16 products were found matching your search for Unitapete Scope von ARTE in 1 shops:
Le rendez-vous de Berlin - Das Wiedersehen von Berlin: Das Fotobuch zu den Riesen. Mit DVD "Royal de Luxe - Die Riesen in Berlin" (ARTE/ZDF)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.47 $Gut/Very good: Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit wenigen Gebrauchsspuren an Einband, Schutzumschlag oder Seiten. / Describes a book or dust jacket that does show some signs of wear on either the binding, dust jacket or pages.
Spanische Grammatikographie im 17. Jahrhundert : der Arte de la lengua espanola castellana von Gonzalo Correas. Bonner romanistische Arbeiten ; Bd. 71
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.29 $Die Aufgabe, eine Grammatik zu schreiben, stellt nach wie vor ein schwieriges Unterfangen dar. Es stellt sich dabei die Frage, ob es legitim und effektiv ist, in die Sprachentwicklung einzugreifen oder ob die Aufgabe des Grammatikers sich darauf beschränken soll, den usus zu beschreiben und ihn positiv zu belegen. Eine rein objektive Beschreibung des Sprachgebrauchs wird auch dadurch erschwert, daß die Grenze zwischen Präskription und Deskription fließend ist. Die Grundlage dieser Arbeit bildet die Analyse von Correas’ Grammatik Arte de la lengua Española Castellana (1625). Anhand einer vergleichenden Methode werden Correas’ Normkonzeption und seine Position innerhalb der verschiedenen jeweils orthographischen und grammatischen Theorien annähernd definiert. Die zahlreichen Stellungnahmen des Autors zu den verschiedenen Varianten des Sprachgebrauchs und sein Verständnis von Sprache als einer Vielfalt von Normen und Varianten innerhalb eines einheitlichen Systems bringen seine grundsätzlich deskriptive Sichtweise zum Ausdruck. Für ihn gilt der tatsächliche Sprachgebrauch als verbindlich: «mas no vamos à sutilizar la Gramatica que avia de ser, sino à dezir con Ilaneza lo que es, i se usa» (Correas 1625/1954: 174).
El Arte Perdido de la Intercession (Lost Art of Intercession) (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.86 $Restaurando el Poder y la Pasión de la Vigilia del Señor "El fuego arderá continuamente en el altar; no se apagará" (Levítico 6:13). Hace doscientos años este versículo ardió en los corazones de una comunidad de refugiados moravos en la diminuta herrnhut en el este de Alemania, bajo el Conde von Zinzendorf. Se comprometieron a restaurar esta "Vigilia del Señor" a través de una continua oración e intercesión las 24 horas del día, que se extendió ¡por más de cien años! Dios anhela restaurar el arte perdido de la intercesión, y llama a sus guerreros una vez más a restablecer la "Vigilia de Señor." El llamado del Señor es a restablecer... · el fuego en el altar · el rol sacerdotal de la intercesión · el arte de suplicar · la vigilia del Señor · el camino desde la oración hacia la presencia del Señor · la casa de oración para todas las naciones · La expectativa de la sobrenatural · el Ministerio del Equipo Apostólico Cuando el pueblo de Dios "Eleva" el incienso de la oración y la adoración, Dios "derrama" el poder sobrenatural, la unción y actos de intervención.
