62 products were found matching your search for Winter Hendrik Die Antwort in 5 shops:
Die Antwort der Engel: Ein Dokument aus Ungarn
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.45 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Die Antwort: Maria als "locus theologicus" im Denken und Werk Hans Urs von Balthasars
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 111.24 $251 S. Guter Zustand mit Gebrauchsspuren OM21 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 800
Die Antwort Maria als 'locus theologicus' im Denken und Werk Hans Urs von Balthasars, Bonner dogmatische Studien 61
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.88 $Die Antwort Maria als 'locus theologicus' im Denken und Werk Hans Urs von Balthasars, Bonner dogmatische Studien 61 Hyungsung Na Buch 251 S. Deutsch 2019 Echter Verlag EAN 9783429054359 Verantwortliche Person für die EU: Echter Verlag GmbH, Markus Reder, Dominikanerplatz 8, 97070 Würzburg, info[at]echter[dot]de Anbieter: preigu
Im Zeichen der Frage, im Zeichen der Antwort : Ausgewählte Texte und Wortbilder. Hrsg. u. m. e. Essay v. Roger Perret
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.00 $Neuware - Während Sonja Sekula (1918-1963) als Malerin Insidern der hiesigen Kunstszene noch ein Begriff ist, so kennt man von ihrem schriftstellerischen Werk nur wenige, nach ihrem Tod publizierte Proben. Im Zeichen der Frage. Im Zeichen der Antwort versammelt erstmals in Buchform die verstreut in Zeitschriften und Zeitungen publizierten Texte und Wortbilder von Sonja Sekula sowie eine Auswahl aus unveröffentlichten Arbeiten.
Franz Schubert: Die schone Mullerin * Winterreise (The Lovely Miller Maiden * Winter Journey)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 81.09 $(Amadeus). Franz Shubert's two great song cycles are among the summits of the repertoire for Lieder singers and their accompanists. Arnold Feil, Professor of Music at Tubingen University, has written a thoughtful and subtle analysis of these two masterworks. His aim has been to provide a guide for musicians and their audiences that may lead to more meaningful interpretation and more intelligent listening. HARDCOVER.
Don't Die in the Winter: Your Season Is Coming: 40-Day Journal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.44 $Don't Die in the Winter Daily Devotional & Journal: A 40-Day Personal Journey Do you want to be free from the devil's hit list? Is all hell breaking loose in your life? Do you wonder if the sun will ever shine again? You are only 40 days away from the freedom and peace you are seeking! This daily devotional and journal edition of the popular Don't Die in the Winter will help you discern spiritual "weather" conditions and help you properly prepare for them one day at a time. Every season of life brings new changes and new challenges, and now you can be prepared! God uses the bitter, lonely, cold winter season of our life to develop Christlike character in us. Adversity is merely a harbinger of the springtime of blessings to come. Winter does not last forever—be now "weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not" (Gal. 6:9).
On to Stalingrad: Operation Winter Thunderstorm and the attempt to relieve Sixth Army, December 1942 (Die Wehrmacht im Kampf)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.74 $In late November 1942, Soviet forces surrounded Paulus’ Sixth Army in a pocket outside the Russian city of Stalingrad. In response the Germans planned a relief operation, Operation Winter Storm, intended to break through the Soviet forces and open the pocket, releasing the encircled units. The 6th Panzer Division was the spearhead of the German relief force. The attack started on 12 December 1942 and was aborted on 23 December after heavy Soviet counterattacks. This failure sealed the fate of the German 6th Army in Stalingrad. This account of the operation was first published in German in 1961, written by the well-respected military historian and retired German officer, Schiebert Horst. It covers the entire operation from the situation in mid-November through the two German offensives, the Soviet counteroffensive and ongoing fighting until early January. This book includes 16 maps from the original edition and is the first English translation of this important German account.
Don't Die in the Winter.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.09 $Why do we go through hard times? Why must we suffer pain? In Don't Die in the Winter... Dr. Thompson, senior pastor of The Baptist Worship Center of Philadelphia, explains the spiritual seasons and cycles that people experience. A spiritual winter is simply a season that tests our growth. We need to endure our winters, for in the plan of God, spring always follows winter!
Paz de la Huerta: The Birds Didn't Die over the Winter: Photographs by Alexandra Carr [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 200.00 $Photographer Alexandra Carr met Paz de la Huerta--the actress and Boardwalk Empire star--in New York in 2007, shortly before Paz became the celebrity she is today, and they soon agreed to collaborate on a photo project. They began shooting in the fall of 2008, often using Paz’s small West Village apartment as a backdrop--which was mercifully well heated throughout that especially cold New York winter. A gorgeous, linen-bound volume, The Birds Didn’t Die over the Winter explores themes of love, loneliness and the difficult transition from youth into relative maturity. As Carr recalls, “it was made during a turbulent time in Paz’s life and her life is a subtext in an otherwise imagined reality. We would discuss a character and direction beforehand and then Paz would play out these roles partly of made up characters and of favorite scenes from films each shoot.” Paz is a charismatic subject throughout the book, at once fearless, sexual and vividly present, moving fluidly between roleplay and apparent candor. Carr explains the title: “[Paz] called one morning in the spring saying she had an idea for what we should call the book. She said she woke up and heard birds outside her window. She couldn’t believe they had survived such an abominable winter. It was a perfect metaphor for the book.”
