1910 products were found matching your search for So war das Nein in 7 shops:
Stopp, das will ich nicht!: Vorlesegeschichten vom Nein sagen und Grenzen-Ziehen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 324.04 $Most items will be dispatched the same or the next working day. A copy that has been read, but is in excellent condition. Pages are intact and not marred by notes or highlighting. The spine remains undamaged.
Everbilt 1 3/4 in. 16 pt Broach Cold Side Stem for Gerber Replaces DA663770W
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 37.86 $Tired of leaky valves, use this unit to fix the problem. When installed properly, this product will help reseal the valve to ensure the drip stops. Everything you need so you don't have to buy a new faucet. Color: Not Applicable. Material: Brass.
Everbilt 1 7/8 in. Half Moon Broach Cold Side Stem for Glacier Bay Replaces DA507102W
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 27.00 $Tired of leaky valves, use this unit to fix the problem. When installed properly, this product will help reseal the valve to ensure the drip stops. Everything you need so you don't have to buy a new faucet. Color: Not Applicable. Material: Brass.
Everbilt 2 1/16 in. 20 pt Broach Cold Side Stem for Milwaukee Replaces DA507176W
Vendor: Homedepot.com Price: 39.43 $Tired of leaky valves, use this unit to fix the problem. When installed properly, this product will help reseal the valve to ensure the drip stops. Everything you need so you don't have to buy a new faucet. Color: Chrome. Material: Metal.
Prism Sound ADA-8XR Audio Interface with 8-Ch 8C-AD, 8C-DA & 8C-PTHDX I/O Module
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 10,499.00 $If you're seeking advanced, professional-grade audio equipment, look no further than the ADA-8XR Audio Interface. This sophisticated device, designed and engineered by the reputable Prism Sound, is a modular AD/DA converter that has been the backbone of high-profile projects such as Star Wars and Lord of the Rings. The ADA-8XR Audio Interface is renowned for its ultra-detailed A/D and D/A conversion, providing a crystal clear, focused sound that allows every nuance of a performance to be heard without distraction. Its innovative modular design offers the flexibility of an 8 input/8 output, 16 input, or 16 output converter, complete with digital I/O cards for Pro Tools HDX.This high-quality audio interface also serves as a master clock for your entire system, providing rock-solid stability and jitter rejection for pristine imaging. It supports different sample rates being sent and received simultaneously, making it a versatile choice for various applications.The ADA-8XR is not just an audio interface; it's a modular system that can be customized to match your specific needs. Whether you require a few channels of top-notch conversion or a large multi-track setup, this device is the ideal choice. It's perfect for recording vocals, single instruments, drums, or orchestras, and it's equally adept at providing multiple outputs for external analogue summing.The ADA-8XR Audio Interface comes with the 8C-AD 8-Channel Analogue Line Input Module, the 8C-DA 8-Channel Analogue Line Output Module, and the 8C-PTHDX 8-Channel Pro Tools HDX I/O Module. These modules provide electronically balanced analogue input and output channels, with variable line-up levels and fine trim control. The 8C-PTHDX module allows for direct connection emulating Avid HD I/O, supporting sample rates up to 192kHz.In conclusion, the ADA-8XR Audio Interface is a testament to Prism Sound's no-compromise approach to audio. It's the preferred converter in the most exacting applications in music and sound recording, mastering, broadcast, and post-production. Its design philosophy takes the goals of ultimate sound quality, unbeatable performance, and unmatched versatility to the next level, making it a must-have for professionals in the music and audio industry.
So süß schmeckt das Leben: Meine Glücksmasche [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.16 $53 Seiten Alle Bücher & Medienartikel von Book Broker sind stets in gutem & sehr gutem gebrauchsfähigen Zustand. Die Ausgabe des gelieferten Exemplars kann um bis zu 10 Jahre vom angegebenen Veröffentlichungsjahr abweichen und es kann sich um eine abweichende Auflage handeln. Unser Produktfoto entspricht dem hier angebotenen Artikel, dieser weist folgende Merkmale auf: Helle/saubere Seiten in fester Bindung. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 238 Gebundene Ausgabe, Maße: 16 cm x 1 cm x 21 cm
Das Schweizer Wörterbuch: So sagen wir in der Schweiz?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 134.25 $Most items will be dispatched the same or the next working day. An apparently unread copy in perfect condition. Dust cover is intact with no nicks or tears. Spine has no signs of creasing. Pages are clean and not marred by notes or folds of any kind.
