327 products were found matching your search for Tornow Yvonne Cultural Differences in 1 shops:
The Politics of Cultural Difference in Northern Cameroon
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.67 $This study, based on research spanning 25 years, focuses on the shifting patterns of social assimilation and exclusion that have characterised the inter-ethnic relations of this region for almost two centuries. The analysis is brought right up to the 1990s when the decline of the Cameroon state, linked with World Bank structural adjustment policies as well as the growing importance of ethnic associations, NGOs and international bodies has had a major impact on ethnic conflicts and political mobilisation in the region. Engaging in current debates on the 'invention' of tradition, the deconstruction of ethnicity and the nature of the modern African state, this book makes a major contribution to the analysis of ethnic politics, and the risks and possibilities of democratisation, in Africa.
We Were Here: Sexuality, Photography, and Cultural Difference: Selected writings by Sunil Gupta (Aperture Ideas)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.35 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Investigating Difference: Human and Cultural Relations in Criminal Justice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.14 $For courses that investigate race, class, and gender issues in Criminal Justice. A deep exploration of justice—its meaning and administration—through consideration of difference Investigating Difference examines the full range of individual differences across the entire criminal justice system. With a focus on positive solutions, the Third Edition moves beyond a prioritization of race to emphasize the multitude of social identity categories that matter in the justice system. Written by esteemed faculty and leading scholars in the field, this edition includes new chapters on intersectionality, specialty courts, and whiteness; newly authored and conceptualized chapters on gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, victimization, African Americans, Asian Americans, immigration, disability, and religion; a look at globalization and its impact on victims, offenders, and practitioners; and updated statistics and policy information throughout.
International Business Case Studies For the Multicultural Marketplace: For the Multicultural Marketplace (Managing Cultural Differences)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.72 $This comprehensive guide presents specific, real-life examples of the strategies and tactics used by some of the world's most successful international businesses and organizations to excel in the global marketplace. Divided into six major sections, this important book features more than 30 case studies that span critical issues of international business--globalization; negotiation; marketing; product/service quality; joint ventures and strategic alliances; and culturally diverse workforces. Each case study focuses on a particular company, region, or management style to clearly illustrate proven techniques for capitalizing on the cultural diversity of people, products, and markets. With contributions from more than two dozen business executives and professors, spanning the globe from Japan, to Germany, China to Mexico, this casebook provides a broad spectrum of current and future approaches to acheiving international and cross-cultural business success. An important collection of international case studies and commentary from the award-winning authors of Managing Cultural Differences. A comprehensive exploration of all aspects of multicultural management from forming strategic alliances to negotiations to marketing and service excellence
Cross-cultural Differences in Perspectives on the Self
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.18 $Cross-Cultural Difference in Perspectives on the Self features the latest research in a dynamic area of inquiry and practice. Considered in these pages are cross-cultural differences in the idea of the person and in models of balancing obligations to the self, family, and community. Revisiting and questioning the concepts of self and self-worth, the authors investigate the extent to which factors traditionally associated with psychological effectiveness (intrinsic motivation; assuming personal responsibility for one’s actions; and feeling in control, unique, hopeful, and optimistic) are culturally bound. Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama consider cultural differences in models of psychological agency; Joan Miller critiques the meaning of the term agency, analyzing the extent to which many popular theories in psychology rest on rather narrow Western models of behavior and effective functioning; Steven Heine calls into question the presumed universality of some forms of cognitive processing; Sheena Iyengar and Sanford DeVoe apply a cross-cultural perspective to better understand intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the value of choice; Kuo-shu Yang questions the universality of the pervasive and popular “theory of self-actualization” formulated by Abraham Maslow; and finally, Ype Poortinga reexamines not only the cultural boundaries of theory but also the very meaning of the concept of culture itself.
The Invention of Humanity: Equality and Cultural Difference in World History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 84.34 $For much of history, strangers were routinely classified as barbarians and inferiors, seldom as fellow human beings. The notion of a common humanity was counterintuitive and thus had to be invented. Siep Stuurman traces evolving ideas of human equality and difference across continents and civilizations from ancient times to the present.Despite humans’ deeply ingrained bias against strangers, migration and cultural blending have shaped human experience from the earliest times. As travelers crossed frontiers and came into contact with unfamiliar peoples and customs, frontier experiences generated not only hostility but also empathy and understanding. Empires sought to civilize their “barbarians,” but in all historical eras critics of empire were able to imagine how the subjected peoples made short shrift of imperial arrogance.Drawing on the views of a global mix of thinkers―Homer, Confucius, Herodotus, the medieval Muslim scholar Ibn Khaldun, the Haitian writer Antenor Firmin, the Filipino nationalist Jose Rizal, and more―The Invention of Humanity surveys the great civilizational frontiers of history, from the interaction of nomadic and sedentary societies in ancient Eurasia and Africa, to Europeans’ first encounters with the indigenous peoples of the New World, to the Enlightenment invention of universal “modern equality.” Against a backdrop of two millennia of thinking about common humanity and equality, Stuurman concludes with a discussion of present-day debates about human rights and the “clash of civilizations.”
Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 2002, Volume 49: Cross-Cultural Differences in Perspectives on the Self
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.37 $Cross-Cultural Difference in Perspectives on the Self features the latest research in a dynamic area of inquiry and practice. Considered in these pages are cross-cultural differences in the idea of the person and in models of balancing obligations to the self, family, and community. Revisiting and questioning the concepts of self and self-worth, the authors investigate the extent to which factors traditionally associated with psychological effectiveness (intrinsic motivation; assuming personal responsibility for one’s actions; and feeling in control, unique, hopeful, and optimistic) are culturally bound. Hazel Markus and Shinobu Kitayama consider cultural differences in models of psychological agency; Joan Miller critiques the meaning of the term agency, analyzing the extent to which many popular theories in psychology rest on rather narrow Western models of behavior and effective functioning; Steven Heine calls into question the presumed universality of some forms of cognitive processing; Sheena Iyengar and Sanford DeVoe apply a cross-cultural perspective to better understand intrinsic and extrinsic motivation and the value of choice; Kuo-shu Yang questions the universality of the pervasive and popular “theory of self-actualization” formulated by Abraham Maslow; and finally, Ype Poortinga reexamines not only the cultural boundaries of theory but also the very meaning of the concept of culture itself.
Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.42 $Through a series of 74 "dialogues" and one-page analyses, this practical guide comes as close as you can get on the printed page to actually experiencing cultural difference. Updated with a new introduction and chapterHow much culture lurks in common conversation? According to Craig Storti, so much that many of our most common, seemingly innocent exchanges-in social settings, on the job, in the world of business-are cultural minefields waiting to explode. These explosions-cultural misunderstandings-can cause confusion, irritation, even alienation. At the workplace and in the world of business these explosions undermine communication, threaten important relationships, and cost a great deal of time and money; away from work, they strain, even endanger, personal relations. Cross-Cultural Dialogues is a collection of brief conversation (4-8 lines) between an American and someone from another country and culture. Short as each dialogue is, it has buried within it at least one, and usually several breaches of cultural norms which the reader is challenged to figure out. And a challenge it is: the exchanges are so brief and innocuous that even the wariest among us are sandbagged by the dialogue's hidden subtleties. Ten cultures are represented by the non-Americans in the dialogues: Arab/Middle Eastern, British, Chinese, French, German, Hispanic, Indian, Japanese, Mediterranean/European, and Russian, and the dialogues are grouped according to the setting in which they occur: social, workplace, and business. Whether you're a learner, trainer, educator, or an armchair interculturalist, you'll enjoy solving these cultural riddles-and increase your cultural awareness in the bargain.
On Cultural Diversity : International Theory in a World of Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.49 $The rise of non-Western Great Powers, the spread of transnational religiously-justified insurgencies, and the resurgence of ethno-nationalism raise fundamental questions about the effects of cultural diversity on international order. Yet current debate - among academics, popular commentators, and policy-makers alike - rests on flawed understandings of culture and inaccurate assumptions about how historically cultural diversity has shaped the evolution of international orders. In this path-breaking book, Christian Reus-Smit details how the major theories of international relations have consistently misunderstood the nature and effects of culture, returning time and again to a conception long abandoned in specialist fields: the idea of cultures as coherent, bounded, and constitutive. Drawing on theoretical insights from anthropology, cultural studies, and sociology, and informed by new histories of diverse historical orders, this book presents a new theoretical account of the relationship between cultural diversity and international order: an account with far-reaching implications for how we understand contemporary transformations.
Investigating Difference : Human and Cultural Relations in Criminal Justice
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 166.84 $For courses that investigate race, class, and gender issues in Criminal Justice. A deep exploration of justice—its meaning and administration—through consideration of difference Investigating Difference examines the full range of individual differences across the entire criminal justice system. With a focus on positive solutions, the Third Edition moves beyond a prioritization of race to emphasize the multitude of social identity categories that matter in the justice system. Written by esteemed faculty and leading scholars in the field, this edition includes new chapters on intersectionality, specialty courts, and whiteness; newly authored and conceptualized chapters on gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, victimization, African Americans, Asian Americans, immigration, disability, and religion; a look at globalization and its impact on victims, offenders, and practitioners; and updated statistics and policy information throughout.
