33 products were found matching your search for The Language of Emily in 1 shops:
The Language of Exclusion : The Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.51 $The Language of Exclusion is a pioneering feminist critical study of two of the most enigmatic 19th-century women poets--Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti. The authors take as their point of departure the spinster/recluse model, which they argue has characterized most biographies of 19th-century women poets written before 1960. Rejecting this model, they build instead on the rich tradition of feminist literary criticism exemplified by the work of writers like Elaine Showalter, Lillian Robinson, and Martha Vicinus. In The Language of Exclusion they focus on the shared historical experience of these two most private poets to reveal their public significance and demonstrate the inadequacy of the spinster/recluse model.
The Language of Exclusion: The Poetry of Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti (Contributions in Women's Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 111.85 $The Language of Exclusion is a pioneering feminist critical study of two of the most enigmatic 19th-century women poets--Emily Dickinson and Christina Rossetti. The authors take as their point of departure the spinster/recluse model, which they argue has characterized most biographies of 19th-century women poets written before 1960. Rejecting this model, they build instead on the rich tradition of feminist literary criticism exemplified by the work of writers like Elaine Showalter, Lillian Robinson, and Martha Vicinus. In The Language of Exclusion they focus on the shared historical experience of these two most private poets to reveal their public significance and demonstrate the inadequacy of the spinster/recluse model.
The Language(s) of Poetry: Walt Whitman, Emily Dickinson, Gerard Manley Hopkins
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $Crisp, clean pages; no owners' marks; hard cover and dust jacket show only very light edgewear at corners, otherwise excellent. xiv, 158pp. incl. index.
Emily Dickinson as a Second Language: Demystifying the Poetry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.81 $Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) wrote in 19th century American English and referenced long-vanished cultural contexts. A "private poet," she created her own vocabulary, and many of her poems have quite specific local and personal connections. Twenty-first century readers may find her poetry elusive and challenging. Promoting a richer appreciation of Dickinson's work for a modern audience, this book explores unfamiliar aspects of her language and her world.
Emily Dickinson As a Second Language : Demystifying the Poetry
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.87 $Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) wrote in 19th century American English and referenced long-vanished cultural contexts. A "private poet," she created her own vocabulary, and many of her poems have quite specific local and personal connections. Twenty-first century readers may find her poetry elusive and challenging. Promoting a richer appreciation of Dickinson's work for a modern audience, this book explores unfamiliar aspects of her language and her world.
Maid As Muse : How Servants Changed Emily Dickinson's Life and Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.83 $In Maid as Muse, Aífe Murray explodes the myth of the isolated genius and presents an intimate, densely realized story of joined lives between Emily Dickinson and her domestic servants. Part scholarly study, part detective story, part personal journey, Murray’s book uncovers a world previously unknown: an influential world of Irish immigrant servants and an ethnically rich one of Yankee, English-immigrant, Native American, and African American maids and laborers, seamstresses and stablemen. Murray reveals how Margaret Maher and the other servants influenced the cultural outlook, fashion, artistic subject, and even poetic style of Emily Dickinson. Irish immigrant Maher becomes the lens to a larger story about artistic reciprocities and culture-making that has meaning way beyond Dickinson. This below-stairs, bottom-up portrait of the artist and her family not only injects themes of class and ethnic difference into the story but also imparts subtle details and intimacies that make the study of Emily Dickinson urgent once again. In the kitchen pantry where she spent a good portion of each day, the outside world came to Dickinson. The “invisible” kitchen was headquarters for people mostly lost from the public record—and it was her interactions with them that changed and helped define who Emily Dickinson was as a person and a poet.
Reading Emily Dickinson in Icelandic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.01 $Poetry. Exactly how much does language shape perception? In READING EMILY DICKINSON IN ICELANDIC, Heisler explores the materiality of language with a collection of prose poems inspired by her nine years in Iceland, a time in which the romance and astonishments of a foreign land were challenged by the difficulties of earning a living as a foreigner. The narrator struggles with just how deeply language conditions what she can see and, as she tries to learn Icelandic, the blind spots proliferate. Heisler's poems are preoccupied with the materiality of voice as it surfaces in the failures (and pleasures) of translation.
H. Emily Cady Trilogy: Lessons In Truth; How I Used Truth; God A Present Help (Timeless Wisdom Collection)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.72 $This volume includes the three amazing books written by H. Emily Cady, author of New Thought spiritual books. Lessons in Truth is her best known book, and it has sold millions of copies in a dozen languages. Cady associated with several prominent figures in the New Thought movement of the time, including: Emma Curtis Hopkins, Emmet Fox, Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science, and Charles and Myrtle Fillmore, co-founders of Unity Church . Her writings have become classics of the New Thought, and her phrases and concepts, full of wisdom, have inspired generations of readers around the world.
