97 products were found matching your search for brokenness in 1 shops:
Brokenness, the Forgotten Factor of Prayer (Brokenness Ser)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.34 $In this book Mickey Bonner reveals to you God's purpose for breaking in the life of the Christian. He develops with Scripture that God uses only the broken vessel to shine his light through. Revival will not come until men are broken before Him. This writing will develop in the Christian the true path of righteoussness as spoken of in the Bible. It is only through the door of brokenness.
Brokenness: How God Redeems Pain and Suffering
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.92 $In 1992, Pastor Lon Solomon's career was on a speedy ascent. He was the senior pastor at McLean Bible Church, an influential and rapidly growing church in the suburbs of the nation's capital. In his weekly sermons he was funny, engaging, and self-effacing. He was successful, comfortable, respected by his peers and reaching Washington's elite decision makers. His life could not have been better. That's precisely when his world began to crumble. He didn't see it at the time, but today Pastor Solomon knows that God was sending the blessing of brokenness to him. It came in the form of a beautiful daughter who for years would suffer through thousands of seizures and become severely impaired, physically and mentally. He and his family were thrust into days of emotional darkness. Pastor Solomon began to question his faith and feared he would fail his congregation. In this touching and important book, he tells how God shattered him for the sole purpose of helping him reach his full potential as a servant of Christ. Today, his church is having a major impact on Washington, D.C., with more than 10,000 worshipers attending services each weekend. Read this book and you'll never be the same.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 1,000.00 $In 1992, Pastor Lon Solomon's career was on a speedy ascent. He was the senior pastor at McLean Bible Church, an influential and rapidly growing church in the suburbs of the nation's capital. In his weekly sermons he was funny, engaging, and self-effacing. He was successful, comfortable, respected by his peers and reaching Washington's elite decision makers. His life could not have been better. That's precisely when his world began to crumble. He didn't see it at the time, but today Pastor Solomon knows that God was sending the blessing of brokenness to him. It came in the form of a beautiful daughter who for years would suffer through thousands of seizures and become severely impaired, physically and mentally. He and his family were thrust into days of emotional darkness. Pastor Solomon began to question his faith and feared he would fail his congregation. In this touching and important book, he tells how God shattered him for the sole purpose of helping him reach his full potential as a servant of Christ. Today, his church is having a major impact on Washington, D.C., with more than 10,000 worshipers attending services each weekend. Read this book and you'll never be the same.
Brokenness and Blessing : Towards a Biblical Spirituality
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.98 $In this book Frances M. Young begins by exploring the desert spirituality of the early Church Fathers, and develops in this and other ways their approach to the Bible. In doing so, she seeks to recover a sense of the importance of the spiritual meaning of the text, as much as a literal or historic meaning.
From Brokenness to Community (Harold M. Wit Lectures) (The Wit Lectures)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.67 $The lectures in this volume witness the importance of the meeting between the university of the learned and the university of the poor. From them a deep understanding of true discipleship emerges.
The Blessings of Brokenness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.35 $Perhaps you've already experienced circumstances so shattering you may wonder today whether it's even possible to pick up the pieces. And maybe you can't. But God can -- and the good news is, he wants to reassemble the shards of your life into a wholeness that only the broken can know.
Sexual Brokenness and the Hope of the Gospel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.18 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.61
Freedom from Brokenness: Lessons Learned Through Inner Healing Prayer (Freedom Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.66 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.66
His Majesty in Brokenness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.26 $Born without complete legs, Judy watched others have all the fun. As she wore her orthopedic shoes, she had no idea what God could do with her brokenness. As she coveted other kids' physical adeptness, their social calendars, and their seeming satisfaction in their own skin, she remained clueless that they indeed shared her condition - a missing "something" in their lives. It took decades before she realized the truth: * You can have long, strong legs but no one wants you on their team. * You can have intact, beautiful bodies but be unhappy with what you see in the mirror. * You can look perfectly whole but be filled with gaping holes. Each one of us is broken in some way. For some it's visible; for others it's hidden.. Life's pain seems unending. And yet in life's inevitable pain the unexpected can happen. It did for Judy. While she was concluding that life was passing her by, a full and fulfilling life was in the making. Through an invisible strength, a unique, anchored life was taking shape. His Majesty in Brokenness shares stories of Judy's life lived in intimate relationship with God, thanks to some everyday missing pieces - not just legs, but self-sufficiency, courage, and a social life. Could it be that the very absence of these ingredients provided the stage for God to perform the impossible? Whether you see Him or not, God has pitched His tent in that very wasteland. He says: Be astonished! Wonder! Because I am doing something in your days - you would not believe if you were told. Habakkuk 1:5 NASB Judy's prayer is that as you read her stories you will contemplate God's presence in your own life, His Majesty crafting the places of your brokenness into His unique masterpiece called YOU!
