6501 products were found matching your search for edited in 2 shops:
Veranilda edited by Markus Neacey
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 23.32 $Superb new scholarly edition of Gissing's unfinished novel
The Best of Tagore: Edited and Introduced by Rudrangshu Mukherjee (Everyman's Library Classics Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.34 $Book is in NEW condition. 1.88
Mascaras. Edited by Lucha Corpi
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.00 $Cultural writing. Essays. Latina Studies. This book is a compilation of essays written by talented contemporary Latina writers in the United States. These essays illuminate the ways life and craft are entwined and stand as a courageous testament to the odds Latina writers must overcome to clear the space and achieve a voice in our society. Honest and open, the selected writers discuss the historical, linguistic, political, economic, and cultural realities that have shaped them as women writers of color in the United States. Corpi's anthology is a major contribution to the growing body of work by insightful and politically conscious Latina writers, broadening the scope beyond nationalist literary borders.
A Centenary Pessoa. Edited by Eugnio Lisboa with L.C. Taylor (Aspects of Portugal)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 94.56 $A Centenary Pessoa is the most abundant collection in English of the work of one of the great masters of Modernism, the most original and ground-breaking of them all. Contained in this volume are new translations of a generous selection from his poetry, and a representative sample of his extraordinary prose, much of it originally written in English.
Horace: Poems; Edited by Paul Quarrie (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 137.19 $This wide-ranging selection showcases the work of one of ancient Rome’s master poets—and originator of the phrase “carpe diem”—whose influence on poetry can be traced through the centuries into our own time. Quintus Horatius Flaccus, who lived from 65 to 8 BCE, saw the death of the Roman Republic and the beginning of the Roman Empire and was personally acquainted with the emperor Augustus and the poet Virgil. He was famous during his lifetime and since for his odes and epodes, for his satires and epistles, and for Ars Poetica. His lyric poems, brief and allusive, have been translated into English by a range of famous poets, including Milton, Ben Jonson, John Dryden, William Cowper, A. E. Housman, Ezra Pound, Louis MacNeice, Robert Lowell—and even Queen Elizabeth I and the Victorian prime minister William Gladstone. Horace’s masterly verses have inspired poets from antiquity to modernity, and his injunction to “seize the day” has echoed through the ages. This anthology of superb English translations shows how Horace has permeated English literature for five centuries.
Mixed Edited and Ph#cked Up By
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.98 $ (+1.99 $)Nineteen track compilation of tracks mixed, re-edited and phucked up by Belgian DJ collective, The Glimmers. Features 'Body Language' (Queen), 'Diskomo' (The Residents), 'Jukebox Baby' (Alan Vega), 'Hot in the City' (Billy Idol), 'Angel Eyes' (Roxy Music), 'Witness the Change/I Don't Know What It Is (Dub' (Pete Shelley) and more.
The Principal Upanishads: Edited with Introduction, Text, Translation and Notes (English, Sanskrit and Sanskrit Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 30.15 $New. US edition. Expediting shipping for all USA and Europe orders excluding PO Box. Excellent Customer Service.
Seneca: Oedipus: Edited with Introduction, Translation, and Commentary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 206.83 $Seneca's Oedipus is a work of exceptional historical and dramatic interest. It is the only surviving ancient Roman play on one of the most important and enduring myths of European intellectual history. It is poetically experimental, intellectually complex, and theatrically spectacular; its themes include the psychology of guilt, fear and reason, the ethics and limits of power, the order of fate and history, and the nature of tragic theatre. The impact of Seneca's Oedipus on the European dramatic tradition has been immense. This is the first full-scale critical edition with commentary to appear in English. It aims to elucidate the text dramatically as well as philologically, and to locate it firmly in its historical and theatrical context and, since it is especially attentive to the play's reception, in the ensuing literary and dramatic tradition. The verse translation is designed for both performance and serious study.
