69 products were found matching your search for Resultant in 2 shops:
Armenian Genocide: Transmission of Survivors' Experiences to Their Children and the Resultant Psychological Effects a Qualitative Research Study
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.21 $This paper will explore whether the Psychological and Emotional trauma experienced by the survivors of the Genocide has been transmitted to their offspring. Discussions include careful examination of the special features of extreme trauma that the survivors experienced and its enduring traces in the psychic structure of the victims that eventually help to explain why many of them consciously or unconsciously transferred their traumatization to their children. The brutality, fear, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness experienced by Genocide victims caused a "survivor syndrome" in these individuals, which was manifested in recurrent nightmares, or reliving of the past in the present (Porter, 1981). Through the children, the survivors attempt to heal and integrate their experiences. It is hoped that increased awareness of these "survivor syndrome" reactions may help therapists and investigators use them preventatively and therapeutically.
Goths : Conquerors of the Roman Empire
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.07 $In the late 4th century, pressure from the Huns forced the Goths to cross the Danube into the Roman Empire. The resultant Battle of Adrianople in 378 was one of Rome’s greatest defeats. Both western (Visigoth) and eastern (Ostrogoth) branches of the Goths had a complex relationship with the Romans, sometimes fighting as their allies against other ‘barbarian’ interlopers but carving out their own kingdoms in the process. Under Alaric the Visigoths sacked Rome itself in 410 and went on to establish a kingdom in Gaul (France). They helped the Romans defeat the Hunnic invasion of Gaul at Chalons in 451 but continued to expand at Roman expense. Defeated by the Franks they then took Spain from the Vandals. The Ostrogoths had a similar relationship with the Eastern Roman Empire before eventually conquering Italy. Adrianople, the events of 410 and the Ostrogoths’ long war with Belisarius, including the Siege of Rome, are among the campaigns and battles Simon MacDowall narrates in detail. He analyses the arms and contrasting fighting styles of the Ostro- and Visi- Goths and evaluates their effectiveness against the Romans.
Love and Rockets: New Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 89.95 $More romantic travails for Maggie (in the sequel to the acclaimed Browntown ) plus vampires!With Love and Rockets: New Stories #3, Jaime Hernandez returned to his beloved Loca Maggie after a three-year hiatus, and the resultant stories one ( The Love Bunglers ) set in the here and now detailing Maggie s continued romantic travails, and one, the heartrending Browntown (which was immediately hailed as one of the very best stories in the 30-year history of the series), set in her teenage days and involving some previously unseen members of her family. Love and Rockets: New Stories #4 picks up both of these storylines, first with the conclusion to Love Bunglers (did Maggie really dump Ray again?), then with a sequel of sorts to Browntown in which teenage Maggie returns to Hoppers and a new life. Meanwhile, on the Gilbert side of town, <
In Deep Water: The Anatomy of a Disaster, the Fate of the Gulf, and Ending Our Oil Addiction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 106.48 $When Deepwater Horizon’s well blew out on April 20, 2010, the resulting explosion claimed eleven lives. Over the next two months, an estimated 200 million gallons of crude oil spewed into the Gulf of Mexico, a haven of biodiversity and one of the world’s prime fishing grounds. The resultant oil slick covered 2,500 square miles, killing wildlife and menacing the coastline--and many thousands of jobs--from Texas to the Florida Keys, and beyond. How and why did this happen? Who was responsible? And what can be done to make sure such a devastating accident never happens again? In Deep Water answers these questions and more. Drawing on the work of the 400 scientists, activists, and researchers at the Natural Resources Defense Council, In Deep Water documents the environmental and human toll of this tragedy--and underscores that our often wasteful over-reliance on oil comes at an ever-greater cost to us and to the planet we inhabit.
Branding New York (Paperback) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.98 $Winner of the 2009 Robert Park Book Award for best Community and Urban Sociology book! Branding New York traces the rise of New York City as a brand and the resultant transformation of urban politics and public life. Greenberg addresses the role of "image" in urban history, showing who produces brands and how, and demonstrates the enormous consequences of branding. She shows that the branding of New York was not simply a marketing tool; rather it was a political strategy meant to legitimatize market-based solutions over social objectives.
