8 products were found matching your search for Tech R81C Raumthermostat mit in 2 shops:
New Tech, New Ties: How Mobile Communication Is Reshaping Social Cohesion (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.76 $How cell phones and mobile communication may in many cases strengthen social cohesion.The message of this book is simple: the mobile phone strengthens social bonds among family and friends. With a traditional land-line telephone, we place calls to a location and ask hopefully if someone is “there”; with a mobile phone, we have instant and perpetual access to friends and family regardless of where they are. But when we are engaged in these intimate conversations with absent friends, what happens to our relationship with the people who are actually in the same room with us? In New Tech, New Ties, Rich Ling examines how the mobile telephone affects both kinds of interactions―those mediated by mobile communication and those that are face to face. Ling finds that through the use of various social rituals the mobile telephone strengthens social ties within the circle of friends and family―sometimes at the expense of interaction with those who are physically present―and creates what he calls “bounded solidarity.” Ling argues that mobile communication helps to engender and develop social cohesion within the family and the peer group. Drawing on the work of Emile Durkheim, Erving Goffman, and Randall Collins, Ling shows that ritual interaction is a catalyst for the development of social bonding. From this perspective, he examines how mobile communication affects face-to-face ritual situations and how ritual is used in interaction mediated by mobile communication. He looks at the evidence, including interviews and observations from around the world, that documents the effect of mobile communication on social bonding and also examines some of the other possibly problematic issues raised by tighter social cohesion in small groups.
Entrepreneurial Finance and Accounting for High-Tech Companies (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.71 $Financial aspects of launching and operating a high-tech company, including risk analysis, business models, U.S. securities law, financial accounting, tax issues, and stock options, explained accessibly.This book offers an accessible guide to the financial aspects of launching and operating a high-tech business in such areas as engineering, computing, and science. It explains a range of subjects―from risk analysis to stock incentive programs for founders and key employees―for students and aspiring entrepreneurs who have no prior training in finance or accounting.The book begins with the rigorous analysis any prospective entrepreneur should undertake before launching a business, covering risks associated with a new venture, the reasons startup companies fail, and the stages of financing. It goes on to discuss business models and their components, business plans, and exit planning; forms of business organization, and factors to consider in choosing one; equity allocation to founders and employees; applicable U.S. securities law; and sources of equity capital. The book describes principles of financial accounting, the four basic financial statements, and financial ratios useful in assessing management performance. It also explains financial planning and the use of budgets; profit planning; stock options and other option-type awards; methodologies for valuing a private company; economic assessment of a potential investment project; and the real options approach to risk and managerial flexibility. Appendixes offer case studies of Uber and of the valuation of Tentex.
The Market in Mind: How Financialization Is Shaping Neuroscience, Translational Medicine, and Innovation in Biotechnology (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 63.65 $A critical examination of translational medicine, when private risk is transferred to the public sector and university research teams become tech startups for global investors.A global shift has secretly transformed science and medicine. Starting in 2003, biomedical research in the West has been reshaped by the emergence of translational science and medicine―the idea that the aim of research is to translate findings as quickly as possible into medical products. In The Market in Mind, Mark Dennis Robinson charts this shift, arguing that the new research paradigm has turned university research teams into small biotechnology startups and their industry partners into early-stage investment firms. There is also a larger, surprising consequence from this shift: according to Robinson, translational science and medicine enable biopharmaceutical firms, as part of a broader financial strategy, to outsource the riskiest parts of research to nonprofit universities. Robinson examines the implications of this new configuration. What happens, for example, when universities absorb unknown levels of risk? Robinson argues that in the years since the global financial crisis translational science and medicine has brought about “the financialization of health.”Robinson explores such topics as shareholder anxiety and industry retreat from Alzheimer's and depression research; how laboratory research is understood as health innovation even when there is no product; the emergence of investor networking events as crucial for viewing science in a market context; and the place of patients in research decisions. Although translational medicine justifies itself by the goal of relieving patients' suffering, Robinson finds patients' voices largely marginalized in translational neuroscience.