Emily's Good Nightmares: Emily the Strange
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.00 $A bona fide anti-hero of international fame, Emily's first two books have taken the world by dark-and-stormy might with more than 130,000 copies of the US editions sold, plus editions in 5 different languages. Now, Emily invites her brooding devotees to come even closer with a trip deep into her psyche in Emily's Good Nightmares. The same winning format and highly designed package featuring ghostly varnish effects on the page, a revealing die-cut, and a frightening new production trick involving Emily's worst nightmare (the color pink) lure fans into the intriguing dominion of Emily's dreamlife. Witness her favorite nocturnal imaginings, some scary, some spooky, some significant, and some just plain old strange.
Choice of Emily Dickinson's Verse
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.22 $Writing apart from the mainstream of nineteenth-century poetry Emily Dickinson created a language of her own, and her work is both very varied and very consistent in its strength and charm. As Ted Hughes says in his introduction, "It is impossible to exhaust the unique art and pleasures of her poetic talent"; for this selection (based entirely on the original texts) he has chosen the pieces he likes best.
Best Loved Poems to Read Again and Again: The Most Moving Verses in the English Language
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.42 $Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson, John Donne, and many others appear in a collection of poetry that expresses love, faith, hope, friendship, and inspiration
The Language of the Lake
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 57.24 $In the summer of 1995, Emily Taylor, recent widow of an unfaithful spouse, went on a job imposed grief sabbatical at her nana’s Lake Tahoe cabin in the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Professor David Taylor’s sudden death left his two daughters at odds, and his wife deep in financial, emotional, and spiritual turmoil. Emily was guarding a secret. Haunted by returning childhood memories of her twin brother’s mysterious drowning, she fears remembering Eddie’s death was her fault, and the reason for her mother’s rejection. To make matters worse, Jack Conner is trying to reignite their fractured relationship with the help of next door neighbor, and old family friend, Doc Walters. Searching for truths is dredging up unexpected trouble. Is there redemption in the clear, blue waters Emily has been swimming in her entire life? Is her nana’s God calling her name?
Clifford va a kindergarten/ Clifford Goes to Kindergarten -Language: spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.37 $Emily Elizabeth is starting kindergarten and she's a little nervous. Good thing that the teacher sent a note home that says each child can bring something from home to make the transition a little easier. But the teacher didn't bet on a child bringing something -- or someone -- as big as Clifford!Emily Elizabeth está a punto de comenzar Kindergarten y se siente un poco nerviosa. Pero la maestra manda una nota a las casas de sus estudiantes pidiéndoles que traigan a la escuela algo especial para que no se sientan mal el primer día de clases. La maestra nunca imaginó que uno niño pudiera traer una mascota tan grande como Clifford.
Best Loved Poems to Read Again & Again: 2nd Series : The Most Moving Verses in the English Language [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.74 $Poems by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson, John Donne, and many others appear in a collection of poetry that expresses love, friendship, faith, hope, and inspiration
La Novena Hija del Conde -Language: spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.59 $Emily Norwing es la novena hija del reciente fallecido Conde Ashby, arruinado por las cuantiosas dotes que ha tenido que ofrecer para casar a sus ocho hijas, queda huérfana y bajo la tutela de su cuñado. Es consciente a sus diecisiete años, que una joven sin dote no tiene posibilidades para contraer matrimonio, pero ella desconoce su increíble belleza e ingenio por los cuales sorprende a todos.El duque de Sylverston queda gratamente sorprendido con la belleza que irradia la jovencísima señorita Norwing. Algo en ella le despierta cierto instinto haciéndole rememorar sentimientos que él creía no volver a sentir. Aunque entre ellos no existe ninguna posibilidad, él hizo un juramento y su honor no le permite quebrantarlo.A pesar de sus diferencias y los dieciocho años que les separan, ambos se enfrentaran a lo inevitable. La atracción que sienten el uno hacia el otro.Atrévete a descubrir esta historia, llena de giros inesperados, abarrotada de sorpresas y sobre todo que no dejará indiferente a ninguno de sus lectores.Autor: Phavy Prieto
Lo que el tiempo olvido -Language: spanish
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.58 $«El fascinante viaje en el tiempo que inspiró al bestseller La viajera del tiempo». 1930: Paul Lee es solo un niño de diez años cuando su mejor amiga, Emily Stuart, desaparece misteriosamente sin dejar rastro. Años más tarde, Paul consigue rehacer su vida pese al dolor de la ausencia aunque, en realidad, jamás perdió la esperanza de volverla a ver. Casado y a punto de ser padre, es capaz de traspasar los límites del tiempo y del espacio a través de un fortuito encuentro en la buhardilla que trastoca por completo sus planes de futuro. En la actualidad: Amy Thompson apareció de la nada a principios de los años 90, y fue acogida por el matrimonio que la encontró en la buhardilla de su casa. Un día, de camino a la escuela, cuando un coche está a punto de embestirla, aparece un hombre con medio rostro desfigurado que le salva la vida. «Una mágica e inolvidable historia de amor, fantasía, intriga, acción y venganza, en la que se entrelazan vidas especiales y misteriosos sucesos en un escenario común: Clinton Hill, (Brooklyn, Nueva York). Historias paralelas en las que nada ni nadie son lo que parecen. Saltos temporales con una recurrente pregunta que se ha formulado el ser humano desde el principio de los tiempos: ¿Es posible viajar en el tiempo?».
