43 products were found matching your search for Traktion mit Tradition in 1 shops:
Über eine anwa'-Tradition mit bisher unbekannten Sternnamen. [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.19 $118 Seiten, orig. karton, Titelblatt mit monogrammierter und datierter (1983) Verfasserwidmung sauber mit Bleistift, sehr gutes, sauberes Exemplar. - - Inhalt: Abkürzungen für zitierte Literatur. - Einleitung. - - A. Die Texte: I. Ahmad ibn Faris (?), Mahtasar min al-anwa'. - II. Ibn Mammati, Kitab qawanin ad-dawawin. - III. Anonymus, Dikr manazil al-qamar. - IV. Anonymus, Dikr hay'at as-sams wa-l-qamar. - - B. Die Sternnamen: Verzeichnisse: I. Abweichungen und Varianten zu bereits bekannten Sternnamen. - II. Neue, bisher nicht erfaßte Sternnamen. - III. Namen nichtarabischen, griechisch-ptolemäischen Ursprungs. - Index: Namen in Transkription; Namen in arabischer Schrift. - - Anhang: Nachträge und Verbesserungen zu Kunitzsch: Untersuchungen zur Sternnomenklatur der Araber (1961).
Opel - Mobilität mit Tradition.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 160.32 $Buy with confidence! Book is in new, never-used condition 3.52
Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.33 $Freud's Mexican disciples, Mexican books, Mexican antiquities, and Mexican dreams.Freud's Mexico is a completely unexpected contribution to Freud studies. Here, Rubén Gallo reveals Freud's previously undisclosed connections to a culture and a psychoanalytic tradition not often associated with him. This book bears detailed testimony to Freud's relationship to a country he never set foot in, but inhabited imaginatively on many levels.In the Mexico of the 1920s and 1930s, Freud made an impact not only among psychiatrists but also in literary, artistic, and political circles. Gallo writes about a “motley crew” of Freud's readers who devised some of the most original, elaborate, and influential applications of psychoanalytic theory anywhere in the world. After describing Mexico's Freud, Gallo offers an imaginative reconstruction of Freud's Mexico: Freud owned a treatise on criminal law by a Mexican judge who put defendants―including Trotsky's assassin―on the psychoanalyst's couch; he acquired Mexican pieces as part of his celebrated collection of antiquities; he recorded dreams of a Mexico that was fraught with danger; and he belonged to a secret society that conducted its affairs in Spanish.
J. von Staudingers Kommentar zum Bürgerlichen Gesetzbuch mit Einführungsgesetz und Nebengesetzen. Familienrecht LPartG : Lebenspartnerschaftsgesetz
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 326.32 $Der Staudinger - Ein Großkommentar zum BGB, der Innovation und Tradition perfekt in sich vereint! Tradition, die verpflichtet: Seit 1898 begleitet der Staudinger das BGB und nimmt an dessen Entwicklung teil. Kompetent: Wissenschaftlich zuverlässig und praxisnah übersichtlich informiert der Staudinger über die Änderungen und Entwicklungen in Gesetzgebung, Rechtsprechung und Literatur. Einen Schritt voraus: Streitfragen oder noch ungeklärte Rechtsfragen werden im Staudinger systematisch erörtert und zugleich neue, eigenständige Lösungsansätze entwickelt. BGB und mehr: Neben der Kommentierung des BGB finden Sie im Gesamtwerk Staudinger auch die umfassende Kommentierung wichtiger Nebengesetze sowie ausführliche Erläuterungen zum Internationalen Privatrecht. BGB und Europa: Die Einflüsse und Entwicklungen des europäischen Gemeinschaftsprivatrechts werden im Staudinger konsequent berücksichtigt. Zeitersparnis: Durch systematische und alphabetische Übersichten und ausführliche Sachregister finden Sie schnell die gesuchte Information. Das Expertenteam an Ihrer Seite: 139 hochqualifizierte Kommentatorinnen und Kommentatoren garantieren eine für Wissenschaft und Praxis gleichermaßen leistungsfähige und höchst informative Kommentierung. Bewährt: Der Staudinger wird von namhaften Kanzleien, Notaren und Gerichten Tag für Tag zu Rate gezogen. Permanent aktuell: Die Fortentwicklung von Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung bestimmt die Erscheinungstermine neuer Bände. Der Austausch der Bände folgt dem Aktualisierungsbedarf. Entscheiden Sie selbst: Nutzen Sie den Staudinger ganz nach Ihren Anforderungen im Einzelbandbezug, Teilabonnement oder Vollabonnement. Es besteht keine Gesamtabnahmeverpflichtung. Kein Risiko: Testen Sie den Staudinger 14 Tage unverbindlich und entscheiden sich erst dann für den Kauf. Online: Exklusiv bei juris
