40 products were found matching your search for Voigt Fritz Determinanten der in 2 shops:
Vor der Vernichtung: Die staatliche Enteignung der Juden im Nationalsozialismus (Wissenschaftliche Reihe des Fritz Bauer Instituts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.45 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Erinnerungen aus der Geschichte des Wehrwolf 1923 - 1933. Neuware. Hrsgg. von Fritz Kloppe u.a.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.12 $Nachdruck des Manuskriptes Berlin 1938, 141S. und 24 S. Bilderteil. (Quellentexte zur Konservativen Revolution, Die Nationalrevolutionäre: Band 8). Original verschweißt. 2000028 Sprache: Deutsch
Die Entwicklung der romanistischen Methode bei Fritz Schulz: 9 (Ius Romanum)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.15 $290 pages. German language. 6.06x9.09x0.67 inches. In Stock.
Otto Dix und der Krieg. Fritz Löffler [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.39 $55, 64 S. Alle Bücher & Medienartikel von Book Broker sind stets in gutem & sehr gutem gebrauchsfähigen Zustand. Die Ausgabe des gelieferten Exemplars kann um bis zu 10 Jahre vom angegebenen Veröffentlichungsjahr abweichen und es kann sich um eine abweichende Auflage handeln. Unser Produktfoto entspricht dem hier angebotenen Artikel, dieser weist folgende Merkmale auf: Altersentsprechend nachgedunkelte/saubere Seiten in fester Bindung. Leichte Gebrauchsspuren. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 82
Die Entwicklung Der Romanistischen Methode Bei Fritz Schulz -Language: German
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 82.48 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Das Gedächtnis der Dinge: KZ-Relikte und KZ-Denkmäler 1945-1995 (Wissenschaftliche Reihe des Fritz Bauer Instituts)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.67 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Wollte Deutschland den Ersten Weltkrieg?: Die Kontroverse zwischen Fritz Fischer und Egmont Zechlin zur Kriegsschuldfrage (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich Geschichte Europa - Deutschland - Nachkriegszeit, Kalter Krieg, Note: 1,0, Universität Hildesheim (Stiftung) (Geschichte), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Friedensvertrag von Versailles diktierten die Siegermächte der Friedensdelegation des unterlegenen Deutschen Reichs Gebietsabtretungen, weitgehende Entwaffnung und Reparationsleistungen auf. Die Siegermächte leiteten diese Berechtigung insbesondere aus der vermeintlichen, aus ihrer Sicht allerdings unzwei¬felhaften Alleinschuld Deutschlands am Ausbruch des Krieges ab un nehmen gar den sogenannten Kriegsschuldartikel (Art. 231) in den Versailler Vertrag auf.
Richard Wagner, Fritz Lang, and the Nibelungen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.91 $This highly original book draws on narrative and film theory, psychoanalysis, and musicology to explore the relationship between aesthetics and anti-Semitism in two controversial landmarks in German culture. David Levin argues that Richard Wagner's opera cycle Der Ring des Nibelungen and Fritz Lang's 1920s film Die Nibelungen creatively exploit contrasts between good and bad aesthetics to address the question of what is German and what is not. He shows that each work associates a villainous character, portrayed as non-Germanic and Jewish, with the sometimes dramatically awkward act of narration. For both Wagner and Lang, narration--or, in cinematic terms, visual presentation--possesses a typically Jewish potential for manipulation and control. Consistent with this view, Levin shows, the Germanic hero Siegfried is killed in each work by virtue of his unwitting adoption of a narrative role. Levin begins with an explanation of the book's theoretical foundations and then applies these theories to close readings of, in turn, Wagner's cycle and Lang's film. He concludes by tracing how Germans have dealt with the Nibelungen myths in the wake of the Second World War, paying special attention to Michael Verhoeven's 1989 film The Nasty Girl. His fresh and interdisciplinary approach sheds new light not only on Wagner's Ring and Lang's Die Nibelungen, but also on the ways in which aesthetics can be put to the service of aggression and hatred. The book is an important contribution to scholarship in film and music and also to the broader study of German culture and national identity.