The Prelude: Newly Edited from the Manuscripts and Fully Illustrated in Color [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 75.00 $The Prelude, William Wordsworth's masterful autobiographical work, composed in blank verse, is generally considered the poem at the heart of the Romantic movement and one of the great poems in the English language. In this fully illustrated and annotated edition, it finally receives the treatment it deserves. Inspired by his dear friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, the poem charts the development of the author's mind, from childhood to Cambridge, London, the Alps, and France, touching on subjects ranging from leisure to literature, nature to imagination, and everything in between. A meditation on the self, this work still stands as a masterpiece of English literature, and is here complemented and enhanced by 200 contemporary color plates that both illuminate and elucidate the text. Scrupulously selected and edited from the definitive manuscripts in existence, the marginal notes and glosses provide an extra touch that makes this a truly enlightening reading experience.
The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Edited With Translations and Notes, Vol. 2
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.83 $Excerpt from The Oxyrhynchus Papyri Edited With Translations and Notes, Vol. 2Early Christian fragment Menander, Hepmecpope'ur, (plate III) Aristophanes (p)About the PublisherForgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.comThis book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.
Philosophies of Asia: The Edited Transcripts (Alan Watts Love of Wisdom Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 294.65 $In this collection of essays, Alan Watts offers a unique synthesis of the traditional branches of Eastern thought, drawing upon their historical connection and common foundation in mystical experience. Taken as a whole, the book provides readers with both an intellectual grounding in Eastern philosophies and an experiential entry into the mystical in their own everyday lives.
The Kephalaia of the Teacher: The Edited Coptic Manichaean Texts in Translation With Commentary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.19 $The Kephalaia of the Teacher is the most detailed account available to modern scholarship of the teachings of Mani, and of the universal religion that he founded as the final successor to Buddha, Zarathushtra and Jesus. This volume provides the first complete English translation of the Coptic text (c. 400 CE), together with introduction, commentaries and indices.Topics include the apostleship of Mani, the practices of the Manichaean community, accounts of the heavenly and demonic beings and worlds, as well as discussions of astrology and religious psychology.In Manichaeism many of the gnostic and dualistic themes of early Christianity achieved the status of a world religion, and the subject is the heir to contemporary interest in heterodoxy and the deconstruction of received histories (see the Nag Hammadi codices).
Kipling: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Series)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 50.99 $Beloved for his fanciful and engrossing children’s literature, controversial for his enthusiasm for British imperialism, Rudyard Kipling remains one of the most widely read writers of Victorian and modern English literature. In addition to writing more than two dozen works of fiction, including Kim and The Jungle Book, Kipling was a prolific poet, composing verse in every classical form from the epigram to the ode. Kipling’s most distinctive gift was for ballads and narrative poems in which he drew vivid characters in universal situations, articulating profound truths in plain language. Yet he was also a subtle, affecting anatomist of the human heart, and his deep feeling for the natural world was exquisitely expressed in his verse. He was shattered by World War I, in which he lost his only son, and his work darkened in later years but never lost its extraordinary vitality. All of these aspects of Kipling’s poetry are represented in this selection, which ranges from such well-known compositions as “Mandalay” and “If” to the less-familiar, emotionally powerful, and personal epigrams he wrote in response to the war.
Terryworld, Photographs, Edited by Dian Hanson, [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 55.93 $Porn stars, supermodels, transsexuals, hillbillies, friends, pets, and celebrities do for photographer Terry Richardson what they do for no other because in his world, taboos are null and void, and fashion finds sex a perfect fit.
Thebaid 4. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and commentary by R. Parkes.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 15.66 $Modern readers are becoming increasingly drawn to the works of Statius, an erudite poet of the first century AD who gained particular popularity in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Thebaid is a twelve-book Latin epic, which he composed around AD 80-92, and tells the mythological story of the expedition of the seven warriors against Thebes as they try to oust Eteocles from the throne in favour of his brother Polynices. Book 4 includes a catalogue of the attacking warriors, a depiction of a necromantic summoning of ghosts, and a description of the invading army's relief from thirst. In this volume Parkes offers the first full-length scholarly commentary on the whole of Thebaid 4, with text and apparatus criticus, an English translation, and a comprehensive introduction which discusses the various features of Thebaid 4, its relationship with the poem as a whole, and the place ofThebaid in literary tradition - both in terms of its engagement with prior works and its impact on later literature. In addition to an analysis of Statius' linguistic usage and the book's textual problems, the commentary examines aspects of literary interpretation such as the development of the epic's themes, and the use of allusion.