IVY OAK, Winter Scarves, female, Black, Size: ONE SIZE Amelia Scarf
Vendor: Miinto.com Price: 172.00 $ (+15.00 $)Der Amelia Strickschal ist ein gemütliches Accessoire, gestrickt im klassischen Zopfmuster. Die gerippten Enden verleihen ihm eine zusätzliche Struktur. Mit seiner langen und breiten Form bietet der Schal angenehme Wärme an kühlen Wintertagen.
Die Drei Flugschriften Uber den Munzstreit der Sachsischen Albertiner und Ernestiner [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $174 S., mehr. Abb., Pp. -- Einbandtitel: Die drei Flugschriften über den Münzstreit der sächsischen Albertiner und Ernestiner. - Kommentarband zu den Faksimile-Nachdrucken der Flugschriften: Gemeyne Stimmen von der Muntz (1530). Die Müntz belangende Antwort und Bericht (1530). Gemeine Stymmen von der Müntze: Apologia . und Vorantwortung (1548).- [ Wirtschaftswissenschaft Volkswirtschaft historie Geld Zeit1530 Zeit1548 " Klassiker der Nationalökonomie J 2000 ] --
No Place to Die
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.39 $On a beautiful winter evening, Phoenix attorney Beverly Thompson is snatched from her home and her husband is brutally murdered. Four more victims quickly fall to the same killer and the case is assigned to homicide detective Sean Richardson. Now Sean must somehow stop an elusive killer with no idea who he is or where he might strike next. And unfortunately, time is running out on Beverly's desperate struggle to survive long enough to see her husband's killer captured and brought to justice.
Die Sicherheit des Diktators. Hitlers Leibwachen, Schutzmaßnahmen, Residenzen, Hauptquartiere [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 161.47 $Vollständige Ausgabe im Original-Verlagseinband: Englische Broschur / Kartoneinband im Format 15 x 23 cm mit Rückentitel. 328 Seiten, mit vielen Fotoabbildungen auf Kunstdruckpapier, Landkarten und schematischen Darstellungen. Karten und Skizzen gezeichnet von Jutta Winter. - Aus dem Inhalt: Vorwort - Gegenstand, Sinn und Zweck der Untersuchung - Vor 1933 - Hitler Regierungschef - Der Reichssicherheitsdienst - Das SS-Begleitkommando - Das Führer-Begleit-Kommando und sonstige Sicherungskräfte - Hitlers Verkehrsmittel (Auto, Führer-Sonderzug, Flugzeug) -In der Öffentlichkeit - Schutz auf Reisen - Bewachung der Residenzen (Reichskanzlei, München, Obersalzberg) - Die Führerhauptquartiere - Schlussbetrachtungen - Tabelle der Attentate und Attentatsversuche - Anmerkungen - Namensverzeichnis. - Deutsche Zeitgeschichte 1933-1945, illustierte Bücher, Nationalsozialismus, Kampf und Sieg der NSDAP, der Führer und seine Bewachung auf Reisen sowie im 2.Weltkrieg, Führerwagen, Führermercedes, Führersperrkreis, Vorsichtsmaßnahmen in der Führerumgebung, persönliche Sicherheit von Adolf Hitler, Schutz vor Attentätern, SS-Männer als Leibwächter und Leibgarde des Führers, Schutz des Führers vor Attentaten und Staatsfeinden, Führerschutzkommando, Wolfsschanze, Führerbunker, SS-Begleitkommando "Der Führer", gepanzerter Mercedes-Benz 770 KW 150 und 770 G4 W31, Großer Mercedes 7,7 Liter W 150, Sicherheitsvorkehrungen im 3.Reich zum Schutz des Staatsoberhaupts - Erstausgabe in guter Erhaltung Versand an Institutionen auch gegen Rechnung Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 2000
The Forgotten Child: The powerful true story of a boy abandoned as a baby and left to die
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.76 $Based on a true story, The Forgotten Child is a heart-breaking memoir of an abandoned newborn baby left to die, his tempestuous upbringing, and how he came through the other side.It’s a freezing winter’s night in 1954. A baby boy, a few hours old, is left by his mother, wrapped in nothing but two sheets of newspaper and hidden amongst the undergrowth by a canal bank. An hour later, a late-shift postman is walking wearily home when he hears a faint cry. He finds the newspaper parcel and discovers the newborn, white-cold and whimpering, inside.After being rushed to hospital and against all odds, the baby survives. He’s baptised by the hospital chaplain as Richard.Everything feels as though it’s looking up; Richard is put into local authority care and regains his health. However, after nearly five blissful years in a rural care home filled with loving friends, it soon unfolds that his turbulent start in life is only the beginning...Based on a devastating true story, this inspirational memoir follows Richard’s traumatic birth, abusive childhood, and search for the truth.