Freud's Mexico: Into the Wilds of Psychoanalysis (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 185.59 $Freud's Mexican disciples, Mexican books, Mexican antiquities, and Mexican dreams.Freud's Mexico is a completely unexpected contribution to Freud studies. Here, Rubén Gallo reveals Freud's previously undisclosed connections to a culture and a psychoanalytic tradition not often associated with him. This book bears detailed testimony to Freud's relationship to a country he never set foot in, but inhabited imaginatively on many levels.In the Mexico of the 1920s and 1930s, Freud made an impact not only among psychiatrists but also in literary, artistic, and political circles. Gallo writes about a “motley crew” of Freud's readers who devised some of the most original, elaborate, and influential applications of psychoanalytic theory anywhere in the world. After describing Mexico's Freud, Gallo offers an imaginative reconstruction of Freud's Mexico: Freud owned a treatise on criminal law by a Mexican judge who put defendants―including Trotsky's assassin―on the psychoanalyst's couch; he acquired Mexican pieces as part of his celebrated collection of antiquities; he recorded dreams of a Mexico that was fraught with danger; and he belonged to a secret society that conducted its affairs in Spanish.
Digital Humanities (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.37 $A visionary report on the revitalization of the liberal arts tradition in the electronically inflected, design-driven, multimedia language of the twenty-first century.Digital_Humanities is a compact, game-changing report on the state of contemporary knowledge production. Answering the question “What is digital humanities?,” it provides an in-depth examination of an emerging field. This collaboratively authored and visually compelling volume explores methodologies and techniques unfamiliar to traditional modes of humanistic inquiry―including geospatial analysis, data mining, corpus linguistics, visualization, and simulation―to show their relevance for contemporary culture. Written by five leading practitioner-theorists whose varied backgrounds embody the intellectual and creative diversity of the field, Digital_Humanities is a vision statement for the future, an invitation to engage, and a critical tool for understanding the shape of new scholarship.
The Minimalist Program, 20th Anniversary Edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.65 $A classic work that situates linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences, formulating and developing the minimalist program. In his foundational book, The Minimalist Program, published in 1995, Noam Chomsky offered a significant contribution to the generative tradition in linguistics. This twentieth-anniversary edition reissues this classic work with a new preface by the author. In four essays, Chomsky attempts to situate linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences, with the essays formulating and progressively developing the minimalist approach to linguistic theory. Building on the theory of principles and parameters and, in particular, on principles of economy of derivation and representation, the minimalist framework takes Universal Grammar as providing a unique computational system, with derivations driven by morphological properties, to which the syntactic variation of languages is also restricted. Within this theoretical framework, linguistic expressions are generated by optimally efficient derivations that must satisfy the conditions that hold on interface levels, the only levels of linguistic representation. The interface levels provide instructions to two types of performance systems, articulatory-perceptual and conceptual-intentional. All syntactic conditions, then, express properties of these interface levels, reflecting the interpretive requirements of language and keeping to very restricted conceptual resources. In the preface to this edition, Chomsky emphasizes that the minimalist approach developed in the book and in subsequent work “is a program, not a theory.” With this book, Chomsky built on pursuits from the earliest days of generative grammar to formulate a new research program that had far-reaching implications for the field.
