49 products were found matching your search for Vivipharma SA Science ShForfGrassa in 2 shops:
Learn Data Science Using SAS Studio: A Quick-Start Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.59 $Learn Data Science Using SAS Studio: A Quick-Start Guide 0.95
Optimum Experimental Designs, With SAS (Oxford Statistical Science Series) (Volume 34)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.74 $Experiments on patients, processes or plants all have random error, making statistical methods essential for their efficient design and analysis. This book presents the theory and methods of optimum experimental design, making them available through the use of SAS programs. Little previous statistical knowledge is assumed. The first part of the book stresses the importance of models in the analysis of data and introduces least squares fitting and simple optimum experimental designs. The second part presents a more detailed discussion of the general theory and of a wide variety of experiments. The book stresses the use of SAS to provide hands-on solutions for the construction of designs in both standard and non-standard situations. The mathematical theory of the designs is developed in parallel with their construction in SAS, so providing motivation for the development of the subject. Many chapters cover self-contained topics drawn from science, engineering and pharmaceutical investigations, such as response surface designs, blocking of experiments, designs for mixture experiments and for nonlinear and generalized linear models.Understanding is aided by the provision of SAS tasks after most chapters as well as by more traditional exercises and a fully supported website. The authors are leading experts in key fields and this book is ideal for statisticians and scientists in academia, research and the process and pharmaceutical industries.
Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SAS and R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 97.31 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.11
Statistical Analytics for Health Data Science with SAS and R (Chapman & Hall/CRC Biostatistics Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.34 $Book is in Used-Good condition. Pages and cover are clean and intact. Used items may not include supplementary materials such as CDs or access codes. May show signs of minor shelf wear and contain limited notes and highlighting. 1.11
Optimum Experimental Designs, with SAS (Oxford Statistical Science Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.11 $Experiments on patients, processes or plants all have random error, making statistical methods essential for their efficient design and analysis. This book presents the theory and methods of optimum experimental design, making them available through the use of SAS programs. Little previous statistical knowledge is assumed. The first part of the book stresses the importance of models in the analysis of data and introduces least squares fitting and simple optimum experimental designs. The second part presents a more detailed discussion of the general theory and of a wide variety of experiments. The book stresses the use of SAS to provide hands-on solutions for the construction of designs in both standard and non-standard situations. The mathematical theory of the designs is developed in parallel with their construction in SAS, so providing motivation for the development of the subject. Many chapters cover self-contained topics drawn from science, engineering and pharmaceutical investigations, such as response surface designs, blocking of experiments, designs for mixture experiments and for nonlinear and generalized linear models. Understanding is aided by the provision of "SAS tasks" after most chapters as well as by more traditional exercises and a fully supported website. The authors are leading experts in key fields and this book is ideal for statisticians and scientists in academia, research and the process and pharmaceutical industries.
Learn Data Science Using SAS Studio : A Quick-Start Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.58 $Unread book in perfect condition.
This Is Not Rocket Science Rocket Cable Set
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 40.00 $ (+5.00 $)This pack contains:5x 10cm5x 42cm2x 91cm3.5mm mono cables come braided in white and have rockets and our name on the plugs.Lovely semi-stiff non-sa...
Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.51 $Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become one of the most important statistical procedures in the social and behavioral sciences. This easy-to-understand guide makes SEM accessible to all users—even those whose training in statistics is limited or who have never used SAS. It gently guides users through the basics of using SAS and shows how to perform some of the most sophisticated data-analysis procedures used by researchers: exploratory factor analysis, path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. It shows how to perform analyses with user-friendly PROC CALIS, and offers solutions for problems often encountered in real-world research. This second edition contains new material on sample-size estimation for path analysis and structural equation modeling. In a single user-friendly volume, students and researchers will find all the information they need in order to master SAS basics before moving on to factor analysis, path analysis, and other advanced statistical procedures.
La théorie physique. Son Objet - Sa Structure.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.44 $La theorie physique? Ce titre, qui fut au debut de notre siecle celui d'un ouvrage controverse, suggere bien une question, celle de savoir si en matiere de science la theorie doit se qualifier en fonction d'un domaine plus particulier d'application. L'auteur, Pierre Duhem, n'aurait pas hesite, semble-t-il, a repondre par l'affirmative en ce qui concerne le vaste champ de la recherche que l'on peut signifier sous le nom de physique. Son ouvrage est en fait construit comme une preparation rigoureuse a une telle reponse et bien que les annees aient modifie considerablement le contexte du champ sus-dit, les analyses proposees ont ete jugees suggestives par de nombreux epistemologues d'aujourd'hui.