Redeemed : Turning Brokenness into Something Beautiful
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.98 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Embracing Brokenness: How God Refines Us Through Life's Disappointments
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 103.51 $Embracing Brokenness shows how a godly view of brokenness brings purpose and meaning to life’s inevitable disappointments.
Blessed by Our Brokenness: Finding Peace in the Challenges of Aging and Illness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.24 $With compassion and hope, spiritual writer Sr. Anne Field helps us face the inevitable losses we experience through aging, illness, and other causes of suffering. She gently urges readers to choose freely to replace gloomy attitudes of self pity with God’s perspectives on pain and disabilities. God, she says, does not want to burden us with more losses but wants to strengthen us to bear our suffering. The Lord wants us to find meaning in life by growing deeper in faith and love and extending his kingdom on earth through our losses, not in spite of them. "This gentle book combines rare qualitites: an appreciation and joy at God's creation received through all the senses,a nd yet a coming to terms ith loss of those sense through theimpairments of age, accident, and illness. Teh author shares with her readers her own happiness and her own suffering, her own experiences, her meetings with friends, her wide reading. Over teh whole is psread an infectious contentment and confidence in God's lvoing care. This is a Benedictine nun who has thought, prayerd, and read over many years, and now shares her rich experience with others." -- Fr. Henry Wansbrough, OSB, General Editor, "The New Jerusalem Bible".Anne Field, OSB, is a member of a community of Benedictine nuns at Stanbrook Abbey in Worcestershire, England. She is the author of several best-selling books on the spiritual life, including From Darkness to Light, The Monastic Hours, and Delivered from Evil.
The Beauty of Christ through Brokenness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 95.64 $THE BEAUTY OF CHRIST . . .Humility, Tenderness, Grace, LoveHow we long for these same qualities in our lives. But there is only one way this can happen: His beauty can only be seen through brokenness.In this challenging short read, K.P. Yohannan explains through God's word and from his own experiences and struggles:What brokenness meansWhy it is needfulHow the Lord breaks usThe rewards of a broken lifeThis is not a self-help or quick-fix book. But as you yield to the hand of God in this personal area of brokenness, your life will begin to change, and you will bring God honor as you reflect Christ's beauty to the hurting world around you.Order a copy today!
Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers: Moving From Brokenness To Wholeness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.49 $The daughters' stories touch upon the deepest and darkest of pains: knowing you have a mother... but you don't. Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers: Moving From Brokenness To Wholeness is an intimate exploration into the lives of daughters who were wounded by their mothers and who chose wellness over victimhood. Each daughter's unique story of recovery is a testament to the power of choice, perseverance and resilience. Readers are invited to journey alongside the daughters, grabbing hold of healing lifelines and moving from broken places to whole spaces within. Do you feel your mother did not "show up" for you in the ways you needed? Because of your mother's role in your life, do you feel like you were "not enough?" Do you wonder if it is possible to heal from the brokenness that comes from being wounded by your mother? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, the "Daughters" warmly welcome you. "There are tears of both sorrow and joy in the beautiful, brave stories of harm and hope. Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers changed my life." --Charlotte Carson, Editorial Director, ClearLifeMagazine.com "Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers is heartrending and uplifting; dark and optimistic; painful and inspirational. A profound human document." --Sam Vaknin, author of Malignant Self-Love: Narcissism Revisited "Powerful, reflective, and reassuring to all who read it, Holli Kenley's Daughters Betrayed By Their Mothers reminds us that no matter what hurt we have experienced, the opportunity to heal and be whole is always possible." --Cyrus Webb, media personality, author, and speaker Learn more at www.HolliKenley.com From Loving Healing Press www.LHPress.com
The Power of Desperation: Breakthroughs in Our Brokenness (Refresh)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.84 $What could be good about being broken? Michael Catt, innovtive pastor and executive producer of hit films Facing the Giants and Fireproof, finds treasure at rock bottom in The Power of Desperation, a book for anyone who has ever cried out for God’s strength in life’s moments of absolute weakness:“Maybe you are feeling alone, immersed in a time of darkness. I’ve got good news: God is on the verge of getting you alone with Him, so He can get the ‘you’ out of you and fill you with Himself.” Through biblical and modern stories of incomplete people whose only path to victory is through total surrender, Catt introduces yet another breakthrough concept worthy of widespread personal application. Discover the power of desperation.
