14 products were found matching your search for Wyss Christian Skripte zur in 1 shops:
Early Christian Paraenesis in Context (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 183.16 $An up-to-date discussion of early Christian paraenesis in its Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish contexts in the light of one hundred years of scholarship, issuing from a research project by Nordic and international scholars. The concept of paraenesis is basic to New Testament scholarship but hardly anywhere else. How is that to be explained? The concept is also, notoriously, without any agreed-upon definition and it is even contested. Can it at all be salvaged? This volume reassesses the scholarly discussion of paraenesis - both the concept and the phenomenon - since Paul Wendland and Martin Dibelius and argues for a number of ways in which it may continue to be fruitful.
Early Christian Paraenesis in Context (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.46 $An up-to-date discussion of early Christian paraenesis in its Graeco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish contexts in the light of one hundred years of scholarship, issuing from a research project by Nordic and international scholars. The concept of paraenesis is basic to New Testament scholarship but hardly anywhere else. How is that to be explained? The concept is also, notoriously, without any agreed-upon definition and it is even contested. Can it at all be salvaged? This volume reassesses the scholarly discussion of paraenesis - both the concept and the phenomenon - since Paul Wendland and Martin Dibelius and argues for a number of ways in which it may continue to be fruitful.
Paul and the Vocation of Israel (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 120.00 $The Apostle Paul was the greatest early missionary of the Christian gospel. He was also, by his own admission, an Israelite. How can both these realities coexist in one individual? This book argues that Paul viewed his mission to the Gentiles, in and of itself, as the primary expression of his Jewish identity. The concept of Israel's divine vocation is used to shed fresh light on a number of much-debated passages in Paul's letter to the Romans.
Die Universität Tübingen zwischen Scholastik und Humanismus : Tübinger Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte, Bd. 20
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.31 $Mit folgenden Beitragen: Scholastik und Humanismus. Zur Genese der Fachprofessur an der Tubinger Artistenfakultat (Sonke Lorenz) - Konrad Summenharts "Physikkommentar" (Reinhold Rieger) - Geldtheorie an der Universitat Tubingen um 1500 (Stefan Kotz) - Christian Hebraism at the University of Tubingen from Reuchlin to Schickard (Stephen G. Burnett) - Die Reformation und ihre Auswirkungen auf Lehre und Wissenschaft an der Tubinger Juristenfakultat (Oliver Haller) - Die Anfange einer evangelischen Dogmatik in Tubingen (Ulrich Kopf) - Jacob Schegks Begrundung der Einheit und Allgemeinheit der Metaphysik (Gunter Frank) - Aristoteles und Scholastik: Die Logik bei Jacob Schegk (Walter Redmond) - Georg Liebler's Textbook on Physics (1561) in the Context of His Academic Career (Joseph S. Freedman) - The teaching of Moral Philosophy in Sixteenth-Century Protestant Universities and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: The Case of Tubingen (Marco Toste) - Musik an der Universitat Tubingen um 1600: Reichard Mangons Gratulatio ad Pulcheriam Augustam im bildungsgeschichtlichen Kontext (Joachim Kremer) - Uberlegungen zur Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek des Ludwig Gremp von Freudenstein (Silke Schottle, Gerd Brinkhus) - Die Matrikel der Medizinischen Fakultat 1535-1646 (Stefan Kotz)
Die Universitat Tubingen Zwischen Scholastik Und Humanismus: Tubinger Bausteine Zur Landesgeschichte, Bd. 20
