41 products were found matching your search for diophantine in 1 shops:
Diophantine M-tuples and Elliptic Curves
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 146.41 $Unread book in perfect condition.
Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 41.31 $The theory of transcendental numbers is closely related to the study of diophantine approximation. This book deals with values of the usual exponential function ez: a central open problem is the conjecture on algebraic independence of logarithms of algebraic numbers. Two chapters provide complete and simplified proofs of zero estimates (due to Philippon) on linear algebraic groups.
Diophantine Geometry: An Introduction (Graduate Texts in Mathematics, 201)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 59.49 $This is an introduction to diophantine geometry at the advanced graduate level. The book contains a proof of the Mordell conjecture which will make it quite attractive to graduate students and professional mathematicians. In each part of the book, the reader will find numerous exercises.
Diophantine Inequalities (London Mathematical Society Monographs)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 36.34 $This book launches the prestigious new series London Mathematical Society Monographs. The author, noted for his work throughout the mathematical community, here presents an overview of the theory of nonlinear Diophantine approximation. He has concentrated on the important progress made in the last ten years by such contributors as I. M. Vinogradov, H. Heilbronn, and W. M. Schmidt, finding, for example, that it is possible to consider simultaneous approximation to integers by values of a set of quadratic forms, or a discrete analogue (small solutions of a system of homogeneous congruences).
Diophantine Geometry - An Introduction
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.92 $This is an introduction to diophantine geometry at the advanced graduate level. The book contains a proof of the Mordell conjecture which will make it quite attractive to graduate students and professional mathematicians. In each part of the book, the reader will find numerous exercises.
Diophantine Approximation on Linear Algebraic Groups: Transcendence Properties of the Exponential Function in Several Variables
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.97 $The theory of transcendental numbers is closely related to the study of diophantine approximation. This book deals with values of the usual exponential function ez: a central open problem is the conjecture on algebraic independence of logarithms of algebraic numbers. Two chapters provide complete and simplified proofs of zero estimates (due to Philippon) on linear algebraic groups.
Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation : Randomness in Lattice Point Counting
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 64.92 $This book gives a comprehensive treatment of random phenomena and distribution results in diophantine approximation, with a particular emphasis on quadratic irrationals. It covers classical material on the subject as well as many new results developed by the author over the past decade. A range of ideas from other areas of mathematics are brought to bear with surprising connections to topics such as formulae for class numbers, special values of L-functions, and Dedekind sums. Care is taken to elaborate difficult proofs by motivating major steps and accompanying them with background explanations, enabling the reader to learn the theory and relevant techniques.Written by one of the acknowledged experts in the field, Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation is presented in a clear and informal style with sufficient detail to appeal to both advanced students and researchers in number theory.
An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.00 $This problem-solving book is an introduction to the study of Diophantine equations, a class of equations in which only integer solutions are allowed. The presentation features some classical Diophantine equations, including linear, Pythagorean, and some higher degree equations, as well as exponential Diophantine equations. Many of the selected exercises and problems are original or are presented with original solutions. An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach is intended for undergraduates, advanced high school students and teachers, mathematical contest participants ― including Olympiad and Putnam competitors ― as well as readers interested in essential mathematics. The work uniquely presents unconventional and non-routine examples, ideas, and techniques.
Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 115.55 $This book gives a comprehensive treatment of random phenomena and distribution results in diophantine approximation, with a particular emphasis on quadratic irrationals. It covers classical material on the subject as well as many new results developed by the author over the past decade. A range of ideas from other areas of mathematics are brought to bear with surprising connections to topics such as formulae for class numbers, special values of L-functions, and Dedekind sums. Care is taken to elaborate difficult proofs by motivating major steps and accompanying them with background explanations, enabling the reader to learn the theory and relevant techniques.Written by one of the acknowledged experts in the field, Probabilistic Diophantine Approximation is presented in a clear and informal style with sufficient detail to appeal to both advanced students and researchers in number theory.
Diophantus and Diophantine Equations (Dolciani Mathematical Expositions, No.20)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 5.95 $This book tells the story of Diophantine analysis, a subject that, owing to its thematic proximity to algebraic geometry, became fashionable in the last half century and has remained so ever since. This new treatment of the methods of Diophantus - a person whose very existence has long been doubted by most historians of mathematics - will be accessible to readers who have taken some university mathematics. It includes the elementary facts of algebraic geometry indispensable for its understanding. The heart of the book is a fascinating account of the development of Diophantine methods during the Renaissance and in the work of Fermat. This account is continued to our own day and ends with an afterword by Joseph Silverman who notes the most recent developments including the proof of Fermat's Last Theorem.
