157 products were found matching your search for Stolt Robert The Relationship in 3 shops:
Byron And Bob: Lord Byron'S Relationship With Robert Southey
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.74 $Byron and Bob is the first book ever to be dedicated to the most important literary relationship in Byron's career that with the Poet Laureate, Robert Southey, whom he hated, and to whom he 'dedicated' his most important poem, Don Juan. Drawing on much unseen manuscript material, Peter Cochran shows that although Byron s antipathy towards Southey was at first a normal literary distaste, it became, the more he ingested his private image of Southey, a projected self-distrust, a dislike of everything in himself with which he was unhappy. The book has as appendix a double edition of the two Visions of Judgement, firstly Southey's original, and then Byron's travesty, in which he has succeeded in rendering his enemy ridiculous to all succeeding generations. These two important works have not been published together for many years.
Rebuilding: When Your Relationship Ends
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.24 $In print for thirty-five years, Rebuilding is the number one trusted resource on divorce recovery. Now, this classic self-help book is available in an updated fourth edition, featuring a new introduction by coauthor Robert Alberti.If you are going through a painful breakup or divorce, you may feel like the life you once knew is crashing down around you. You need help to gather the pieces and “rebuild” yourself from the ground up. Rebuilding features Bruce Fisher’s “divorce process rebuilding blocks,” a proven-effective, nineteen-step process for putting one’s life back together after divorce.Now the most widely-used approach to divorce recovery, the “rebuilding” model makes the process healthier and less traumatic for those who are divorcing or divorced—and their children. Over two decades of research and practice are combined with feedback from hundreds of thousands of men and women who have used the book on their own, or in one of thousands of Fisher divorce recovery seminars worldwide.This book also includes Fisher’s detailed Healing Separation model—the first of its kind to offer couples a healing alternative to the usual slide from separation to divorce. This fourth edition, revised with the assistance of psychologist and marriage and family therapist Robert Alberti, continues Bruce’s tradition of straight-to-the-heart response to the needs of his clients and readers.If you’ve been struggling to rebuild your life after a divorce, this book offers just the right balance of shoulder-to-cry-on and kick-in-the-pants self-help!
Love is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.68 $In this groundbreaking work, Robert Sternberg opens the book of love and shows you how to discover your own story--and how to read your relationships in a whole new light. What draws us so strongly to some people and repels us from others? What makes some relationships work so smoothly and others burst into flames? Sternberg gives us new answers to these questions by showing that the kind of relationship we create depends on the kind of love stories we carry inside us. Drawing on extensive research and fascinating examples of real couples, Sternberg identifies 26 types of love story--including the fantasy story, the business story, the collector story, the horror story, and many others--each with its distinctive advantages and pitfalls, and many of which are clashingly incompatible. These are the largely unconscious preconceptions that guide our romantic choices, and it is only by becoming aware of the kind of story we have about love that we gain the freedom to create more fulfilling and lasting relationships. As long as we remain oblivious to the role our stories play, we are likely to repeat the same mistakes again and again. But the enlivening good news this book brings us is that though our stories drive us, we can revise them and learn to choose partners whose stories are more compatible with our own. Quizzes in each chapter help you to see which stories you identify with most strongly and which apply to your partner. Are you a traveler, a gardener, a teacher, or something else entirely? Love is a Story shows you how to find out.
When Freedom is Lost: The Dark Side of the Relationship between Government and the Fort Hope Band
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Book by Driben, Paul, Trudeau, Robert S.
That Sweet Enemy: Britain and France: The History of a Love-Hate Relationship
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.95 $That Sweet Enemy brings both British wit (Robert Tombs is a British historian) and French panache (Isabelle Tombs is a French historian) to bear on three centuries of the history of Britain and France. From Waterloo to Chirac’s slandering of British cooking, the authors chart this cross-channel entanglement and the unparalleled breadth of cultural, economic, and political influence it has wrought on both sides, illuminating the complex and sometimes contradictory aspects of this relationship—rivalry, enmity, and misapprehension mixed with envy, admiration, and genuine affection—and the myriad ways it has shaped the modern world. Written with wit and elegance, and illustrated with delightful images and cartoons from both sides of the Channel, That Sweet Enemy is a unique and immensely enjoyable history, destined to become a classic.
