76 products were found matching your search for Self responsibility in 2 shops:
The Roman Stoics: Self, Responsibility, and Affection
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.64 $Roman Stoics of the imperial period developed a distinctive model of social ethics, one which adapted the ideal philosophical life to existing communities and everyday societal values. Gretchen Reydams-Schils’s innovative book shows how these Romans—including such philosophers as Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, Hierocles, and Epictetus—applied their distinct brand of social ethics to daily relations and responsibilities, creating an effective model of involvement and ethical behavior in the classical world. The Roman Stoics reexamines the philosophical basis that instructed social practice in friendship, marriage, parenting, and community life. From this analysis, Stoics emerge as neither cold nor detached, as the stereotype has it, but all too aware of their human weaknesses. In a valuable contribution to current discussions in the humanities on identity, autonomy, and altruism, Reydams-Schils ultimately conveys the wisdom of Stoics to the citizens of modern society.
Nietzsche's Ethical Theory Mind, Self and Responsibility Continuum Studies in Continental Philosophy 23
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 212.77 $This important new book explores the ethical theory of Friedrich Nietzsche in light of recent work done in the philosophy of mind. Craig Dove examines issues of free will, communication, the way in which we construct the self, and the implications of all these for ethics. After dismissing what he calls the 'soul hypothesis', Nietzsche is left with a problem: how do we explain the sense of unity and continuity most of us experience as our identity? Drawing on recent work in cognitive science and philosophy of mind, this study shows that Nietzsche's tentative suggestions in the late nineteenth century have been supported by late twentieth century research. Arguing that work done in the philosophy of mind by Paul Churchland and Daniel Dennett helps to illuminate Nietzsche's positive ethical doctrine, Dove goes on to show that recent work has not adequately thought through the implications for ethics, while Nietzsche has already accomplished precisely that. This is an important and original contribution to an ongoing debate.
Taking Responsibility: Self Reliance and the Accountable Life
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.51 $Arguing that people can have control over their lives only if they take responsibility for themselves, a guide to self-realization and self-esteem explains the difference between victim power and personal power. 35,000 first printing. Tour.
101 Ways to Develop Student Self-Esteem and Responsibility
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.98 $May have limited writing in cover pages. Pages are unmarked. ~ ThriftBooks: Read More, Spend Less 1.68
What to Do With the Kid Who.: Developing Cooperation, Self-Discipline, and Responsibility in the Classroom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.79 $"The author provides tons of up-to-date research, but explains what that means for teachers and the classroom environment. The numerous strategies are explained in easy-to-implement ways, and the scenarios provide a model of interaction between teac
Successful Classroom Management and Discipline: Teaching Self-Control and Responsibility
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 70.16 $Focusing on how educators can facilitate the development of self-control and responsibility in students, Successful Classroom Management and Discipline offers comprehensive yet concise coverage of the preventative aspects of classroom management, as well as a wide range of effective intervention strategies. In this Third Edition, authors Tom Savage and Martha K. Savage offer new and updated coverage of teacher stress, legal dimensions of management and discipline, teacher/family collaboration, and bullying. Key FeaturesFeatures a two-part structure to pinpoint the key dimensions of classroom management: how to prevent classroom issues and how to respond to problems that arise Identifies a measurable goal for K-12 teachers: helping students to develop self-control and responsibility Addresses "teacher burnout" through practical application of stress management Describes bullying behaviors and teacher response, including a section on working with parents, a vital skill for avoiding and resolving serious problems Presents realistic case studies and "What Would You Do? " scenarios to demonstrate chapter concepts
The Cottage Rules: An owner's guide to the rights & responsibilities of sharing recreational property (Self-Counsel Reference)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 12.63 $The Cottage Rules sets out no-nonsense, easy-to-use guidelines for cottage owners who share ownership with others. It deals with everything from succession to laundry. The rules work to prevent conflicts, so that your relationship with your partners can be either as close or as distant as you desire.This book shows you how to manage your cottage like a business, which in turn prevents disputes and frees your time and energy to enjoy the cottage. With four cornerstones to the system (meetings, bookings, banking, and work weekends), the rules are easy to implement, flexible and reliable. The Cottage Rules can help you attain your dream of peaceful cottage ownership.A set of forms and samples are included in the book and on the CD-ROM for use on your PC.
Encountering Religion : Responsibility and Criticism After Secularism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.99 $Tyler Roberts encourages scholars to abandon rigid conceptual oppositions between "secular" and "religious" to better understand how human beings actively and thoughtfully engage with their worlds and make meaning. The artificial distinction between a self-conscious and critical "academic study of religion" and an ideological and authoritarian "religion," he argues, only obscures the phenomenon. Instead, Roberts calls on intellectuals to approach the field as a site of "encounter" and "response," illuminating the agency, creativity, and critical awareness of religious actors. To respond to religion is to ask what religious behaviors and representations mean to us in our individual worlds, and scholars must confront questions of possibility and becoming that arise from testing their beliefs, imperatives, and practices. Roberts refers to the work of Hent de Vries, Eric Santner, and Stanley Cavell, each of whom exemplifies encounter and response in their writings as they traverse philosophy and religion to expose secular thinking to religious thought and practice. This approach highlights the resources religious discourse can offer to a fundamental reorientation of critical thought. In humanistic criticism after secularism, the lines separating the creative, the pious, and the critical themselves become the subject of question and experimentation.
