126 products were found matching your search for Weinbergs in 3 shops:
Weinberg, R: Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology 7
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.00 $Über den AutorRobert S. Weinberg, PhD, is a professor in the department of physical education, health, and sport studies at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He has more than 40 years of experience in both the scholar.
Mieczyslaw Weinberg: Complete Sonatas for Violin & Piano
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)Mieczyslaw Weinberg: Complete Sonatas for Violin & Piano Weinberg / Kalinovsky / Goncharova - CD 747313232079
Weinberg & Bloch: Piano Quintets
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 21.99 $ (+1.99 $)Weinberg & Bloch: Piano Quintets Bloch / Stamic Quartet / Majerova - CD 8594155991624
Weinberg Method of Non-Synthetic Electronic Rock
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 23.98 $ (+1.99 $)Weinberg Method of Non-Synthetic Electronic Rock Fred Weinberg - LP 801670128915
Weinberg: Works for Violin & Piano Vol 2
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 33.99 $Weinberg: Works for Violin & Piano Vol 2 Weinberg / Kirpal / Kirpal - CD 761203745722
Weinberg on Writing: The Fieldstone Method
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.04 $Gerald M. Weinberg -- author of more than forty books and more than 400 articles over a forty-year career -- reveals his secrets for gathering, organizing, and discarding writing ideas. Drawing an analogy to the stone-by-stone method of building fieldstone walls, Weinberg shows writers how to construct fiction and nonfiction manuscripts from key insights, stories, and quotes. The elements, or stones, are collected nonsequentially, over time, and eventually find logical places in larger pieces. The method renders writer's block irrelevant and has proved effective for scores of Weinberg's writing class students, who have collectively published more than 100 books. If you've ever wanted to write a book or article -- or need a fresh approach to your writing career -- try what works for Weinberg and gather your best ideas into beautiful stone walls. Gerald M. Weinberg is one of the most influential thinkers in computer science. Weinberg on Writing isn't a computer book, though -- Weinberg describes his life and practices as a writer, enriching the text with more than 40 exercises appropriate for individual or group study. Inducted into the Computer Hall of Fame in its inaugural year (in the same class as Bill Gates), Weinberg's career highlights have included computer programming at IBM for Project Mercury (which put the first American in space), serving on the faculty of famed family therapist Virginia Satir, consulting for Fortune 500 companies through his firm, Weinberg & Weinberg, and teaching thousands of technical professionals how to improve their communication skills.
Mieczyslaw Weinberg. In Search of Freedom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.55 $Gebraucht - Gut GU - Beschädigungen, Verschmutzungen, ungelesenes Mängelexemplar, gestempelt - David Fanning's book is the first full account of Weinberg's life and works in any language. Drawing on unpublished materials in the family archives and on the personal reminiscences of those close to Weinberg, he tells the story of a composer who devoted his life to music against heavy odds, memorializing those who did not live to share in his problematic freedom. Mieczyslaw Weinberg (1919-96) made two narrow escapes from the Nazis: in 1939 from his native Warsaw to Minsk, then in 1941 to Tashkent. He settled in Moscow from 1943 until his death, and rapidly became recognised as one of the USSR's finest composers, enjoying a relationship of enduring mutual respect with Shostakovich. His symphonies, string quartets, sonatas and concertos were championed by artists of the standing of Oistrakh, Kogan, Rostropovich, Gilels, Fedoseyev and the Borodin Quartet, and he remained forever grateful to his adopted country for his life and career.Yet his freedom came at a price. He was chastened by the anti-formalism campaigns of the late-1940s, and in 1953 he was arrested, accused of 'bourgeois Jewish nationalism'. The death of Stalin helped to secure his release, and though his health never entirely recovered, he resumed his prolific output. Neglected in his adopted country towards the end of his life, his profoundly humane music has seen a remarkable posthumous renaissance in the West, where his operas in particular are being rediscovered, including The Passenger, which can claim to be the finest musical work ever composed in commemoration of Auschwitz.
The Weinberg Foundation: Sabbaths & Festivals
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 73.71 $Newly designed and typeset books for those who need them. Extra large and clear type, neat, uncluttered pages, manageable 7x10" page size. Complete with the famed ArtScroll translation, instructions, and abridged commentary."
