176 products were found matching your search for criminological in 1 shops:
Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 68.27 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.44 $The Fourth Edition of this highly successful text moves readers beyond often-mistaken common-sense understandings of crime by providing a rich introduction to how major scholars analyze crime. Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences, Fourth Edition shows the real-world relevance of theory by illuminating how ideas about crime play a prominent role in shaping crime-control policies and compelling students to apply theories to the contemporary milieu.
Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 72.00 $Now in a new edition, Criminological Theories: Introduction, Evaluation, and Application offers a concise yet comprehensive review and appraisal of the leading theories of crime and criminal justice. Based on the widespread success of the first four editions, this popular resource has been updated and revised to reflect changes in the development, testing, integration, and application of essential criminological theories.In clear, engaging language, authors Ronald L. Akers and Christine S. Sellers explore each principal criminological theory through the following in-depth analysis:* Introduction: Presents a succinct exposition of the theory's central concepts, assertions, and hypotheses--including recent modifications and revisions* Evaluation: Provides a detailed critique of the theory, with a focus on empirical validity* Application: Extends the evaluation to determine each theory's relevance, as well as its potential for controlling and preventing crime and delinquencyTo draw students into the material, the fifth edition incorporates a helpful new resource that provides an overview of every major theory of criminal and deviant behavior--Table 12.1. An invaluable pedagogical tool, this table directs students to the corresponding chapter for each theory; it also includes brief entries on each theory's major proponents, concepts, propositions, empirical validity, and policy implications. Encouraging students to carefully review--and thoughtfully compare--these theories, the table creates a dynamic connection between readers and the text.Ideal for courses on theories of crime, delinquency, and deviance, Criminological Theories, Fifth Edition, also serves as an excellent supplement for courses in criminology, juvenile delinquency, deviance, and criminal behavior.
Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader (SAGE Text/Reader Series in Criminology and Criminal Justice)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.79 $Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader, Third Edition, by Stephen G. Tibbetts and Craig T. Hemmens helps you understand criminological theory, with each authored section of the text enhanced by empirical research articles that put theory into context. Key criminological theories are introduced and followed by articles that show how criminological theory can be applied to current policies, challenges, and issues, making it easier for you to connect theory and application. New to the Third Edition: Updated journal articles introduce you to important topics, such as media consumption and support for capital punishment, gender differences in delinquency, bias and police stops, and the effectiveness of reintegrative shaming and restorative justice. A new section dedicated entirely to feminist perspectives introduces you to feminist models of crime and underscores the importance of examining research related to female offending. A stronger global view integrated throughout the book increases your exposure to criminological research and theory across nations and continents. Several of the new readings are written by authors or use samples from outside the United States, including South Africa, Brazil, Canada, Korea, and more. New case studies examine offender motives to help you apply the theories discussed to interesting and memorable examples. Policy is now integrated into each section, allowing you to see the practical policy implications of each theory. Coverage of critical topics has been expanded throughout to introduce you to important issues, such as the influence of employment on criminal behavior, the success of school programs in reducing delinquent behavior, and federal sentencing guidelines in regard to crack versus powder cocaine. Statistics, graphs, and tables have all been updated to demonstrate the most recent trends in criminology.
Criminological Theory: A Brief Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.91 $Criminological Theory: A Brief Introduction, Third Edition, offers an accessible discussion of the major theories of crime, delinquency, social deviance, and social control with an objective and neutral approach. The text provides students with an understanding of not only what the central tenets are of criminological theories but also focuses on providing real-life examples and implications for criminal justice policy and practice.
Criminological Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.41 $This concise book, acclaimed as easy to read and understand, is organized theory by theory and demonstrates how these theories have evolved, why they were popular, and how they are linked together. KEY TOPICS Chapter topics include the classical school, the positive school, the Chicago school, differential association theory, anomie theory, subculture theories, labeling theory, conflict theory, social control theory, social learning theory, rational theories, gender-based theories, contemporary criminological theories, and the future of criminological theory. For individuals interested in the field of criminal justice.
Criminological and Criminal Justice Research Methods (Aspen Criminal Justice Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 104.58 $BRAND NEW, UNUSED W/FAST SHIPPING! Access Code, if applicable. Choose Expedited for fastest shipping! Our 98%+ rating proves our commitment! We represent the Internet's largest independent, family-owned legal bookstore!
Criminological Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 107.16 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Criminological Theory
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.00 $Taking a sociological perspective, this book discusses the major theories of crime—from classical theories to new theories such as Cultural Criminology and Peacemaking Criminology. The book offers a balanced presentation—presenting each theory’s social and intellectual heritage, perspective and assumptions and major concepts. This edition includes updates on current crime theories, critical thinking questions at the end of each chapter and additional examples that connect crime theories to real life.
Criminological Theory : An Analysis of Its Underlying Assumptions
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.47 $Designed for upper-level senior and graduate criminological theory courses, this text thoroughly examines the ideas and assumptions underlying each major theoretical perspective in criminology. It lays bare theorists' ideas about human nature, social structure, social order, concepts of law, crime and criminals, the logic of crime causation and the policies and criminal justice practices that follow from these premises. The book provides students with a clear critical, analytic overview of criminological theory that enable enformed evaluative comparisons among different theorists.