Die Reisen der Habsburger : Von Kavalierstouren, Brautschau und hoher Diplomatie
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.92 $Neuware - In seinem Streifzug durch die Jahrhunderte erzählt Kunst- und Kulturhistoriker Hannes Etzlstorfer von den Reisen gekrönter Häupter: Von Friedrich III., der auf seiner beschwerlichen dreimonatigen Reise im kalten Winter 1451/52 zur Kaiserkrönung nach Rom gleich auch Eleonore von Portugal heiratete. Von Rudolf II., der 1563 zu Bildungszwecken nach Spanien verschickt wurde. Das von der Inquisition vergiftete Klima tat ihm nicht gut: Als er nach acht Jahren nach Wien zurückkehrte, war er ein scheuer und wortkarger junger Mann geworden. Im Barock wurde das Reisen Teil der Repräsentation: Als Marie Antoinette am 21. April 1770 von Wien nach Paris aufbrach, umfasste der Tross 263 Gäste in 57 Kutschen, darunter allein 76 Personen Küchenpersonal - Mundköche, Brandköche, Küchenträger, Spießtreiber, Hofzuckerbäcker, Silberdiener, Tafeljungen und Kellermeister. Mit der Erfindung von Eisenbahn und Dampfschiff wurde das Reisen bequemer. Kaiser Franz Josef und Kaiserin Elisabeth nutzten diese neuen Verkehrsmittel extensiv, nicht zuletzt bei ihren Erholungsfahrten nach Bad Ischl. Das letzte Kapitel lautet 'Endstation Kaisergruft': Die Reise, an deren Ziel auch die gekrönten Häupter nur mehr als 'sterblicher, sündiger Mensch' gelangen.
Ski to Die: The Bill Johnson Story
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.52 $Bill Johnson took the world by storm at the 1984 Sarajevo Winter Olympics, coming out of nowhere to win the first American gold medal in downhill skiing. He went on to dominate the World Cup races that same year. His success made him an overnight celebrity, but his fame was fleeting. He never won another race, and personal tragedy seemed to follow him at every turn. With his post-Olympic life spiraling out of control, Johnson decided to do the unthinkable make a comeback at the age of forty. He had his motto, Ski to Die,” tattooed on his right bicep. In a race at Big Mountain, fearless and in the lead with one turn to go, Johnson crashed face-first into the icy mountain at fifty miles per hour. Ski to Die is a story about the cost of chasing dreams. It is about glory and the attempt to recapture it once it is lost. More than a cautionary tale, Ski to Die is a rise-fall-rise-again story because against all odds, Bill Johnson’s story doesn’t end at Big Mountain.
If She Should Die
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.15 $Three years have passed since erotic, willful Dara Prince disappeared from Winston, West Virginia, leaving a note saying she's run away. Now a body has been found in the creek. A body, Christine Ireland suspects, that could very well belong to her adopted sister Dara. Deputy Sheriff Michael Winter certainly seems to think so. But if Dara's dead, who's been sending Ames prince the letters he cherishes: always with a different postmark and always signed with his missing daughter's initial?When Dara's diary turns up unexpectedly, Christine is plunged into her lost sister's dark and mysterious world. Clearly, in the days before her disappearance, Dara was certain somebody was stalking her. As past melds hauntingly with present, people who knew Dara are meeting tragic fates. Now, someone is watching Christine's every move--perhaps just the way they once watched Dara, right before she died. If, indeed, she really did die...
G'Day to Die: A Passport to Peril Mystery
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.58 $When Emily Andrew lands in the Land of Oz -- Australia, that is -- she and her hearty group of world-touring seniors know they're not in Iowa anymore. Winter is summer, drains drain counterclockwise, and all the comforts of home are, well, back home. Even Emily's love life is upside down: her darling detective Etienne Miceli has yet to propose, while gorgeous tour director Duncan Lazarus is vying to be more than just mates. Emily is preoccupied calming the group's jitters about the outback's killers, from sunstroke to snake bites. But when a fellow traveler turns up dead, Emily fears something far more toxic has struck: human greed. Someone has stumbled upon a natural wonder that could turn science on its head -- was this priceless discovery the catalyst for murder? Before the dust settles, a second untimely death occurs. If Emily can't stop a killer in their tracks, this Aussie adventure just may be her last.
Killing Eve: Die For Me
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.09 $The basis for KILLING EVE, now a major BBC TV series starring Sandra Oh and Jodie ComerAs Villanelle returns to face her childhood demons and the Russian winter, Eve finds herself on the run from The Twelve, who want her dead. As the action moves between London and St Petersburg, and Eve and Villanelle finally admit their mutual erotic obsession, the chess game approaches its lethal, unforgettable conclusion.
Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852: "And Should We Die"
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 92.88 $Recounts the Mormons' prolonged stopover at Winter Quarters, near present day Omaha, Nebraska, on their way to the Salt Lake Valley, and describes their relationship with the Plains Indians
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