SAS for Mixed Models: Introduction and Basic Applications
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.92 $Discover the power of mixed models with SAS. Mixed models—now the mainstream vehicle for analyzing most research data—are part of the core curriculum in most master’s degree programs in statistics and data science. In a single volume, this book updates both SAS® for Linear Models, Fourth Edition, and SAS® for Mixed Models, Second Edition, covering the latest capabilities for a variety of applications featuring the SAS GLIMMIX and MIXED procedures. Written for instructors of statistics, graduate students, scientists, statisticians in business or government, and other decision makers, SAS® for Mixed Models is the perfect entry for those with a background in two-way analysis of variance, regression, and intermediate-level use of SAS. This book expands coverage of mixed models for non-normal data and mixed-model-based precision and power analysis, including the following topics: Random-effect-only and random-coefficients models Multilevel, split-plot, multilocation, and repeated measures models Hierarchical models with nested random effects Analysis of covariance models Generalized linear mixed models This book is part of the SAS Press program.
Biostatistics by Example Using SAS Studio
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.93 $Learn how to solve basic statistical problems with Ron Cody’s easy-to-follow style using the point-and-click SAS Studio tasks. Aimed specifically at the health sciences, Biostatistics by Example Using SAS Studio, provides an introduction to SAS Studio tasks. The book includes many biological and health-related problem sets and is fully compatible with SAS University Edition. After reading this book you will be able to understand temporary and permanent SAS data sets, and you will learn how to create them from various data sources. You will also be able to use SAS Studio statistics tasks to generate descriptive statistics for continuous and categorical data. The inferential statistics portion of the book covers the following topics: paired and unpaired t tests one-way analysis of variance N-way ANOVA correlation simple and multiple regression logistic regression categorical data analysis power and sample size calculations Besides describing each of these statistical tests, the book also discusses the assumptions that need to be met before running and interpreting these tests. For two-sample tests and N-way tests, nonparametric tests are also described. This book leads you step-by-step through each of the statistical tests with numerous screen shots, and you will see how to read and interpret all of the output generated by these tests. Experience with some basic statistical tests used to analyze medical data or classroom experience in biostatistics or statistics is required. Although the examples are related to the medical and biology fields, researchers in other fields such as psychology or education will find this book helpful. No programming experience is required.
A StepbyStep Approach to Using SAS for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics Second Edition Frommer's Complete Guides
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 121.82 $One in a series of books co-published with SAS, this book provides a user-friendly introduction to both the SAS system and elementary statistical procedures for researchers and students in the Social Sciences. This Second Edition, updated to cover version 9 of the SAS software, guides readers step by step through the basic concepts of research and data analysis, to data input, and on to ANOVA (analysis of variance) and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance).
A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Univariate and Multivariate Statistics
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 128.69 $One in a series of books co-published with SAS, this book provides a user-friendly introduction to both the SAS system and elementary statistical procedures for researchers and students in the Social Sciences. This Second Edition, updated to cover version 9 of the SAS software, guides readers step by step through the basic concepts of research and data analysis, to data input, and on to ANOVA (analysis of variance) and MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance).
Step-by-Step Basic Statistics Using SAS: Student Guide
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 116.49 $Larry Hatcher's Step-by-Step Basic Statistics Using SAS: Student Guide first introduces you to SAS software, then leads you through a variety of elementary statistical analyses that are commonly used in the social and behavioral sciences. With SAS, you can focus more on conceptual issues in statistical analysis and less on the mechanics of performing mathematical operations by hand. Main topics include how to use the SAS windowing environment to write and submit SAS programs; how to create SAS data sets and modify the variables that they contain; basic descriptive statistics (measures of central tendency and variability, frequency tables, and graphs); correlation and regression; t tests (single-sample, independent and paired samples); analysis of variance (ANOVA), both one-way and factorial; and the chi-square test of independence. Even if you are new to statistics and computers, you soon will be recording research data, writing SAS programs, and interpreting the results. Reinforce what you've learned by completing the exercises in the companion text, Step-by-Step Basic Statistics Using SAS: Exercises. This book is part of the SAS Press program.
A Step-by-Step Approach to Using SAS for Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling, Second Edition
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.96 $Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become one of the most important statistical procedures in the social and behavioral sciences. This easy-to-understand guide makes SEM accessible to all users—even those whose training in statistics is limited or who have never used SAS. It gently guides users through the basics of using SAS and shows how to perform some of the most sophisticated data-analysis procedures used by researchers: exploratory factor analysis, path analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and structural equation modeling. It shows how to perform analyses with user-friendly PROC CALIS, and offers solutions for problems often encountered in real-world research. This second edition contains new material on sample-size estimation for path analysis and structural equation modeling. In a single user-friendly volume, students and researchers will find all the information they need in order to master SAS basics before moving on to factor analysis, path analysis, and other advanced statistical procedures.
