10 products were found matching your search for Shattuck Roger Prousts Binoculars in 2 shops:
Proust's Binoculars: A Study of Memory, Time and Recognition in A la Recherche du Temps Perdu (Princeton Legacy Library (596))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.98 $In this compact volume readers just beginning Proust's master work and those who are already enriched by it will become aware of a significance not unkown but only forgotten"--the basic structure of Proust's enormous novel. The overall meaning of Proust's book lies in his three ways of looking at the world--cinematographic, montage, and stereoscopic--and their varying effects on the emotions and the intellect.Originally published in 1983.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-of-print books from the distinguished backlist of Princeton University Press. These editions preserve the original texts of these important books while presenting them in durable paperback and hardcover editions. The goal of the Princeton Legacy Library is to vastly increase access to the rich scholarly heritage found in the thousands of books published by Princeton University Press since its founding in 1905.
Proust (Fontana modern masters)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.98 $A Short Biographical Analysis of Marcel Proust by renowned expert Roger Shattuck
Dictionnaire Marcel Proust
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $Publié sous la direction d'Annick Bouillaguet et Brian G. Rogers. Prix Emile Faguet 2005 (médaille d'argent)Le Dictionnaire Marcel Proust a pour objectif de réunir la somme des connaissances actuelles sur Proust et son œuvre. Le projet de consacrer un dictionnaire à Proust se justifie par la notoriété du plus grand romancier français du XXe siècle, par la transformation, depuis cinquante ans, de notre savoir relatif à l'auteur de la Recherche et à l'ensemble de ses écrits. Une équipe de trente-sept spécialistes internationaux a consacré un millier d'articles aux personnages, aux personnes réelles, aux lieux fictifs et réels qui figurent dans son œuvre. Chaque écrit de Proust fait le sujet d'une entrée qui rappelle la date de la première publication, depuis les devoirs du lycéen jusqu'aux notes posthumes. D'importants articles de synthèse concernent l'homme et l'écrivain, les prédécesseurs et contemporains, la pensée de Proust, l'œuvre, les thèmes et notions et la critique proustienne.
Proust's Way: A Field Guide to in Search of Lost Time
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.66 $An illuminating work that serves as both an introduction to Proust--perhaps Europe's most enduring twentieth-century novelist--and a searching reinterpretation of his work. Since beginning his career, Roger Shattuck has been mesmerized by one writer. First came Proust's Binoculars, a short, brilliant study published in 1964. Then came Marcel Proust, commissioned by Frank Kermode for the Modern Masters series, which won the National Book Award in 1974. A series of essays, lectures, and reviews followed. Now, like Richard Ellmann, whose constant outpourings on Joyce resulted in his triumphant biography James Joyce, Roger Shattuck written a new and definitive work. Devoting special care to Proust's masterpiece In Search of Lost Time (traditionally translated as Remembrance of Things Past), Shattuck laments his subject's defenselessness against zealous editors, praises some translations, examines Proust's place in the path of aesthetic decadence blazed by Baudelaire and Wilde, and presents Proust as a novelist whose philosophical gifts were matched by his irrepressible comic sense. Proust's Way, the culmination of a lifetime of scholarship, will serve as the next generation's guide to Proust.
Dictionnaire Marcel Proust
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.17 $Publié sous la direction d'Annick Bouillaguet et Brian G. Rogers. Prix Emile Faguet 2005 (médaille d'argent)Le Dictionnaire Marcel Proust a pour objectif de réunir la somme des connaissances actuelles sur Proust et son œuvre. Le projet de consacrer un dictionnaire à Proust se justifie par la notoriété du plus grand romancier français du XXe siècle, par la transformation, depuis cinquante ans, de notre savoir relatif à l'auteur de la Recherche et à l'ensemble de ses écrits. Une équipe de trente-sept spécialistes internationaux a consacré un millier d'articles aux personnages, aux personnes réelles, aux lieux fictifs et réels qui figurent dans son œuvre. Chaque écrit de Proust fait le sujet d'une entrée qui rappelle la date de la première publication, depuis les devoirs du lycéen jusqu'aux notes posthumes. D'importants articles de synthèse concernent l'homme et l'écrivain, les prédécesseurs et contemporains, la pensée de Proust, l'œuvre, les thèmes et notions et la critique proustienne.
In Old Kentucky
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.95 $ (+1.99 $)IN OLD KENTUCKY, there were two feuding families, the Martingales and the Shattucks. Steve Tapley (Will Rogers), a horse trainer, gets caught up in that feud and takes sides - specifically, that of beautiful young Nancy Martingale and Ezra, her grandfather. It is decided that the feud will be settled by a horse race. However, Greyboy, the favored horse of the Martingales, is a mudder - in other words, he can only run well in soft, muddy ground. And there's been a bit of a drought lately
Henri Rousseau: Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.62 $Book by Shattuck, Roger, etc., Rousseau, Henri Julien Faelix
The banquet years: The origins of the avant-garde in France, 1885 to World War I (Jonathan Cape paperback, JCP 62)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.49 $The definitive chronicle of the origins of French avant-garde literature and art, Roger Shattuck's classic portrays the cultural bohemia of turn-of-the-century Paris who carried the arts into a period of renewal and accomplishment and laid the groundwork for Dadaism and Surrealism. Shattuck focuses on the careers of Alfred Jarry, Henri Rousseau, Erik Satie, and Guillaume Apollinaire, using the quartet as window into the era as he exploring a culture whose influence is at the very foundation of modern art.
Two Lives: A Conversation in Paintings and Photographs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.24 $O'Keeffe's paintings complement Stieglitz's photographs in this unique study of the two artists, interspersed with essays by Elizabeth Turner, Belinda Rathbone, and Roger Shattuck. 55,000 first printing. $55,000 ad/promo.
Arthur Rimbaud
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.15 $“This is the fullest and fairest of the half-dozen books on Rimbaud in English. No single volume so complete exists even in French.”―Roger Shattuck (The New York Times) Rimbaud―a mythic name―his life as extraordinary as his work was influential in redirecting the course, first of French, and then of world poetry. He is, indeed, the very symbol of what we now call “modern” literature; nearly a hundred years before the arrival of the “mind-expanding” drugs, Rimbaud understood that the borders of the writer’s consciousness must be extended and made the deliberate attempt to use hallucination as a creative method. Dr. Starkie, a lecturer in French literature at Oxford, has devoted many years of research to Rimbaud, revising her biography three times as new manuscript material and information about him has come to light.
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