An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.77 $This problem-solving book is an introduction to the study of Diophantine equations, a class of equations in which only integer solutions are allowed. The presentation features some classical Diophantine equations, including linear, Pythagorean, and some higher degree equations, as well as exponential Diophantine equations. Many of the selected exercises and problems are original or are presented with original solutions. An Introduction to Diophantine Equations: A Problem-Based Approach is intended for undergraduates, advanced high school students and teachers, mathematical contest participants ― including Olympiad and Putnam competitors ― as well as readers interested in essential mathematics. The work uniquely presents unconventional and non-routine examples, ideas, and techniques.
Classical Diophantine Equations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.78 $The author had initiated a revision and translation of "Classical Diophantine Equations" prior to his death. Given the rapid advances in transcendence theory and diophantine approximation over recent years, one might fear that the present work, originally published in Russian in 1982, is mostly superseded. That is not so. A certain amount of updating had been prepared by the author himself before his untimely death. Some further revision was prepared by close colleagues. The first seven chapters provide a detailed, virtually exhaustive, discussion of the theory of lower bounds for linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers and its applications to obtaining upper bounds for solutions to the eponymous classical diophantine equations. The detail may seem stark--- the author fears that the reader may react much as does the tourist on first seeing the centre Pompidou; notwithstanding that, Sprind zuk maintainsa pleasant and chatty approach, full of wise and interesting remarks. His emphases well warrant, now that the book appears in English, close studyand emulation. In particular those emphases allow him to devote the eighth chapter to an analysis of the interrelationship of the class number of algebraic number fields involved and the bounds on the heights of thesolutions of the diophantine equations. Those ideas warrant further development. The final chapter deals with effective aspects of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem, harkening back to earlier work of the author. There is no other congenial entry point to the ideas of the last two chapters in the literature.
Classical Diophantine Equations
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.98 $The author had initiated a revision and translation of "Classical Diophantine Equations" prior to his death. Given the rapid advances in transcendence theory and diophantine approximation over recent years, one might fear that the present work, originally published in Russian in 1982, is mostly superseded. That is not so. A certain amount of updating had been prepared by the author himself before his untimely death. Some further revision was prepared by close colleagues. The first seven chapters provide a detailed, virtually exhaustive, discussion of the theory of lower bounds for linear forms in the logarithms of algebraic numbers and its applications to obtaining upper bounds for solutions to the eponymous classical diophantine equations. The detail may seem stark--- the author fears that the reader may react much as does the tourist on first seeing the centre Pompidou; notwithstanding that, Sprind zuk maintainsa pleasant and chatty approach, full of wise and interesting remarks. His emphases well warrant, now that the book appears in English, close studyand emulation. In particular those emphases allow him to devote the eighth chapter to an analysis of the interrelationship of the class number of algebraic number fields involved and the bounds on the heights of thesolutions of the diophantine equations. Those ideas warrant further development. The final chapter deals with effective aspects of the Hilbert Irreducibility Theorem, harkening back to earlier work of the author. There is no other congenial entry point to the ideas of the last two chapters in the literature.
Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Inequalities (Cambridge Mathematical Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 66.75 $Harold Davenport was one of the truly great mathematicians of the twentieth century. Based on lectures he gave at the University of Michigan in the early 1960s, this book is concerned with the use of analytic methods in the study of integer solutions to Diophantine equations and Diophantine inequalities. It provides an excellent introduction to a timeless area of number theory that is still as widely researched today as it was when the book originally appeared. The three main themes of the book are Waring's problem and the representation of integers by diagonal forms, the solubility in integers of systems of forms in many variables, and the solubility in integers of diagonal inequalities. For the second edition of the book a comprehensive foreword has been added in which three prominent authorities describe the modern context and recent developments. A thorough bibliography has also been added.
Number Theory III: Diophantine Geometry (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 60)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 79.95 $In 1988 Shafarevich asked me to write a volume for the Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences on Diophantine Geometry. I said yes, and here is the volume. By definition, diophantine problems concern the solutions of equations in integers, or rational numbers, or various generalizations, such as finitely generated rings over Z or finitely generated fields over Q. The word Geometry is tacked on to suggest geometric methods. This means that the present volume is not elementary. For a survey of some basic problems with a much more elementary approach, see [La 9Oc]. The field of diophantine geometry is now moving quite rapidly. Out standing conjectures ranging from decades back are being proved. I have tried to give the book some sort of coherence and permanence by em phasizing structural conjectures as much as results, so that one has a clear picture of the field. On the whole, I omit proofs, according to the boundary conditions of the encyclopedia. On some occasions I do give some ideas for the proofs when these are especially important. In any case, a lengthy bibliography refers to papers and books where proofs may be found. I have also followed Shafarevich's suggestion to give examples, and I have especially chosen these examples which show how some classical problems do or do not get solved by contemporary in sights. Fermat's last theorem occupies an intermediate position. Al though it is not proved, it is not an isolated problem any more.
