35 products were found matching your search for TLILY Jouet de Serpent in 3 shops:
Trop de Jouets
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.61 $See below for English description.Samuel a trop de jouets! Il y en a partout dans la maison. Le plancher est couvert de robots, de blocs, de jeux de soci?t?s, de livres, de dinosaures en plastique et d'animaux en peluche. Un jour, sa m?re en a assez! Elle demande ? Samuel de choisir les jouets qu'il veut garder. Il faut en ?liminer et tout de suite! Pour Samuel, c'est la catastrophe. Ce sont tous ses jouets pr?f?r?s! Sa m?re lui vient alors en aide et ensemble, ils font le tri et arrivent ? remplir une grosse bo?te de jouets ? donner. Le travail enfin termin?, Samuel retourne jouer pendant que sa m?re se repose. Mais lorsqu'elle retourne chercher la bo?te pour la mettre dans la voiture, elle trouve une montagne de jouets p?le-m?le sur le plancher! Samuel est toujours d'accord pour se d?barrasser des jouets... mais certainement pas de la bo?te! C'est le meilleur jouet de tous! Spencer has too many toys. He has robots, puzzles, board games, stuffed animals, and plastic action figures. Toys spill out of every drawer and closet and clutter the floor of every room. Have you ever tried to get to your kitchen and tripped over a race car? Spencer's house has become hazardous. Something has to be done! Come along as Spencer tries to persuade his mother to keep them all-because every single toy is his favourite. In the end, it's not a store-bought toy but the give-away box itself that captures Spencer's attention. Once again, award-winner David Shannon proves that an entertaining story and your own imagination are the very best toys of all! Original title: Too Many Toys
Jep : Le jouet de paris 1902-1968 (Objets de Collection).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 207.81 $Zust: Gutes Exemplar. Mit original Schutzumschlag. 400 S., mit Abbildungen, Französisch 3050g
La sombra de la serpiente. Novela gráfica / The Serpent's Shadow (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.95 $La novela gráfica del gran éxito de Rick Riordan.Mi hermana Sadie y yo hemos tenido que aprender a usar la magia para intentar restaurar el orden del mundo... Pero todo se ha complicado cuando hemos descubierto que Apofis, la serpiente del Caos, ha regresado para destruir la tierra por completo.Solo tenemos tres días para salvarnos a todos, los dioses de la Ma'at han desaparecido y ¡nadie puede ayudarnos!ENGLISH DESCRIPTIONHe's b-a-a-ack! Despite their best efforts, Carter and Sadie Kane can't seem to keep Apophis, the chaos snake, down. Now Apophis is threatening to plunge the world into eternal darkness, and the Kanes are faced with the impossible task of having to destroy him once and for all. Unfortunately, the magicians of the House of Life are on the brink of civil war, the gods are divided, and the young initiates of Brooklyn House stand almost alone against the forces of chaos. The Kanes' only hope is an ancient spell that might turn the serpent's own shadow into a weapon, but the magic has been lost for a millennia. To find the answer they need, the Kanes must rely on the murderous ghost of a powerful magician who might be able to lead them to the serpent's shadow . . . or might lead them to their deaths in the depths of the underworld.Nothing less than the mortal world is at stake when the Kane family fulfills its destiny in this thrilling conclusion to the Kane Chronicles.This non-stop thrill ride is adapted and brought to life by Orpheus Collar, who developed the other Kane Chronicles graphic novels and worked on The Lightning Thief; The Graphic Novel; The Lost Hero, The Graphic Novel; and many other titles including The Amazing Spider-Man and Ultimate X-Men.
Asesino de brujas/ Serpent & Dove -Language: Spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.23 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Madame Serpent: A Catherine de' Medici Novel (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.03 $Back in print after more than twenty years and for the first time in eBook, Madame Serpent, the first novel in Jean Plaidy's classic Catherine de Medici trilogy, introduces readers to the young de Medici princess.Fourteen-year-old Catherine de’ Medici arrives in Marseilles to marry Henry, Duke of Orleans, second son of the King of France. The brokenhearted Catherine has left her true love in Italy, forced into trading her future happiness for marriage into the French royal family. Amid the glittering fêtes and banquets of the most immoral court in sixteenth-century Europe, the reluctant bride becomes a passionate but unwanted wife. Humiliated and unloved, Catherine spies on Henry and his lover, the infamous Diane de Poitiers. Tortured by what she sees, Catherine becomes consumed by a ruthless ambition destined to make her the most despised woman in France: the dream that one day the French crown will be worn by a Medici heir. . . .
