9 products were found matching your search for casaubon in 1 shops:
Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614 [1892]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.58 $Originally published in 1892. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections was scanned on an APT BookScan and converted to JPG 2000 format by Kirtas Technologies. All titles scanned cover to cover and pages may include marks notations and other marginalia present in the original volume.
Isaac Casaubon, 1559-1614
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.56 $Lang:- English, Pages 551 It is the reproduction of the original edition published long back (). Hardcover with sewing binding with glossy laminated multi-Colour Dust Cover, Printed on high quality Paper, professionally processed without changing its contents.We found this book important for the readers who want to know about our old treasure so we brought it back to the shelves. Print on Demand.
World of Mr Casaubon : Britain's Wars of Mythography, 1700-1870
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 43.72 $The World of Mr Casaubon takes as its point of departure a fictional character - Mr Casaubon in George Eliot's classic novel, Middlemarch. The author of an unfinished 'Key to All Mythologies', Casaubon has become an icon of obscurantism, irrelevance and futility. Crossing conventional disciplinary boundaries, Colin Kidd excavates Casaubon's hinterland, and illuminates the fierce ideological war which raged over the use of pagan myths to defend Christianity from the existential threat posed by radical Enlightenment criticism. Notwithstanding Eliot's portrayal of Casaubon, Anglican mythographers were far from unworldly, and actively rebutted the radical freethinking associated with the Enlightenment and French Revolution. Orientalism was a major theatre in this ideological conflict, and mythography also played an indirect but influential role in framing the new science of anthropology. The World of Mr Casaubon is rich in interdisciplinary twists and ironies, and paints a vivid picture of the intellectual world of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.
World of Mr Casaubon : Britain's Wars of Mythography, 1700-1870
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.59 $The World of Mr Casaubon takes as its point of departure a fictional character - Mr Casaubon in George Eliot's classic novel, Middlemarch. The author of an unfinished 'Key to All Mythologies', Casaubon has become an icon of obscurantism, irrelevance and futility. Crossing conventional disciplinary boundaries, Colin Kidd excavates Casaubon's hinterland, and illuminates the fierce ideological war which raged over the use of pagan myths to defend Christianity from the existential threat posed by radical Enlightenment criticism. Notwithstanding Eliot's portrayal of Casaubon, Anglican mythographers were far from unworldly, and actively rebutted the radical freethinking associated with the Enlightenment and French Revolution. Orientalism was a major theatre in this ideological conflict, and mythography also played an indirect but influential role in framing the new science of anthropology. The World of Mr Casaubon is rich in interdisciplinary twists and ironies, and paints a vivid picture of the intellectual world of eighteenth- and nineteenth-century Britain.
"I have always loved the Holy Tongue": Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship (Carl Newell Jackson Lectures)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.37 $Fusing high scholarship with high drama, Anthony Grafton and Joanna Weinberg uncover a secret and extraordinary aspect of a legendary Renaissance scholar’s already celebrated achievement. The French Protestant Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614) is known to us through his pedantic namesake in George Eliot’s Middlemarch. But in this book, the real Casaubon emerges as a genuine literary hero, an intrepid explorer in the world of books. With a flair for storytelling reminiscent of Umberto Eco, Grafton and Weinberg follow Casaubon as he unearths the lost continent of Hebrew learning―and adds this ancient lore to the well-known Renaissance revival of Latin and Greek.The mystery begins with Mark Pattison’s nineteenth-century biography of Casaubon. Here we encounter the Protestant Casaubon embroiled in intellectual quarrels with the Italian and Catholic orator Cesare Baronio. Setting out to understand the nature of this imbroglio, Grafton and Weinberg discover Casaubon’s knowledge of Hebrew. Close reading and sedulous inquiry were Casaubon’s tools in recapturing the lost learning of the ancients―and these are the tools that serve Grafton and Weinberg as they pore through pre-1600 books in Hebrew, and through Casaubon’s own manuscript notebooks. Their search takes them from Oxford to Cambridge, from Dublin to Cambridge, Massachusetts, as they reveal how the scholar discovered the learning of the Hebrews―and at what cost.