Weinberg Tales
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.99 $Weinberg Tales features Robert Weinberg's series of articles: "Collecting Fantasy Art." It is a fascinating look at collecting science fiction art in the late 20th Century with profiles on collectors Gerry de la Ree, Sam Moskowitz, Darrell C. Richardson, Robert Lesser, and others. Through a series of remembrances of specific art deals, Weinberg describes how pulp and paperback cover art survived through the diligence and sometimes the crazy obsession of avid collectors. Illustrated with dozens of covers and illustrations from Bob's collection (in B&W). The book also contains "My Life in Fantasy" in which Bob describes his years-long connection with the World Fantasy Convention culminating in his receipt of the convention's Life Achievement Award in 2005. Finally, it republishes his life-affirming piece: "A Dream of Mars," in which he details his life-long wish to travel to Mars. There are examples of Weinberg miscellania scattered throughout: a Robert and Phyllis Weinberg Books ad, an "I collect Fantasy Art" ad soliciting original art; their mail-order book catalog covers, sample pages from art catalogues, photos from the Robert E. Howard Days celebration in 2005, convention photos, family photos, book covers, fanzine covers and more. In addition, there are over 40 appreciations from family and friends including Randy Broecker, Mort Castle, Stefan R. Dziemianowicz, Phyllis & Alex Eisenstein, Harlan Ellison, Ken Faig, Lail Finlay, Ron Fortier, Mike Gold, George Hagenauer, Angeline Hawkes, Tina Jens, Stephen Jones, Stephen Korshak, Joe R. Lansdale, Terry McVicker, Will Murray, Otto Penzler, Steven H. Silver, David Truesdale, Ray Walsh, and F. Paul Wilson.
Music of Mieczyslaw Weinberg
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 35.98 $Music of Mieczyslaw Weinberg Kremer, Gidon / Kremerata Baltica - CD 028948146048
Mieczyslaw Weinberg. In Search of Freedom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.78 $Neuware - David Fanning's book is the first full account of Weinberg's life and works in any language. Drawing on unpublished materials in the family archives and on the personal reminiscences of those close to Weinberg, he tells the story of a composer who devoted his life to music against heavy odds, memorializing those who did not live to share in his problematic freedom. Mieczyslaw Weinberg (1919-96) made two narrow escapes from the Nazis: in 1939 from his native Warsaw to Minsk, then in 1941 to Tashkent. He settled in Moscow from 1943 until his death, and rapidly became recognised as one of the USSR's finest composers, enjoying a relationship of enduring mutual respect with Shostakovich. His symphonies, string quartets, sonatas and concertos were championed by artists of the standing of Oistrakh, Kogan, Rostropovich, Gilels, Fedoseyev and the Borodin Quartet, and he remained forever grateful to his adopted country for his life and career.Yet his freedom came at a price. He was chastened by the anti-formalism campaigns of the late-1940s, and in 1953 he was arrested, accused of 'bourgeois Jewish nationalism'. The death of Stalin helped to secure his release, and though his health never entirely recovered, he resumed his prolific output. Neglected in his adopted country towards the end of his life, his profoundly humane music has seen a remarkable posthumous renaissance in the West, where his operas in particular are being rediscovered, including The Passenger, which can claim to be the finest musical work ever composed in commemoration of Auschwitz.
Rabbi Noach Weinberg's 48 Ways to Wisdom
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.81 $This trailblazing book contains the keys to open every Jew's mind and heart to Torah. Rav Noach Weinberg zt"l was a phenomenon: a visionary, Torah scholar, leader, pioneer in Jewish outreach, and master teacher. Candid, incisive, and passionate, he was fiercely devoted to G-d, Torah, and the Jewish people -- every single one of them. Rav Noach's most famous and impactful course in reaching Jews was the 48 Ways to Wisdom. Tens of thousands of Jews from all walks of life have benefited from Rav Noach's groundbreaking series. The Mishnah describes 48 essential tools to acquire Torah. Rav Noach taught these 48 Ways as all-encompassing guidelines to achieving success in every facet of our lives. Rav Noach used these 48 ways to show: How to listen effectively How to achieve understanding of ourselves How to harness the power of awe and capture the "wow" in life How to maximize time The secret to peace of mind The power of joy Now, for the first time ever, Rav Noach's 48 Ways to Wisdom is available in print. In these pages, you will hear his beloved voice - funny, direct, and above all, exceptionally wise.