The Minimalist Program, 20th Anniversary Edition (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.56 $A classic work that situates linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences, formulating and developing the minimalist program. In his foundational book, The Minimalist Program, published in 1995, Noam Chomsky offered a significant contribution to the generative tradition in linguistics. This twentieth-anniversary edition reissues this classic work with a new preface by the author. In four essays, Chomsky attempts to situate linguistic theory in the broader cognitive sciences, with the essays formulating and progressively developing the minimalist approach to linguistic theory. Building on the theory of principles and parameters and, in particular, on principles of economy of derivation and representation, the minimalist framework takes Universal Grammar as providing a unique computational system, with derivations driven by morphological properties, to which the syntactic variation of languages is also restricted. Within this theoretical framework, linguistic expressions are generated by optimally efficient derivations that must satisfy the conditions that hold on interface levels, the only levels of linguistic representation. The interface levels provide instructions to two types of performance systems, articulatory-perceptual and conceptual-intentional. All syntactic conditions, then, express properties of these interface levels, reflecting the interpretive requirements of language and keeping to very restricted conceptual resources. In the preface to this edition, Chomsky emphasizes that the minimalist approach developed in the book and in subsequent work “is a program, not a theory.” With this book, Chomsky built on pursuits from the earliest days of generative grammar to formulate a new research program that had far-reaching implications for the field.
The Fifth Hammer: Pythagoras and the Disharmony of the World (Mit Press) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.14 $How the ordering of the sensible world continues to suggest a reality that no notes or letters can fully transcribe.An ancient tradition holds that Pythagoras discovered the secrets of harmony within a forge when he came across five men hammering with five hammers, producing a wondrous sound. Four of the five hammers stood in a marvelous set of proportions, harmonizing; but there was also a fifth hammer. Pythagoras saw and heard it, but he could not measure it; nor could he understand its discordant sound. Pythagoras therefore discarded it. What was this hammer, such that Pythagoras chose so decidedly to reject it?Since antiquity, “harmony” has been a name for more than a theory of musical sounds; it has offered a paradigm for the scientific understanding of the natural world. Nature, through harmony, has been transcribed in the ideal signs of mathematics. But, time and again, the transcription has run up against one fundamental limit: something in nature resists being written down, transcribed in a stable set of ideal elements. A fifth hammer, obstinately, continues to sound. In eight chapters, linked together as are the tones of a single scale, The Fifth Hammer explores the sounds and echoes of that troubling percussion as they make themselves felt on the most varied of attempts to understand and represent the natural world. From music to metaphysics, aesthetics to astronomy, and from Plato and Boethius to Kepler, Leibniz, and Kant, this book explores the ways in which the ordering of the sensible world has continued to suggest a reality that no notes or letters can fully transcribe.
Vernunft und Offenbarung : Religionsphilosophische Versuche. Mit einem Vorwort zu dieser Auflage
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.02 $Können wir seit der Aufklärung eine universelle Moral ohne Gott denken? Lassen sich insbesondere nach Auschwitz Menschenrechte und Menschenwürde ohne den Rückbezug auf die jüdisch-christliche Tradition gedanklich fassen? In Auseinandersetzung mit so unterschiedlichen Denkern des 20. Jahrhunderts wie Hermann Cohen und Leo Baeck, Ernst Bloch und Herbert Mead, Hannah Arendt und Carl Schmitt geht es Micha Brumlik um den Nachweis, dass spezifisch jüdische Motive über ... den Begriff der Offenbarung hinaus einen rationellen Kern enthalten, der auch jenseits konventionell gebundenen Glaubens, wenn schon nicht zu überzeugen, so doch mindestens aufzurütteln vermag . Brumlik sucht in seinen Essays gleichzeitig nach Traditionen und Blockaden einer universellen Moral. Seine Tiefenbohrungen nach jüdisch-christlichen Quellen philosophischen und politischen Denkens weisen so auch der Moralphilosophie neue Wege.
Women in Mathematics (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.94 $Mathematicians, science historians, and general readers will find this book a lively history; women will find it a reminder of a proud tradition and a challenge to take their rightful place in academic life today.The colorful lives of these women, who often traveled in the most avant-garde circles of their day, are presented in fascinating detail. The obstacles and censures that were also a part of their lives are a sobering reminder of the bias against women still present in this and other fields of academic endeavor. Mathematicians, science historians, and general readers will find this book a lively history; women will find it a reminder of a proud tradition and a challenge to take their rightful place in academic life today.