Fritz Overbeck
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.21 $165 Seiten Buch ist neu, aus priv. Vorbesitz, ungelesen. -----Inhalt: 'Ich bin nicht sentimental', lautet die Antwort Fritz Overbecks (1869-1909) nach seinem Wegzug aus Worpswede auf die Frage, ob er die Zeit in dem Künstlerdorf vermisse. Mit dem Umzug beginnt eine neue Schaffensperiode des Mitbegründers der Künstlerkolonie Worpswede, in welcher er seinen künstlerischen Stil in eigenständiger Weise fortsetzt. Mit einer veränderten Bildauffassung frischt er seine Farbpalette auf, experimentiert mit neuen Perspektiven und geht näher an sein Motiv heran. Auch setzt er sich mit zeitgenössischen Strömungen auseinander, wodurch seine Arbeiten sowohl expressionistische als auch impressionistische Züge tragen. Diese Publikation ermöglicht es somit, Overbecks Bilder auch einmal außerhalb des Worpsweder Kontextes kennenzulernen und macht Lust, Fritz Overbeck neu zu entdecken. Sie bietet Einblicke in sein gesamtes OEuvre, anhand von Zeittafeln und Aufsätzen wird das Werk kunsthistorisch reflektiert.Ausstellungen: Overbeck-Museum, Bremen 7.6.-20.9.2009. ISBN: 9783775724951 Wir senden umgehend mit beiliegender MwSt.Rechnung. Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 1220
Die Zauberhafte Welt Der Anderen
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 31.98 $Die Zauberhafte Welt Der Anderen Voigt & Voigt - LP 880319074738
Mies Van Der Rohe: Critical Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 221.34 $Essays by Wolf Tegethoff, Richard Pommer, and Fritz Neumeyer. Interview with James Ingo Freed. The rich legacy of scholarly and critical reassessments of Mies van der Rohe continues to grow since his centenary in 1986. This book which had its origins in the historic centennial exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, presents four provocative new writings on Mies augmented by 150 illustrations from MOMA's Mies van der Rohe Archive and other sources. In his insightful introduction, Franz Schulze, author of the acclaimed Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, discusses the reasons why Mies's art and name evokes such a different response today and compares Mies to Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier in terms of critical fortune. Wolf Tegethoff traces the maturation of Mies's thought during the 1920s, bringing fascinating new research to his examination of this complex European period. Art historian Richard Pommer examines Mies's political ideology and those of other artists of the modern movement in the Weimar years and the first years of the Third Reich. Fritz Neumeyer addresses the issues of tradition and modernity in Mies's life's work through a detailed analysis of several of his earliest buildings. In the concluding piece, architect James Ingo Freed, who studied under Mies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and succeeded him as director of ITT, offers penetrating comments on Mies as an educator and as an architect during his American years. Franz Schulze is Hollender Professor of Art at Lake Forest College. Wolf Tegethoff is Professor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Richard Pommer is Professor of Art History at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Fritz Neumeyer is Professor of Architectural Theory at the Technical University, Berlin. James Ingo Freed is a partner in the architectural firm I.M. Pei & Partners. Distributed for the Museum of Modern Art.
Mies van der Rohe: Critical Essays [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $Essays by Wolf Tegethoff, Richard Pommer, and Fritz Neumeyer. Interview with James Ingo Freed. The rich legacy of scholarly and critical reassessments of Mies van der Rohe continues to grow since his centenary in 1986. This book which had its origins in the historic centennial exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, presents four provocative new writings on Mies augmented by 150 illustrations from MOMA's Mies van der Rohe Archive and other sources. In his insightful introduction, Franz Schulze, author of the acclaimed Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, discusses the reasons why Mies's art and name evokes such a different response today and compares Mies to Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier in terms of critical fortune. Wolf Tegethoff traces the maturation of Mies's thought during the 1920s, bringing fascinating new research to his examination of this complex European period. Art historian Richard Pommer examines Mies's political ideology and those of other artists of the modern movement in the Weimar years and the first years of the Third Reich. Fritz Neumeyer addresses the issues of tradition and modernity in Mies's life's work through a detailed analysis of several of his earliest buildings. In the concluding piece, architect James Ingo Freed, who studied under Mies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and succeeded him as director of ITT, offers penetrating comments on Mies as an educator and as an architect during his American years. Franz Schulze is Hollender Professor of Art at Lake Forest College. Wolf Tegethoff is Professor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Richard Pommer is Professor of Art History at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Fritz Neumeyer is Professor of Architectural Theory at the Technical University, Berlin. James Ingo Freed is a partner in the architectural firm I.M. Pei & Partners. Distributed for the Museum of Modern Art.
Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Lautlehre seit Bechtel [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.00 $"Die Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Lautlehre seit Bechtel" ist Abwandlung des Titels eines Klassikers der Indogermanistik: 1892 erschien Fritz Bechtels Buch "Die Hauptprobleme der indogermanischen Lautlehre seit Schleicher." Die Entwicklung der historischen Phonologie des Indogermanischen zwischen August Schleicher (1821-1868) und Fritz Bechtel (1855-1924) hatte vor allem im Bereich des Vokalismus (Dephonologisierung von idg. */e/, */o/, *a/ zu indo-iranisch */a/; das "Palatalgesetz") und in der Entdeckung dreier Konsonantengruppen der tektalen Reihe bestanden. - Bechtel hat 1892 die Phonologie-Geschichte des 19. Jahrhunderts beschrieben; Manfred Mayrhofers Buchlein ist den Entwicklungen des 20. Jahrhunderts gewidmet. Im Vordergrund stehen die "Laryngal-Theorie" (vor allem als Schopfung von Ferdinand de Saussure, Albert Cuny und, in seinen fruhen Publikationen, von Jerzy Kuryowicz; mit einem Kapitel der Kritik an den Gegnern der Theorie und einer Darlegung der verschiedenen Auspragungen dieser Lehre) und die stark diskutierte "Glottal-Theorie," die mit vielen faszinierenden Fragen moderner allgemeiner Sprachwissenschaft verbunden ist
Marlow: Der siebte Rath-Roman (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.73 $Berlin, Spätsommer 1935. In der Familie Rath geht jeder seiner Wege. Pflegesohn Fritz marschiert mit der HJ zum Nürnberger Reichsparteitag, Charly schlägt sich als Anwaltsgehilfin und Privatdetektivin durch, während sich Gereon Rath, mittlerweile zum Oberkommissar befördert, mit den Todesfällen befassen muss, die sonst niemand haben will. Ein tödlicher Verkehrsunfall weckt seinen Jagdinstinkt, obwohl seine Vorgesetzten ihm den Fall entziehen und ihn in eine andere Abteilung versetzen. Es geht um Hermann Göring, der erpresst werden soll, um geheime Akten, Morphium und schmutzige Politik. Und um Charlys Lebenstrauma, den Tod ihres Vaters. Und um den Mann, mit dem Rath nie wieder etwas zu tun haben wollte: den Unterweltkönig Johann Marlow.
Mies Van Der Rohe: Critical Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 200.83 $Essays by Wolf Tegethoff, Richard Pommer, and Fritz Neumeyer. Interview with James Ingo Freed. The rich legacy of scholarly and critical reassessments of Mies van der Rohe continues to grow since his centenary in 1986. This book which had its origins in the historic centennial exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, presents four provocative new writings on Mies augmented by 150 illustrations from MOMA's Mies van der Rohe Archive and other sources. In his insightful introduction, Franz Schulze, author of the acclaimed Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, discusses the reasons why Mies's art and name evokes such a different response today and compares Mies to Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier in terms of critical fortune. Wolf Tegethoff traces the maturation of Mies's thought during the 1920s, bringing fascinating new research to his examination of this complex European period. Art historian Richard Pommer examines Mies's political ideology and those of other artists of the modern movement in the Weimar years and the first years of the Third Reich. Fritz Neumeyer addresses the issues of tradition and modernity in Mies's life's work through a detailed analysis of several of his earliest buildings. In the concluding piece, architect James Ingo Freed, who studied under Mies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and succeeded him as director of ITT, offers penetrating comments on Mies as an educator and as an architect during his American years. Franz Schulze is Hollender Professor of Art at Lake Forest College. Wolf Tegethoff is Professor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Richard Pommer is Professor of Art History at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Fritz Neumeyer is Professor of Architectural Theory at the Technical University, Berlin. James Ingo Freed is a partner in the architectural firm I.M. Pei & Partners. Distributed for the Museum of Modern Art.
