, relationship marketing, integrated marketing communication, and balanced scorecard--receive detailed analysis in this extensively updated book, which also gives more comprehensive coverage to all aspects of the global marketplace than other currently-available textbooks on the subject. Here is vital information for students soon entering business in today's ever more globally competitive world. Marketing presents a realistic hypothetical company as it faces business challenges and opportunities on a day-by-day basis. Although solidly grounded in marketing theory, the book explains marketing strategies within this realistic setting, showing many of the business tactics and decisions students are likely to confront in their own careers. The fictitious company's domestic and international marketing strategies are explained and analyzed, and real-world examples of successful marketing campaigns by different kinds of companies are also included. Each chapter ends with an overview of essential concepts and match-up exercises that review the text's material. Here is a popular and accessible new addition to Barron's respected Business Review Series.
Four Steps to Building a Profitable Coaching Practice: A Complete Marketing Resource Guide for Coaches (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.66 $Are you frustrated with trying to grow and market your coaching practice? Do you feel like there is too much information (or too little) on how to market your practice, yet not enough direction on where to begin? Would you like quick answers and a complete resource guide in one place that makes marketing easy to apply and understand?This book will show you how to build and market a profitable coaching practice in four easy steps. It walks you through the process of deciding who to coach and how to create a program that potential clients will pay you lots of money for. You will understand the components of creating a winning marketing strategy and learn tips and techniques to implement your plan. You will also discover how to become masterful at both marketing and selling."Four Steps To Building A Profitable Coaching Practice is a clear and concise guide to niche-marketing for coaches." Talane Miedaner, best-selling author of Coach Yourself To Success"A great book with a lot of valuable information from a master at doing what she does best." Sandy Vilas, Master Certified Coach and CEO CoachInc.com"This is a great book. Thorough, professional, and easy to read." Judy Feld, Master Certified Coach and President International Coach Federation (ICF) 2003
The Why of Sports Design: Design Principles in Sports Marketing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.35 $Design isn’t just pushing pixels around a screen. Properly trained designers are thinkers and problem solvers that can anticipate an audience’s needs and habits in any graphic. And with the average human attention span now at a quick 8 seconds, a designer must be able to inform and entertain an audience in a short amount of time. But, in order to effectively reach your audience, you must learn the “why” of design before you can master the “how." In the sports industry, design plays an important role in the success of any program. Yet, the gap between teams that value design and those that rely on staff with no formal design training is widening. This book offers tips, tricks and rules for those inexperienced designers, both in and out of the sports industry.
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