4 products were found matching your search for STEINER Basic Kelch Ohrstecker in 1 shops:
Towards Social Renewal: Basic Issues of the Social Question
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.03 $In the social ferment of postwar Europe in 1919, Steiner presented his ideas about reforming the basis of society in three fundamental, autonomous spheres: economic, political/rights, and cultural. For a short time he worked to bring his ideas into practical application, but it soon became impossible to bring about a "threefold social order, "and he withdrew from the outer work in this area. His ideas have been worked with over the decades since that time and have proved to be just as valid today as they were then. This volume is a presentation of Steiner's central ideas on the three-fold nature of the social organism.
Design Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.79 $This is an ideal textbook for advanced undergraduate and graduate courses in Combinatorial Design Theory. The text Features clear explanations of basic designs such as Steiner and Kirkman triple systems, mutually orthogonal Latin squares, finite projective and affine planes, and Steiner quadruple systems. Design Theory offers a progressive approach to the subject, with carefully ordered results. It begins with simple constructions that gradually increase in complexity. Each design has a construction that contains new ideas, or that reinforces and builds upon similar ideas previously introduced. The many illustrations aid in understanding and enjoying the application of the constructions described. .
Scripts People Live [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.92 $When Claude Steiner and the late Eric Berne developed the theory of Transactional Analysis, their basic belief that people were born princes and princess, until their parents turned them into frogsâ countered the fundamental principle of psychiatry which asserts that emotional and mental distress comes from within. This theory was further developed in Steinerâ s book Games Alcoholics Play. Dr. Berne, in What Do You Say After You Say Hello?, acknowledged Steinerâ s important role in the analysis of life scriptsâ which we choose at an early age and which rule every detail of our lives until our death.In Scripts People Live, Steiner expands upon this belief to show that people are innately healthy but develop a pattern early in life based upon negative or positive influences of those around them.
Truth Beauty and Goodness Stei
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 159.98 $Rudolf Steiner stated that the primary function of education is to exercise the students' faculties of thinking, feeling and willing. These basic human qualities manifest in civilization as the "eternal verities" of truth, beauty and goodness, and these in turn in science, art and religion. Gilbert Childs' purpose in this carefully crafted book is twofold: to illustrate the practical application of the above nine factors, and to substantiate the assertion by Rudolf Steiner that his philosophy and practice of education arose as a demand of the age in which we are living. the author's presentation provides stimulating thoughts for teachers and students of education, as well as anybody interested in esoteric science.
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