109 products were found matching your search for Reports and Analyses Team in 4 shops:
The Power of Teacher Teams: With Cases, Analyses, and Strategies for Success
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.59 $This book's companion DVD features richly detailed video case studies that outline concrete steps for developing effective teams that transform schools into learning communities.
High-Leverage Practices in Special Education: The Final Report of the HLP Writing Team [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.19 $Special education teachers, as a significant segment of the teaching profession, came into their own with the passage of Public Law 94-142, the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, in 1975. Since then, although the number of special education teachers has grown substantially it has not kept pace with the demand for their services and expertise. The roles and practice of special education teachers have continuously evolved as the complexity of struggling learners unfolded, along with the quest for how best to serve and improve outcomes for this diverse group of students. High-Leverage Practices in Special Education defines the activities that all special educators needed to be able to use in their classrooms, from Day One. HLPs are organized around four aspects of practice collaboration, assessment, social/emotional/behavioral practices, and instruction because special education teachers enact practices in these areas in integrated and reciprocal ways. The HLP Writing Team is a collaborative effort of the Council for Exceptional Children, its Teacher Education Division, and the CEEDAR Center; its members include practitioners, scholars, researchers, teacher preparation faculty, and education advocates.
Life on Television: Content Analyses of U.S. TV Drama (Communication and Information Science)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.95 $This book identifies, documents, and analyzes the major dimensions of U.S. prime-time TV content. By exmining fictional TV series run in prime-time and on Saturday mornings over three seasons, the author and his research team have put together a fascinating study of American society according to television.
Life on Television : Content Analyses of U.s. TV Drama
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 113.19 $This book identifies, documents, and analyzes the major dimensions of U.S. prime-time TV content. By exmining fictional TV series run in prime-time and on Saturday mornings over three seasons, the author and his research team have put together a fascinating study of American society according to television.
How to Report Statistics in Medicine: Annotated Guidelines for Authors, Editors, and Reviewers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.38 $How to Report Statistics in Medicine presents a comprehensive and comprehensible set of guidelines for reporting the statistical analyses and research designs and activities commonly used in biomedical research. Containing elements of a reference book, a style manual, a dictionary, an encyclopedia, and a text book, it is the standard guide in the fields of medical writing, scientific publications, and evidence-based medicine throughout the world. Features: Specific, detailed guidelines for reporting and interpreting statistics and research designs and activities in biomedical science. Sample presentations that guide you in reporting statistics correctly and completely. Coverage of current and emerging topics in statistics and trial design. Written by a senior medical writer and a senior biostatistician, the text is both clear and accurate, and the information is complete and pragmatic. Designed for anyone who needs to interpret or report statistics in medicine.
Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.38 $Fascinating and factual accounts of the world’s most recent and compelling crashes Industry insiders James Walters and Robert Sumwalt, trained aviation accident investigators and commercial airline pilots, offer expert analyses of notable and recent aircraft accidents in this eye-opening, lesson-filled case file. Culled from final reports issued by military and foreign government investigations, as well as additional research and resources, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports tells the final and full tales of doomed flights that stopped the world cold in their wake. Technical accuracy and details, presented in layman’s language, help to clarify: Major accidents from commercial, military, and general aviation flights Pilot backgrounds and flight histories Chronology of events leading to each accident Description of aviation investigation process Insight into NTSB, military, and foreign government findings Resulting recommendations, requirements, and policy changes Readable, authoritative, and complete, Aircraft Accident Analysis: Final Reports is at once an important reference tool and a riveting, what-went-wrong look at air safety for everyone who flies. Featured final and preview reports include: U.S. Air Force, U.S Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, Dubrovnik, Croatia Jessica Dubroff, Cheyenne, Wyoming Valujet Airlines 592, Everglades, Florida American Airlines 955, Cali, Columbia John Denver, Pacific Grove, California Atlantic Southeast Airlines, Carrollton, Georgia US Air 427, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania TWA 800, Long Island, New York Delta Air Lines, LaGuardia Airport, New York John F. Kennedy, Jr., Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts
Accessories After the Fact: The Warren Commission, the Authorities & the Report on the JFK Assassination
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.91 $Originally published in 1967, Meagher’s masterful dissection of the Warren Report, based on the Warren Commission’s own evidence, has stood the test of time. In some cases, declassifications of government records have corroborated the author’s suspicions and analyses, such as her amazing assertion that Oswald had never actually been charged with Kennedy’s murder, despite sworn testimony to the contrary. Meagher’s book raises serious questions not only about Oswald’s guilt in the JFK assassination and related crimes, such as the Tippit murder and the Walker shooting, but also about the methods and honesty of the Warren Commission, the FBI, and various Dallas police and other officials.When the Church Committee first began to re-examine the Warren Commission and its relationship with intelligence agencies in 1975, investigators were shocked by what they discovered. In Accessories After the Fact, Sylvia Meagher delivers a blistering blow to the credibility of the Warren Report, and decades after its original publication researchers and readers are still discovering what made her work so important.