Ich bin Schuld und das ist auch gut so
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 168.37 $Folgen Sie Maximilian Streichel auf dem Weg von der Entdeckung seiner Zwangsstörungen, über die Eigenanalyse seines Lebens und seiner Psyche, bin hin zur Befreiung vom Zwangssystem. Erleben Sie ihm beim Aufspüren der Ursachen seiner Zwänge und deren Aufrechterhaltung, wobei er mit seiner Herkunft, Umwelt und vor allem mit sich selbst fast gnadenlos ins Gericht geht. In deutscher Sprache. 197 pages. 20,6 x 14,6 x 1,4 cm
Prism Sound ADA-8XR Audio Interface, 8C-AD, 8C-DA, 8C-AES and 8C-FW I/O Module
Vendor: Adorama.com Price: 11,774.00 $Become a part of the audio revolution with the ADA-8XR Audio Interface, a legendary modular AD/DA converter that has been the cornerstone of audio performance for over two decades. This British-engineered converter has been utilized in high-profile projects including Star Wars and Lord of the Rings, and is a staple in world-renowned recording facilities such as Metropolis and British Grove.The ADA-8XR Audio Interface offers unparalleled accuracy with its ultra-detailed A/D and D/A conversion. This ensures a complete focus on sound, allowing every nuance of a performance to be heard without any distracting coloration. Its modular design offers the flexibility of an 8 input/8 output, 16 input, or 16 output converter, complete with digital I/O cards for AES and FireWire.This audio interface is not just a converter, but also a master clock for your entire system. It provides rock-solid stability and jitter rejection for crystal clear imaging. Its multi-sample rate compatibility allows for different sample rates to be sent and received simultaneously.The ADA-8XR is a modular system, providing great flexibility when creating systems with larger numbers of channels. It's the ideal choice for high-quality conversion, whether you need just a few channels or a large multi-track setup. With the range of digital interfaces, you can build the system that perfectly matches your requirements.This audio interface is the industry's converter of choice in the most exacting applications in music and sound recording, mastering, broadcast, and post-production. It's perfect for recording vocals, single instruments, drums, or an orchestra, and is just as much at home providing multiple outputs for external analogue summing.The ADA-8XR takes the philosophy of the widely-acclaimed Prism Sound converter range a stage further. It provides A/D and D/A conversion and the essential digital interfaces with a stereo monitor mix output in digital and analogue formats. Unlike most other converter systems, the ADA-8XR is ideal as a master clock for your entire system, delivering your recordings with perfect transparency, whatever the setup.The package includes the 8C-AD 8-Channel Analogue Line Input Module, the 8C-DA 8-Channel Analogue Line Output Module, the 8C-AES 8-Channel AES3 Digital I/O Module with AES Breakout Loom, and the 8C-FW 8-Channel FireWire I/O Module for ADA-8XR Audio Interface. Each module is designed to provide the highest quality audio conversion, ensuring that your recordings are as clear and accurate as possible.In conclusion, the ADA-8XR Audio Interface is a versatile, high-quality audio converter that offers unparalleled sound quality and performance. It's the perfect tool for producers, engineers, and songwriters who want to produce the best results in recording, tracking & overdubbing, mixing to stereo or surround, mastering, and monitoring.
War Requiem: Sinfonia Da Requiem
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.99 $War Requiem: Sinfonia Da Requiem Richard Hickox - CD 095115500729
Star Wars Essentials, Bd. 2: Das Dunkle Imperium II
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.16 $208 Seiten; FBA+RS-UK4C-3UNE Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1
Nein!: Standing Up to Hitler 1935?1944
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.17 $Review: 'Paddy Ashdown has a great gift for narrative history. He unearths little known stories and places them in context with great dexterity. His new book throws fresh and important light on a crucial topic.' Jonathan Dimbleby; 'One cannot read too much about the 1930s to inoculate against its evils, so I recommend Paddy Ashdown's excellent new book 'Nein!' . Ashdown writes movingly about the repeated attempts of German patriots to warn the Allies about Hitler and to frustrate or assassinate him . A roll call of heroism . Ashdown brings them together in a compelling narrative of a decade of resistance to evil at the heart of 'European civilisation'.' Lord Adonis. About the Author: After service as a Royal Marine and as an intelligence officer for the UK security services, Paddy Ashdown was a Member of Parliament for Yeovil from 1983 to 2001, and leader of the Liberal Democrats from 1988 until 1999. Later he was the international High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina from 2002 to 2006. He was made a Knight Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George in 2006.