Global M&A Tango : How to Reconcile Cultural Differences in Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Partnerships
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.97 $A leadership blueprint for managing cross-cultural issues in any M&A deal In our rapidly expanding and increasingly volatile global economy, mergers and acquisitions are becoming the strategy of choice for businesses seeking to stimulate growth while managing risk. As more and more M&A deals are struck between global organizations, difficult new issues involving cultural differences have arisen. In The Global M&A Tango, international management experts Fons Trompenaars and Maarten Nijhoff Asser explain how to detect and manage these issues before they become major problems. Drawing on the world-renowned Trompenaars Hampden-Turner Cross-Cultural Database and Culture Compass, the authors illustrate how widely cultures can differ and, by reconciling the dilemmas created by that difference, how they can be integrated quickly, efficiently, and effectively. The Global M&A Tango helps you meet all the challenges of cross-national M&A by: Creating common mission, vision, strategy, and values Developing trust across value boundaries Enabling people with different cultural perspectives to engage in valuable discussions Change-management programs all too often ignore the culture perspectives of the individuals and groups involved--and it's often why organizations fail to realize the benefits that prompted the integration in the first place. With The Global M&A Tango, you have everything you need to integrate two old entities into a powerful new organization poised for dramatic growth in the coming decades.
Judging Insanity, Punishing Difference: A History of Mental Illness in the Criminal Court (The Cultural Lives of Law)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.49 $HARDCOVER Very Good - Crisp, clean, unread book with some shelfwear/edgewear, may have a remainder mark - NICE Standard-sized.
Intimacy or Integrity: Philosophy and Cultural Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.29 $How can I know something? How can I convince someone of the rightness of my position? How does reality function? What is artistic creativity? What is the role of the state? It is well known that people from various cultures give dissimilar answers to such philosophical questions. After three decades in the cross-cultural study of ideas and values, Thomas Kasulis found that culture influences not only the answers to these questions, but often how one arrives at the answers. In generalizing cultural difference, Kasulis identifies two kinds of orientation: intimacy and integrity. Both determine how we think about relations among people and among things, and each is reasonable, effective, and consistent. Yet the two are so incompatible in their basic assumptions that they cannot successfully engage each other. Cultural difference extends beyond nations. Cultural identities crystallize in relation to religion, occupation, race, gender, class. Rather than attempt to transcend cultural difference, Kasulis urges a deeper awareness of its roots by moving beyond mere cultural relativism toward a cultural bi-orientationality that will allow us to adapt ourselves to different cultural contexts as the situation demands. Wonderfully clear and unburdened by jargon, Intimacy or Integrity is accessible to readers from a variety of perspectives and backgrounds. By analyzing the synergy between thought and culture, it increases our understanding of cultural difference and guides us in developing strategies for dealing with orientations different from our own.
Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.21 $Culture affects everything we do: the simplest phrase can be so steeped in cultural context that even seemingly innocent exchanges between people are loaded with cultural differences waiting to expand into misunderstanding and tension. In response, Cross-Cultural Dialogues: 74 Brief Encounters with Cultural Difference offers a collection of 74 brief conversations between an American and people from other cultures, spanning nearly every major region of the world. Each dialogue is categorized as a social, workplace or business interaction and contains at least one breach of cultural norms, which the reader is then challenged to address. Even the most careful reader will be caught off guard by some of the dialogues' hidden subtleties. Storti is meticulous in his analysis of each dialogue, pinpointing not only the moment when the interaction goes wrong, but also identifying the cultural reasons behind each participant's point of view. Whether training others or adding to your own cultural awareness, Cross Cultural Dialogues is an excellent resource, encouraging readers to engage in the world and increase their multicultural understanding.