Le Laboratoire Aux Serpents / the Reptile Room (Les Desastreuses Aventures Des Orphelins Baudelaire / a Series of Unfortunate Events) (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.56 $192pages. in8. Broché. Les Baudelaire, ce sont trois orphelins: Violette, 14 ans, à l'intelligence scientifique; Klaus, 12 ans, lecteur insatiable; et Prunille, la petite dernière qui mord tout ce qui se passe. A la suite de la mort de leurs parents dans un incendie, ils se retrouvent à la tête d'une immense fortune mais ne pourront en jouir qu'à la majorité de Violette. M. Poe, l'exécuteur testamentaire, banquier austère, se charge de les placer chez divers membres de la famille. C'est ainsi que les trois orphelins vont parcourir le monde avec, sans cesse à leurs trousses, l'odieux et cupide Comte Olaf, qui n'a plus qu'une obsession en tête: mettre la main sur le magot des orphelins Baudelaire. Une saga en 13 tomes plébiscitée dès le premier volume par les lecteurs américains (3 millions d'exemplaires vendus depuis la parution du premier tome aux Etats-Unis en 1999). Dans ce pastiche tragi-comique des mélos anglo-saxons du XIX° siècle, les malheurs succèdent aux malheurs. Le ton reste cependant celui de l'aventure, du suspense et de l'humour en toutes circonstances. Car l'auteur cultive l'ironie et un humour pince-sans-rire à l'anglaise: un jeu auquel se prend le lecteur.
Le Jouet
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.69 $Dorothée est jeune, attirante, avec ses petits seins fièrement dressés, ses longues jambes, son corps d'adolescente sans complexe. À dix-huit ans, elle s'éveille aux choses du sexe.Un rien suffirait à déclencher en elle le désir irrésistible de se donner. C'est ce qui lui arrive après avoir rencontré un couple ami bien décidé à s'offrir la troublante Dorothée. Au fil des planches, vous vivrez l'initiation de cette jeune fille en fleur qui se révèle une chaude et ardente partenaire.
Jouets En Bois : à Fabriquer Soi-même
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.29 $Merci, votre achat aide à financer des programmes de lutte contre l'illettrisme.
Women's The Rebirth Snake Necklace - Silver De Roms
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 226.00 $The Rebirth Necklace is a potent emblem of renewal and fresh starts, inspired by the profound symbolism of snakes in many cultures. Just as the serpent sheds its old skin to embrace a vibrant future, so too can we cast off the weight of yesterday's burdens and embark on a journey of rejuvenation. With each wear, feel the weight of the past slipping away, making space for the dawn of a vibrant future. Embrace The Rebirth Necklace and embark on a journey of empowerment, ready to embrace life's ever-unfolding adventure. Set on a 45cm trace chain. Created using 100% recycled silver Avoid contact with cosmetics, creams, and perfumes Keep your jewellery away from water, including seawater and swimming pools Remove your jewellery when using cleaning products or coming into contact with chemicals Gently clean your jewellery using a soft cloth, avoiding rough materials like tissue paper that could cause scratches To keep your jewellery in its best condition, find a cool and dry spot to store it. The pouch it originally came in is the perfect home to keep it safe Avoid wearing jewellery during activities involving harsh impact or heavy lifting By following these recommendations, you can help preserve the beauty and longevity of your precious De Roms jewellery.
Women's The Rebirth Snake Necklace - Gold Vermeil De Roms
Vendor: Wolfandbadger.com Price: 309.00 $The Rebirth Necklace is a potent emblem of renewal and fresh starts, inspired by the profound symbolism of snakes in many cultures. Just as the serpent sheds its old skin to embrace a vibrant future, so too can we cast off the weight of yesterday's burdens and embark on a journey of rejuvenation. With each wear, feel the weight of the past slipping away, making space for the dawn of a vibrant future. Embrace The Rebirth Necklace and embark on a journey of empowerment, ready to embrace life's ever-unfolding adventure. Set on a 45cm trace chain. Created using 100% recycled silver & 24kt Gold Vermeil Avoid contact with cosmetics, creams, and perfumes Keep your jewellery away from water, including seawater and swimming pools Remove your jewellery when using cleaning products or coming into contact with chemicals Gently clean your jewellery using a soft cloth, avoiding rough materials like tissue paper that could cause scratches To keep your jewellery in its best condition, find a cool and dry spot to store it. The pouch it originally came in is the perfect home to keep it safe Avoid wearing jewellery during activities involving harsh impact or heavy lifting By following these recommendations, you can help preserve the beauty and longevity of your precious De Roms jewellery.