Im Anfang war das Wort. Glanz und Pracht illuminierter Bibeln
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.75 $In the beginning was the Word, and the Middle Ages was the high time of the Bible. Thanks to the wealth and influence of kings, princes and important personalities of the Curia, ornately illustrated bibles were commissioned in that era - certificates of extraordinary craftsmanship. The most sumptuous Bibles give examples from all eras of the Middle Ages and present an illustrated Bible in theological and historical contexts. The manuscripts, whose beauty and importance are undeniable, are investigated further from the art-historical point of view. In texts by Andreas Fingernagel, Stephan Füssel, and a team of 15 scientific authors, each manuscript will be described in detail, and the history of the Bible and the medieval understanding of history that is this Bible versions basis are explored. Also included is a glossary of key terms, so that readers can study the texts without any prior knowledge of the Bible story.
Atlantis und das Altersparadoxon: War unsere Vergangenheit ganz
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.75 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
War Luther Antisemit?: Das deutsch-jüdische Verhältnis als Tragödie der Nähe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.23 $Neu -Das deutsch-jüdische Verhältnis als Tragödie der Nähe. Der Historiker und Sprachwissenschaftler Dietz Bering wirft gewohnt pointiert und gut lesbar ein neues Licht auf Luthers rätselhaften Wandel vom Judenfreund zum erbitterten Judenfeind. Mittels der Kategorie der Kontrastbetonung findet er zu einer differenzierten Deutung. Die reformatorischen Umwälzungen ließen Luther so nah an die Juden heranrücken, dass die alte Distanzstellung aufgehoben war. Aus der bedrohlichen Nähe erwuchsen massive Abgrenzungsreaktionen. Das an Luther gewonnene Modell überträgt der Autor auf die gesamte deutsch-jüdische Geschichte. 322 pp. Deutsch
Star Wars: Das Erbe der Jedi-Ritter 17: Wider alle Hoffnung: Deutsche Erstausgabe Wider alle Hoffnung [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.07 $448 S. Gebrauchtes Exemplar in sehr gutem Zustand. KEINE Eintragungen/Markierungen. Luke Skywalker und seine Gefährten sind beinahe am Ziel: Sie stehen kurz vor der Entdeckung des legendären lebenden Planeten Zonoma Sekot. Als sie ihn schließlich lokalisieren können, müssen sie jedoch feststellen, dass die Yuuzhan Vong ihn ebenfalls aufgespürt haben - doch der Planet wehrt sich gegen die Vong und vernichtet ihre Raumschiffe an seinem Himmel. Mittlerweile versuchen Leia und Han Solo herauszufinden, warum die beiden Relaisstationen schweigen, die die Kommunikation zwischen den inneren Systemen und den Außenregionen der Galaxis ermöglichen - und geraten dabei mitten in eine gewaltige Flotte der Yuuzhan Vong. - Wir versenden aus unserem deutschen Lager heraus in plastikfreien oder wiederverwendeten Polstertaschen. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 381 Taschenbuch, Maße: 12.6 cm x 18 cm x 3.4 cm
Am Anfang war das Vanillin Die Vter der AromenIndustrie in Holzminden
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.37 $Ein Apotheker und ein Chemiker (Kubel und Haarmann) aus Holzminden, ein Chemiker aus Berlin (Reimer) und ein Riechstoff-Forscher (Tiemann) aus Rubeland am Harz waren die Vater das Vanillins, das die Aromenindustrie begrundete. Die Geschichte dieser Zusammenarbeit, verbunden mit einer historischen Spurensuche in der heutigen "Stadt der Dufte und Aromen" Holzminden, und anhand von Originalpublikationen, Zitaten, sowie Recherchen in Archiven und Bibliotheken werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt.
Das War Guderian: Ein Lebensberi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.26 $New. In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title! 1.41
Holy War : How Vasco Da Gama's Epic Voyages Turned the Tide in a Centuries-old Clash of Civilizations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.09 $HistorianNigel Cliff delivers a sweeping, radical reinterpretation of Vasco da Gama’spioneering voyages, revealing their significance as a decisive turning point inthe struggle between Christianity and Islam—a series of events which foreveraltered the relationship between East and West. Perfect for readers of Endurance:Shackleton’s Incredible Voyage, Galileo’sDaughter, and Atlantic, this first-ever completeaccount of da Gama’s voyages includes new information from the recentlydiscovered diaries of his sailors and an extraordinary series of lettersbetween da Gama and the Zamorin, a king of modern-dayKerala, India. Cliff, the author of The Shakespeare Riots, draws uponhis own travels in da Gama’s footsteps to add detail, authenticity, and acontemporary perspective to this riveting, one-of-a-kind historical epic.
Star Wars - Das Erbe der Jedi-Ritter 11, Rebellenträume
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.29 $368 Seiten; Kanten angeschlagen (siehe auch die Artikelfotos zum Angebot) FBA+S2-7DY9-5W2K Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 500
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