The Fifth Hammer: Pythagoras and the Disharmony of the World (Mit Press)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.24 $How the ordering of the sensible world continues to suggest a reality that no notes or letters can fully transcribe.An ancient tradition holds that Pythagoras discovered the secrets of harmony within a forge when he came across five men hammering with five hammers, producing a wondrous sound. Four of the five hammers stood in a marvelous set of proportions, harmonizing; but there was also a fifth hammer. Pythagoras saw and heard it, but he could not measure it; nor could he understand its discordant sound. Pythagoras therefore discarded it. What was this hammer, such that Pythagoras chose so decidedly to reject it?Since antiquity, “harmony” has been a name for more than a theory of musical sounds; it has offered a paradigm for the scientific understanding of the natural world. Nature, through harmony, has been transcribed in the ideal signs of mathematics. But, time and again, the transcription has run up against one fundamental limit: something in nature resists being written down, transcribed in a stable set of ideal elements. A fifth hammer, obstinately, continues to sound. In eight chapters, linked together as are the tones of a single scale, The Fifth Hammer explores the sounds and echoes of that troubling percussion as they make themselves felt on the most varied of attempts to understand and represent the natural world. From music to metaphysics, aesthetics to astronomy, and from Plato and Boethius to Kepler, Leibniz, and Kant, this book explores the ways in which the ordering of the sensible world has continued to suggest a reality that no notes or letters can fully transcribe.
Mappot . gesegnet, der da kommt. Das Band jüdischer Tradition.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.35 $1. Aufl. Quer-4°. Mit zahlr. (wenige farb.) Abb. u. Ill. 223 S. Ill. OPbd. - Dt. u. engl. Text. - Ausstellungskatalog/ Prähistor. Staatsslg. München u. a. - Sehr gutes Ex. 1
Cognitive Issues in the Long Scotist Tradition (Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy (MEMP); vol. 5).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.69 $454 S.; mit 4 s/w-Abb. Neuwertiges Ex. / Fine Copy // The late-scholastic school of Scotism (after John Duns Scotus, 1308) left considerable room for disagreement. This volume innovatively demonstrates just how vividly Scotist philosophers and theologians discussed cognitive matters from the 14th until the 17th century. It further shows how the Scotist ideas were received in Protestant and Reformed milieus. ISBN: 9783796547669 Sprache: Englisch Gewicht in Gramm: 792
Oskar Kaufmann - ein Theaterarchitekt zwischen Tradition und Moderne. (= Die Bauwerke und Kunstdenkmäler von Berlin, Beiheft 28).
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 136.77 $424 S., Schutzumschlag etwas berieben und an den Kanten minimal bestoßen, gut erhaltenes und sauberes Exemplar, Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1391 Gr.-8°., Original-Leinen mit Schutzumschlag,
Tradition critique: Penser après la rencontre coloniale
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.77 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
500 Jahre Drucken Orell Füssli: Tradition und Innovation seit 1519
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.47 $256 Seiten Leichte äußere Mängel - Buch ist als Mängelexemplar gekennzeichnet - Buch ansonsten in sehr gutem und ungelesenem Zustand - Jeder Lieferung liegt eine ordentliche Rechnung mit ausgewiesener MwSt. bei Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1450
Dichtung zwischen Tradition und Moderne: Richard Billinger
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.52 $Richard Billinger gehörte lange zu den vergessenen Dichtern. Der Österreicher kombinierte moderne Inhalte und Formen mit der literarischen Tradition. Die Thematisierung des Unterbewussten, Liebe, Tod und Religion sind bestimmende Momente seiner Lyrik, Dramen und Epik. Vorliegende Untersuchung zeigt auch Billingers umstrittene Haltung zum Nationalsozialismus und die uneinheitliche Rezeptionshaltung während dieser Zeit auf.
La Vie après la mort selon la tradition orthodoxe
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.85 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Les douze étapes et les douze traditions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.18 $Ausreichend/Acceptable: Exemplar mit vollständigem Text und sämtlichen Abbildungen oder Karten. Schmutztitel oder Vorsatz können fehlen. Einband bzw. Schutzumschlag weisen unter Umständen starke Gebrauchsspuren auf. / Describes a book or dust jacket that has the complete text pages (including those with maps or plates) but may lack endpapers, half-title, etc. (which must be noted). Binding, dust jacket (if any), etc may also be worn.
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