The Homeopathic Mind Maps - Remedies of the Plant Kingdom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.89 $In three volumes Alicia lays out the remedies in a visual form that illustrates the unfolding nature of each remedy. The presentation gives a full view of the materia medica at a sweeping glance, and also allows the homeopath to easily follow the development from deepest mental beliefs to the resultant pathology in a flowing, logical pattern. Homeopathic mind maps are not a new idea, however, the form that Alicias mind maps follow is completely unique. It is a stream of consciousness, giving a multi-dimensional view of the remedies which we have never seen before. Whilst very complex for the author to create, they actually transform our view of the individual remedies into lovely simplicity. Whilst Alicias mind map books are written for homeopaths, and are exceptionally useful as teaching resources for materia medica, they are also of interest to the layman. Each book is enriched with history, chemistry, mythology, herbal lore, folklore, etymology, taxonomy and a wealth of other resources that enhance our understanding of the substance. Each mind map is brought to vividly expressive life with an apt photograph. The books are beautifully produced on high quality paper, in glorious colour and with a wire binding that allows the reader to double the book back on itself, making the book very simple to hold and taking up much less room on the desktop. Once you hold these marvellous books in your hands you wont want to put them down again!
Public Health Risk Assessment for Human Exposure to Chemicals
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.73 $In fact, with the control and containment of most infectious conditions and diseases of the past millennium having been achieved in most developed countries, and with the resultant increase in life expectancies, much more attention seems to have shifted to degenerative health problems. Many of the degenerative health conditions have been linked to thousands of chemicals regularly encountered in human living and occupational/work environments. It is important, therefore, that human health risk assessments are undertaken on a consistent basis - in order to determine the potential impacts of the target chemicals on public health.
Judging Jehovah's Witnesses: Religious Persecution and the Dawn of the Rights Revolution
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.08 $Peters (journalism and mass communication, U. of Wisconsin- Madison) depicts how the multiple attacks on Jehovah's Witnesses during the 1930s and 40s (for their unwillingness to salute the flag or enter the military) and the Witnesses' resultant responses in the courts, provided a necessary precursor to the American civil rights movement. He explores the roles of the ACLU and many individual Witnesses to illustrate the politics and personalities behind their efforts to gain 1st Amendment freedoms. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)
Scenario Planning for Climate Change (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.49 $Climate change, and the resultant impact on resource management and societal well-being, is one of the greatest challenges facing businesses and their long-term performance. Uncertainty about access to resources, unanticipated weather events, policy changes, rapidly changing market conditions and potential social unrest is felt across all business and industry sectors. This book sets out an engaging step-by-step scenario planning method that executives, board members, managers and consultants can follow to develop a long-term strategy for climate change tailored for their business. Most climate change strategy books focus on climate mitigation, addressing how companies can engage with carbon policy, new technologies, markets and other stakeholders about reducing carbon emissions. This book explores these themes as well as strategizing for climate change adaptation, which is equally important, because organizations cannot negotiate with nature. This book will help you interpret climate science for business in a way that acknowledges the realities of climate change, and help build the skills to identify ways forward that embrace the uncertainty.
Marine Metapopulations [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.47 $Technological improvements have greatly increased the ability of marine scientists to collect and analyze data over large spatial scales, and the resultant insights attainable from interpreting those data vastly increase understanding of poplation dynamics, evolution and biogeography. Marine Metapopulations provides a synthesis of existing information and understanding, and frames the most important future directions and issues.First book to systematically apply metapopulation theory directly to marine systemsContributions from leading international ecologists and fisheries biologistsPerspectives on a broad array of marine organisms and ecosystems, from coastal estuaries to shallow reefs to deep-sea hydrothermal ventsCritical science for improved management of marine resourcesPaves the way for future research on large-scale spatial ecology of marine systems
When Johnny Came Sliding Home: The Post-Civil War Baseball Boom, 1865-1870
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.09 $As the Civil War ended, the thoughts of many Northern soldiers turned to a game that some had learned about for the first time during the war--baseball. Their newfound interest in the sport, combined with the postwar economic boom and the resultant growth of many cities, took the game from one practiced by a few amateur clubs in New York City before the war to a professional sport covering almost the entire northeastern United States. Researched from primary sources, the game of the late 1860s is described season-by-season: the fields, the crowds, the strategy, the rules, the style of play, and the confusing struggles to crown a national champion, with all the chicanery and machinations of the contenders. Such landmark events as the Washington Nationals' pioneering 1867 tour and the Cincinnati Red Stockings' undefeated 1869 season are covered.
