Filled with humor and whimsical illustrations, this enchanting and educational A to Z guide takes young readers on a journey through the alphabet with a lovable Labrador retriever named Sandy, who shows kids that animals and people share many of the same feelings. From A is for Affectionate to Z is for Zonked, Animals Have Feelings, Too! helps children to understand and express their feelings and to treat animals with kindness and respect. ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Karen Lee Stevens is a Certified Humane Education Specialist and the founder and president of All for Animals, a nonprofit, humane education and literacy organization in Santa Barbara, California. From the time she was 4 years old and her mom read Three Little Kittens to her, Karen has been fascinated by animals and the written word. This is her first children's book. EDITORIAL REVIEWS: "I believe children have a natural inclination toward animals, which grows stronger when it is nourished. Introducing kids to books like Animals Have Feelings, Too! will surely help them create a world where empathy for all sentient beings becomes a way of life." Wayne Pacelle, President and CEO, The Humane Society of the United States
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