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.71 $Mit folgenden Beitragen: Scholastik und Humanismus. Zur Genese der Fachprofessur an der Tubinger Artistenfakultat (Sonke Lorenz) - Konrad Summenharts "Physikkommentar" (Reinhold Rieger) - Geldtheorie an der Universitat Tubingen um 1500 (Stefan Kotz) - Christian Hebraism at the University of Tubingen from Reuchlin to Schickard (Stephen G. Burnett) - Die Reformation und ihre Auswirkungen auf Lehre und Wissenschaft an der Tubinger Juristenfakultat (Oliver Haller) - Die Anfange einer evangelischen Dogmatik in Tubingen (Ulrich Kopf) - Jacob Schegks Begrundung der Einheit und Allgemeinheit der Metaphysik (Gunter Frank) - Aristoteles und Scholastik: Die Logik bei Jacob Schegk (Walter Redmond) - Georg Liebler's Textbook on Physics (1561) in the Context of His Academic Career (Joseph S. Freedman) - The teaching of Moral Philosophy in Sixteenth-Century Protestant Universities and Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics: The Case of Tubingen (Marco Toste) - Musik an der Universitat Tubingen um 1600: Reichard Mangons Gratulatio ad Pulcheriam Augustam im bildungsgeschichtlichen Kontext (Joachim Kremer) - Uberlegungen zur Rekonstruktion der Bibliothek des Ludwig Gremp von Freudenstein (Silke Schottle, Gerd Brinkhus) - Die Matrikel der Medizinischen Fakultat 1535-1646 (Stefan Kotz)
Electric Laokoon : Zeichen Und Medien, Von Der Lochkarte Zur Grammatologie -Language: german
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.68 $Mit Beiträgen von Inge Baxmann, Annette Bitsch, Robert Brain, Bernhard J. Dotzler, Michael Franz , Rodolphe Gasché, Hans-Christian von Herrmann, Ute Holl, Anton Kaes, Alexandre Métraux, Wolfgang Schäffner, Bernhard Siegert und Robert Stockhammer
The Descent of Christ: Ephesians 4:7-11 and Traditional Hebrew Imagery (arbeiten Zur Literatur Und Geschichte Des Hellenistischen Judentums)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 188.01 $This volume examines early Jewish and Christian imagery to demonstrate that the most probable interpretation of Christ's descent in Ephesians 4:9-10 refers to the descent of the Spirit at Pentecost subsequent to the ascent mentioned in Ephesians 4:8.The central portion of the book deals with the ascent-descent imagery associating Ps. 68:19 with Moses as found in Targum Psalms, the rabbinic literature, and other early sources.The section dealing with rabbinic interpretations of Ps. 68:19 is of particular importance, demonstrating an approach for dating elements found in the later rabbinic tradition. The theological innovation of the author of Ephesians in identifying the ascended Christ as the Spirit who descended at Pentecost is highlighted as the best explanation of this difficult passage.
Geheime Gesellschaften. Hrsg. von Peter Christian Ludz [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.24 $461 S. Schnitt etw. fleckig Wolfenbüttler Studien zur Aufklärung Band V/1 Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 800
Writing Indians: Literacy, Christianity, and Native Community in Early America (Native Americans of the Northeast)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.99 $A study of cultural encounter, this book takes a fresh look at the much ignored and often misunderstood experience of Christian Indians in early America. Focusing on New England missionary settlements from the mid-seventeenth to the early nineteenth centuries, Hilary E. Wyss examines the ways in which Native American converts to Christianity developed their own distinct identity within the context of a colonial culture. With an approach that weaves together literature, religious studies, and ethno-history, Wyss grounds her work in the analysis of a rarely read body of "autobiographical" writings by Christian Indians, including letters, journal entries, and religious confessions. She then juxtaposes these documents to the writings of better known Native Americans like Samson Occom as well as to the published works of Anglo-Americans, such as Mary Rowlandson's famous captivity narrative and Eleazor Wheelock's accounts of his charity schools. In their search for ostensibly "authentic" Native voices, scholars have tended to overlook the writings of Christian Indians. Yet, Wyss argues, these texts reveal the emergence of a dynamic Native American identity through Christianity. More specifically, they show how the active appropriation of New England Protestantism contributed to the formation of a particular Indian identity that resisted colonialism by using its language against itself.