Pushkin : Bronze Horseman
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.33 $This last and most brilliant narrative poem by Russia's greatest poet, Alexander Pushkin, should form an essential part of all courses in Russian literature. It combines praise of Peter the Great and his city of St Petersburg with a dramatic account of the devastating flood of 1824 and a lowly individual's resultant insanity. The political, historical, religious, ecological, and metaphysical-existential questions which Pushkin formulates with dazzling power and concision have been the subject of endless critical debate. This new student edition includes an interpretative introduction which seeks to accommodate conflicting critical readings, copious linguistic and literary commentary, and a separate short essay on the poem's St Petersburg background.
The First World War as a Clash of Cultures
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.55 $This volume of essays examines the perceived rift between the British and German intellectual and cultural traditions before 1914 and how the resultant war of words both reflects and helped determine historical, political, and, ultimately, military events. This vexed symbiosis is traced first through a survey of popular fiction, from alarmist British and German "invasion novels" to the visions of Erskine Childers and Saki and even P.G. Wodehouse; contrastingly, the "mixed-marriage novels" of von Arnim, Spottiswoode, and Wylie are considered. Further topics include D. H. Lawrence's ambivalent relationship with Germany, Carl Sternheim's coded anti-militarism, H. G. Wells's and Kurd Lasswitz's visions of their countries under Martian invasion, Nietzsche as the embodiment of Prussian warmongering, and the rise in Germany of anglophobic, anti-Spencerian evolutionism. Case histories of the positions of German and English academics in regard to the conflict round out the volume. Contributors: Iain Boyd White, Helena Ragg-kirkby, Rhys Williams, Ingo Cornils, Nicholas Martin, Gregory Moore, Stefan Manz, Andreas Huther, Holger Klein Fred Bridgham is Senior Lecturer in the Department of German at the University of Leeds.
Not My Daughter: the true story of a former drug trafficker and a landmark surrogacy case
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.55 $How To Make a “Parentless” Child: 1. Take an egg from one woman. 2. Add a sperm cell from one man. 3. Combine the two reproductive cells in a test tube. 4. Insert the zygote into the uterus of a second woman to gestate. 5. Wait nine months then hand over the resultant infant to a third woman (my then-wife), who had contracted the gestational surrogate, despite the fact that a second man (me) was in the process of divorcing her. Add to the equation the second man’s past as an international drug-smuggler and convicted trafficker together with the reality that he did not want to become a parent. Now, who is the mother of the child? And who is the father? In the subsequent landmark case involving surrogacy rights, after a California Superior Court Judge ruled that this little girl had no legal parents, an appellate court declared that my ex-wife was the girl’s legal mother and I was the father. My legal obligation is now complete and this is my story of why I have not recognized the young life, created by science and technology and driven by maternal and monetary demand, as my daughter.
More with Less: Disasters in an Era of Diminishing Resources (International Humanitarian Affairs)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.27 $Natural and human-made disasters are increasing around the world. Hurricanes, typhoons, earthquakes, tsunamis, droughts, and resultant famine, floods, and armed conflicts are constant reminders of the frailty of our human race. Global warming may cause whole island states to be submerged as the oceans rise. In the past these acute and recurring crises have been met by the international community responding to UN andmedia appeals. The economic collapse of nations is now a reality; some of those most affected had been traditional, generous donors to disaster relief operations. It is unlikely―probably impossible―that they will beable to continue to contribute overseas when their own domestic needs are unmet.A recent New York Times front page report suggested that one of the few domestic issues to have bipartisan support was to cut the foreign aid budget. This book analyzes the global economic forecast and the UnitedNations pattern of philanthropy, provides a case study of how one nation with a tradition of giving will cope in the face of a marked reduction in flexible funds and then provides thoughtful chapters on new approachesto disaster preparedness and disaster response.