Understanding the Corporate Annual Report: Nuts, Bolts and a Few Loose Screws
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.62 $Understanding the Corporate Annual Report: Nuts, Bolts, and A Few Loose Screws provides a clearly written, step-by-step guide to understanding corporate annual reports. Authors Fraser and Ormiston instruct readers on how to ignore the PR letters from the corporate management team, engaging graphics, and other “garnishes” that typically accompany current annual reports in order to focus on what really counts—a company's performance and financial health! Throughout the book, the authors examine management's attempts to manipulate earnings and other performance measures, and they explain what the numbers in the report really mean. Chapter titles include: I Told My Daughter Not to Invest in Enron; Earnings: Real and Imagined; Assets, Liabilities, and Equity: What a Firm Owes and Owns; Cash Flows: Operating, Financing, Investing; and a Comprehensive Analysis. For individuals trying to make sense—and dollars—out of corporations' annual reports.
Mergers and Productivity (National Bureau of Economic Research Conference Report)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 123.02 $Mergers and Productivity offers probing analyses of high-profile mergers in a variety of industries. Focusing on specific acquisitions, it illustrates the remarkable range of contingencies involved in any merger attempt. The authors clearly establish each merger's presumed objectives and the potential costs and benefits of the acquisition, and place it within the context of the broader industry. Striking conclusions that emerge from these case studies are that merger and acquisition activities were associated with technological or regulatory shocks, and that a merger's success or failure was dependent upon the acquirer's thorough understanding of the target, its corporate culture, and its workforce and wage structures prior to acquisition.Sifting through a wealth of carefully gathered evidence, these papers capture the richness, the complexity, and the economic intangibles inherent in contemporary merger activity in a way that large-scale studies of mergers cannot.
The Scouting Report 1993
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.09 $The Scouting Report is the place to turn for the statistics and analysis you can't be without. It's a complete source of information on every major-league ballplayer that will give you instant insight into your favorite team and the clubs they face this season.
Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic: A Centennial Reappraisal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.79 $An incredible group of experts reappraise the loss of the Titanic based on evidence that has come to light since the discovery of the wreck in 1985 Here, a team of dedicated, passionate, and expert authors issue their modern-day version of the report on the Titanic, with all the benefits of hindsight. Following the basic layout of the report, this ultimate Titanic reference book, provides fascinating insights into the ship herself, the American and British inquiries, the passengers and crew, the fateful journey and ice warnings received, the damage and sinking, protocol and process of rescue, the circumstances in connection with the SS Californian and SS Mount Temple, and the aftermath and ramifications around the world. These experts offer the last words on the subject, 100 years on.
Praying With the KGB: A Startling Report from a Shattered Empire
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.45 $Join award-winning writer Philip Yancey and a team of American Christianson the most improbable of missionary journeys: an odyssey into the shattered power centers of a crumbling communist empire...
All Roads Lead to Hockey : Reports from Northern Canada to the Mexican Border
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.25 $All Roads Lead to Hockey reflects Bill Boyd's lengthy odyssey across the North American continent in search of hockey's roots. From Barrie, Ontario, where he reflects on one of the best junior hockey teams, all the way to Laredo, Texas, where he investigates a thriving Hispanic hockey program, Boyd vividly portrays a transnational pastime. (Texas, it turns out, has more professional hockey teams than any other U.S. state or Canadian province.) All Roads Lead to Hockey features interviews with fans, current players, retired champions, and coaches, including hockey legend Jim Brophy. Through their words, Boyd captures hockey’s timeless magic.
Interpreting Company Reports
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.85 $Packed with interesting real world examples, this is a highly practical book which shows readers how to analyse company reports and accounts, both qualitatively and quantitatively.