The Strengths Book: Be Confident, Be Successful, and Enjoy Better Relationships by Realising the Best of You
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.29 $You are remarkable. But do you always realise it? Realise your strengths and you'll be realising the best of you. Do you want to be confident, successful, and sustainably happy? Do you want to achieve your goals and enjoy better relationships? Leading strengths experts Dr Alex Linley, Dr Janet Willars and Dr Robert Biswas-Diener provide the evidence that shows you how. The Strengths Book reveals the sixty strengths that make us who we are. Bursting with insights on using each strength in relationships, at work and at play, it also gives examples of famous people who share the strength with you. There's even advice on not taking your strengths too far! If you're a manager, a parent, a career-changer, or even just you, remarkable as you are,The Strengths Book is for you. Discover your strengths - what you do best and love to do - and transform your life by realising the best of you.
Overcoming Anger in Your Relationship : How to Break the Cycle of Arguments, Put-Downs, and Stony Silences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.52 $ Has your relationship become a battlefield? Does your partner's sarcasm, irritability, or hostility make you wonder where the closeness and trust have gone―and how much more you can take? If anger is poisoning your relationship, this book offers a powerful antidote. Anger expert W. Robert Nay provides clear-cut, practical techniques for responding productively to inappropriate expressions of anger. Learn how anger gains a foothold in a couple's life, why your usual responses may unwittingly reward bad behavior, and how to stand up for yourself in ways that promote lasting change. Self-quizzes and step-by-step suggestions for dealing with different types of angry behavior are illustrated with true-to-life examples. Grounded in psychological science, the strategies in this book are simple yet surprisingly effective. Try them for yourself―and for the person you love. See also Dr. Nay's Taking Charge of Anger, Second Edition, which helps you understand and manage destructive anger in all its forms, and The Anger Management Workbook: Use the STOP Method to Replace Destructive Responses with Constructive Behavior, which builds core anger management skills using interactive exercises.
The Liar in Your Life: The Way to Truthful Relationships
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.55 $In The Liar in Your Life, psychology professor Robert Feldman, one of the world's leading authorities on deception, draws on his immense body of knowledge to give fresh insights into how and why we lie, how our culture has become increasingly tolerant of deception, the cost it exacts on us, and what to do about it. His work is at once surprising and sobering, full of corrections for common myths and explanations of pervasive oversimplifications. Feldman examines marital infidelity, little white lies, career-driven resumé lies, and how we teach children to lie. Along the way, he reveals-despite our beliefs to the contrary- how it is nearly impossible to spot a liar (studies have shown no relationship between nervousness, lack of eye contact, or a trembling voice, and acts of deception). He also provides startling evidence of just how integral lying is to our culture; indeed, his research shows that two people, meeting for the first time, will lie to each other an average of three times in the first ten minutes of a conversation. Feldman uses this discussion of deception to explore ways we can cope with infidelity, betrayal, and mistrust, in our friends and family. He also describes the lies we tell ourselves: Sometimes, the liar in your life is the person you see in the mirror. With incisive clarity and wry wit, Feldman has written a truthful book for anyone who whose life has been touched by deception.
