6 products were found matching your search for constanze in 2 shops:
The Authentic Magic Flute Libretto: Mozarts Autograph or the First Full-Score Edition?
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.01 $Shortly after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's death, his widow Constanze sent a manuscript copy of one of his most beloved operas, Die Zauberflöte, to the court of the Elector of Cologne. It was eventually published by Nicolaus Simrock in 1814 as the first full-score edition. However, the question still remains as to why this early copy in her possession diverges from Mozart's autograph in so many libretto details. The Authentic Magic Flute Libretto: Mozart's Autograph or the First Full-Score Edition? investigates the origin and claim to authenticity of the first full-score edition of Die Zauberflöte, drawing attention to the close bond between words and music. Michael Freyhan brings the subtlety of the first edition word setting to the attention of scholars, musicians, and opera-lovers, setting out the evidence for its authenticity and detailing the quest, pursued in 15 countries, for the earliest possible historical sources.Freyhan examines the differences between the first edition and the autograph, discussing the quality of the word-setting―supported by 32 musical examples―and evaluating the relationship of the two texts in terms of language and literature. The following chapters discuss the early history of the autograph, focusing on four alleged owners, its market value, and the misleading catalogue numbering systems seen on the first page. Details of the performance and publication history of the first edition text are followed by a new perspective on the disputed authorship of the libretto, in light of the possible existence of two authentic texts. A concluding chapter discusses Mozart's sketches and working methods, while an appendix traces the character and career of Karl Ludwig Giesecke, one of the writers who claimed ownership of the opera's libretto. The book also includes several photos and the complete first edition libretto, in German and with literal English translation, providing a side-by-side text comparison with the autograph text.
tiptoi® Mein großer Weltatlas
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.31 $Ravensburger 5987, tiptoi. Theme: Geography, Book cover type: Hardcover, Written by: Constanze Schargan, Inka Friese. Width: 245 mm, Height: 278 mm Weight & dimensions -Width: 245 mm -Height: 278 mm Features -Theme: Geography -Book cover type: Hardcover -Written by: Constanze Schargan, Inka Friese -Language version: German -Language learning: German -Number of pages: 16 pages -Recommended age (min): 5 yr(s) -Book illustrations: Y -Colour of product: Multicolour
The Authentic Magic Flute Libretto Format: Hardcover
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 92.55 $Shortly after Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's death, his widow Constanze sent a manuscript copy of one of his most beloved operas, Die Zauberflöte, to the court of the Elector of Cologne. It was eventually published by Nicolaus Simrock in 1814 as the first full-score edition. However, the question still remains as to why this early copy in her possession diverges from Mozart's autograph in so many libretto details. The Authentic Magic Flute Libretto: Mozart's Autograph or the First Full-Score Edition? investigates the origin and claim to authenticity of the first full-score edition of Die Zauberflöte, drawing attention to the close bond between words and music. Michael Freyhan brings the subtlety of the first edition word setting to the attention of scholars, musicians, and opera-lovers, setting out the evidence for its authenticity and detailing the quest, pursued in 15 countries, for the earliest possible historical sources.Freyhan examines the differences between the first edition and the autograph, discussing the quality of the word-setting―supported by 32 musical examples―and evaluating the relationship of the two texts in terms of language and literature. The following chapters discuss the early history of the autograph, focusing on four alleged owners, its market value, and the misleading catalogue numbering systems seen on the first page. Details of the performance and publication history of the first edition text are followed by a new perspective on the disputed authorship of the libretto, in light of the possible existence of two authentic texts. A concluding chapter discusses Mozart's sketches and working methods, while an appendix traces the character and career of Karl Ludwig Giesecke, one of the writers who claimed ownership of the opera's libretto. The book also includes several photos and the complete first edition libretto, in German and with literal English translation, providing a side-by-side text comparison with the autograph text.
Die Erfahrung der Zeit. Gedenkschrift für Georg Picht.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.88 $O.-Leinen mit OU. 1. Auflage. Aus dem Inhalt: Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker, Zeit, Physik, Metaphysik. Giichi Saito, Nunc aeternum und Zeit in der Philosophie Kitaro Nishidas. Claus Westermann, Erfahrung der Zeit im Alten Testament. Constanze Eisenbarth, Die Bedrohung der Zeit durch das Böse. Anmerkungen zu »Macbeth«. Manfred Eigen, Evolution und Zeitlichkeit. Klaus Michael Meyer-Abich, Erfahrung der Naturgeschichte. Heinz Eduard Tödt, Die Zeitmodi in ihrer Bedeutung für die sittliche Urteilsbildung. Anregungen aus Georg Pichts Zeitphilosophie für eine evangelische Verantwortungsethik. Enno Rudolph, Platon, Kant und die Einheit der Zeit: Zur Philosophie von Georg Picht.; Jahr: 1984; Format: Oktav; Anzahl der Seiten: 374; Auflage: 1.; Zustand: 2 (Besitz- und Datumsvermerk auf Vorsatz. Sonst sauber und gut erhalten.)Auf Grund der Versandkostenvorgaben von AbeBooks/ZVAB (die Versandkostenkalkulation richtet sich nicht nach Gewicht, sondern nach Anzahl der Artikel), kann es bei Titeln mit über 1000 Gramm Gewicht oder größeren Formaten zu höheren Portokosten kommen. Nach Bestelleingang erfolgt eine Anfrage, ob Sie einverstanden sind. 540 gr. 374 pages. Besitz- und Datumsvermerk auf Vorsatz. Sonst sauber und gut erhalten.
Vienna Acoustics Mozart in Vienna 1781-1791 (English and German Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.73 $Chronicles Mozart's ten years in Vienna, detailing what everyday life in the city was like and profiling famous leaders of the day and the composer's wife, Constanze
Entfuhrung Aus Dem Serail
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.99 $After an act of piracy onboard the ship of the Spanish nobleman Belmonte Lostados, son of the Commandant of Oran, Constanze, who is betrothed to Belmonte, and her maid Blondchen, along with Belmonte's manservant Pedrillo, who is engaged to Blondchen, fell into the hands of pirates. All three have been bought from the slave market by the wealthy Pasha Selim, a Spanish renegade (a convert to Islam from Christianity) and brought to his palace. Pedrillo has succeeded in sending word of their whereab
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