The Serpent's Egg
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 39.95 $HOW DO YOU MEASURE YOUR OWN SANITY IN A WORLD GONE MAD? In 1977, legendary Swedish filmmaker Ingmar Bergman (The Seventh Seal, Persona) teamed up with the equally legendary Italian producer Dino De Laurentiis (La strada, Danger: Diabolik) for what would be the director's one and only Hollywood feature. Berlin, 1923. Out-of-work circus performer Abel Rosenberg (David Carradine, Bound in Glory, Kill Bill) is living in poverty. When his brother commits suicide, he moves into the apartment of his ca
Serpent Songs: An Anthology of Traditional Craft
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.12 $Serpent Songs is an anthology of the voices of Traditional Craft: the words and works of those who remain untamed, cunning folk, exorcists, pellars, sorgin, witches and mystics. A collection of fifteen essays, Serpent Songs is introduced and curated by Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold through whose contacts we encounter the worlds of lone individuals and tradition holders, from both family and clan, and are allowed a rare glimpse into the workings of the more secretive practitioners of the Craft. Traditional Craft is intimately bound to the spirit of the land. Thus Serpent Songs contains the accounts of Cornish and Basque witchcraft, the relatively unknown Swedish Trolldom, the persecuted Bogomils, and the oft misrepresented Italian Streghoneria. Members of 1734 and Clan Tubal Cain are among those who choose to share their experiences and perspectives. Light is shed on such important figures as Robert Cochrane, Evan John-Jones and Andrew Chumbley amongst others, but more than illustrious ancestors, traditional craft is revealed as a living throng. These are the voices of those who work the art and this book details their practices, struggles and wayward journeys. Serpent Songs takes a crooked path through the landscape, from historical studies to practical acts, from lonely stone stiles set between deep hedges to the warm entrails of animals and forays into the caves and woods. It is a wide ranging work that deals with the issues of witch blood, taboo, the other, the liminal state, fire, dream, art and need as vectors of the Craft. What emerges is not a narrow definition of what it means to engage in Traditional Craft, but a set of shared characteristics and approaches which become evident despite the cultural gulfs in place and time. These are the voices who for the most part operate in silence but now wish to be heard.
La fosse aux serpents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.76 $Rayon : BD Editeur : Casterman Date de parution : 1990 Description : In-4, 94 pages, broché remplié, édition originale, occasion, très bon état . Envois quotidiens du mardi au samedi. Les commandes sont adressées sous enveloppes bulles. Photos supplémentaires de l'ouvrage sur simple demande. Réponses aux questions dans les 12h00. ATTENTION : Les expéditions de plus de 2 kilos se voient appliquer un supplément de port. Un envoi en Mondial Relay est possible en France et en Europe. IMPORTANT : Le service économique d'envoi de livres à l'international "livres et brochures" prendra fin au 1er juillet 2025. Clients internationaux, profitez des derniers mois de ce tarif très avantageux. N'hésitez pas à vous renseigner avant de passer commande. Librairie Le Piano-Livre. Merci. Référence catalogue vendeur: X20282
Wall of Serpents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.71 $Nov. 1979 Dell Fantasy mass market paperback, Fletcher Pratt (The Onslaught from Rigel), L. Sprague de Camp (Lest Darkness Fall & Related Stories). The Mathematics of Magic was probably the greatest discovery of the ages - at least Professor Harold Shea thought so. With the proper equations, he could instantly transport himself back in time to all the wondrous lands of ancient legend. But slips in time were a hazard, and Shea's magic did not always work - at least, not quite as he expected .- Amazon
Zahhak La Legende Du Roi Serpent
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.05 $Livre a L?etat de Neuf. Expedie Sous 3 Jours Ouvres. Numero de Suivi Communique Avant Envoi, Emballage Renforce. Ean:9782378941253
Pk20 Ballade Du Serpent
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.06 $*** Nota: Los envíos a España peninsular, Baleares y Canarias se realizan a través de mensajería urgente. No aceptamos pedidos con destino a Ceuta y Melilla.
Serpent in the Sky: The High Wisdom of Ancient Egypt
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 155.00 $A study of the published works of French mathematician and philosopher R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz explains his symbolist theory and argues the very early existence of a highly developed and sophisticated Egyptian civilization
The Serpent Queen (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.45 $Paperback. NOW THE TV SERIES 'THE SERPENT QUEEN', STARRING SAMANTHA MORTONThe bestselling revisionist biography of one of the great women of the 16th centuryOrphaned in infancy, Catherine de Medici was the sole legitimate heiress to the Medici family fortune. Married at fourteen to the future Henri II of France, she was constantly humiliated by his influential mistress Diane de Poitiers. When her husband died as a result of a duelling accident in Paris, Catherine was made queen regent during the short reign of her eldest son (married to Mary Queen of Scots and like many of her children he died young). When her second son became king she was the power behind the throne. She nursed dynastic ambitions, but was continually drawn into political and religious intrigues between Catholics and Protestants that plagued France for much of the later part of her life. It had always been said that she was implicated in the notorious Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre, together with the king and her third son who succeeded to the throne in 1574, but was murdered. Her political influence waned, but she survived long enough to ensure the succession of her son-in-law who had married her daughter Margaret. The bestselling revisionist biography of one of the great women of the 16th century Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
The Serpent.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.97 $The play "The Serpent", opened in Rome at the Teatro del Arte on May 2, 1968. This 'ceremony' was created by the Open Theater under the direction of Joseph Chaikin. "This brilliant and fascinating tour de force in contemporary improvisational theatre explores the Book of Genesis, and relates it to our modern experience with an eloquence and power which have earned it recognition as a milestone of the new American drama. Most of the work is choreographed movement, pantomime, human sounds and music made by bells, horns, whistles, tambourines and other hand-held instruments." (from review by Dramatist Play Service).
Mylab Portuguese with Pearson Etext -- Access Card -- For Ponto de Encontro: Portuguese as a World Language (Multi-Semester Access)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 130.81 $Book by Jouët-Pastré, Clémence de, Klobucka, Anna, Sobral, Patrícia Isabel, Moreira, Maria Luci de Biaji, Hutchinson, Amélia P.
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