Written on Our Hearts: Invitations From the Old Testament
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.74 $If you have ever found the Old Testament intimidating, you are not alone. The less-familiar history, themes, and language, coupled with the length of the book, make it a difficult read for many. But author Emily Freeman loves the Old Testament, and as she shares some of the wonderful things she has learned in her study of this book of scripture, you will find yourself coming to love it too. Written on Our Hearts is not a commentary or an intensive doctrinal study. Instead, Emily writes about the stories of the Old Testament, stories of trusting and overcoming and enduring and believing. Within these stories are all kinds of applications for the challenges we face today. There will come a moment in your life, the author says, when you or someone you love will struggle with a challenge so great you will wonder how you will make it through. In that moment you will long to better understand the Savior's role as the Deliverer, and to do that you must go to the book of scripture that describes that role the best the Old Testament. Discover the delivering power of the Lord yourself in the pages of this book and experience the scriptures in a new, more personal way!
Traveling Light: Collected and New Poems (illinois Poetry (paperback))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.17 $David Wagoner has won the acclaim of his peers and been compared with some of the most gifted poets in the English language: Emily Dickinson, James Wright, Robert Frost, Theodore Roethke. The Antioch Review has ascribed to him a"profoundly earthbound sanity," while Publishers Weekly credits him with a "plainspoken formal virtuosity" and a "consistent, pragmatic clarity of perception." His collections have garnered Poetry's Levinson and Union League Prizes, the Ruth Lilly Prize, and nominations for the American Book Award and the National Book Award. For his most recent collection, Walt Whitman Bathing, Wagoner was honored with the Ohioana Book Award in the category of poetry. Witty, eloquent, and insightful, Traveling Light offers new and familiar treasures from a master observer of both the natural and the human worlds. In a style by turns direct and intricate, Wagoner distills the essential emotions from people's encounters with each other, with nature, and with themselves. Through his compassionate but unblinking eyes, we see ourselves and the world that surrounds us more sharply delineated.
La chica olvidada
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.44 $Idioma/Language: Español. Una pequeña ciudad oculta un gran secreto. EL IMPRESIONANTE NUEVO THRILLER DE LA AUTORA SUPERVENTAS INTERNACIONAL KARIN SLAUGHTER, AUTORA DE ¿SABES QUIÉN ES? Una chica con un secreto. . . Longbill Beach, 1982. Emily Vaughn se prepara para la noche de graduación, el punto culminante de cualquier experiencia en la escuela secundaria. Pero Emily tiene un secreto. Y al acabar la noche, estará muerta. Un asesinato que sigue siendo un misterio. Cuarenta años después, el asesinato de Emily continúa sin resolverse. Sus amigos cerraron filas, su familia se replegó, la comunidad siguió adelante. Pero todo eso está a punto de cambiar. Una última oportunidad para descubrir a un asesino. . . Andrea Oliver llega al pueblo con un encargo sencillo: proteger a una jueza que recibe amenazas de muerte. Pero su misión es una tapadera. Porque, en realidad, Andrea está allí para encontrar justicia para Emily y descubrir la verdad antes de que el asesino decida silenciarla a ella también. . . *** Nota: Los envíos a España peninsular, Baleares y Canarias se realizan a través de mensajería urgente. No aceptamos pedidos con destino a Ceuta y Melilla.
Golden Delicious
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.74 $"What a crazed, beautiful book ... Boucher makes the world come alive by making language come alive." — George Saunders From the writer Emily St. John Mandel (Station Eleven) called "Strange and dazzling" comes a funny, heartbreaking, and wildly imaginative taleWelcome to Appleseed, Massachusetts, where stories grow in soil, sentences are kept as pets, and pianos change your point of view. Golden Delicious chronicles the narrator's rich, vivid childhood - driving to the local flea market with his father, causing trouble at school, pedaling through the neighborhood on his Bicycle Built for Two.But as the local economy sours, the narrator's family is torn apart. His mother joins a flying militia known as The Mothers; his father takes an all-consuming job; his sister runs away for a better life elsewhere. Who will save Appleseed? Will it be the Memory of Johnny Appleseed? The Mothers? The narrator himself?Golden Delicious is the eagerly awaited follow-up to Christopher Boucher's acclaimed debut, How to Keep Your Volkswagen Alive. It's a tour-de-force unlike any other, that takes you to the heart of family, love and memory.
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