Musiklehre im Studium der Artes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.47 $Die "Musica" (Köln 1507) des Johannes Cochlaeus. Band 1: Einleitung: Historische Grundlagen der Musiklehre bei Johannes Cochlaeus. Edition und Übersetzung der Kölner Musiktexte des Cochlaeus: "Musica" und "Exercitia". Band 2: Erläuterung der "Musica" in fortlaufenden Kommentaren. Wiedergabe von Glossen zur "Musica". Übersichten und Verzeichnisse, Bibliographie, Personen- und Sachregister. Anhand der musikalischen Lehrschriften des Johannes Cochlaeus zeigt die Studie die Entwicklung der Stellung der Musica innerhalb der Artes, die selbst im Wandel begriffen waren. Cochlaeus' weit verbreitetem "Tetrachordum musice" (Nürnberg 1511) ging die wenig bekannte "Musica" (Köln 1507) voraus, die mit Vorfassungen und begleitenden Kurztexten, aber auch mit zahllosen handschriftlichen Glossen in mehreren Druckexemplaren ein höchst aufschlussreiches Quellen-Korpus darstellt. Diese Texte werden hier zum ersten Mal ediert (meist auch synoptisch verdeutscht) und eingehend erörtert. Zwei Bände, zus. XXVI,465 Seiten mit zahlreichen Notenbeispielen, broschiert (Veröffentlichungen des Staatlichen Instituts für Musikforschung; Band XXI/Studien zur Geschichte der Musiktheorie; Band 11/Olms Verlag 2015). Statt EUR 88,00. Gewicht: 1107 g - Softcover/Taschenbuch - Sprachen: Deutsch, Latein
El Arte Perdido de la Intercesión (Spanish Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.62 $Restaurando el Poder y la Pasión de la Vigilia del Señor "El fuego arderá continuamente en el altar; no se apagará" (Levítico 6:13). Hace doscientos años este versículo ardió en los corazones de una comunidad de refugiados moravos en la diminuta herrnhut en el este de Alemania, bajo el Conde von Zinzendorf. Se comprometieron a restaurar esta "Vigilia del Señor" a través de una continua oración e intercesión las 24 horas del día, que se extendió ¡por más de cien años! Dios anhela restaurar el arte perdido de la intercesión, y llama a sus guerreros una vez más a restablecer la "Vigilia de Señor." El llamado del Señor es a restablecer... · el fuego en el altar · el rol sacerdotal de la intercesión · el arte de suplicar · la vigilia del Señor · el camino desde la oración hacia la presencia del Señor · la casa de oración para todas las naciones · La expectativa de la sobrenatural · el Ministerio del Equipo Apostólico Cuando el pueblo de Dios "Eleva" el incienso de la oración y la adoración, Dios "derrama" el poder sobrenatural, la unción y actos de intervención.
La mia commedia dell'arte - Widmungsexemplar (German) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.16 $W : 392 Seiten, 297 Farbabbildungen 17 × 23 cm - Auf dem Vorsatz Widmung von Jacqueline an Shirana. - Seit 40 Jahren schreibt Jacqueline Burckhardt über zeitgenössische Kunst. Eine Auswahl ihrer Texte bezieht sich auf die Themen im Gespräch und bildet einen repräsentativen Einblick in ihre publizistische Tätigkeit. Von ihrer Verbundenheit mit den Künstler:innen und Autor:innen zeugen fünf Inserts in Text und Bild von Laurie Anderson, Kurt W. Forster, Katharina Fritsch, Herbert Lachmayer und Pipilotti Rist. Mit einem Gespräch zwischen Juri Steiner und Jacqueline Burckhardt.
Marianne von Werefkin. Oeuvres peintes 1907 - 1936
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.91 $Fondation Neumann, Gingins, 1996. 183 S. mit 82 Abbildungen, Pappband, quart---- gutes Exemplar / bon spécimen / Museo Comunale D'Arte Moderna, Ascona / Ce livre paraît à l'occasion de l'exposition Marianne von Werefkin, Oeuvres Peintes 1907-1936, veranstaltet von der Fondation Neumann, Gingins, Schweiz, 9. Mai - 25. August 1996 / zweisprachig: deutsch und französisch / Übersetzungen ins Deutsche von Hinrich Schmidt-Henkel und Cornelius Hell; aus dem Deutschen ins Französische von Marianne Prost - 1115 Gramm.