Blessed Beyond the Bruises: My Journey from Brokenness to Wholeness
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.04 $“I watched so many people close to me never deal with their issues. They would sweep them under the rug as if hiding them would make them disappear. They were too concerned about their “image” being toyed with; therefore, they kept these “secrets.” In Blessed Beyond the Bruises, Angel Jackson breaks the generational curses of keeping things secret. In the most intimate testimonial to date, Angel shares the lowest of valleys and the highest of mountaintops experienced throughout her life. With being sexually abused, starting at the tender age of 12 years old, Angel shares the darkest times of her life and how she overcame them by the power of God. With great transparency in every chapter, she talks about the power of validation, saying no to suicide, surrendering to Christ, experiencing tragedy after salvation, the healing process, and ultimately being blessed beyond the bruises. With nothing left uncovered, her life changing story about her journey from brokenness to wholeness is one of great hope and healing. Angel boldly testifies about topics such as: · Validation and low self-esteem · Molestation and rape · Suicide · Isolation · Relationships · Bondage · Finding your voice
From Pain to Paradise: The Story of How God Transformed My Life & Marriage from Brokenness to Blessing
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.78 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.55
How Cancer Cured Me: Experiencing the healing of brokenness and disease
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.26 $Book is in NEW condition. 0.54
Waking Up in Heaven: A True Story of Brokenness, Heaven, and Life Again
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.81 $The remarkable story of a woman, plagued with guilt and skepticism, dramatically changed by the nine minutes she spent in heaven. Someday soon, one of my precious three-year-old twins is going to ask me the question “Mommy, what happened to you when you died?” Someday they will overhear me telling my story to someone and want to know more about it. They will look at me with their big, innocent eyes and try to make sense of what they’re hearing. It isn’t always easy explaining what happened even to adults, so how am I going to explain it to my kids? There is so much I want to share with them, so much I want them to know. You see, my story is one of hope and forgiveness and salvation, and of the glorious healing power of God’s presence. It’s the story of what I saw and what I learned when, during a hospital stay, I left my body for nine minutes and went to heaven and stood before God. And it’s the story of how, when I came back to Earth, my life was profoundly and permanently changed— changed down to the very core of my being. But it is also a story that, for the longest time, I didn’t want to tell.
The Color of Grace: How One Woman's Brokenness Brought Healing and Hope to Child Survivors of War (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.06 $A Christian Retailing BEST finalist A middle-class woman in rural America and war-affected children in Africa find common ground in their journeys from brokenness to redemption.Author and psychologist Bethany Haley Williams shares how her own emotional healing led her into treacherous war zones, where she provides care to former child soldiers and young girls used as sex slaves. Faced with her own battle with shame and a rocky journey toward healing, Bethany founded Exile International, a nonprofit that implements art/expressive therapy and long-term, rehabilitative care to restore and empower war-affected children—including children rescued from Joseph Kony’s LRA (Lord’s Resistance Army). One of those rescued young men, Solomon, was abducted at the age of ten after being forced to watch LRA soldiers maim and murder his father and grandfather. His younger siblings were left behind, and his mother was instructed to “raise them well...for one day we’ll return to take them too.” Solomon is one of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls who have had their innocence stolen and are forced to do the unthinkable on a daily basis. But their horrific experiences are just the beginning. The real story is what happens after. Once these children learn to face their pasts, they are given hope for a future and a vision for changing the fabric of their countries by becoming leaders for peace and advocates of the power of forgiveness.
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