Brigitte Helm: Der Vamp des deutschen Films [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 175.00 $Octavo, 238pp, [2]. Softcover. Illustrated boards. Appears unread. Text in German. Brigitte Helm was a German actress born on March 17, 1906, in Berlin. She was best known for her dual role as Maria and the Maschinenmensch in Fritz Lang's 1927 silent film "Metropolis." Helm's film career began in 1925 and spanned over 30 films, including "The Love of Jeanne Ney" (1927) and "Alraune" (1928). Despite her success, she retired from acting in 1935, following her marriage to Hugo Kunheim, a wealthy industrialist, and chose to live a private life away from the public eye. Helm passed away on June 11, 1996, in Ascona, Switzerland.
Mies van der Rohe: Critical Essays
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 44.32 $Essays by Wolf Tegethoff, Richard Pommer, and Fritz Neumeyer. Interview with James Ingo Freed. The rich legacy of scholarly and critical reassessments of Mies van der Rohe continues to grow since his centenary in 1986. This book which had its origins in the historic centennial exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, presents four provocative new writings on Mies augmented by 150 illustrations from MOMA's Mies van der Rohe Archive and other sources. In his insightful introduction, Franz Schulze, author of the acclaimed Mies van der Rohe: A Critical Biography, discusses the reasons why Mies's art and name evokes such a different response today and compares Mies to Frank Lloyd Wright and Le Corbusier in terms of critical fortune. Wolf Tegethoff traces the maturation of Mies's thought during the 1920s, bringing fascinating new research to his examination of this complex European period. Art historian Richard Pommer examines Mies's political ideology and those of other artists of the modern movement in the Weimar years and the first years of the Third Reich. Fritz Neumeyer addresses the issues of tradition and modernity in Mies's life's work through a detailed analysis of several of his earliest buildings. In the concluding piece, architect James Ingo Freed, who studied under Mies at the Illinois Institute of Technology and succeeded him as director of ITT, offers penetrating comments on Mies as an educator and as an architect during his American years. Franz Schulze is Hollender Professor of Art at Lake Forest College. Wolf Tegethoff is Professor at the Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte in Munich. Richard Pommer is Professor of Art History at New York University's Institute of Fine Arts. Fritz Neumeyer is Professor of Architectural Theory at the Technical University, Berlin. James Ingo Freed is a partner in the architectural firm I.M. Pei & Partners. Distributed for the Museum of Modern Art.
Kinomythen 1920 - 1945. Die Filmentwürfe der Thea von Harbou
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.41 $Thea von Harbou, Romanschriftstellerin, Drehbuchautorin, Regisseurin, Ehe- und Arbeitsgemeinschaft mit Fritz Lang, blieb nach dessen Emigration 1933 nach Amerika in Deutschland und wurde zu einer der berühmtesten Filmschaffenden der Nazizeit. Karin Bruns stellt einige ihrer Drehbücher und Filme vor und analysiert die in den Nazi-Filmen vorherrschenden Diskurse.
Netz. Vom Spinnen in der Kunst/Nets. Weaving Webs in Art.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.18 $Nets features works of art that play with the idea of webs and networks, from spiders' webs to diagram structures. Among the contributing artists are Edward Burtynsky, Trevor Paglen, Dan Perjovschi, Chiharu Shiota and Jorinde Voigt. In addition, authors from various disciplines comment on various related keywords, such as "digital," "spider," "web" and "sensory."
Grundriß der Biochemie: Für Studierende der Medizin, Zahnmedizin und Naturwissenschaften (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 218.86 $„Buddeckes Grundriss der Biochemie ist als didaktisch hervorragendes Lehrbuch für Studenten besonders geeignet."Prof. em. Dr. Hans Fritz
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