'I Have Always Loved the Holy Tongue': Isaac Casaubon, the Jews, and a Forgotten Chapter in Renaissance Scholarship
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $Fusing high scholarship with high drama, Anthony Grafton and Joanna Weinberg uncover a secret and extraordinary aspect of a legendary Renaissance scholar’s already celebrated achievement. The French Protestant Isaac Casaubon (1559–1614) is known to us through his pedantic namesake in George Eliot’s Middlemarch. But in this book, the real Casaubon emerges as a genuine literary hero, an intrepid explorer in the world of books. With a flair for storytelling reminiscent of Umberto Eco, Grafton and Weinberg follow Casaubon as he unearths the lost continent of Hebrew learning―and adds this ancient lore to the well-known Renaissance revival of Latin and Greek.The mystery begins with Mark Pattison’s nineteenth-century biography of Casaubon. Here we encounter the Protestant Casaubon embroiled in intellectual quarrels with the Italian and Catholic orator Cesare Baronio. Setting out to understand the nature of this imbroglio, Grafton and Weinberg discover Casaubon’s knowledge of Hebrew. Close reading and sedulous inquiry were Casaubon’s tools in recapturing the lost learning of the ancients―and these are the tools that serve Grafton and Weinberg as they pore through pre-1600 books in Hebrew, and through Casaubon’s own manuscript notebooks. Their search takes them from Oxford to Cambridge, from Dublin to Cambridge, Massachusetts, as they reveal how the scholar discovered the learning of the Hebrews―and at what cost.
Le Pendulum De Foucault
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Trois piliers de la maison d'édition Garamond, Belbo, Diotallevi et Casaubon, jouant avec leur intelligence, trouvent les bons indices d'un complot, lequel, né au moment de la suppression de l'ordre des Templiers par Philippe le Bel en 1312, aurait traversé l'Histoire jusqu'à nos jours. Objectif : la domination du monde. Instrument : le repérage d'un endroit à la surface de la planète d'où on peut dominer les courants souterrains et déterminer les climats du monde entier. Nos trois amis ont donc inventé un Plan, par jeu intellectuel, mais ils sont pris au sérieux par un groupe d'illuminés qui jouent de leurs pouvoirs policiers et politiques pour leur faire dire où se trouve la carte du mystère, carte qu'ils ont purement et simplement inventée. Le parchemin crypté, message chiffré du début, n'était qu'une liste de la ménagère, mais le jeu des uns est devenu enjeu vital pour les autres qui n'hésitent plus à tuer pour s'emparer d'un secret inexistant. Toute la science du monde, toutes les religions, des druides aux druses de Joumblatt, tout notre savoir défilent ici avec une fluidité géniale et sans jamais retarder l'action, mais en enrichissant le suspense. Jeux vertigineux des miroirs, style très riche et de tous les niveaux, de l'argot au plus littéraire, du plus dramatique au plus humoristique. Poignants portraits de femmes, Lia, Amparo, Lorenza... Historiquement bien enraciné dans notre époque, le roman, dans son mouvement de pendule, traverse tous les siècles pour toujours revenir au nôtre, en un jeu créateur fascinant où chaque lecteur se transforme en un initié aux mystères les plus profonds et les plus fous de notre planète.
White Crow : Rats and Gargoyles', 'the Architecture of Desire' and 'Left to His Own Devices
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 163.11 $The White Crow, one-time Soldier-Scholar of the Invisible College and a practioner of Hermetic science and magic, and Baltazar Casaubon, architect and lover, a man not too particular about his personal hygiene, are two of Mary Gentle's finest creations. The worlds they stride across range from the Renaissance city where aristocratic rats rule the human servant class, to a near-future London where chaos is come again. They are two of the most powerful players in the games of magic and politics, and the most colourful. This volume brings together three brilliantly imaginative, powerful and disturbing tales - Rats and Gargoyles, The Architecture of Desire and Left to His Own Devices - and the linked short fiction and confirms Mary Gentle as one of the foremost writers of dark and visionary fantasy.
Le Pendule de Foucault (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.15 $Après l'immense succès du Nom de la rose, voici le second grand roman d'un géant incontesté de la littérature mondiale.À Paris, au Conservatoire des Arts et Métiers où oscille le pendule de Foucault, Casaubon, le narrateur, attend le rendez-vous qui lui révélera pourquoi son ami Belbo se croit en danger de mort.À Milan, trois amis passionnés d'ésotérisme et d'occultisme ont imaginé par jeu un gigantesque complot, ourdi au cours des siècles, pour la domination mondiale. Et voici qu'apparaissent en chair et en os les chevaliers de la vengeance...Telles sont les données initiales de ce fabuleux thriller planétaire, incroyablement érudit et follement romanesque, regorgeant de passions et d'énigmes, qui est aussi une fascinante traversée de l'Histoire et de la culture occidentales, des parchemins aux computers, de Descartes aux nazis, de la kabbale à la science. Un de ces romans que l'on n'oublie plus jamais. Et assurément un classique.
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