Criminological Theory A Brief Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.17 $This concise, up-to-date text provides student-friendly examples of all theoretical approaches that emphasize the complex relationships between 21st century social structures, cultures, and crime. Criminological Theory: A Brief Introduction, 4e provides students and instructors with a concise, up-to-date, and thorough discussion and explication of major criminological schools of thought. The text focuses on providing students with understandings of not only what the central tenets are of criminological theories but also focuses on providing real-life examples and implications for criminal justice policy and practice. The various theories examined across the chapters are illustrated through examples drawing upon contemporary cultural developments of particular interest to college age students that increase interest and engagement. Teaching and Learning Experience This book offers an accessible discussion of the major theories of crime, delinquency, social deviance and social control with an objective and neutral approach. It provides: Expanded coverage of theory development, assessment, and integration: Provides thorough yet concise coverage Theories grouped by type and subtype: Gives students an appreciation of the historical development of theoretical criminology and the significance of classical statements to contemporary perspectives Strong pedagogical support: Reinforces chapter information to ensure mastery
Criminological Perspectives on Race and Crime (Criminology and Justice Studies)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.65 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Criminological and Forensic Psychology
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.23 $The second edition of Criminological and Forensic Psychology is an even more theoretically rigorous, practically relevant, engaging and fun introduction to this broad and fascinating field. It covers both the conceptual basis within which psychology knowledge is applied in forensic contexts and the practical applications of psychology to the criminal civil justice systems. Key Features: Case studies feature in every chapter and place students in the full context of a criminal case, showing them how psychological theories can be used to explain real-life crimes. In-depth exploration of the fascinating courtroom process including separate chapters on the Defendant’s Mind and The Jury. A dedicated chapter on research methods specific to forensic psychology to help students do their research project around this topic, covering the final year and post-graduate research. A new chapter on Intimate relationship aggression: Domestic Violence and Domestic Homicide Online resources including chapter-by-chapter multiple choice questions, additional case studies and links to further readings
Criminological Imagination
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 32.61 $For the last three decades Jock Young's work has had a profound impact on criminology. In this provocative new book, Young rejects much of what criminology has become, criticizing the rigid determinism and rampant positivism that dominate the discipline today. His erudite and entertaining examination of what's gone wrong with criminology draws on a range of research - from urban ethnography to sexology and criminal victimization studies - to illustrate its failings. Young makes a passionate case for a return to criminology's creative and critical potential, partly informed by the new developments in cultural criminology. A late-modern counterpart to C. Wright Mills' classic The Sociological Imagination, this inspirational piece of writing from one of the most brilliant voices in contemporary criminology will command widespread attention. The concluding part of the author's trilogy of influential texts including The Vertigo of Late Modernity and The Exclusive Society, it will be essential reading for anyone who cares about the future of criminology, and the social sciences more generally.
Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.97 $Offering a rich introduction to how scholars analyze crime, Criminological Theory: Context and Consequences moves readers beyond a commonsense knowledge of crime to a deeper understanding of the importance of theory in shaping crime control policies. The Sixth Edition of the authors’ clear, accessible, and thoroughly revised text covers traditional and contemporary theory within a larger sociological and historical context. J. Robert Lilly, Francis T. Cullen, and Richard A. Ball include new sources that assess the empirical status of the major theories, as well as updated coverage of crime control policies and their connection to criminological theory.
Criminological Theories: Traditional and Non-Traditional Voices and Themes [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 122.67 $This comprehensive textbook not only offers a detailed presentation of theoretical perspectives and theorists, but also includes a history of the social environment for each theoretical perspective and biographies of the various theorists. Unlike other comparable criminology texts, Imogene L. Moyer includes discussions of the levels of analysis and the assumptions of the theorists regarding society and people. In addition to covering the traditional theories, the book features currently developing feminist and peacemaking theories, as well as theories from people of color. Exerts from the original sources are frequently incorporated into the chapters. The text features flow charts, photographs, inset biographical sketches, and disc
Criminological Theory: The Essentials
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.06 $Ship within 24hrs. Satisfaction 100% guaranteed. APO/FPO addresses supported
Criminological Theory: Past to Present: Essential Readings
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 6.87 $Criminological Theory: Past to Present--Essential Readings is a comprehensive reader that exposes students to both classic and contemporary theories of crime. Editors Francis T. Cullen, Robert Agnew, and Pamela Wilcox provide accessible yet detailed introductions, preparing students for what they are about to read and placing each selection in context.
Criminological Theories: Traditional and Non-Traditional Voices and Themes [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 3.48 $This comprehensive textbook not only offers a detailed presentation of theoretical perspectives and theorists, but also includes a history of the social environment for each theoretical perspective and biographies of the various theorists. Unlike other comparable criminology texts, Imogene L. Moyer includes discussions of the levels of analysis and the assumptions of the theorists regarding society and people. In addition to covering the traditional theories, the book features currently developing feminist and peacemaking theories, as well as theories from people of color. Exerts from the original sources are frequently incorporated into the chapters. The text features flow charts, photographs, inset biographical sketches, and disc
Criminological Theory: A Text/Reader
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 128.92 $The most accessible and comprehensive book for criminological theory courses available todayCriminological Theory: A Text/Reader provides the best of both worlds—substantial but brief authored sections on all of the major course topics, followed by carefully edited, policy-oriented, original research articles covering criminological theory from past to present and beyond. The 39 articles reflect both classic studies and state-of-the-art research. Pedagogical tools include the helpful "How to Read a Research Article" before the first reading, article introductions, photographs, and discussion questions that capture student interest and help them develop their critical thinking skills.Key FeaturesPresents a succinct overview of criminological theory in the book’s Introduction, which also briefly describes the organization and content of the bookIncludes a “How to Read a Research Article” guide tied to the first reading in the book, a perfect introduction to understanding how real-world research is organized and delivered in the journal literatureOffers a "mini-chapter” introduction for each Section with figures, tables, and photos that present and illustrate basic concepts while providing a background for the readings that followIncludes three to six well-edited readings in each Section that highlight the policy implications of the research, vividly responding to the “So what?” question of how criminological theories apply in the real worldProvides key terms, Web resources, and thought-provoking discussion questions for each reading and each Section to help students master the content and sharpen their critical thinking skills
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