Agency and Responsibility: A Common-Sense Moral Psychology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.35 $Distinctions between recklessness, weakness of will, and compulsion have been the targets of much philosophical attack. Beginning with the problem of weakness of will, this volume builds an admirably comprehensive and integrated account of moral agency that highly regards the capacity for self-control. It addresses with clarity a range of important topics-such as the nature of valuing and desiring, conceptions of virtue, moral conflict, and the varieties of recklessness-making this work especially important to those interested in philosophy, psychology, law, and moral and legal responsibility in general.
One by One from the Inside Out : Essays and Reviews on Race and Responsibility in America
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.83 $In a call for a fundamental reconsideration of racial inequality in America, the standard dichotomy of liberal and conservative policies is dismissed in favor of genuine interracial acceptance and self-accountability.
To Heal a Fractured World The Ethics of Responsibility
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.96 $More than any previous generation, we have been tempted to imagine that the individual's needs are the sole source of meaning. Here Rabbi Sacks argues that this pre-occupation with self is a mistake and that ethics are concerned with the life we live together. Rabbi Sacks shows a profound engagement with the human condition today, talking with as much authority about Sigmund Freud or Karl Marx as he does about the Bible. This is a clarion call to the outside world to come to its senses. 'There is much of great wisdom here, for readers of all faiths and none.' Bishop of Thetford'A book for our time. Sacks writes with a quiet passion that is accessible to religionist and secularist alike... a desperately needed transfusion of hope.' Catholic Herald
Siegel's Professional Responsibility: Essay and Multiple-Choice Questions and Answers
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.56 $The Siegel's Series works through key topics in a Q&A format, providing an additional source for self-quizzing. A proven resource for high performance, each title in this exam-prep series contains multiple-choice questions and answers, as well as essay questions with model answers.
Encountering Religion: Responsibility and Criticism after Secularism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Tyler Roberts encourages scholars to abandon rigid conceptual oppositions between "secular" and "religious" to better understand how human beings actively and thoughtfully engage with their worlds and make meaning. The artificial distinction between a self-conscious and critical "academic study of religion" and an ideological and authoritarian "religion," he argues, only obscures the phenomenon. Instead, Roberts calls on intellectuals to approach the field as a site of "encounter" and "response," illuminating the agency, creativity, and critical awareness of religious actors. To respond to religion is to ask what religious behaviors and representations mean to us in our individual worlds, and scholars must confront questions of possibility and becoming that arise from testing their beliefs, imperatives, and practices. Roberts refers to the work of Hent de Vries, Eric Santner, and Stanley Cavell, each of whom exemplifies encounter and response in their writings as they traverse philosophy and religion to expose secular thinking to religious thought and practice. This approach highlights the resources religious discourse can offer to a fundamental reorientation of critical thought. In humanistic criticism after secularism, the lines separating the creative, the pious, and the critical themselves become the subject of question and experimentation.
Law and the Modern Mind: Consciousness and Responsibility in American Legal Culture (Hardback or Cased Book)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.13 $In postrevolutionary America, the autonomous individual was both the linchpin of a young nation and a threat to the founders’ vision of ordered liberty. Conceiving of self-government as a psychological as well as a political project, jurists built a republic of laws upon the Enlightenment science of the mind with the aim of producing a responsible citizenry. Susanna Blumenthal probes the assumptions and consequences of this undertaking, revealing how ideas about consciousness, agency, and accountability have shaped American jurisprudence.Focusing on everyday adjudication, Blumenthal shows that mental soundness was routinely disputed in civil as well as criminal cases. Litigants presented conflicting religious, philosophical, and medical understandings of the self, intensifying fears of a populace maddened by too much liberty. Judges struggled to reconcile common sense notions of rationality with novel scientific concepts that suggested deviant behavior might result from disease rather than conscious choice. Determining the threshold of competence was especially vexing in litigation among family members that raised profound questions about the interconnections between love and consent. This body of law coalesced into a jurisprudence of insanity, which also illuminates the position of those to whom the insane were compared, particularly children, married women, and slaves. Over time, the liberties of the eccentric expanded as jurists came to recognize the diversity of beliefs held by otherwise reasonable persons.In calling attention to the problematic relationship between consciousness and liability, Law and the Modern Mind casts new light on the meanings of freedom in the formative era of American law.