Analytic Methods for Diophantine Equations and Diophantine Inequalities (Cambridge Mathematical Library)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 7.57 $Harold Davenport was one of the truly great mathematicians of the twentieth century. Based on lectures he gave at the University of Michigan in the early 1960s, this book is concerned with the use of analytic methods in the study of integer solutions to Diophantine equations and Diophantine inequalities. It provides an excellent introduction to a timeless area of number theory that is still as widely researched today as it was when the book originally appeared. The three main themes of the book are Waring's problem and the representation of integers by diagonal forms, the solubility in integers of systems of forms in many variables, and the solubility in integers of diagonal inequalities. For the second edition of the book a comprehensive foreword has been added in which three prominent authorities describe the modern context and recent developments. A thorough bibliography has also been added.
Number Theory III: Diophantine Geometry (Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences, 60)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 104.64 $In 1988 Shafarevich asked me to write a volume for the Encyclopaedia of Mathematical Sciences on Diophantine Geometry. I said yes, and here is the volume. By definition, diophantine problems concern the solutions of equations in integers, or rational numbers, or various generalizations, such as finitely generated rings over Z or finitely generated fields over Q. The word Geometry is tacked on to suggest geometric methods. This means that the present volume is not elementary. For a survey of some basic problems with a much more elementary approach, see [La 9Oc]. The field of diophantine geometry is now moving quite rapidly. Out standing conjectures ranging from decades back are being proved. I have tried to give the book some sort of coherence and permanence by em phasizing structural conjectures as much as results, so that one has a clear picture of the field. On the whole, I omit proofs, according to the boundary conditions of the encyclopedia. On some occasions I do give some ideas for the proofs when these are especially important. In any case, a lengthy bibliography refers to papers and books where proofs may be found. I have also followed Shafarevich's suggestion to give examples, and I have especially chosen these examples which show how some classical problems do or do not get solved by contemporary in sights. Fermat's last theorem occupies an intermediate position. Al though it is not proved, it is not an isolated problem any more.
Exploring the Number Jungle : A Journey into Diophantine Analysis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 80.56 $Welcome to diophantine analysis--an area of number theory in which we attempt to discover hidden treasures and truths within the jungle of numbers by exploring rational numbers. Diophantine analysis comprises two different but interconnected domains--diophantine approximation and diophantine equations. This highly readable book brings to life the fundamental ideas and theorems from diophantine approximation, geometry of numbers, diophantine geometry and $p$-adic analysis. Through an engaging style, readers participate in a journey through these areas of number theory. Each mathematical theme is presented in a self-contained manner and is motivated by very basic notions. The reader becomes an active participant in the explorations, as each module includes a sequence of numbered questions to be answered and statements to be verified. Many hints and remarks are provided to be freely used and enjoyed. Each module then closes with a Big Picture Question that invites the reader to step back from all the technical details and take a panoramic view of how the ideas at hand fit into the larger mathematical landscape. This book enlists the reader to build intuition, develop ideas and prove results in a very user-friendly and enjoyable environment.
Number Theory : An Elementary Introduction Through Diophantine Problems
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.31 $This textbook presents an elementary introduction to number theory and its different aspects: approximation of real numbers, irrationality and transcendence problems, continued fractions, diophantine equations, quadratic forms, arithmetical functions and algebraic number theory. These topics are covered in 12 chapters and more than 200 solved exercises. Clear, concise, and self-contained, this textbook may be used by undergraduate and graduate students, as well as highschool mathematics teachers. More generally, it will be suitable for all those who are interested in number theory, this fascinating branch of mathematics.
Number Theory An Elementary Introduction Through Diophantine Problems Monographs in Number Theory: Volume 4
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 61.13 $This textbook presents an elementary introduction to number theory and its different aspects: approximation of real numbers, irrationality and transcendence problems, continued fractions, diophantine equations, quadratic forms, arithmetical functions and algebraic number theory.Clear, concise, and self-contained, the topics are covered in 12 chapters with more than 200 solved exercises. The textbook may be used by undergraduates and graduate students, as well as high school mathematics teachers. More generally, it will be suitable for all those who are interested in number theory, the fascinating branch of mathematics.
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