Racism and Cultural Studies: Critiques of Multiculturalist Ideology and the Politics of Difference (New Americanists)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.32 $In Racism and Cultural Studies E. San Juan Jr. offers a historical-materialist critique of practices in multiculturalism and cultural studies. Rejecting contemporary theories of inclusion as affirmations of the capitalist status quo, San Juan envisions a future of politically equal and economically empowered citizens through the democratization of power and the socialization of property. Calling U.S. nationalism the new “opium of the masses,” he argues that U.S. nationalism is where racist ideas and practices are formed, refined, and reproduced as common sense and consensus. Individual chapters engage the themes of ethnicity versus racism, gender inequality, sexuality, and the politics of identity configured with the discourse of postcoloniality and postmodernism. Questions of institutional racism, social justice, democratization, and international power relations between the center and the periphery are explored and analyzed. San Juan fashions a critique of dominant disciplinary approaches in the humanities and social sciences and contends that “the racism question” functions as a catalyst and point of departure for cultural critiques based on a radical democratic vision. He also asks urgent questions regarding globalization and the future of socialist transformation of “third world” peoples and others who face oppression. As one of the most notable cultural theorists in the United States today, San Juan presents a provocative challenge to the academy and other disciplinary institutions. His intervention will surely compel the attention of all engaged in intellectual exchanges where race/ethnicity serves as an urgent focus of concern.
How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Business: Avoid the Mistakes that Everyone Else is Making When Doing Business Internationally
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $How to Master Cultural Diversity “Completely Updated & Revised” A straightforward and above all practical guide to help you bridge the cultural differences that you face. Whether you're in business, a student or a frequent traveller, this eBook will help you better your intercultural communication. The Struggle Are you struggling with your counterpart on the other side of the world? Or do you find it difficult to get your foreign colleagues work the way you want? Are projects running over time and budget because team members from different cultures don’t seem to understand each other? What you need is cultural intelligence and intercultural competence. In these current turbulent economic times the focus for international companies must be on Marketing & Innovation – both in order to become and to remain successful. In this regard, the role of culture in international business has a key impact on international sales, marketing, recruiting, retaining, managing work teams as well as on mergers and acquisitions. Culture is behind everything an organization does or wants to do. Consequently, in the international and multicultural business arena, it is not uncommon for misunderstandings and other communication difficulties to occur. Both have negative effects on people and businesses and therefore, an organization’s overall effectiveness. And ultimately on the bottom line. Get this book now and avoid those intercultural miscommunications.
We Were Here Sexuality, Photography, and Cultural Difference Selected writings by Sunil Gupta (Aperture Ideas)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.15 $Brand New! Not Overstocks or Low Quality Book Club Editions! Direct From the Publisher! We're not a giant, faceless warehouse organization! We're a small town bookstore that loves books and loves it's customers! Buy from Lakeside Books!
Managing Cultural Differences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 121.96 $The international nature of modern Business means that individual and organizational success is no longer dependent solely on business acumen- our ability to understand, communicate and work with people in different countries and cultures around the world is more important than ever as more companies rely on their global reach to achieve the best profit and performance. For this reason, international business and cross-cultural management are key topics in undergraduate business, MBA and executive education programs worldwide as companies and institutions prepare current and future business leaders for the global marketplace. *This classic has been praised as "the bible of multiculturalism" (New York Times News Service)*Demographic information has been updated, case studies added to each chapter, additional student resources new to this edition are on the companion website*Five-hundred page on-line instructor's manual available from publisher packed with learning exercises, test banks, student activities, graphics and powerpoint slides for lectures*Find out more about the book from co-author Robert Mohan in this article and video - http://knowledgenetwork.thunderbird.edu/research/2010/12/10/robert-moran/
Common Schools/Uncommon Identities: National Unity and Cultural Difference
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.32 $How can we resolve the debates between groups such as blacks, Latinos, gays, and women who demand that school curricula recognize their particular identities and others who insist that public education should infuse children with a common American identity? Educational philosopher Walter Feinberg here takes on the debate and suggests ways to promote both cultural and national identities."Feinberg`s book addresses the most urgent questions about the future of American education, and everyone who cares about that future should read it."--Callan Eamonn, professor of educational policy studies, University of Alberta"What distinguishes this book is its quiet tone of reason and its careful effort to spell out a principled basis for rethinking public schools in a multicultural society."--David Labaree, author of How to Succeed in School Without Really Learning.
Considering Cultural Difference, A Longman Topics Reader
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.26 $Part of the “Longman Topics” reader series, Considering Cultural Difference features multiethnic writing from contemporary U.S. authors centered around issues of ritual, representation, and rights. This brief collection of readings examines cultural identity and difference with respect to race, class, gender, and nationality. Thought-provoking selections ask students to think about timely and relevant issues: integration in schools; affirmative action in the workplace, women in sports; living in a multilingual society. Three main sites of cultural difference are addressed: Ritual, Representation, and Rights, each divided into two chapters of five or six essays apiece. Brief apparatus helps students write more thoughtfully in response to the selections. “Longman Topics” are brief, attractive readers on a single complex, but compelling, topic. Featuring about 30 full-length selections, these volumes are generally half the size and half the cost of standard composition readers.
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