Fantasie und Handwerk. Cennino Cennini und die Tradition der toskanischen Malerei von Giotto bis Lorenzo Monaco.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.05 $This volume is a lavishly illustrated invitation to contemplate the intricacy of religious paintings charting the course of Tuscan painting after Giotto. Around 1400, Cennino Cennini in his Libro dell'Arte defined the art of painting as a product of imagination and craft, a text that gave rise to an exhibition focusing on the tradition of painting through the generations from Giotto, his pupil Taddeo Gaddi, the son of the latter, Agnolo, and finally Cennini himself. The catalogue also contains numerous essays on Cennini's book and his opinion on art-related matters, as well as on technological analyses of the paintings themselves. German text.
Hand-Orakel und Kunst der Weltklugheit -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.57 $Baltasar Gracián: Handorakel und Kunst der Weltklugheit Lesefreundlicher Großdruck in 16-pt-Schrift Edition Holzinger. Großformat, 216 x 279 mm Berliner Ausgabe, 2016 Vollständiger, durchgesehener Neusatz bearbeitet und eingerichtet von Michael Holzinger Erstdruck: Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia, 1647. Herausgeber der Reihe: Michael Holzinger Reihengestaltung: Viktor Harvion Gesetzt aus Minion Pro, 16 pt.
Ariadne auf Naxos Format: Full Score
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.38 $One of the composer's most highly regarded operas, with a libretto by Hugo von Hoffmansthal that artfully intermingles backstage comedy, the lofty emotions of Greek mythology and the merry pranks of a troupe of commedia dell’arte players. Strauss endowed these antic proceedings with a luminous score that combines music of great satiric wit with breathtaking flights of lyricism. Reprinted from the definitive full-score edition published by Adolph Furstner following the opera's 1916 premiere at the Vienna State Opera.
Parzival: With Titurel and the Love Lyrics (Arthurian Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 135.91 $Vast in its scope, incomparably dense in its imagery, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival ranks alongside Dante's Divine Comedy as one of the foremost narrative works to emerge from medieval Europe. This book is a new translation of Parzival, together with the fragments of the Titurel, an elegiac offshoot of Parzival, and the nine love-songs attributed to Wolfram. Parzival is the greatest of the medieval Grail romances. In its depth and complexity of characterisation this work of the early thirteenth century anticipates the modern novel. It encompasses deeds of chivalry, tournaments and sieges, courtly love, and other erotic undertakings, but also sin and penance, and a deeply moving study in depression. Centre stage are the Grail Castle and Arthur's Round Table, but the pagan world of the Orient also is also reflected. Parzival has inspired and influenced works as diverse as Wagner's Parsifal and Lohengrin, Franz Kafka's The Castle, Terry Gilliam's film The Fisher King, and Umberto Eco's Baudolino. Cyril Edwards' thoughtful translation vividly conveys the power of this complex, wide-ranging medieval masterpiece. CYRIL EDWARDS is a lecturer in German at St Peter's College and Research Fellow of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford. He is the author of The Beginnings of German Literature (Camden House, 2002), and numerous articles on the medieval lyric and Old High German. His previous translations include Hans Sachs's "Song of the Nose" for the King's Singers, Bernhard Maier's Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture (Boydell & Brewer, 1997) and The Medieval Housebook (Prestel-Verlag, 1997).
Person Made of Porcelain And Other Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.99 $In his eminence, his iconic status, and his masterful command of enormous fictional realms in several huge novels, Heimito von Doderer (1896-1966) still enjoys legendary status close to forty years after his death. The daunting scope of his novels - his magnum opus is over 1300 pages long - has tended to obscure his achievement as a writer of shorter fiction, even in the German-speaking world. Doderer came to esteem his brief stories and tales quite highly, and he took special pride in condensing whole plots and conflicts into one-sentence fictions. By turns playful and poignant, grotesque and idyllic, the short fiction merits a wider audience.
