15 products were found matching your search for Superposition in 1 shops:
101 Quantum Questions What You Need to Know About the World You Can't See
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.32 $Ken Ford’s mission is to help us understand the ";great ideas"; of quantum physics—ideas such as wave-particle duality, the uncertainty principle, superposition, and conservation. These fundamental concepts provide the structure for 101 Quantum Questions, an authoritative yet engaging book for the general reader in which every question and answer brings out one or more basic features of the mysterious world of the quantum—the physics of the very small. Nuclear researcher and master teacher, Ford covers everything from quarks, quantum jumps, and what causes stars to shine, to practical applications ranging from lasers and superconductors to light-emitting diodes. Ford’s lively answers are enriched by Paul Hewitt's drawings, numerous photos of physicists, and anecdotes, many from Ford’s own experience. Organized for cover-to-cover reading, 101 Quantum Questions also is great for browsing.Some books focus on a sin
Quantum Computing: From Linear Algebra to Physical Realizations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 209.95 $Covering both theory and progressive experiments, Quantum Computing: From Linear Algebra to Physical Realizations explains how and why superposition and entanglement provide the enormous computational power in quantum computing. This self-contained, classroom-tested book is divided into two sections, with the first devoted to the theoretical aspects of quantum computing and the second focused on several candidates of a working quantum computer, evaluating them according to the DiVincenzo criteria. Topics in Part I Linear algebra Principles of quantum mechanics Qubit and the first application of quantum information processing―quantum key distribution Quantum gates Simple yet elucidating examples of quantum algorithms Quantum circuits that implement integral transforms Practical quantum algorithms, including Grover’s database search algorithm and Shor’s factorization algorithm The disturbing issue of decoherence Important examples of quantum error-correcting codes (QECC) Topics in Part II DiVincenzo criteria, which are the standards a physical system must satisfy to be a candidate as a working quantum computer Liquid state NMR, one of the well-understood physical systems Ionic and atomic qubits Several types of Josephson junction qubits The quantum dots realization of qubits Looking at the ways in which quantum computing can become reality, this book delves into enough theoretical background and experimental research to support a thorough understanding of this promising field.
Plane Wave Spectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Fields
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 141.88 $This is a classic text reissued in the joint IEEE/OUP series. It explains and illustrates a powerful technique for use in electromagnetic waves represented by the superposition of plane waves travelling in diverse directions. There is no other self-contained account of this technique available. This reprint includes a new Foreword by Dr. James Wait and an updated bibliography provided by Professor Rod Donnelly.
Le grand Larousse gastronomique - nouvelle édition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.17 $Dans l'univers de Proust, le modèle d'Albertine était un homme, et le personnage d'À la recherche du temps perdu a le goût des femmes comme des hommes. Par un savant effet de superposition, Albertine finit d'ailleurs par se confondre avec l'autre grand amour de Marcel dans le roman : Gilberte. Cela valait la peine de démêler les fils, et de faire un point à la fois drôle, décapant et subtil sur cette figure complexe de l'amour dévorant. Anne Carson s'y emploie, par brefs fragments, dans un livre intense qui constitue le bréviaire de tout proustien, et qui donne envie aux autres de lire la Recherche..
Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.28 $This edition refines and improves the first edition. It treats the present experimental limits on the mass of photon and the status of linear superposition, and introduces many other innovations.
Relativistic Quantum Mechanics (Texts and Monographs in Physics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.19 $In this book, quantum mechanics is developed from the outset on a relativistic basis, using the superposition principle, Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance. Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics as well as classical relativistic mechanics appear as special cases. They are the sources of familiar names such as "orbital angular momentum", "spin-orbit coupling" and "magnetic moment" for operators of the relativistic quantum formalism. The theory of binaries, in terms of differential equations, is treated for the first time in this book. These have the mathematical structure of the corresponding one-body equations (Klein--Gordon for two spinless particles, Dirac for two spinor particles) with a relativistically reduced mass. They allow the calculation of radiative corrections via the vector potential operator.
Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons (Oxford Graduate Texts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 109.11 $The counter-intuitive aspects of quantum physics have been for long illustrated by thought experiments, from Einstein's photon box to Schródinger's cat. These experiments have now become real, with single particles--electrons, atoms or photons--directly unveiling the weird features of the quantum. State superpositions, entanglement and complementarity define a novel quantum logic which can be harnessed for information processing, raising great hopes for applications. This book describes a class of such thought experiments made real. Juggling with atoms and photons confined in cavities, ions or cold atoms in traps, is here an incentive to shed a new light on the basic concepts of quantum physics. Measurement processes and decoherence at the quantum-classical boundary are highlighted. This volume, which combines theory and experiments, will be of interest to students in quantum physics, teachers seeking illustrations for their lectures and new problem sets, researchers in quantum optics and quantum information.
Vibration Analysis of Plates
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.48 $The elegance and logic of the superposition method have made it a highly attractive analytical procedure for obtaining accurate mathematical solutions to plate vibration problems. Its applicability to vast families of these problems, ranging from the dynamic behaviour of isotropic and orthotropic plates to laminated plate behaviour, is well demonstrated in the technical literature.Now, at last, a comprehensive book is made available to those who wish to use this powerful analytical technique. Beginning with a thorough and lucid introduction to the superposition method as it applies to free vibration of thin isotropic rectangular plates, with all combinations of classical boundary conditions, the book describes procedures for handling vast families of realistic practical plate vibration problems. These include orthotropic plates, point-supported plates, plates resting on elastic edge supports, plates with in-plane forces, buckling of plates, etc. The reader is subsequently introduced to utilization of the superposition method for the analysis of thick Mindlin plates as well as transverse-shear-deformable laminated plates. Particular emphasis is placed on plate free vibration analysis, with a list of pertinent publications attached to each chapter.The superposition method is unique in that all solutions obtained satisfy the governing differential equations exactly throughout the entire domain of the plate. The boundary conditions are satisfied to any desired degree of accuracy.Despite the attractive features of this analytical method, many researchers and designers have access only to published papers related to particular problems. With this new book, they have for the first time a comprehensive, illustrated description of the means of exploiting the superposition method. They will be able to prepare their own computer schemes and analyse any plate vibration problem of interest.