Love Is a Story: A New Theory of Relationships
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.00 $In this groundbreaking work, Robert Sternberg opens the book of love and shows you how to discover your own story--and how to read your relationships in a whole new light. What draws us so strongly to some people and repels us from others? What makes some relationships work so smoothly and others burst into flames? Sternberg gives us new answers to these questions by showing that the kind of relationship we create depends on the kind of love stories we carry inside us. Drawing on extensive research and fascinating examples of real couples, Sternberg identifies 26 types of love story--including the fantasy story, the business story, the collector story, the horror story, and many others--each with its distinctive advantages and pitfalls, and many of which are clashingly incompatible. These are the largely unconscious preconceptions that guide our romantic choices, and it is only by becoming aware of the kind of story we have about love that we gain the freedom to create more fulfilling and lasting relationships. As long as we remain oblivious to the role our stories play, we are likely to repeat the same mistakes again and again. But the enlivening good news this book brings us is that though our stories drive us, we can revise them and learn to choose partners whose stories are more compatible with our own. Quizzes in each chapter help you to see which stories you identify with most strongly and which apply to your partner. Are you a traveler, a gardener, a teacher, or something else entirely? Love is a Story shows you how to find out.
Renegotiating Family Relationships : Divorce, Child Custody, and Mediation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 69.41 $Long recognized as the authoritative guide for clinicians working with divorcing families, this book presents crucial concepts, strategies, and intervention techniques. Robert E. Emery describes how to help parents navigate the emotional and legal hurdles of this painful family transition while protecting their children's well-being. The book is grounded in cutting-edge research on family relationships, parenting, and children's adjustment, including Emery's groundbreaking longitudinal study of the impact of divorce mediation versus litigation. It provides a detailed treatment manual for mediating custody and other disputes, developing collaborative parenting plans, and fostering positive postdivorce family relationships. New to This Edition*Reflects the latest psychological research, as well as divorce and custody law.*Chapters on understanding and addressing divorcing partners' anger and grief.*Treatment manual chapters have been extensively revised.*Incorporates the author's 12-year follow-up study.
Devoted: Music of Robert & Clara Schumann
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 26.81 $History is full of countless tales of musicians' woes: unrequited love, broken hearts, unattainable relationships. Robert and Clara Schumann, while not escaping heartache by any means, were blessed souls, finding love and getting to keep it. After Robert died, Clara's heart remained with him and she dedicated herself primarily to the interpretation and performance of his works. Theirs is a story of devotion to each other and to their music. While DEVOTED is largely dedicated to two solo piano wo
Robert Hardy's Seven Days
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.57 $Robert Hardy is a successful businessman who is so consumed by his own ambitions that he neglects his wife and children. A wishy-washy believer at best, Hardy finds his faith tested to the ultimate limit when he becomes convinced that he's going to die in seven days. Can he repair broken relationships, make amends with those he's hurt, and undergo a spiritual transformation in just seven days?
The Nature of New Testament Theology: Essays in Honour of Robert Morgan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.26 $This volume brings together some of the most distinguished writers in the field of New Testament studies to provide an overview of discussions about the nature of New Testament theology. Examines the development, purpose and scope of New Testament theology. Looks at the relationship of New Testament theology with other branches of theology. Considers crucial issues within the New Testament, such as the historical Jesus, the theology of the cross, eschatology, ethics, and the role of women. Offers fresh perspectives which take discussion of the subject further in key areas Includes a foreword by Rowan Williams.
Robert Gober Lexicon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 182.34 $This publication catalogues and explores the latest sculptural installation by Robert Gober, one of contemporary art's most highly regarded figures and one of our best storytellers. Unlike anything that has been seen before, this new work explores questions of sexuality, religion, relationships, nature, and memory, all informed by the current political climate. Loosely following the floor plan of a church, the installation brings together many of Gober's known sculptural motifs and introduces new ones as he continues into uncharted artistic territory. The first of the two volumes includes a comprehensive essay by Brenda Richardson written over the course of the two years of the installation's development. Richardson spent hours in the studio in conversation with Gober, and her Lexicon provides an unprecedented glimpse at the working process and multiple layers of meaning in Gober's complex work. The lavishly illustrated second volume reproduces 50 full-color photographs of the completed work.
Polarisation of Elizabethan Politics : The Political Career of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, 1585?1597
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.52 $The Earl of Essex was the last great favorite of Elizabeth I and the leading cultural patron of the final years of her reign. Dazzled by the "romantic" relationship with the queen, modern writers have branded Essex a dandy, a military incompetent, and a political dabbler, and have blamed him for the bitter factionalism that plagued English politics in the 1590s. Using an unparalleled range of manuscript and printed sources, this book presents a very different image of Essex and of the outbreak of factionalism in Elizabethan politics.
