22 products were found matching your search for Sankt in 3 shops:
Sankt Petersburg und Umgebung in russischen Veduten 1753-1761: Zwei Kupferstichfolgen nach Michail Ivanovič Machaev (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.43 $82 Seiten, überw. ill. 27,0 x 20,0 x 0,0 cm, Kt. Ungelesenes Archivexemplar mit dezent nachgedunklten Einbandrändern, Schnitt u. Seitenränder. 9783927803084 Werktäglicher Versand. Jede Lieferung m. ordentl. Rechnung und ausgew. MwSt. Der Versand erfolgt als Büchersendung / Einschreiben mit der Deutschen Post bzw. als Päckchen / Paket mit DHL. Die Lieferzeit ist abhängig von der Versandart und beträgt innerhalb Deutschlands 3-5 Tage, in der EU 5 - 12 Tage. KEIN Versand an Packstationen. Körperschaften und juristische Personen werden auf Wunsch per offener Rechnung beliefert. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 378
Women's Sankt Moritz Black Skisuit Large Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Sankt Nikolaus. Zwischen Kult und Klamauk.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 98.82 $351 S. ISBN: 9783796607233 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1508
Forza Sankt Pauli: FC St. Pauli: Supporting a radical football club in a polarised political age
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.06 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.07
Women's Sankt Moritz Black Skisuit Small Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Women's Sankt Moritz Black Skisuit Medium Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Women's Sankt Moritz White Skisuit Small Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Women's Sankt Moritz White Skisuit Large Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Women's Sankt Moritz Red Skisuit Small Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Women's Sankt Moritz Red Skisuit Large Nur Karaata
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 672.00 $It is prepared from 3 layers of fabric. The inside & outside have a soft texture. The fabric in the middle prevents body heat loss and prevents body contact with wetness. The product is lycra and soft in texture. It can be easily used while skiing, but if you want to wear something else in it, you can order a plus-size one. Dry cleaning should be carried out. Dry cleaning should be carried out.
Pirates, Punks & Politics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.03 $FC Sankt Pauli ? the football club in the red-light district of Hamburg; a transvestite chairman; terraces populated by punks, pimps and prostitutes; a club run by anarchists, united under the skull and crossbones flag. This is the clich(r) that has been lazily peddled, one which attracts clueless stag parties from the Reeperbahn to the Millerntor stadium. But itOCOs not the real St Pauli. In Pirates, Punks & Politics author Nick Davidson puts the record straight, intermingling the history of FC St. Pauli, and the district it represents, with an account of his own involvement with the club. Back in 2007 Davidson travelled with his father to watch his first game at the Millerntor. What he found reinforced his faith in football. This book goes beyond the stereotype to seek out the real St. Pauli ? a club with a passionate, left-wing fan base that has made a stand against, fascism, racism, sexism and both in football and wider society. As the author and countless others have discovered, the Millerntor is also a place which welcomes with open arms fans seeking an alternative to the rabid commercialisation of football elsewhere, encouraging them to stay for hours after the final whistle and immerse themselves in the vibrant fan culture. Read this book and fall in love with a different kind of football. All the authorOCOs royalties will be donated to the 1910.V. Museum, FC St. Pauli museum project."
Messias Maschine
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.98 $Messias Maschine Sankt Otten - LP 4024572618537
Gottes Synthesizer
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.98 $Gottes Synthesizer Sankt Otten - LP 4024572499815
Engtanz Depression
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.98 $180-gram vinyl with thick matte gatefold covers and free digital download. On this ninth album in their 15-year career, Sankt Otten explores new directions by including acoustic instruments such as piano and harmonium, and adding the element of improvisation. Yet they maintain their characteristic Holy Trinity of krautrock, ambient, and eighties electronica. Floating, meditative, dazing and even catchy at times!
fur die Wissenschaft, der ich von ganzer Seele lebe [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 153.00 $Otto Bohtlingk gehort zu den herausragenden Wissenschaftlern des 19. Jahrhunderts. Seine Arbeiten zur indischen Grammatik und vor allem sein epochemachendes Sanskrit-Worterbuch pragten die indologischen Studien massgeblich und trugen zu ihrer Weiterentwicklung bei. Der geburtige Sankt Petersburger war Schuler von Franz Bopp in Berlin sowie von A. W. von Schlegel und Christian Lassen in Bonn. Fruh wurde er an die Akademie der Wissenschaften seiner Heimatstadt berufen, der er bis an sein Lebensende angehorte. 1868 siedelte er schliesslich nach Deutschland uber, um sich vollstandig seinen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten widmen zu konnen. Agnes Stache-Weiske untersucht Leben und wissenschaftlichen Werdegang des Indologen anhand seiner Korrespondenz, Briefe Dritter sowie unveroffentlichten Archivmaterials. Den Fokus legt die Biografie dabei sowohl auf Bohtlingks internationales wissenschaftliches Netzwerk als auch auf sein familiares Umfeld und seine privaten Freundschaften. Seine Korrespondenz wirft dabei in vieler Hinsicht ein neues Licht auf Bohtlingks Personlichkeit als Mensch und Forscher und zeigt, wie sehr er nicht nur mit den Gelehrten seiner Zeit, sondern auch mit dem wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs im Austausch stand.
