793 products were found matching your search for Transnational in 1 shops:
Transnational Agrarian Movements Confronting Globalization
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.02 $Readers of this book will encounter peasants and farmers who struggle at home and traverse national borders to challenge the World Trade Organization and other powerful global institutions. Studies the activists in Brazil who uproot plots of genetically modified soybeans, forest dwellers in Indonesia who chop down rubber plantations to cultivate rice to feed their families, ‘runaway villages’ in China that take up arms to resist corrupt officials, and Mexican migrants who, having exited in desperation, return from abroad to transform their communities Little-known transnational agrarian movements of the early twentieth century share the stage with more recent, high-profile global alliances, such as Vía Campesina Celebrates a dynamic sector of international civil society, and tackles the thorny questions of successes and failures, ethical and political dilemmas, troubled alliances with NGOs, protest repertoires, and representation claims Analyzes contemporary collective action in all its complexity, acknowledging ambiguities and contradictions, posing challenging questions, and providing concrete strategies for scholars and activists
Transnational Management : Concepts and Cases in Cross-border Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 83.47 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Transnational Organized Crime : An Overview from Six Continents
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.48 $This unique text explores the expansive topic of transnational organized crime, incorporating expert perspectives found throughout the world’s six inhabited continents: North America, Central and South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Oceania. Edi
The New Transnational Activism (Cambridge Studies in Contentious Politics)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.21 $From labor organizers to immigrant activists, from environmentalists to human rights campaigners, from global justice protesters to Islamic militants, this book shows how ordinary people gain new perspectives, experiment with new forms of action, and sometimes emerge with new identities through their contacts across borders. It asks to what extent transnational activism changes domestic actors, their forms of claim making, and their prevailing strategies. Does it simply project the conflicts and alignments familiar from domestic politics onto a broader stage, or does it create a new political arena in which domestic and international contentions fuse? And if the latter, how will this development affect internationalization and the traditional division between domestic and international politics?
Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850: Stammering the Nation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.65 $Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean investigates the long process of transition from a world of empires to a world of nation-states by narrating the biographies of a group of people who were born within empires but came of age surrounded by the emerging vocabulary of nationalism, much of which they themselves created. It is the story of a generation of intellectuals and political thinkers from the Ionian Islands who experienced the collapse of the Republic of Venice and the dissolution of the common cultural and political space of the Adriatic, and who contributed to the creation of Italian and Greek nationalisms. By uncovering this forgotten intellectual universe, Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean retrieves a world characterized by multiple cultural, intellectual, and political affiliations that have since been buried by the conventional narrative of the formation of nation-states. Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean rethinks the origins of Italian and Greek nationalisms and states, highlighting the intellectual connection between the Italian peninsula, Greece, and Russia, and reestablishing the lost link between the changing geopolitical contexts of western Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Balkans in the Age of Revolutions. It re-inscribes important intellectuals and political figures, considered "national fathers" of Italy and Greece (such as Ugo Foscolo, Dionysios Solomos, Ioannis Kapodistrias and Niccolò Tommaseo), into their regional and multicultural context, and shows how nations emerged from an intermingling, rather than a clash, of ideas concerning empire and liberalism, Enlightenment and religion, revolution and conservatism, and East and West.
Transnational Repression in the Age of Globalisation (Edinburgh Studies on Diasporas and Transnationalism)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 142.61 $Acceptable/Fair condition. Book is worn, but the pages are complete, and the text is legible. Has wear to binding and pages, may be ex-library. 1.58
Transnational Intellectual Property Law (American Casebook Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 89.22 $Transnational Intellectual Property Law provides students comparative knowledge of intellectual property for today’s world. The book provides students a strong understanding of intellectual property law in four important global stakeholders and regions: United States, European Union, Japan and China. Transcending national borders, the students will learn the similarities and differences in these four regions through reading and analyzing valuable primary sources of judicial opinions from the courts. The materials allow the students to identify how culture and traditions influence judges in crafting their opinions, in both common law and civil law countries.The book is organized in six units. Each unit begins with a concise summary of a doctrinal area of intellectual property law in each of the four regions, United States, European Union, Japan and China. Judicial opinions from a particular region follow the doctrinal summaries within each unit.
