357 products were found matching your search for The Psychological Experience of in 1 shops:
Armfuls of Time: The Psychological Experience of the Child With a Life-Threatening Illness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.99 $"I just wish that I had armfuls of time." With these poignant words a four-year-old reminds us of the fragility of life and of the wisdom and courage of children with life-threatening illnesses. Armfuls of Time eloquently portrays the psychological experience of such children, who are irreversibly changed from the moment of diagnosis. How they live with life-threatening illness is the subject of this remarkable book.Barbara M. Sourkes specializes in psychotherapy with children with cancer and other serious diseases. Her first book, The Deepening Shade, is an elegant synthesis of the psychology of life-threatening illness. In Armfuls of Time, she provides a window into her therapy sessions, allowing us to listen with her to the children's stories and conversations and to see their drawings. Her therapeutic techniques enable the children to express the experience of living with the threat of loss. Her analyses and interpretations lead the reader into a world of extraordinary challenges and exceptional resilience.
The Long Shore: A Psychological Experience of the Wilderness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.45 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Revelations and Possession: Distinguishing Spiritual From Psychological Experiences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.38 $Supernatural messages from the gods; visions of ghosts and spirits; being possessed by demons. These are the things folklore and superstition are made of, and we expect to find such stories in books of mythology and anthropology, or the ranting of religious fanatics. However, this is also the material of many a psychotherapy session, at least for those therapists willing to listen. Are these experiences the result of intrapsychic dynamics attributed to an outer force, or are they truly experiences of something from outside the soul? For most it does come down to a matter of faith: either you believe in an external spiritual reality or you do not. But this luxury is not afforded the psychotherapist or the spiritual director. They must assist individuals to come to understand the meaning of these experiences for their lives. To do this each must set aside their own preconceptions and biases and listen to the patient or directee, not assuming that a vision is necessarily from God or the spiritual realm, as well as jettisoning any skepticism regarding the fact that there may be another dimension to interpersonal reality, and that those beings that populate that dimension may interact and affect how the patient thinks, feels, and acts. Once done the therapist or director then may assist to distinguish false from valid visions or encounters and true from false possessions. It is this distinction and how to approach such revelations and possessions that are addressed in this book.
Parasocial Experiences : Psychological Theory and Application
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.19 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Psychological Dynamics of Religious Experience
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 127.67 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Subjective Experience (Psychological Issues)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.71 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Personal Experiences of Psychological Therapy for Psychosis and Related Experiences (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.31 $For those struggling with experiences of psychosis, therapy can be beneficial and even life changing. However, there is no single type of therapy, and a great range and diversity of therapeutic approaches have been developed to help different individuals’ needs, which makes deciding which approach is most helpful for an individual not a straightforward choice. Personal Experiences of Psychological Therapy for Psychosis and Related Experiences uniquely presents personal accounts of those who have received therapy for psychosis alongside professional clinical commentary on these therapies, giving multiple perspectives on what they involve and how they work. Presented in a clear and accessible way, each chapter includes accounts of a variety of different therapies, including cognitive behavioural therapy, trauma-focused therapy, open dialogue, and systemic family therapy. The reader is encouraged to explore not only the clinical basis for these therapies but also understand what the treatments mean for the person experiencing them, as well as their challenges and limitations. The book also explores the importance of the individual’s relationship with the therapist. As a whole, the perspectives presented here provide unique insight into a range of widely used psychological therapies for psychosis. With its special combination of personal experiences and concise introductions to different therapies, this book offers a valuable resource for academics and students of psychiatry, clinical psychology, psychotherapy, mental health care and mental health nursing. It will also be essential reading for those considering treatment, their friends and families, as well as mental health professionals, including psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists and nurses.
The Experience of Nature: A Psychological Perspective
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2,657.67 $A study of the natural environment, people, and the relationship between them. The authors offer a research-based analysis of the vital psychological role that nature plays. They try to understand how people perceive nature and what kinds of natural environments they prefer.
Experience Psychology! a Laboratory Guide to Psychological Science : Lafayette College
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 87.17 $Unread book in perfect condition.