Untouchable: A Biography of Robert De Niro
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.14 $An unauthorized biography of the Academy Award-winning actor draws on extensive contacts with friends and colleagues to capture the reclusive De Niro's personality on screen and off and explores his remarkable film career and the relationship between the characters he plays and his real life. IP.
The Years of Our Friendship: Robert Lowell and Allen Tate [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $Here is a book that shows how Lowell was both a charismatic figure and a trial to his friends. His relationships were tense, and although the friends he made in school remained consistently loyal through his bouts of madness, and although his wives repeatedly forgave seemingly unforgivable acts, not all, including Lowell himself, were aware that his behavior often bordered an outrage. His forty-year friendship with Tate, perhaps more than any other, exemplifies the tension that was generated by a close friendship with Lowell. The varied strands of this relationship constitute the substance of this the compelling book as it exposes and explores the complex psychological and literary bonds that linked Lowell and Tate. It assesses an ambivalent friendship beginning with Lowell as student and younger friend of Tate, as well as Tate as literary mentor who considered the younger poet to be his protégé even when Lowell was fifty-three. It shows also their mutual love of the formal aspects of poetry and a faith in inspiration that, for Lowell, not only bordered on but sometimes crossed the line into madness. It shows, as well, a Tate sometimes hostile to Lowell's shifting poetics. Certain aspects of their relationship, particularly Lowell's attempt to find in Tate an intellectual and literary father figure, are of less interest to the author of this study than the powerful impact of Tate's life and work. In The Years of Our Friendship he focuses chiefly upon this result of their intense literary bond.
Robert Kennedy and His Times
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.45 $Private papers, letters, and journals shed new light on Kennedy family relationships and underlie an account of Robert Kennedy's private and public lives, the forces that shaped him, and his impact on the United States
Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.18 $From the time they first met as undergraduates at Columbia College in New York City in the mid-1930s, the noted editor Robert Giroux (1914–2008) and the Trappist monk and writer Thomas Merton (1915–1968) became friends. The Letters of Robert Giroux and Thomas Merton capture their personal and professional relationship, extending from the time of the publication of Merton's 1948 best-selling spiritual autobiography, The Seven Storey Mountain, until a few months before Merton's untimely death in December 1968. As editor-in-chief at Harcourt, Brace & Company and then at Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Giroux not only edited twenty-six of Merton's books but served as an adviser to Merton as he dealt with unexpected problems with his religious superiors at the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, as well as those in France and Italy. These letters, arranged chronologically, offer invaluable insights into the publishing process that brought some of Merton's most important writings to his readers. Patrick Samway, S.J., had unparalleled access not only to the materials assembled here but to Giroux's unpublished talks about Merton, which he uses to his advantage, especially in his beautifully crafted introduction that interweaves the stories of both men with a chronicle of their personal and collaborative relationship. The result is a rich and rewarding volume, which shows how Giroux helped Merton to become one of the greatest spiritual writers of the twentieth century.
Robert Gober Lexicon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.01 $This publication catalogues and explores the latest sculptural installation by Robert Gober, one of contemporary art's most highly regarded figures and one of our best storytellers. Unlike anything that has been seen before, this new work explores questions of sexuality, religion, relationships, nature, and memory, all informed by the current political climate. Loosely following the floor plan of a church, the installation brings together many of Gober's known sculptural motifs and introduces new ones as he continues into uncharted artistic territory. The first of the two volumes includes a comprehensive essay by Brenda Richardson written over the course of the two years of the installation's development. Richardson spent hours in the studio in conversation with Gober, and her Lexicon provides an unprecedented glimpse at the working process and multiple layers of meaning in Gober's complex work. The lavishly illustrated second volume reproduces 50 full-color photographs of the completed work.
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