Blokadnye dnevniki i dokumenty. Iz arkhiva FSB
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.14 $Pages: 800 Language: Russian. V etom poistine unikalnom sbornike predstavleny blokadnye dnevniki iz arkhiva Upravlenija Federalnoj sluzhby bezopasnosti Rossijskoj Federatsii po g. Sankt-Peterburgu i Leningradskoj oblasti. V etikh dnevnikakh otsutstvuet tsenzura, prisuschaja ofitsialno opublikovannym v sovetskij period vospominanijam o blokade. Oni byli priobscheny k ugolovnym delam ikh avtorov - bukhgaltera odnogo iz institutov, shkolnogo uchitelja i dvukh krasnoarmejtsev, voevavshikh na Leningradskom fronte, do prizyva - prostykh rabochikh. Eti dnevniki dajut poistine bestsennoe predstavlenie o povsednevnoj zhizni blokadnogo goroda, v nikh mnogo detalej byta, opisanij oschuschenij i strakhov. Chitatel vpervye smozhet uvidet blokadu Leningrada glazami ljudej razlichnykh professij, obrazovatelnogo urovnja i polozhenija, preodolevaja traditsionnyj kren v storonu otobrazhenija velichajshej tragedii Vtoroj mirovoj vojny iskljuchitelno predstaviteljami intelligentsii. Krome togo, v sbornik voshli materialy oprosov, pisma i dnevniki soldat Vermakhta, uchastvovavshikh v blokade Leningrada, kotorye pozvoljajut predstavit blokadu s drugoj storony fronta, chto vmeste s dokumentami o propagandistskoj dejatelnosti gitlerovtsev suschestvenno rasshirjaet vzgljad na krupnejshuju gumanitarnuju katastrofu v mirovoj istorii. 2-e izdanie, dopolnennoe. 9785995511700
Izjatie: Stikhotvorenija 1973 - 2023
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.11 $Pages: 408 Language: Russian. V sbornik Vladimira Gandelsmana voshli stikhi iz raznykh knig, napisannye za polveka. Poet i perevodchik Vladimir Gandelsman rodilsja v 1948 g. v Leningrade, rabotal kochegarom, storozhem, gidom, gruzchikom i t. d. S 1991 goda zhivet v Nju-Jorke i Sankt-Peterburge. Avtor bolee 20 knig stikhov, sbornikov prozy i esse. Laureat neskolkikh premij. 9783910894099
Finance Capitalism and Its Discontents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.66 $This book contains the most important interviews and speeches that Prof. Hudson has given over the past decade (2003-2012). They span the political spectrum from COUNTERPUNCH.COM and KPFK radio's GUNS AND BUTTER to to iTULIP.COM and SANKT GEORGE in Berlin. It also includes his now-famous Rlmini, Italy, speeches that were given at a packed sports arena in early 2012 on the topic of how finance capitalism is pushing the world, starting with Europe, into austerity and neo-feudalism.
Venetsija v russkoj poezii. Opyt antologii. 1888-1972
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.13 $Pages: 1104 Language: Russian. Romanticheskij obraz Venetsii, goroda snov, mechty i vospominanij - odin iz kljuchevykh v russkoj i mirovoj kulture. On slagalsja iz zhivopisnykh, muzykalnykh i stikhovykh otrazhenij. Dlja poezii russkoj - eto esche i juzhnyj "dvojnik" Sankt-Peterburga. Kniga "Venetsija v russkoj poezii. 1888-1972" - pervyj opyt svodnoj antologii russkikh stikhotvorenij, posvjaschennykh etomu gorodu. Khrestomatijnye teksty A.Akhmatovoj, A.Bloka, N.Gumileva, N.Zabolotskogo, M.Kuzmina, O.Mandelshtama, B.Pasternaka, V.Khodasevicha i mnogikh drugikh sosedstvujut zdes s sochinenijami menee proslavlennykh, a to i vovse bezvestnykh poetov, chi rifmovannye venetsianskie vpechatlenija ostavalis do segodnjashnego dnja ne uchtennymi ni bibliografiej, ni istoriej literatury. Stikhi soprovozhdeny podrobnym kommentariem i obstojatelnymi biograficheskimi spravkami ob avtorakh. Kniga predvarjaetsja ocherkom poeticheskogo osvoenija Venetsii i poetapnym opisaniem prakticheskoj storony italjanskikh puteshestvij dvadtsatogo veka. 9785444811467
La estación de las flores en llamas / Flower Station in Flames (Trilogía del Fuego) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.75 $El apasionante e imperdible nuevo comienzo de Sarah Lark: «La trilogía del fuego».Su mejor obra según los propios lectores. Mecklemburgo, 1837: el sueño de una vida mejor convence a los familiares de Ida de emigrar a Nueva Zelanda. Pero cuando el barco Sankt Pauli llega por fin a la Isla Sur, a todo su pasaje le espera una sorpresa desagradable.¿Así es realmente la tierra prometida? Pronto el destino de Ida toma un giro tan inesperado como el de su amor secreto hacia Karl. Y por algún motivo, en esa tierra Ida solo encuentra amistad y protección en la exótica y singular Cat, una chica criada entre maoríes Hasta que llega la noche de la gran inundación.ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONThere are 12-year-old twins, John and Abigail Templeton. John plays the drums, and Abigail solves cryptic crosswords. Their father is a brilliant, but a bit chaotic inventor. Another set of twins —adults— named Dean D. and Dan D, kidnap the Templeton twins to get their father to turn over one of his inventions.
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