Writing Indians: Literacy, Christianity, and Native Community in Early America (Native Americans of the Northeast)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.21 $A study of cultural encounter, this book takes a fresh look at the much ignored and often misunderstood experience of Christian Indians in early America. Focusing on New England missionary settlements from the mid-seventeenth to the early nineteenth centuries, Hilary E. Wyss examines the ways in which Native American converts to Christianity developed their own distinct identity within the context of a colonial culture. With an approach that weaves together literature, religious studies, and ethno-history, Wyss grounds her work in the analysis of a rarely read body of "autobiographical" writings by Christian Indians, including letters, journal entries, and religious confessions. She then juxtaposes these documents to the writings of better known Native Americans like Samson Occom as well as to the published works of Anglo-Americans, such as Mary Rowlandson's famous captivity narrative and Eleazor Wheelock's accounts of his charity schools. In their search for ostensibly "authentic" Native voices, scholars have tended to overlook the writings of Christian Indians. Yet, Wyss argues, these texts reveal the emergence of a dynamic Native American identity through Christianity. More specifically, they show how the active appropriation of New England Protestantism contributed to the formation of a particular Indian identity that resisted colonialism by using its language against itself.
Arbeiten im Dunkeln.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.00 $143 Seiten, Katalog zur Ausstellung im Walker Art Center, Minneapolis und im Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg. Redaktion der deutschen Ausgabe: Veit Görner und Margarete Heck, Übersetzung: Christian Quatmann. Mit zahlreichen teils farbigen Abbildungen, Kurzbiografien, Ausstellungsverzeichnissen, Bibliografie und Werkverzeichnis. Rückenenden gering beschabt, vordere untere rechte Ecke gering gestaucht. Insgesamt aber durchaus ordentliches und sauberes Exemplar Sprache: Deutsch Gewicht in Gramm: 453 Original-Broschur, 17x22cm, Zustand: 3
Worship in the Name of Jesus
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.03 $This classic reissue of the English translation of Zur Lehre vom Gottesdienst der im Namen Jesu versammelten Gemeinde offers Brunner's definitive statement on the nature of Christian worship. This book addresses the place of worship in God's salvation plan; the spriritual need for worship; worship as a service of God to the congregation; and the form of worship, including its dogmatic basis and its materialization.
Die »Juni-Aktion« 1938
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.42 $Eine Dokumentation zur Radikalisierung der Judenverfolgung. Hrsg. von Christian Faludi. Der Band präsentiert eine umfangreiche Auswahl von Dokumenten, die Planung, Verlauf und Folgen der Aktion sowie Motive und Interessen der Täter und die späteren Schicksale der Opfer schildern. Weitere Quellen zeigen, wie die Ereignisse im Ausland wahrgenommen wurden und wie jüdische Organisationen reagierten. In einer umfassenden Einleitung erläutert Christian Faludi überdies die historischen Hintergründe: Die "Juniaktion", so das Fazit, markierte einen Wendepunkt in der Judenpolitik und stellte die Weichen für spätere Ereignisse wie die Novemberpogrome 1938. "Nicht Gesetz ist die Parole, sondern Schikane", wies Joseph Goebbels 1938 die Berliner Polizei an und umschrieb damit die von ihm gewünschte antisemitische Stoßrichtung der "Juniaktion". Im Zuge dieser Aktion wurden neben sogenannten "Asozialen" erstmals auch zahlreiche Juden verhaftet und in Konzentrationslager überführt. Zugleich wurden lokale Übergriffe inszeniert und Geschäfte jüdischer Inhaber beschmiert und boykottiert. In Berlin mündeten die Krawalle in pogromartige Ausschreitungen. 420 Seiten mit 18 Abb., gebunden (Campus Verlag 2013). Früher EUR 39,90. Gewicht: 776 g - Gebunden/Gebundene Ausgabe - Sprache: Deutsch
Agypten. Schatze aus dem Wustensand (German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.00 $This book accompanies an important exhibition on the art and culture of christian communities living in Egypt in the first millenium AD. There are four useful introductory essays: Bemerkungen zum spatantiken und koptischen Agypten (M. Krause); Kirchenbau in Agypten (P. Grossmann); Anmerkungen zur Kunst (A. Effenberger); Das monchswesen in Abu Fano (H. Buschhausen). The catalogue is comprehensively described and contains some stunning textiles, illumination and jewellery.
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