Limits to Privatization: How to Avoid Too Much of a Good Thing - a Report to the Club of Rome
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 114.26 $Limits to Privatization is the first thorough audit of privatizations from around the world. It outlines the historical emergence of globalization and liberalization, and from analyses of over 50 case studies of best- and worst-case experiences of privatization, it provides guidance for policy and action that will restore and maintain the right balance between the powers and responsibilities of the state, the private sector and the increasingly important role of civil society. The result is a book of major importance that challenges one of the orthodoxies of our day and provides a benchmark for future debate.
Report into the Loss of the SS Titanic (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.36 $Samuel Halpern has written widely on Titanic and often used the 1912 wreck report as a source of reference. It occurred to him one day how fascinating it would be if a team of dedicated, passionate, and expert authors were to issue a modern day report, with the knowledge we have today—what would such a report look like? In this book we have the answer. Following the basic layout of the report, this team provides fascinating insights into the ship herself, the American and British inquiries, the passengers and crew, the fateful journey and ice warnings received, the damage and sinking, protocol and process of rescue, the circumstances in connection with the SS Californian and SS Mount Temple, and the aftermath and ramifications around the world.
Alliance Intelligence Reports (Star Wars RPG)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $Heroes are only as good at the villains they fight. This collection of villains details some of the Alliance's most dangerous foes, providing a perfect selection of enemies for any Rebel team. Each entry has background information and game statistics, including numerous new droids, vehicles and aliens for use in any Star Wars roleplaying adventure.
The Big Player: How a Team of Blackjack Players Made a Million Dollars
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.63 $This is a reprint of the famous book, â The Big Playerâ , mentioned on the History Channel and news reports showing how a team of blackjack players made millions of dollars at the expense of Las Vegas Casinos. The original book accurately explained what Ken Uston and his teams did, but it did not explain exactly how they did it. Thus, the reader of the original book learned little or nothing about how to replicate the experiences of his teams. Now that Ken is no longer with us, one of the surviving members of his teams reveals for the first time herein exactly how Ken Uston was able to accomplish what he did, including the exact card counting methods used, which are NOT the methods described in â Beat the Dealerâ , how Ken Uston and his teams managed to avoid detection, the pitfalls and problems they encountered in the casinos and why the team eventually broke up The original book has been updated with technical information by team member Roy Hoppe explaining how the team and card counting systems worked. Roy Hoppe is a rated chess master and a professional bridge player. He was a professional blackjack player until he "retired" from the game for reasons explained in this book.
Hunting Che: How a U.S. Special Forces Team Helped Capture the World's Most Famous Revolutionary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.04 $The hunt for Ernesto “Che” Guevera was one of the first successful U.S. Special Forces missions in history. Using government reports and documents, as well as eyewitness accounts, Hunting Che tells the untold story of how the infamous revolutionary was captured—a mission later duplicated in Afghanistan and Iraq.As one of the architects of the Cuban Revolution, Guevera had become famous for supporting and organizing similar insurgencies in Africa and Latin America. When he turned his attention to Bolivia in 1967, the Pentagon made a decision: Che had to be stopped.Major Ralph “Pappy” Shelton was called upon to lead the mission. Much was unknown about Che’s force in Bolivia, and the stakes were high. With a handpicked team of Green Berets, Shelton turned Bolivian peasants into a trained fighting and intelligence-gathering force.Hunting Che follows Shelton’s American team and the newly formed Bolivian Rangers through the hunt to Che’s eventual capture and execution. With the White House and the Pentagon monitoring every move, Shelton and his team helped prevent another Communist threat from taking root in the West.INCLUDES PHOTOS
The Student's Guide to Successful Project Teams
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.32 $It is common for undergraduate and graduate students across various disciplines to be placed on teams and assigned group project research reports and presentations which require them to work together. For example a psychology course requires teams to develop, conduct, analyze and present the result of their experiments, a marketing course requires student project teams to prepare marketing plans and present their conclusions, and an organizational behavior course forms teams for the purpose of researching the cultures of different organizations and making presentations about their findings. This new guidebook will be a core text on how to help student project teams confront and successfully resolve issues, tasks and problems. Sections include conceptual material, stories and illustrations, and exercises. Students and teachers in Organizational Behavior, Management, Marketing and all psychology disciplines will find this book of interest.
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