The Psychology of Cultural Experience (Publications of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, Series Number 12)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.45 $This volume identifies an emerging synthesis in psychological anthropology and presents the new research agenda taking shape as the discipline moves beyond the postmodernist critique. United by a desire to better understand the relationship of individual experience to culture, the individual authors use a range of contemporary approaches in the field, including person-centered ethnography, activity theory, attachment and object relations theory, and cultural schema theory. Taken together, these chapters demonstrate the importance of basing comparative studies on categories derived from fine-grained accounts of personal experience.
Dimensions of Mystical Experiences. Empirical Studies and Psychological Links (International Series in the Psychology of Religion 11)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.05 $Wine has always been a part of popular medicine. Bacchic Medicine analyses the historical role of wine in the treatment of disease and preservation of health. The Hippocratic texts gave wine therapy a canonical statement over two millennia ago; but the nineteenth century was the golden age of alcohol and wine therapy. The Germans and the British gave us early canons of wine therapy and, heavily endowed with wine cultural capital, the French followed. But like all therapies, alcohol and wine therapies were not without danger and some of the ‘iatrogenic' tales are still with us. In the twentieth century, many doctors rallied to the defence of wine both as a substitute for more dangerous alcoholic drinks and as an efficacious medicament, with an impressive case for the efficacy of wine in fighting bacteria, heart disease and cancer. New science based on animal models and ionic theory fortified their arguments. According to the controversial ‘French Paradox', wine drinking makes it possible for a population to enjoy a high fat diet yet suffer little. Bacchic Medicine also discusses the contemporary debate over the role of alcohol and wine in preventive medicine.
Armenian Genocide: Transmission of Survivors' Experiences to Their Children and the Resultant Psychological Effects a Qualitative Research Study
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.06 $This paper will explore whether the Psychological and Emotional trauma experienced by the survivors of the Genocide has been transmitted to their offspring. Discussions include careful examination of the special features of extreme trauma that the survivors experienced and its enduring traces in the psychic structure of the victims that eventually help to explain why many of them consciously or unconsciously transferred their traumatization to their children. The brutality, fear, depression, anxiety, and hopelessness experienced by Genocide victims caused a "survivor syndrome" in these individuals, which was manifested in recurrent nightmares, or reliving of the past in the present (Porter, 1981). Through the children, the survivors attempt to heal and integrate their experiences. It is hoped that increased awareness of these "survivor syndrome" reactions may help therapists and investigators use them preventatively and therapeutically.
Dreams: A Reader on Religious, Cultural and Psychological Dimensions of Dreaming
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 105.41 $This innovative collection covers the dream beliefs and practices of various religious and cultural traditions; the dream experiences and theories of particular individuals; and the methods used to investigate and understand dreaming. Contributors include
Sex Signs: Every woman's astrological and psychological guide to love, men, sex, anger and personal power
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.36 $Sex Signs is the ultimate guide to love for the astrologically minded woman. This dramatic marriage of astrology, psychology, and sexuality, based on countless hours of counseling experience, has provided thousands of readers with penetrating insights into themselves and their relationships. Here every woman can find advice on love, self-esteem, decision making, and the constructive use of anger and personal power. A vast revision of Sex Signs has been undertaken to bring the work in line with millenial attitudes towards relationships and sexuality. But the core that has kept women coming back to Sex Signs for years is unchanged: here is practical guidance for making emotional and sexual relationships work, attaining the liberating and fulfilling lifestyle that is every woman's right.
The Life-Transforming Diet: Based on Health and Psychological Priniples of Maimonides and other Classical Sources
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.87 $Experience an inner and outer transformation with David Zulberg's The Life-Transforming Diet. This simple, practical and anything-but-boring program is more than merely a diet. It is a lifestyle that you can live with, because you are empowered to choose what to eat and when to eat it. Based on the wisdom of Maimonides (Rambam), one of the greatest Jewish sages who ever lived and the outstanding doctor of his time, the Life-Transforming Diet will give you the tools for optimum emotional and physical health, a more spiritual outlook and sustainable weight loss, no matter what your age, gender or occupation. The Life-Transforming Diet offers you: Gradual, step-by-step implementation of a new approach to eating: you don't go 'cold turkey'. Theoretical and practical information, including insights into how we form bad habits and tips for laying the foundation for new, better ones. A simple, quick and well-rounded exercise program that doesn't require a financial commitment. A do-it-yourself support system that takes only a few minutes a day. Advice for Shabbat and other dieting challenges. An intelligent and realistic maintenance program.