The Transnational Significance of the American Civil War (Palgrave Macmillan Transnational History Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 205.39 $This volume of pioneering essays brings together an impressive array of well-established and emerging historians from Europe and the United States whose common endeavor is to situate America’s Civil War within the wider framework of global history. These essays view the American conflict through a fascinating array of topical prisms that will take readers beyond the familiar themes of U. S. Civil War history. They will also take readers beyond the national boundaries that typically confine our understanding of this momentous conflict. The history of America’s Civil War has typically been interpreted within a familiar national narrative focusing on the internal discord between North and South over the future of slavery in the United States.
Transnational Organized Crime: Yesterday and Today
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 124.97 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Transnational Cinema : The Film Reader
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.82 $Transnational Cinema: The Film Reader provides an overview of the key concepts and debates within the developing field of transnational cinema. Bringing together seminal essays from a wide range of sources, this volume engages with films that fashion their narrative and aesthetic dynamics in relation to more than one national or cultural community. The reader is divided into four sections: From National to Transnational Cinema Global Cinema in the Digital Age Motion Pictures: Film, Migration and Diaspora Tourists and Terrorists.
Transnational Management : Text and Cases in Cross-Border Management
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.53 $Transnational Management provides an integrated conceptual framework to guide students and instructors through the challenges facing today's multinational enterprises. Through text narrative and cases, the authors skilfully examine the development of strategy, organizational capabilities, and management roles and responsibilities for operating in the global economy. The key concepts are developed in eight chapters that are supplemented by carefully selected practical case studies from world-leading case writers. All chapters have been revised and updated for this eighth edition to reflect the latest thinking in transnational management while retaining the book's strong integrated conceptual framework. Ten new cases have been added, and four others updated. A full range of online support materials are available, including detailed case teaching notes, almost 200 PowerPoint slides, and a test bank. Suitable for MBA, executive education and senior undergraduate students studying international management, international business or global strategy courses, Transnational Management offers a uniquely global perspective on the subject.
Transnational Connections in Early Modern Theatre
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 78.63 $This volume explores the transnationality and interculturality of early modern performance in multiple languages, cultures, countries and genres. Its twelve essays compose a complex image of theatre connections as a socially, economically, politically and culturally rich tissue of networks and influences. With particular attention to itinerant performers, court festival, and the Black, Muslim and Jewish impact, they combine disciplines and methods to place Shakespeare and his contemporaries in the wider context of performance culture in English, Spanish, French, Dutch, German, Czech and Italian speaking Europe. The authors examine transnational connections by offering multidisciplinary perspectives on the theatrical significance of concrete historical facts: archaeological findings, archival records, visual artefacts, and textual evidence.
Transnational Legality : Stateless Law and International Arbitration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 199.55 $What should we call law when it is not the law of one or several states? Does it actually matter what we call law? How can we take into account the consequences of calling something law when we shape the concept of law in the first place? How does international arbitration help to illustrate the problem? This book is an investigation into stateless law, illustrated by international arbitration regimes. It addresses key philosophical questions posed by international arbitration as a potential path to law beyond the state. It ascertains which dimensions of transnational legality arbitral regimes conform to, and what consequences follow from it. The argument of this book is firmly rooted in contemporary legal positivism and is attentive to current debates regarding the rule of law to ponder legality without territory. A theory is suggested regarding the minimal conditions that transnational regimes must fulfil in order to legitimately and appropriately count as law. The theory is tested on various arbitral regimes. The book thus offers reflections on the extent to which legality and the rule of law can serve as a moral and political benchmark for transnational regimes, to assess the political morality of arbitration's current autonomy from states and what arbitration's claim for an increase in that autonomy implies.
Transnational History
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.76 $Although some historians have been researching and writing history from a transnational perspective for more than a century, it is only recently that this approach has gained momentum. But what is transnational history? How can a transnational approach be applied to historical study?Pierre Yves Saunier's dynamic introductory volume conveys the diversity of the developing field of transnational history, and the excitement of doing research in that direction. Saunier surveys the key concepts, methods and theories used by historians, helping students to find their own way in this vibrant area.
