88 products were found matching your search for akkadian in 1 shops:
Akkadian Verb and Its' Semitic Background
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 111.84 $In this magnum opus, N. J. C. Kouwenberg presents a thoroughgoing, modern analysis of the Akkadian verbal system, taking into account all of the currently available evidence for the language during the course of the long period of its attestation. The book achieves this goal through two strategies: (1) to describe the Akkadian verbal system, as comprehensively as the data permit; and (2) to reconstruct its prehistory on the basis of internal evidence and reconstruction, comparison with cognate languages, and typological evidence. Akkadian has one of the longest documented histories of any language: data from nearly two-and-one-half millennia are available, even if the stream of data is sometimes interrupted and not always as copious as we would like. During the course of this history, numerous developments took place, illustrating how languages change over time and offering parallels for reconstruction of changes that occurred in poorly documented periods.As a result, this book will be of great interest, in the first place, for all students of Akkadian, both the language and the literature that is documented in that language; and in the second place, for all students of language and linguistics who are interested in the study of how languages are shaped, develop, and change during the course of a long history.
The Akkadian Influences on Aramaic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.15 $This is an example product description.
The Akkadian Verb and Its Semitic Background
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.00 $In this magnum opus, N. J. C. Kouwenberg presents a thoroughgoing, modern analysis of the Akkadian verbal system, taking into account all of the currently available evidence for the language during the course of the long period of its attestation. The book achieves this goal through two strategies: (1) to describe the Akkadian verbal system, as comprehensively as the data permit; and (2) to reconstruct its prehistory on the basis of internal evidence and reconstruction, comparison with cognate languages, and typological evidence. Akkadian has one of the longest documented histories of any language: data from nearly two-and-one-half millennia are available, even if the stream of data is sometimes interrupted and not always as copious as we would like. During the course of this history, numerous developments took place, illustrating how languages change over time and offering parallels for reconstruction of changes that occurred in poorly documented periods.As a result, this book will be of great interest, in the first place, for all students of Akkadian, both the language and the literature that is documented in that language; and in the second place, for all students of language and linguistics who are interested in the study of how languages are shaped, develop, and change during the course of a long history.
The Akkadian of Ugarit
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 65.00 $Harvard Semitic studies, no. 34. Cloth bound. xxiii, 473 pages : illustrations ; 24 cm.
An Akkadian Lexicon Companion for Biblical Hebrew: Etymological-semantic and Idiomatic Equivalents With Supplement on Biblical Aramaic
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 13.13 $The Companion does not confine its interest solely to etymological equivalents with Akkadian but also embraces semantic and idiomatic relationships. It helps uncover meanings for Hebrew words that have eluded clear definition in particular contexts, but which have either Akkadian cognates or vocable euivalents employed in a similar context. It proposes nuances for Hebrew words suggested by similar Akkadian usages. It illuminates idioms from related expressions in Akkadian. It corrects certain understandings of Hebrew words and expressions in light of their Akkadian equivalents. It shows that the large resource of Akkadian literature, though geographically and temporally somewhat remote and linguistically somewhat different from Hebrew, can, offer a large number of insights for the task of understanding and interpreting Biblical Hebrew.
The Akkadian of Ugarit: 34 (Harvard Semitic Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 74.82 $9.50x6.50x1.25 inches. In Stock. This item is printed on demand.
Akkadian Prayers and Hymns A Reader An Introduction Society of Biblical Literature Ancient Near East Monographs
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.34 $Used Book. Shipped from UK. Established seller since 2000.
An Akkadian Handbook: Paradigms, Helps, Logograms and Sign Lists
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 141.03 $Students of Akkadian will find this handy, brief summary of basic information to be the ideal companion during the first years of study. Though this handbook is not a replacement for the standard reference works, it summarizes all of the basic resource materials needed for study of Akkadian.
An Akkadian Handbook: Helps, Paradigms, Glossary, Logograms, and Sign List
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.31 $Students of Akkadian will find this handy collection of basic information to be the ideal companion through their years of study. Though this handbook is not a replacement for the standard reference works, it summarizes all the basic resource materials needed for the study of Akkadian. Included are the following: miscellaneous helps, paradigms of nouns and verbs, a glossary of important proper nouns, an index of logograms, a sign list with complete sign values, and much more.What is new in this revised and expanded edition:—An expanded list of common abbreviations—A thorough bibliography of important reference works in ten categories, including websites—Part One: Additional and more thorough lists, including dialect information for conjunctions, prepositions, and particles—Part Two: Additional nominal and verbal paradigms—Part Three: Glossary expanded and updated, content thoroughly documented and cross-referenced—Part Four: Expanded list of logograms—Part Five: Complete list of graphic signs as found in Borger’s Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon, tagged by his new numbering system, and cross-referenced to the Deimel system; sign information aligned with MZL for logographic values and with MZL and Das akkadische Syllabar for syllabic values; graphic sign images now included with the list of determinatives; two new indexes—Can now be used alongside all major grammars of Akkadian—A more attractive format—All data checked against the latest published reference works
Akkadian Handbook : Helps, Paradigms, Glossary, Logograms, and Sign List
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 42.95 $Students of Akkadian will find this handy collection of basic information to be the ideal companion through their years of study. Though this handbook is not a replacement for the standard reference works, it summarizes all the basic resource materials needed for the study of Akkadian. Included are the following: miscellaneous helps, paradigms of nouns and verbs, a glossary of important proper nouns, an index of logograms, a sign list with complete sign values, and much more.What is new in this revised and expanded edition:—An expanded list of common abbreviations—A thorough bibliography of important reference works in ten categories, including websites—Part One: Additional and more thorough lists, including dialect information for conjunctions, prepositions, and particles—Part Two: Additional nominal and verbal paradigms—Part Three: Glossary expanded and updated, content thoroughly documented and cross-referenced—Part Four: Expanded list of logograms—Part Five: Complete list of graphic signs as found in Borger’s Mesopotamisches Zeichenlexikon, tagged by his new numbering system, and cross-referenced to the Deimel system; sign information aligned with MZL for logographic values and with MZL and Das akkadische Syllabar for syllabic values; graphic sign images now included with the list of determinatives; two new indexes—Can now be used alongside all major grammars of Akkadian—A more attractive format—All data checked against the latest published reference works
Basics of Akkadian: A Grammar, Workbook, and Glossary (Zondervan Language Basics Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.96 $All orders ship by next business day! This is a used paperback book with wear due to handling. Pages have no markings. For USED books, we cannot guarantee supplemental materials such as CDs, DVDs, access codes and other materials. We are a small company and very thankful for your business!