Women's Lives: A Psychological Exploration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.33 $Cutting-edge, comprehensive coverage with unique chronological approach within topical chapters Women’s Lives: A Psychological Exploration draws on a wealth of the literature to present a rich range of experiences and issues of relevance to girls and women. This text offers the unique combination of a chronological approach to gender that is embedded within topical chapters. Cutting-edge and comprehensive, each chapter integrates current material on women differing in age, ethnicity, social class, nationality, sexual orientation and ableness. The third edition reflects substantial changes in the field while maintaining its empirical focus through engaging writing, student activities, and critical thinking exercises. With over 2,100 new references emphasizing the latest research and theories, and for the first time, MySearchLab with eText, the authors continue to pique interests in psychology of women. Learning Goals Upon completing this book, readers should be able to: Understand the diversity of women’s identities by examining extensive coverage of women of color, women in other cultures around the world, and sexual minority women Understand the issues and experiences relating to women in midlife and beyond Note: MySearchLab with eText does not come automatically packaged with this text. To purchase the MySearchLab with eText, please visit: www.mySearchLab.com or you can purchase a ValuePack of the text + MySearchLab with eText (at no additional cost): ValuePack ISBN-10: 0205860575 / ValuePack ISBN-13: 9780205860579
The Life-Transforming Diet: Based on Health and Psychological Principles of Maimonides and Other Classical Sources
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.13 $Experience an inner and outer transformation with David Zulberg's The Life-Transforming Diet. This simple, practical and anything-but-boring program is more than merely a diet. It is a lifestyle that you can live with, because you are empowered to choose what to eat and when to eat it. Based on the wisdom of Maimonides (Rambam), one of the greatest Jewish sages who ever lived and the outstanding doctor of his time, the Life-Transforming Diet will give you the tools for optimum emotional and physical health, a more spiritual outlook and sustainable weight loss, no matter what your age, gender or occupation. The Life-Transforming Diet offers you: Gradual, step-by-step implementation of a new approach to eating: you don't go 'cold turkey'. Theoretical and practical information, including insights into how we form bad habits and tips for laying the foundation for new, better ones. A simple, quick and well-rounded exercise program that doesn't require a financial commitment. A do-it-yourself support system that takes only a few minutes a day. Advice for Shabbat and other dieting challenges. An intelligent and realistic maintenance program.
How Art Works: A Psychological Exploration Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.77 $There is no end of talk and of wondering about 'art' and 'the arts.' This book examines a number of questions about the arts (broadly defined to include all of the arts). Some of these questions come from philosophy. Examples include: What makes something art? Can anything be art? Do we experience "real" emotions from the arts? Why do we seek out and even cherish sorrow and fear from art when we go out of our way to avoid these very emotions in real life? How do we decide what is good art? Do aesthetic judgments have any objective truth value? Why do we devalue fakes even if we -- indeed, even the experts--- can't tell them apart from originals? Does fiction enhance our empathy and understanding of others? Is art-making therapeutic? Others are "common sense" questions that laypersons wonder about. Examples include: Does learning to play music raise a child's IQ? Is modern art something my kid could do? Is talent a matter of nature or nurture? This book examines puzzles about the arts wherever their provenance - as long as there is empirical research using the methods of social science (interviews, experimentation, data collection, statistical analysis) that can shed light on these questions. The examined research reveals how ordinary people think about these questions, and why they think the way they do - an inquiry referred to as intuitive aesthetics. The book shows how psychological research on the arts has shed light on and often offered surprising answers to such questions.
Gender and Colonialism: A Psychological Analysis of Oppression and Liberation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 12.64 $Drawing on the writings of diverse authors, including Jean Baker Miller, Bell Hooks, Mary Daly, Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire and Ignacio Martin-Baro, as well as on women's experiences, this book aims to develop a 'liberation psychology'; which would aid in transforming the damaging psychological patterns associated with oppression and taking action to bring about social change. The book makes systematic links between social conditions and psychological patterns, and identifies processes such as building strengths, cultivating creativity, and developing solidarity.
Shining Light on the Dark Side of Personality: Measurement Properties and Theoretical Advances (Psychological Assessment - Science and Practice, 4)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.34 $Open Books is a nonprofit social venture that provides literacy experiences for thousands of readers each year through inspiring programs and creative capitalization of books.
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