Richard Horden - Light Tech: Towards a light architecture/Ausblick auf eine leichte Architektur (German and English Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.93 $Light-Tech – dieser Begriff meint eine leichte, fast gewichtslose Bauweise, mit leichten Materialien und Elementen, in eleganten technischen Konstruktionen. Sie ist für die Details von Möbeln und Inneneinrichtungen ebenso anwendbar wie für Wohnhäuser, Bürobauten oder Brücken. Sie arbeitet mit Materialien wie Aluminium, Glas oder Titan und hinterläßt als ästhetische Wirkung den Eindruck von Beweglichkeit, Offenheit und Transparenz. Dieses Buch stellt erstmals die Light-Tech-Architektur Richard Hordens in einer Monographie umfassend dar. Richard Horden war zunächst in der Marine- und Aerospace-Industrie tätig, hat dann bei Grimshaw & Partner und Norman Foster gearbeitet, aber sich auch von Buckminster Fuller und Jan Kaplicky anregen lassen und leitet inzwischen ein eigenes Architekturbüro in London. Aus dem Inhalt: - Innovative Einflüsse - Unterwegs zur Mikroarchitektur - Experimenteller Technologietransfer - Aerodynamik und Architektur - Neue Formen - Strategie der Transparenz - Haus-Studien - Materialien
La Tech: Quand la Silicon Valley refait le monde
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.28 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Richard Horden - Light Tech: Towards a light architecture/Ausblick auf eine leichte Architektur
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.27 $Light-Tech – dieser Begriff meint eine leichte, fast gewichtslose Bauweise, mit leichten Materialien und Elementen, in eleganten technischen Konstruktionen. Sie ist für die Details von Möbeln und Inneneinrichtungen ebenso anwendbar wie für Wohnhäuser, Bürobauten oder Brücken. Sie arbeitet mit Materialien wie Aluminium, Glas oder Titan und hinterläßt als ästhetische Wirkung den Eindruck von Beweglichkeit, Offenheit und Transparenz. Dieses Buch stellt erstmals die Light-Tech-Architektur Richard Hordens in einer Monographie umfassend dar. Richard Horden war zunächst in der Marine- und Aerospace-Industrie tätig, hat dann bei Grimshaw & Partner und Norman Foster gearbeitet, aber sich auch von Buckminster Fuller und Jan Kaplicky anregen lassen und leitet inzwischen ein eigenes Architekturbüro in London. Aus dem Inhalt: - Innovative Einflüsse - Unterwegs zur Mikroarchitektur - Experimenteller Technologietransfer - Aerodynamik und Architektur - Neue Formen - Strategie der Transparenz - Haus-Studien - Materialien
Salvation: Season One
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $When MIT grad student Liam Cole (Charlie Rowe) discovers a massive asteroid is on a collision course with Earth and will wipe out humanity in six months, he and billionaire tech whiz Darius Tanz (Santiago Cabrera) must find a way to save the planet. But they soon find themselves caught up in a dangerous political battle between the U.S. and Russia. Premiering on CBS in 2017, this suspenseful sci-fi drama series also stars Jennifer Finnigan, Jacqueline Byers, Rachel Drance, Shazi Raja, Ian Anthon
A Man for All Markets (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.08 $Paperback. Card-counting mathematics professor Tech inventor Hedge fund heavyweight Bestselling author A scarcely imaginable tale of ludicrous successEdward O. Thorp rose up from nothing to become a professor at MIT, invented card counting and proceeded to beat the dealers of Las Vegas at blackjack, roulette and baccarat. Having brushed shoulders with casino mobsters and survived, he shared his secrets with the world, launching a gambling renaissance. His next stop was Wall Street, where he used statistical techniques to identify and exploit pricing anomalies in the securities markets, ushering in a stock market revolution and becoming the first of the great quantitative investors. In a remarkable career, Thorp attracted the attention of the legendary Warren Buffet, detected the Bernie Madoff scheme, invented the worlds first wearable computer and amassed a significant personal fortune.Now Thorp shares his incredible life story for the first time, revealing how he made his money and giving advice to the next generation of investors. An intellectual thrill ride, replete with practical wisdom, A Man for All Markets reveals the power of logic in a seemingly irrational world. The unimaginable success of a gambling and investment legend Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
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