SAS for Mixed Models: Introduction and Basic Applications
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.65 $Discover the power of mixed models with SAS. Mixed models—now the mainstream vehicle for analyzing most research data—are part of the core curriculum in most master’s degree programs in statistics and data science. In a single volume, this book updates both SAS® for Linear Models, Fourth Edition, and SAS® for Mixed Models, Second Edition, covering the latest capabilities for a variety of applications featuring the SAS GLIMMIX and MIXED procedures. Written for instructors of statistics, graduate students, scientists, statisticians in business or government, and other decision makers, SAS® for Mixed Models is the perfect entry for those with a background in two-way analysis of variance, regression, and intermediate-level use of SAS. This book expands coverage of mixed models for non-normal data and mixed-model-based precision and power analysis, including the following topics: Random-effect-only and random-coefficients models Multilevel, split-plot, multilocation, and repeated measures models Hierarchical models with nested random effects Analysis of covariance models Generalized linear mixed models This book is part of the SAS Press program.
Haptonomie. Science de l'affectivité: Redécouvrir l'humain
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 47.48 $Chercheur en Sciences de la Vie, Frans Veldman, fondateur de la science haptonomique, présente dans ce livre ― mis à jour ― le fruit de sa riche expérience clinique poursuivie pendant plus de soixante ans.Il dégage de façon explicite l''essence de cette science qu''il a développée. Celle-ci apparaît comme une contribution majeure aux sciences humaines, rendant ses lettres de noblesse à la vie affective humaine.Cette œuvre s''adresse à tous ceux qui travaillent dans les secteurs de la santé publique ainsi qu''à ceux qui ont à cœur l''épanouissement psychique de l''être humain. Enfin, l''éthique et la déontologie qui en découlent ne manqueront pas d''éveiller la réflexion chez ceux qui s''inquiètent de la destinée humaine dans un monde où l’effectivité domine et où l’affectivité s''étiole.
Science in the Medieval World : "Book of the Categories of Nations"
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.71 $During the Middle Ages, a thriving center for learning and research was Muslim Spain, where students gathered to consult Arabic manuscripts of earlier scientific works and study with famous teachers. One of these teachers was Sa'id al-Andalusi, who in 1068 wrote Kitab Tabaqat al-'Umam, or "Book of the Categories of Nations," which recorded the contributions to science of all known nations. Today, it is one of few surviving medieval Spanish Muslim texts, and this is its first English translation.Science ('ulum), as used by Sa'id and other scholars of that period, is a broad term covering virtually all aspects of human knowledge. After initial discussions of the categories of nations that did or did not cultivate science, Sa'id details the specific contribution of nine nations or peoples-India, Persia, Chaldea, Greece, Rome, Egypt, the Arab Orient, al-Andalus, and the Hebrews. He includes the names of many individual scientists and scholars and describes their various contributions to knowledge, making his book a significant work of reference as well as history.
Spatial Statistics & Geostatistics : Theory and Applications for Geographic Information Science & Technology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.93 $Spatial Statistics and Geostatistics is the definitive text on spatial statistics. Its focus is on spatial statistics as a distinct form of statistical analysis and it includes computer components for ArcGIS, R, SAS, and WinBUGS. The teaching and learning objective of the text is to illustrate the use of basic spatial statistics and geostatistics, as well as the spatial filtering techniques used in all the relevant programs and software. Fully explanatory, Spatial Statistics and Geostatistics uses boxed computer code, diagrams, illustrations; and includes further readings. Case study and exemplary materials and data sets are also included.
La Formation Du Concept de Reflexe Aux Xviie Et Xviiie Siecles (Histoire Des Sciences - Etudes) (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.43 $Dans cette etude, qui etait a l'origine sa these de doctorat, Canguilhem retrace les etapes historiques de la formation du concept de reflexe au cours des XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles, c'est-a-dire depuis les premieres experimentations sur les relations entre systeme nerveux et systeme musculaire, jusqu'a la formulation theorique du mouvement involontaire animal, a l'epoque moderne. Loin de se reduire au resultat de decouvertes specifiques, et encore moins attribuable a une figure unique de la pensee scientifique, le concept de reflexe s'articule au fil d'une histoire conceptuelle riche et complexe, en opposition a la conception mecaniste du vivant heritee de Descartes. C'est cette histoire que Canguilhem nous livre dans ses mutiples sources et filiations, en explorant les travaux de physiologues et biologistes tels que Willis, Haller, Unzer et Pochaska: un exercice exemplaire - et devenu desormais classique - d'histoire des sciences et d'epistemologie.
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