12 products were found matching your search for Rajymbek Der geile Poet in 2 shops:
Poets of Sensibility 1 & 2
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724-1803) studied theology and won his first reputation as a poet with the publication in 1748 of the first three songs of his biblical epic Der Messias (The Messiah). Throughout his life his religious and moral poems of experience were admired by, among others, Goethe and the poets of the Gttinger Hainbund. Klopstock spent almost twenty years of his life in Copenhagen, where the Danish King Friedrich V granted him a pension that allowed him to work without worryi
Music From Republik Der Wolfe
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 28.04 $Based on the writings of the Brothers Grimm, in particular Anne Sexton's TRANSFORMATIONS (1971), the Pulitzer Prize winning poet's reworking of the Grimm's fairy tales, the album has been created as a soundtrack to REPUBLIK DER WOLFE, a theatre production directed by Claudia Bauer.
Novalis-Vertonungen. Widmungsexemplar! Die musikalische Rezeption der Texte. Friedrich von Hardenbergs. Anzeige eines Foschungsdesiderats.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.86 $»Blüthenstaub«, the title of the famous collection of fragments by Novalis, stands here for the entire oeuvre of the Romantic German poet Friedrich von Hardenberg (1772-1801). The volume documents the second congress of the International Novalis Society, which was devoted to the reception and impact of Novalis' work not only on literary posterity but also on the other arts. The main focus is on the reception accorded to Novalis in German Romanticism, in other countries (Britain, USA, Italy, Poland, Russia), and in modern literature, supplemented by studies of musical settings of his work and his reception in Catholicism, anthroposophic thinking, etc. The 200-year history of his impact, traced here in its full implications for the first time, shows that to an impressive and hitherto unknown extent, Novalis' works have been the object of a wide range of productive acquisition and critical engagement both within German-speaking countries and abroad. The literary seeds have fallen on fertile ground indeed.
Hans Arp: Die Natur der Dinge
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.12 $German-French sculptor, painter and poet Jean Arp (1886-1966) is one of the most important pioneers of twentieth-century nonfigurative art. A founder of the Zurich and Cologne Dada movements, a key Surrealist and Constructivist and later a founder of the Paris Abstraction-Création movement, he was always at the forefront of his era's evolving avant-gardes. His work was by turns powerful, organic, anthropomorphic, biomorphic, geometric, coincidental and formal, evoking "the natural process of compression, hardening, of coagulation, of thickening, of growing together." In general, Arp preferred not to talk about his abstractions, citing the fact that sculptural forms in nature do not illustrate, but rather paraphrase and produce concrete forms themselves. He did not want to work according to nature, but like nature. This beautifully produced volume, which documents the complete range of Arp's artistic and poetic oeuvre, is published on the occasion of the opening of Germany's Arp Museum extension, designed by the Pritzker Prize-winning New York architect Richard Meier. The new panel-and-glass Modernist extension is situated high atop a bank of the Rhine River, accessible by an innovative subterranean passageway connected to a monumental elevator that cuts through the heavily wooded hillside below the museum.
Der Erec Hartmanns von Aue -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.93 $In his verse romance "Erec", Hartmann von Aue was the first German poet to recount the legend of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. The introduction first provides a detailed analysis of the contents, and goes into peculiarities of the portrayal of the characters, the narrative stance and the relationship to the French source. Further chapters deal with the history of the text, the structure and poetics of the romance, the narrative style, the material and sources, and the history of its reception and influence.
Der kleine Prinz
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.21 $A beautifully packaged German language edition of the internationally beloved classic  In 2000 Harcourt proudly reissued Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's masterpiece, The Little Prince, in a new edition with vibrantly restored artwork and a fresh translation by Pulitzer Prize–winning poet Richard Howard. As critics and readers across the country embraced this timeless tale for its purity and beauty of expression, Harcourt released uniform full-color foreign language editions for readers of all ages and nationalities to rediscover and cherish.
Arthurian Romances, Tales and Lyric Poetry: The Complete Works of Hartmann Von Aue
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.43 $Hartmann von Aue (c. 1170–1215) is universally recognized as the first medieval German poet to create world-class literature. He crafted German into a language of refined literary expression that paved the way for writers such as Gottfried von Strassburg, Walther von der Vogelweide, and Wolfram von Eschenbach. This volume presents the English reader for the first time with the complete works of Hartmann in readable, idiomatic English. Hartmann's literary efforts cover all the major genres and themes of medieval courtly literature. His Arthurian romances, Erec and Iwein, which he modeled after Chrétien de Troyes, introduced the Arthurian world to German audiences and set the standard for later German writers. His lyric poetry treats many aspects of courtly love, including fine examples of the crusading song. His dialogue on love delineates the theory of courtly relationships between the sexes and the quandary the lover experiences. His verse novellas Gregorius and Poor Heinrich transcend the world of mere human dimensions and examine the place and duties of the human in the divine scheme of things. Longfellow would later use Poor Heinrich in his Golden Legend.Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry is a major work destined to place Hartmann at the center of medieval courtly literature for English readers.
Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry: The Complete Works of Hartmann von Aue
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.44 $Hartmann von Aue (c. 1170–1215) is universally recognized as the first medieval German poet to create world-class literature. He crafted German into a language of refined literary expression that paved the way for writers such as Gottfried von Strassburg, Walther von der Vogelweide, and Wolfram von Eschenbach. This volume presents the English reader for the first time with the complete works of Hartmann in readable, idiomatic English. Hartmann's literary efforts cover all the major genres and themes of medieval courtly literature. His Arthurian romances, Erec and Iwein, which he modeled after Chrétien de Troyes, introduced the Arthurian world to German audiences and set the standard for later German writers. His lyric poetry treats many aspects of courtly love, including fine examples of the crusading song. His dialogue on love delineates the theory of courtly relationships between the sexes and the quandary the lover experiences. His verse novellas Gregorius and Poor Heinrich transcend the world of mere human dimensions and examine the place and duties of the human in the divine scheme of things. Longfellow would later use Poor Heinrich in his Golden Legend.Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry is a major work destined to place Hartmann at the center of medieval courtly literature for English readers.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.91 $René Maria Rilke was born in Prague on 4 December 1875 and died near Montreux in Switzerland, on 29 December 1926. The foremost lyric German poet of the 20th century, he is remembered primarily for his Duino Elegies, the Sonnets to Orpheus, the Neue Gedichte, the Buch der Bilder, the Stundenbuch, and the Cornet. Although his mature poetry has been translated into many languages, his early poetry remains accessible only in the original German. This translation of the Larenopfer, or offerings to the Lares, the Roman household deities, are songs that Rilke sings to his hometown Prague and to his beloved Bohemia, short poems on the parks, fountains, churches, bridges and palaces of Prague, not forgetting Rabbi Löw’s legends, the Jewish cemetery, the Thirty Years’ War and, of course, young love. This cycle of 90 poems offers the reader a unique view into Rilke’s fascinating world, the turn-of-the-century atmosphere of Prague, then the third largest city in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Here a young German of the ruling bourgeoisie shows great appreciation for contemporary Czech literary works and enthusiasm for the cause of Czech cultural identity. Larenopfer possesses not only literary merit but is also of considerable sociological and historical interest.
Arthurian Romances, Tales and Lyric Poetry : The Complete Works of Hartmann Von Aue
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.47 $Hartmann von Aue (c. 1170–1215) is universally recognized as the first medieval German poet to create world-class literature. He crafted German into a language of refined literary expression that paved the way for writers such as Gottfried von Strassburg, Walther von der Vogelweide, and Wolfram von Eschenbach. This volume presents the English reader for the first time with the complete works of Hartmann in readable, idiomatic English. Hartmann's literary efforts cover all the major genres and themes of medieval courtly literature. His Arthurian romances, Erec and Iwein, which he modeled after Chrétien de Troyes, introduced the Arthurian world to German audiences and set the standard for later German writers. His lyric poetry treats many aspects of courtly love, including fine examples of the crusading song. His dialogue on love delineates the theory of courtly relationships between the sexes and the quandary the lover experiences. His verse novellas Gregorius and Poor Heinrich transcend the world of mere human dimensions and examine the place and duties of the human in the divine scheme of things. Longfellow would later use Poor Heinrich in his Golden Legend.Arthurian Romances, Tales, and Lyric Poetry is a major work destined to place Hartmann at the center of medieval courtly literature for English readers.
Das System Klaus Beyer
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.47 $Neuware - Klaus Beyer, gelernter Kerzenzieher aus Berlin, Filmemacher, Komponist und Poet, tauchte in den 1980er Jahren im Umfeld der 'Genialen Dilletanten' (sic!) auf. Seine Filme wurden erstmals im Kreuzberger Frontkino öffentlich gezeigt, waren 1987 auf der Kasseler documenta zu sehen und sind durch zahlreiche Filmfestivals in São Paulo, Seoul, London und New York international bekannt geworden. Seine Fans nennen ihn liebevoll den Van Gogh des Heimkinos. Einen breiten Raum in der Arbeit von Klaus Beyer nimmt die Auseinandersetzung mit den Beatles ein. Er übersetzte über hundert Songs des legendären Liverpooler Trios und verfilmte die wichtigsten Alben der fab four. Seine Interpretationen von 'Hauptmann Pfeffer' oder 'Laß es sein' sind auf CD¿s zu hören und machten ihn zum fünften Beatle. Zum Jahreswechsel 2001/2002 wurden seine künstlerischen Arbeiten erstmals in einer Berliner Galerie ausgestellt.
Earth's Mind : Essays in Native Literature
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.01 $These thirteen essays reflect Dunsmore's broad experience as a poet, student of native literature, and teacher. They take their inspiration from Chief Joseph's statement that "the Earth and myself are of one mind," and go on to consider Black Elk; the work of D'Arcy McNickle, Simon Ortiz, and Laurens van der Post; Salish stories; and Pueblo sacred clowns. The idea that mind is something larger and more pervasive in nature than the Western tradition has usually considered suggests respect as central to survival and conveys the essential wildness of mind.Earth's Mind will be useful to those who study or teach native literature or who simply want to understand better native world views."The most original and evocative study of Native American literary accomplishments, and their sources, it has been my pleasure to read in several years."--Karl Kroeber, Mellon Professor in the Humanities, Columbia University
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