Responsibility-Centered Discipline (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.21 $Paperback. Foster responsibility, empathy, and self-regulation in every learner. Hundreds of schools across North America are embracing Larry Thompson's Responsibility-Centered Discipline (RCD) - a groundbreaking approach that supports students in developing intrinsic motivation and growing as conscientious and active members of their school communities. Emphasizing responsibility, empathy, and self-regulation, RCD offers a transformative whole-school method to create a thriving school climate and responsible students. In this clear and explicit guide, Thompson presents an overview of RCD and its foundations, the six exits students commonly use to avoid responsibility, a structured conversation to return students to a path of responsibility, and a process educators can implement to create a solutions space. Additional features include: Success stories from the fieldResearch highlightsCoaching conversationsQuestions to help readers apply the information to their own contextsA must-read for teachers and education leaders seeking to reimagine discipline for a healthier and more supportive educational environment, Responsibility-Centered Discipline provides research-based actions to build skills such as responsibility, perseverance, empathy, and self-regulation in every learner from preK through high school. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
Rules, Rituals and Responsibility: Essays Dedicated to Herbert Fingarette (Critics & Their Critics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 108.79 $Herbert Fingarett's achievements range from his assault upon the misconceived 'disease theory' of alchoholism, through social philosophy, philosophy of law, and philosophical psychology, to Chinese studies and Confucian thought.Fingarette's major works include 'The Self in Transformation' (1963), 'Self-Deception' (1969), 'Confucius---The Secular as Sacred' (1972), and 'The Meaning of Criminal Insanity' (1972). His Book, 'Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alchoholism as a Disease' (1988), transformed the public debate on alchohol treatment and made Fingarette the target of an intense barrage of abuse and vituperation from entrepreneurs in the alchohol-treatment industry.'Rules, Rituals, and Responsibilities' contains Fingarette's intellectual autobiography, nine papers by leading scholars on different aspects of Fingarette's thought, and Fingarette's response to each of these papers.
National Responsibility and Global Justice (Oxford Political Theory)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.96 $This book presents a non-cosmopolitan theory of global justice. In contrast to theories that seek to extend principles of social justice, such as equality of opportunity or resources, to the world as a whole, it argues that in a world made up of self-determining national communities, a different conception is needed. The book presents and defends an account of national responsibility which entails that nations may justifiably claim the benefits that their decisions and policies produce, while also being held liable for harms that they inflict on other peoples. Such collective responsibility extends to responsibility for the national past, so the present generation may owe redress to those who have been harmed by the actions of their predecessors. Global justice, therefore, must be understood not in terms of equality, but in terms of a minimum set of basic rights that belong to human beings everywhere. Where these rights are being violated or threatened, remedial responsibility may fall on outsiders. The book considers how this responsibility should be allocated, and how far citizens of democratic societies must limit their pursuit of domestic objectives in order to discharge their global obligations.The book presents a systematic challenge to existing theories of global justice without retreating to a narrow nationalism that denies that we have any responsibilities to the world's poor. It combines discussion of practical questions such as immigration and foreign aid with philosophical exploration of, for instance, the different senses of responsibility, and the grounds of human rights.Oxford Political Theory presents the best new work in contemporary political theory. It is intended to be broad in scope, including original contributions to political philosophy, and also work in applied political theory. The series will contain works of outstanding quality with no restriction as to approach or subject matter.Series Editors: Will Kymlicka, David Miller, and Alan Ryan.
Encountering Religion: Responsibility and Criticism After Secularism (Insurrections: Critical Studies in Religion, Politics, and Culture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Tyler Roberts encourages scholars to abandon rigid conceptual oppositions between "secular" and "religious" to better understand how human beings actively and thoughtfully engage with their worlds and make meaning. The artificial distinction between a self-conscious and critical "academic study of religion" and an ideological and authoritarian "religion," he argues, only obscures the phenomenon. Instead, Roberts calls on intellectuals to approach the field as a site of "encounter" and "response," illuminating the agency, creativity, and critical awareness of religious actors. To respond to religion is to ask what religious behaviors and representations mean to us in our individual worlds, and scholars must confront questions of possibility and becoming that arise from testing their beliefs, imperatives, and practices. Roberts refers to the work of Hent de Vries, Eric Santner, and Stanley Cavell, each of whom exemplifies encounter and response in their writings as they traverse philosophy and religion to expose secular thinking to religious thought and practice. This approach highlights the resources religious discourse can offer to a fundamental reorientation of critical thought. In humanistic criticism after secularism, the lines separating the creative, the pious, and the critical themselves become the subject of question and experimentation.
The Kingdom of Self
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.17 $Earl Jabay, a clinically-trained chaplain at a renowned psychiatric clinic, shares his insights into the role individuals play in their own mental illnesses and proposes a revolutional approach to mental therapy involving assumption of responsibility.searching for a deeper sense of satisfaction from the daily grind of being alive in the l990sWord to laypeople who feel the call of the Great Commission upon their lives.ess, a better friend.
Teaching Discipline And Self-respect : Effective Strategies, Anecdotes, And Lessons for Successful Classroom Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.44 $Used successfully in culturally, economically, and academically diverse classrooms, these strategies and activities focus on developing students' self-esteem, self-image, and self-responsibility.
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