Epistemological Problems of Economics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.49 $"The characteristic feature of this age of destructive wars and social disintegration is the revolt against economics." So says Ludwig von Mises in his most thorough defense of the method and scope of economic science. In this treatise, he argues that the core intellectual errors of statism, socialism, protectionism, racism, irrationalism can be found in a revolt against economic logic and its special character. Epistemological Problems of Economics was original published in 1933, a period when the social sciences and economic policy were undergoing upheaval. The classical view of economics as a deductive science, along with the laissez-faire policies implied by that view, were being displaced by positivism and economic planning. Mises set out to put the classical view on a firmer foundation. In so doing, he examines a range of philosophical problems associated with economics. He goes further to delineate the scope of the general science of human action. This treatise, out of print for many years, is now brought back by the Mises Institute in a 3rd edition, with a comprehensive introduction by Jörg Guido Hülsmann, senior fellow of the Mises Institute. He observes that "the great majority of contemporary economists, sociologists, political scientists, and philosophers are either completely unaware of Mises's contributions to the epistemology of the social sciences or think they can safely neglect dealing with them. They are in error. One can ignore a thinker, but the fundamental problems of social analysis remain. There will be no progress in these disciplines before the mainstream has fully absorbed and digested Mises's ideas."
Parallel Stories: A Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.42 $A New York Times Book Review Notable Book of the YearParallel Stories is a novel of extraordinary scope and depth, a masterwork that traces the fate of myriad Europeans―Hungarians, Jews, Germans, Gypsies―across the treacherous years of the mid–twentieth century. Three unusual men are at the heart of the novel: Hans von Wolkenstein, whose German mother has ties to the fascist-Nazi collaboration of the 1940s; Ágost Lippay Lehr, whose influential father has served Hungary's different political regimes for decades; and András Rott, who has his own dark record of mysterious activities abroad. Nádas weaves the social and political circumstances of their lives into a magnificent tapestry, aligning the uncanny parallels that link them across time and space.Fifteen years in the writing, and four in the translating, Parallel Stories is Péter Nádas's masterpiece―a daring and momentous novel from one of the great writers of our time.
Person Made of Porcelain And Other Stories
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.98 $In his eminence, his iconic status, and his masterful command of enormous fictional realms in several huge novels, Heimito von Doderer (1896-1966) still enjoys legendary status close to forty years after his death. The daunting scope of his novels - his magnum opus is over 1300 pages long - has tended to obscure his achievement as a writer of shorter fiction, even in the German-speaking world. Doderer came to esteem his brief stories and tales quite highly, and he took special pride in condensing whole plots and conflicts into one-sentence fictions. By turns playful and poignant, grotesque and idyllic, the short fiction merits a wider audience.
Parzival: With Titurel and the Love Lyrics (Arthurian Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.05 $Vast in its scope, incomparably dense in its imagery, Wolfram von Eschenbach's Parzival ranks alongside Dante's Divine Comedy as one of the foremost narrative works to emerge from medieval Europe. This book is a new translation of Parzival, together with the fragments of the Titurel, an elegiac offshoot of Parzival, and the nine love-songs attributed to Wolfram. Parzival is the greatest of the medieval Grail romances. In its depth and complexity of characterisation this work of the early thirteenth century anticipates the modern novel. It encompasses deeds of chivalry, tournaments and sieges, courtly love, and other erotic undertakings, but also sin and penance, and a deeply moving study in depression. Centre stage are the Grail Castle and Arthur's Round Table, but the pagan world of the Orient also is also reflected. Parzival has inspired and influenced works as diverse as Wagner's Parsifal and Lohengrin, Franz Kafka's The Castle, Terry Gilliam's film The Fisher King, and Umberto Eco's Baudolino. Cyril Edwards' thoughtful translation vividly conveys the power of this complex, wide-ranging medieval masterpiece. CYRIL EDWARDS is a lecturer in German at St Peter's College and Research Fellow of the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, University of Oxford. He is the author of The Beginnings of German Literature (Camden House, 2002), and numerous articles on the medieval lyric and Old High German. His previous translations include Hans Sachs's "Song of the Nose" for the King's Singers, Bernhard Maier's Dictionary of Celtic Religion and Culture (Boydell & Brewer, 1997) and The Medieval Housebook (Prestel-Verlag, 1997).
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