Transnational Commercial Law : Texts, Cases and Materials
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 99.84 $When the first edition of this student work was published some eight years ago transnational commercial law, introduced as a postgraduate course at the University of Oxford in 1995, was taught at a relatively small number of law schools. Since then the subject has blossomed and is now taught at law schools around the world. Focused on the products and processes of the harmonization of law relating to international commercial transactions, the book is an invaluable resource for students in this field. In this new edition the work has been completely revised and updated, covering a number of new or substantially revised international instruments. In addition four new chapters have been added by specialist contributors dealing with regional harmonization, carriage of goods by sea, transactions in securities and the relationship between international conventions and national law. The authority of the text is enhanced by the fact that all the authors have played leading roles in the drafting and development of many of the instruments examined in the work.
The Transnational Beat Generation [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.00 $This collection maps the Beat Generation movement, exploring American Beat writers alongside parallel movements in other countries that shared a critique of global capitalism. Ranging from the immediate post-World War II period and continuing into the 1990s, the essays illustrate Beat participation in the global circulation of a poetics of dissent.
Transnational Narratives in Englishes of Exile
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 109.00 $Monolingual, monolithic English is an issue of the past. In this collection, by using cinema, poetry, art, and novels we demonstrate that English has become the heteroglossic language of immigration – Englishes of exile. By appropriating its plural form we pay respect to all those who have been improving standard English, thus proving that one may be born in a language as well as give birth to a language or add to it one’s own version. The story of the immigrant, refugee, exile, expatriate is everybody’s story, and without migration, we could not evolve our human race.
The Transnational World of the Cominternians
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 181.25 $The 'Cominternians' who staffed the Communist International in Moscow from its establishment in 1919 to its dissolution in 1943 led transnational lives and formed a cosmopolitan but closed and privileged world. The book tells of their experience in the Soviet Union through the decades of hope and terror.
Transnational Legality : Stateless Law and International Arbitration
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 186.82 $What should we call law when it is not the law of one or several states? Does it actually matter what we call law? How can we take into account the consequences of calling something law when we shape the concept of law in the first place? How does international arbitration help to illustrate the problem? This book is an investigation into stateless law, illustrated by international arbitration regimes. It addresses key philosophical questions posed by international arbitration as a potential path to law beyond the state. It ascertains which dimensions of transnational legality arbitral regimes conform to, and what consequences follow from it. The argument of this book is firmly rooted in contemporary legal positivism and is attentive to current debates regarding the rule of law to ponder legality without territory. A theory is suggested regarding the minimal conditions that transnational regimes must fulfil in order to legitimately and appropriately count as law. The theory is tested on various arbitral regimes. The book thus offers reflections on the extent to which legality and the rule of law can serve as a moral and political benchmark for transnational regimes, to assess the political morality of arbitration's current autonomy from states and what arbitration's claim for an increase in that autonomy implies.
Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean, 1800-1850
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean investigates the long process of transition from a world of empires to a world of nation-states by narrating the biographies of a group of people who were born within empires but came of age surrounded by the emerging vocabulary of nationalism, much of which they themselves created. It is the story of a generation of intellectuals and political thinkers from the Ionian Islands who experienced the collapse of the Republic of Venice and the dissolution of the common cultural and political space of the Adriatic, and who contributed to the creation of Italian and Greek nationalisms. By uncovering this forgotten intellectual universe, Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean retrieves a world characterized by multiple cultural, intellectual, and political affiliations that have since been buried by the conventional narrative of the formation of nation-states. Transnational Patriotism in the Mediterranean rethinks the origins of Italian and Greek nationalisms and states, highlighting the intellectual connection between the Italian peninsula, Greece, and Russia, and reestablishing the lost link between the changing geopolitical contexts of western Europe, the Mediterranean, and the Balkans in the Age of Revolutions. It re-inscribes important intellectuals and political figures, considered "national fathers" of Italy and Greece (such as Ugo Foscolo, Dionysios Solomos, Ioannis Kapodistrias and Niccolò Tommaseo), into their regional and multicultural context, and shows how nations emerged from an intermingling, rather than a clash, of ideas concerning empire and liberalism, Enlightenment and religion, revolution and conservatism, and East and West.
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