Concise Dictionary of Akkadian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.86 $The authorship of this new dictionary is enough to state that no Akkadianist will want to be without it. It is incredibly good value for money.
Introduction to Akkadian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.14 $The present edition of the Introduction to Akkadian is fully revised, and supplied with indices to the Akkadian vocabularies and sign-lists, an English-Akkadian glossary, and a paradigm of the strong verbs. The Introduction is intended as a tool in offering a twelve lessons or one semester course in essential Akkadian grammar. The reading exercises in transliteration and in cuneiform are designed to introduce the student to common vocabulary and basic cuneiform signs. The exercises are chose from Old Babylonian, but signs are introduced, as is customary, in their Neo-Assyrian form. In addition to the twelve lessons there are appendices dealing with Akkadian phonetics and metrology, indices, and a paradigm of the strong verb.
A Manual of Akkadian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.68 $A self-teaching manual of Akkadian, the language of ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), this unique text is designed for beginners with no previous knowledge of any Semitic language.
Old Akkadian Writing and Grammar, 2nd edition [Mat
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.00 $1973, Middle East, The University of Chicago Press, 235 p., very good Paperback.
A Manual of Akkadian [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.11 $A self-teaching manual of Akkadian, the language of ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq), this unique text is designed for beginners with no previous knowledge of any Semitic language.
Introduction to Akkadian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.95 $The present edition of the Introduction to Akkadian is fully revised, and supplied with indices to the Akkadian vocabularies and sign-lists, an English-Akkadian glossary, and a paradigm of the strong verbs. The Introduction is intended as a tool in offering a twelve lessons or one semester course in essential Akkadian grammar. The reading exercises in transliteration and in cuneiform are designed to introduce the student to common vocabulary and basic cuneiform signs. The exercises are chose from Old Babylonian, but signs are introduced, as is customary, in their Neo-Assyrian form. In addition to the twelve lessons there are appendices dealing with Akkadian phonetics and metrology, indices, and a paradigm of the strong verb.
Introduction to Akkadian Literature : Contexts and Content
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 45.99 $This book initiates the reader into the study of Akkadian literature from ancient Babylonia and Assyria. With this one relatively short volume, the novice reader will develop the literary competence necessary to read and interpret Akkadian texts in translation and will gain a broad familiarity with the major genres and compositions in the language.The first part of the book presents introductory discussions of major critical issues, organized under four key rubrics: tablets, scribes, compositions, and audiences. Here, the reader will find descriptions of the tablets used as writing material; the training scribes received and the institutional contexts in which they worked; the general characteristics of Akkadian compositions, with an emphasis on poetic and literary features; and the various audiences or users of Akkadian texts. The second part surveys the corpus of Akkadian literature defined inclusively, canvasing a wide spectrum of compositions. Legal codes, historical inscriptions, divinatory compendia, and religious texts have a place in the survey alongside narrative poems, such as the Epic of Gilgamesh, Enuma elish, and Babylonian Theodicy. Extensive footnotes and a generous bibliography guide readers who wish to continue their study.Essential for students of Assyriology, An Introduction to Akkadian Literature will also prove useful to biblical scholars, classicists, Egyptologists, ancient historians, and literary comparativists.
Basics of Akkadian (Paperback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.78 $Paperback. Equips Students with Essential Tools to Quickly Grasp Akkadian and Move into TranslationBasics of Akkadian: A Complete Grammar, Workbook, and Lexicon, by Gordon P. Hugenberger with Nancy L. Erickson, is a one-semester introductory textbook to the Akkadian language. The grammar provides students with essential tools in order to quickly grasp the Akkadian language and move into translation. Designed around the Laws of Hammurabi, each chapter includes:Explanation of grammatical pointsSigns that need to be learnedVocabularyExercises Short contributions that highlight the unique significance of learning Akkadian for the studies of the Hebrew Bible are also included throughout the grammar. By the end of the grammar, students will have:Read through a sixth of the Laws of HammurabiLearned how to read Neo-Assyrian scriptTransliterate that script, normalize the transcription, and translate Robust appendices at the back of the book include major paradigms, a list of cuneiform signs, an alphabetical list of V, CV and VC cuneiform signs, and a complete Akkadian glossary. Basics of Akkadian is designed for classroom use as well as the independent learner. Students will acquire all the necessary tools to either pursue additional studies of the Akkadian language or to utilize the information gained for better understanding the cognitive environment of the biblical world and to engage thoughtfully and carefully with Akkadian literature. Basics of Akkadian, by Gordon P. Hugenberger with Nancy L. Erickson, is a one-semester introductory textbook to the Akkadian language. It provides students with essential tools in order to quickly grasp the Akkadian language and move into translation. Shipping may be from multiple locations in the US or from the UK, depending on stock availability.
Concise Dictionary of Akkadian
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 34.44 $The authorship of this new dictionary is enough to state that no Akkadianist will want to be without it. It is incredibly good value for money.
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