Tons of Runs : For the Contemporary Pianist
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.88 $Tons of Runs is a wide-ranging compendium of runs, licks, and lines found in the jazz vernacular, each written in three different keys, and presented in a straight-forward style without ponderous analysis. This book contains useful phrases derived from chord tones, passing tones, resultant scales, and scale-tone chords that piano players can use right away as "vocabulary enhancers." These are the raw materials and tools that piano players everywhere can use to polish their performance and improvisation skills, and even create new and more interesting ways to play the music they already know!
Brooklyn Beat
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.98 $ (+1.99 $)Italian pianist Domenico Sanna conceptualized Brooklyn Beat! out of necessity, driven by a focus on the beat - the pulse of the musical world. His search for the beat took him to the rhythmic origins of jazz, though the resultant music has a contemporary groove and sound, with elements of R&B and swing. Accompanying the pianist here are: Ameen Saleem, one of the most requested bassists in America and Europe and a member of various Roy Hargrove-led bands, as well as a collaborator of Marcus Stric
Fundamentals of Quantum Chemistry: Molecular Spectroscopy and Modern Electronic Structure Computations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 118.18 $As quantum theory enters its second century, it is fitting to examine just how far it has come as a tool for the chemist. Beginning with Max Planck’s agonizing conclusion in 1900 that linked energy emission in discreet bundles to the resultant black-body radiation curve, a body of knowledge has developed with profound consequences in our ability to understand nature. In the early years, quantum theory was the providence of physicists and certain breeds of physical chemists. While physicists honed and refined the theory and studied atoms and their component systems, physical chemists began the foray into the study of larger, molecular systems. Quantum theory predictions of these systems were first verified through experimental spectroscopic studies in the electromagnetic spectrum (microwave, infrared and ultraviolet/visible), and, later, by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Over two generations these studies were hampered by two major drawbacks: lack of resolution of spectroscopic data, and the complexity of calculations. This powerful theory that promised understanding of the fundamental nature of molecules faced formidable challenges. The following example may put things in perspective for today’s chemistry faculty, college seniors or graduate students: As little as 40 years ago, force field calculations on a molecule as simple as ketene was a four to five year dissertation project.
In the Eagle's Shadow: The United States and Latin America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.47 $All too often undergraduate readers can find themselves overwhelmed by foreign relations textbooks, the onslaught of names, events, and resultant policies and counterpolicies leaving them unable to form an appreciation, much less a working knowledge of, international relations. Worse yet, loose references to prominent scholars can leave them scratching their heads. It is with the student in mind that we are proud to present the second edition of our popular text, a concise narrative history that in straightforward language relates the long and complex history of the relationships between the United States and the nations of Latin America. Like its predecessor, this new editon of In the Eagle’s Shadowis ideal for use as a core text for courses in U.S-Latin American relations, as well as engaging supplementary reading for the U.S. or Latin American history surveys.
Weymouth New Testament: Modern English Translatin
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.11 $This is the Large Print Edition. The Weymouth New Testament ("WNT"), also known as The New Testament in Modern Speech or The Modern Speech New Testament, is a translation into "modern" English as used in the nineteenth century from the text of The Resultant Greek Testament by Richard Francis Weymouth. Weymouth's popular translation of the New Testament into English was first published in 1903 and has been in print through numerous editions ever since with millions of copies sold. Weyland's aim was to discover how the inspired writers of the New Testament would have expressed and described the events of the New Testament and Gospels had they been actually writing in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Weymouth succeeded in rendering it into a dignified modern English edition; the absence of ecclesiastical and doctrinal bias make it accessible to Christian readers of all denominations. Dr. Richard Francis Weymouth (M.A., D.Litt.) (1822–1902) was an English schoolmaster, Baptist layman and Bible student known particularly for producing one of the earliest modern language translations of the New Testament.
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