Medicine for Mountaineering / Edited by
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.98 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
The Greek New Testament : Edited from Ancient Authorities, With Their Various Readings in Full, and the Latin Version of Jerome -Language: Greek
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.54 $Samuel Prideaux Tregelles (1813-1875) was a Cornish-born Biblical scholar who travelled to major libraries all over Europe in order to study ancient manuscripts. Biblical textual criticism was a burgeoning new field in the mid-nineteenth century, with leading scholars including Lachmann and Tischendorf in Germany and Tregelles' contemporaries Scrivener, Westcott and Hort in England all working towards the ideal of a more authoritative Greek New Testament text than had previously been available. Volume 3 (1865) of Tregelles' landmark seven-volume edition begins with a description of the many manuscripts consulted. This volume contains the Acts of the Apostles and the Catholic epistles. As well as the Greek text, each page has Jerome's Latin Vulgate text in the right margin, indications of manuscripts used and Biblical cross-references in the left margin, and a full textual apparatus at the foot.
The Houses of Parliament / edited by M.H. Port [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 33.56 $Fine cloth copy in a very good if somewhat edge-nicked and dust-dulled dust-wrapper. Remains particularly well-preserved overall; tight, bright, clean and strong. Physical description; xxi, 347 pages, 1 unnumbered leaf of plates : illustrations (some color) ; 31 cm. Series; Studies in British art. Notes; Includes bibliographical references and index. Contents; Introduction / M.H. Port -- The old Houses of Parliament / M.H. Port -- The Houses of Parliament competition / M.H. Port -- Barry and Pugin : a collaboration / Phoebe B. Stanton -- Select committees and estimates : the collaboration continued / Phoebe B. Stanton and M.H. Port -- Problems of building in the 1840's / M.H. Port -- The collaboration renewed : Barry and Pugin, 1844-52 / Phoebe B. Stanton -- Barry's last years : the new palace in the 1850's / M.H. Port -- The completion of the new palace, 1860-70 / M.H. Port -- The techniques of the building / Denis Smith -- The building services / Denis Smith -- The palace of history and art / M.H. Port, Benedict Read, John Christian, Shirley Bury, T.S.R. Boase -- Furniture / Clive Wainwright -- Mother of Parliaments? : architectural influences from the new palace / Priscilla Metcalf. Subjects; Houses of Parliament. Pugin, A. W. Pugin, Augustus Welby Northmore 1812-1852. Westminster Palace (London, England). Great Britain. Parliament Architecture. Great Britain. Parliament Art collections. Gothic revival (Architecture) Great Britain. Architecture England London. 1 Kg.
Myth and Religion: The Edited Transcripts
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 76.56 $This dynamic collection of edited transcripts begins with Not What Should Be, But What Is! In this powerful talk on the contrasts between classical Eastern and traditional Western mythologies, Watts questions whether the image of a divine patriarch is still intellectually plausible in light of our ever growing understanding of the universe. He then takes a revealing look at the mystical origins of Christianity in Jesus - His Religion, Or the Religion About Him? and explores how Christianity has diverged historically from those teachings in a brilliant and well researched critique of the Church. In Democracy in the Kingdom of Heaven Watts then carries his inquiry one step further, and asks if indeed a monarchical religion still makes sense in a democratic society. Watts takes a fascinating look at the ultimately anthropomorphic quality of man's view of his god in Images of Man. Here he is only half kidding when he says that "In the beginning there was Man, and he created God in his image," pointing to the highly subjective nature of our inquiry into the highest orders of reality. In the final chapter, Religion and Sexuality, Watts again looks at organized religion, but with more than a touch of humor as he suggests that churches today are sexual regulation societies, and precious little else. To make this point Watts asks, "How else can you get thrown out?" He then goes on to discuss the social implications of the Church's investment in moral issues, and demonstrates that this may in fact be a ploy to cover up for the lack of any substantial religious teaching in organized religion today.
Euripides : Phoenissae : Edited With Introduction and Commentary
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 362.28 $This volume provides a thorough philological and dramatic commentary on Euripides' Phoenissae, the first detailed commentary in English since 1911. An introduction surveys the play, its possible date, features of the original production, the background of Theban myth, the general problem of interpolation, and the textual tradition. The commentary treats the constitution of the text, noteworthy features of diction and style, dramatic technique and structure, and the controversies over possible later additions to the text.
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