Fourier Analysis : Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.12 $Fourier analysis aims to decompose functions into a superposition of simple trigonometric functions, whose special features can be exploited to isolate specific components into manageable clusters before reassembling the pieces. This two-volume text presents a largely self-contained treatment, comprising not just the major theoretical aspects (Part I) but also exploring links to other areas of mathematics and applications to science and technology (Part II). Following the historical and conceptual genesis, this book (Part I) provides overviews of basic measure theory and functional analysis, with added insight into complex analysis and the theory of distributions. The material is intended for both beginning and advanced graduate students with a thorough knowledge of advanced calculus and linear algebra. Historical notes are provided and topics are illustrated at every stage by examples and exercises, with separate hints and solutions, thus making the exposition useful both as a course textbook and for individual study.
Plane Wave Spectrum Representation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.65 $This is a classic text reissued in the joint IEEE/OUP series. It explains and illustrates a powerful technique for use in electromagnetic waves represented by the superposition of plane waves travelling in diverse directions. There is no other self-contained account of this technique available. This reprint includes a new Foreword by Dr. James Wait and an updated bibliography provided by Professor Rod Donnelly.
Quantum Computing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 229.59 $Covering both theory and progressive experiments, Quantum Computing: From Linear Algebra to Physical Realizations explains how and why superposition and entanglement provide the enormous computational power in quantum computing. This self-contained, classroom-tested book is divided into two sections, with the first devoted to the theoretical aspects of quantum computing and the second focused on several candidates of a working quantum computer, evaluating them according to the DiVincenzo criteria. Topics in Part I Linear algebra Principles of quantum mechanics Qubit and the first application of quantum information processing―quantum key distribution Quantum gates Simple yet elucidating examples of quantum algorithms Quantum circuits that implement integral transforms Practical quantum algorithms, including Grover’s database search algorithm and Shor’s factorization algorithm The disturbing issue of decoherence Important examples of quantum error-correcting codes (QECC) Topics in Part II DiVincenzo criteria, which are the standards a physical system must satisfy to be a candidate as a working quantum computer Liquid state NMR, one of the well-understood physical systems Ionic and atomic qubits Several types of Josephson junction qubits The quantum dots realization of qubits Looking at the ways in which quantum computing can become reality, this book delves into enough theoretical background and experimental research to support a thorough understanding of this promising field.
Fourier Analysis : Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.62 $Fourier analysis aims to decompose functions into a superposition of simple trigonometric functions, whose special features can be exploited to isolate specific components into manageable clusters before reassembling the pieces. This two-volume text presents a largely self-contained treatment, comprising not just the major theoretical aspects (Part I) but also exploring links to other areas of mathematics and applications to science and technology (Part II). Following the historical and conceptual genesis, this book (Part I) provides overviews of basic measure theory and functional analysis, with added insight into complex analysis and the theory of distributions. The material is intended for both beginning and advanced graduate students with a thorough knowledge of advanced calculus and linear algebra. Historical notes are provided and topics are illustrated at every stage by examples and exercises, with separate hints and solutions, thus making the exposition useful both as a course textbook and for individual study.
Exploring the Quantum: Atoms, Cavities, and Photons (Oxford Graduate Texts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.99 $The counter-intuitive aspects of quantum physics have been for long illustrated by thought experiments, from Einstein's photon box to Schródinger's cat. These experiments have now become real, with single particles--electrons, atoms or photons--directly unveiling the weird features of the quantum. State superpositions, entanglement and complementarity define a novel quantum logic which can be harnessed for information processing, raising great hopes for applications. This book describes a class of such thought experiments made real. Juggling with atoms and photons confined in cavities, ions or cold atoms in traps, is here an incentive to shed a new light on the basic concepts of quantum physics. Measurement processes and decoherence at the quantum-classical boundary are highlighted. This volume, which combines theory and experiments, will be of interest to students in quantum physics, teachers seeking illustrations for their lectures and new problem sets, researchers in quantum optics and quantum information.
Cat in the Box
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.33 $Finally, a simplified explanation of Schrödinger's cat paradox for quantum mechanics enthusiasts!Have you been lying awake at night pondering quantum superposition? Have you fretted about how to explain its flawed interpretation? Are you a fan of Schrödinger's cat? Or do you know someone who is? This is the book for you!Award-winning physicist, quantum enthusiast and bestselling author of the Baby University series Chris Ferrie, has transformed Schrödinger's paradox into a whimsical poem perfect for science fans or anyone who enjoys using cats and boxes to explain science experiments.
The Chemical Bond: A Fundamental Quantum-Mechanical Picture (Springer Series in Chemical Physics, 76)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 178.51 $Providing the quantum-mechanical foundations of chemical bonding, this unique textbook emphasizes key concepts such as superposition, degeneracy of states and the role of the electron spin. An initial, concise and compact presentation of the rudiments of quantum mechanics enables readers to progress through the book with a firm grounding. Experimental examples are included to illustrate how the abstract concepts are manifest in real systems.
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