Steven Weinberg A Life in Phys
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.18 $Item in very good condition! Textbooks may not include supplemental items i.e. CDs, access codes etc.
Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy: The Life and Works of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, 1884-1966 (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.59 $Using previously unpublished material, including private correspondence, Shapiro (Judaic Studies, U. of Scranton, Pennsylvania) discusses the many aspects of the life and thought of Rabbi Weinberg (1884-1966), an important ideologue of modern Orthodoxy. The author focuses on his evolving philosophical orientation, from his early years in Poland, his years in Germany, Lithuania, and Poland from WWI through the Nazi era, and his post-war years in Switzerland.
The Discovery of Subatomic Particles Weinberg, Steven
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.79 $This commentary on the discovery of the atom's constituents provides an historical account of key events in the physics of the twentieth century that led to the discoveries of the electron, proton and neutron. Steven Weinberg introduces the fundamentals of classical physics that played crucial roles in these discoveries. Connections are shown throughout the book between the historic discoveries of subatomic particles and contemporary research at the frontiers of physics, including the most current discoveries of new elementary particles. Steven Weinberg was Higgins Professor of Physics at Harvard before moving to The University of Texas at Austin, where he founded its Theory Group. At Texas he holds the Josey Regental Chair of Science and is a member of the Physics and Astronomy Departments. His research has spanned a broad range of topics in quantum field theory, elementary particle physics, and cosmology, and has been honored with numerous awards, including the Nobel Prize in Physics, the National Medal of Science, the Heinemann Prize in Mathematical Physics, the Cresson Medal of the Franklin Institute, the Madison Medal of Princeton University, and the Oppenheimer Prize. In addition to the well-known treatise, Gravitation and Cosmololgy, he has written several books for general readers, including the prize-winning The First Three Minutes (now translated into 22 foreign languages), and most recently Dreams of a Final Theory (Pantheon Books, 1993). He has also written a textbook The Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol.I, Vol. II, and Vol. III (Cambridge).
1967 HC The Sociology of Mental Disorder. b y edit: S. Kirson Weinberg
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.78 $Pages are crisp and clean, no marking. Dust jacket has some tears. Binding is tight/good.
365 Haiku : Tänzelnd den Weinberg entlang
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.09 $Neuware - Die Auswahl von Haiku ist eine Einladung zu einem atmosphärischen Rundgang durch das Jahr, Begegnungen mit Natur zu erspüren, und dabei sich selbst zu verorten. Buchstäblich an jedem Tag des Jahres.Mit Haiku, der kürzesten Gedichtform, kann der Jahreszyklus - die Ewige Wiederkehr des Gleichen - als ein Entdecken oder Erahnen von Neuem wahrgenommen werden. Haiku sind eine Schulung der Sinne. Ohne Belehrung. Eine Annäherung an die Natur, die Welt, die Anderswelt, mit sprachlichen Mitteln.Die hier versammelten Haiku folgen streng der klassischen Form von Dreizeilern im Aufbau von 5 - 7 - 5 Silben wie sie von japanischen Meistern seit über tausend Jahren tradiert werden.Knappheit dient der Klarheit. Verzicht von Schmuck und Beiwerk verdichtet eine augenzwinkernde Beobachtung.Die Haiku sind im Jahr der Pandemie entstanden, ohne sich auf Corona zu beziehen. Insofern beginnen die Haiku in etwa Mitte April 2020 und reichen bis zum April 2021. Für jeden Tag des Jahres wurde ein Haiku ausgewählt.Der Raum, in dem die Haiku aufgefunden wurden, ist der Naturpark Föhrenberge im Wienerwald, die Weinberge und die Heide in Perchtoldsdorf.
John La Farge (Essays by Henry Adams, Kathleen A. Foster, Henry A. La Farge, H. Barbara Weinberg, Linnea H. Wren and James L. Yarnall)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 86.89 $New! This book is in the same immaculate condition as when it was published 3.6
Mieczyslaw Weinberg
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 35.98 $Mieczyslaw Weinberg Gidon Kremer - CD 028948106691
Zildjian FX Break Bell Cymbal 7"
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 259.95 $The New Zildjian Break Bell - Small Size, Big SoundCreated in collaboration with Jay Weinberg, the Break Bell merges the characteristics of a bell ...
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