20 products were found matching your search for enric in 2 shops:
Enric Miralles (1983-2009) El Croquis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 128.25 $Born in Barcelona in 1955, Enric Miralles established himself as part of the rising Spanish architecture scene of the late 1980s together with his first wife, architect Carme Pinós. From the mid-1990s he formed a new practice with his second wife, Benedetta Tagliabue, with whom he worked until his early death in 2000. This extensive tribute to Miralles and his all too short career covers the trajectory of his collaborations, solo works, writings, and more, following from projects such as the La Llauna School and La Mina Civic Centre, to an increasingly global portfolio including the Japan National Library, Hamburg Music School, Venice School of Architecture, and the Scottish Parliament.
Enric Miralles, 1983-2000
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 237.59 $The final hardback edition on the complete work of Enric Miralles, containing all the issues previously published on him and his associates. 30 + 49/50: Miralles/Pinos 1983-1990 / Enric Miralles 1990-1994 72 II: Enric Miralles 1990-1994
Enric Miralles: Works and Projects, 1975-1995 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 145.00 $Text: English (translation) Original Language: Italian
enric corbera lecciones basicas bioneuroemocion kier
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 39.42 $IMAGENES: En caso que no exista imagen de tapa. no dude en solicitarla. Ejemplar Usado, puede (o no) contener signos de uso como firma, anotaciones o subrayados, consultenos para mayor informacion del estado.
Enric Miralles (1983-2009). El Croquis
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 675.00 $Born in Barcelona in 1955, Enric Miralles established himself as part of the rising Spanish architecture scene of the late 1980s together with his first wife, architect Carme Pinós. From the mid-1990s he formed a new practice with his second wife, Benedetta Tagliabue, with whom he worked until his early death in 2000. This extensive tribute to Miralles and his all too short career covers the trajectory of his collaborations, solo works, writings, and more, following from projects such as the La Llauna School and La Mina Civic Centre, to an increasingly global portfolio including the Japan National Library, Hamburg Music School, Venice School of Architecture, and the Scottish Parliament.
The Architecture of Enric Miralles and Carme Pinos
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 88.83 $Dennis Dollens is a research designer and writer living in Santa Fe, NM. He has taught in the Genetic Architecture Program at the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya in Barcelona. His most recent book is "DBA: Digital-Botanic Architecture."
Electro-Harmonix BASSBALLS
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 8.53 $ (+20.00 $)Not one, but two narrow filters sweep your tones under control of the envelope, generating very unique vocal-like sounds. A distortion switch enric...
Electro-Harmonix Bassballs
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 8.53 $ (+6.95 $)Not one, but two narrow filters sweep your tones under control of the envelope, generating very unique vocal-like sounds. A distortion switch enric...
2025 Electro-Harmonix 272000000000
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 8.53 $ (+1.28 $)Not one, but two narrow filters sweep your tones under control of the envelope, generating very unique vocal-like sounds. A distortion switch enric...
Electro-Harmonix NBASSBALLS
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 8.53 $Not one, but two narrow filters sweep your tones under control of the envelope, generating very unique vocal-like sounds. A distortion switch enric...
2020-2021 Electro-Harmonix Nano Bassballs
Vendor: Reverb.com Price: 8.53 $Not one, but two narrow filters sweep your tones under control of the envelope, generating very unique vocal-like sounds. A distortion switch enric...
Quesos Y Paisajes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.78 $In Spain is a new series of handsome, four color books designed to showcase the special products of Spain and the country?s unique attributes. Each volume is written by a renowned expert on his subject. The first volume, In Spain- Cheese and Landscapes is written by Enric Canut, known throughout the world as Spain?s ?Cheese Ambassador.? Canut is well-known in Spain and a respected authority worldwide on the subject of cheeses from Spain. He has spent a lifetime learning and teaching about the more than one hundred varieties of Spanish cheese. Canut is also a cheese maker, a contributing writer to many Spanish language epicurean publications, and author of a number of well-regarded Spanish books on cheeses and cheese making in Spain. Canut tours the world for his books and other products, and is regularly covered in the US media.
El Arte de Desaprender. La Esencia de La Bioneuroemoción
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $En está a obra, Enric Corbera expone las teorías de la ciencia de Vanguardia —un saber consolidado, expuesto con claridad y bien argumentado— donde fundamenta el método de la bioneuroemoción, la terapia que integra múltiples disciplinas y que consolida el tratamiento de las emociones. Sus propuestas son tan sensatas como evidentes: favorecer la coherencia emocional entre lo que sentimos y lo que hacemos, de este modo aprendemos a retomar el poder saliendo de la posición de víctimas y de los programas heredados de nuestros ancestros. El autor, llega muy lejos en su objetivo de mostrarnos el camino: “Hemos de tomar conciencia de que somos los hacedores y no meros observadores de los acontecimientos externos.” Lo que supone literalmente un salto enorme en como contemplamos el mundo y a nosotros mismos, por lo que podemos mirar este hecho sabiendo intuitivamente que es verdad, y, aún así reaccionar con resistencia pues resulta más cómodo volver a la “seguridad” de nuestra pequeñez que asomarnos a la grandeza inconmensurable de nuestra autentica realidad. Sin duda esta es una verdad que puede resultar incómoda porque apunta a tomar plena responsabilidad en nuestras vidas y abre al mismo tiempo horizontes de curación ilimitados.
Quesos & Paisajes (in Spain (somoslibros))
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.61 $In Spain is a new series of handsome, four color books designed to showcase the special products of Spain and the country?s unique attributes. Each volume is written by a renowned expert on his subject. The first volume, In Spain- Cheese and Landscapes is written by Enric Canut, known throughout the world as Spain?s ?Cheese Ambassador.? Canut is well-known in Spain and a respected authority worldwide on the subject of cheeses from Spain. He has spent a lifetime learning and teaching about the more than one hundred varieties of Spanish cheese. Canut is also a cheese maker, a contributing writer to many Spanish language epicurean publications, and author of a number of well-regarded Spanish books on cheeses and cheese making in Spain. Canut tours the world for his books and other products, and is regularly covered in the US media.
El Niño Que Se Enfado Con La Muerte
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.15 $La muerte no existe, es un hecho normal y no duele .Morir bien es de vital importancia y la forma en que nos vamos deja un gran legado a los que se quedan. Acompañar a un ser querido en este viaje es una lección absolutamente transformadora.El niño que se enfadó con la muerte es fruto del conocimiento clínico de Enric Benito, un médico que tras una crisis existencial abandonó la oncología para dedicarse a acompañar a enfermos y familiares en sus últimos días.Unas páginas llenas de experiencia y sabiduría sobre la parte más desconocida de la muerte, con historias auténticas y profundamente conmovedoras que nos enseñan a liberarnos del miedo que suscita lo desconocido para poder vivir con plenitud.Un libro que te ayuda a derribar tabúes, humanizar y normalizar el proceso de morir.
Impostor [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.00 $LONGLISTED FOR THE MAN BOOKER INTERNATIONAL 2018 A TRUE STORY THAT IS PACKED WITH FICTION - FICTION CREATED BY ITS MAIN CHARACTER, ENRIC MARCO But who is Enric Marco? A veteran of the Spanish Civil War, a fighter against fascism, an impassioned campaigner for justice, and a survivor of the Nazi death camps? Or, is he simply an old man with delusions of grandeur, a charlatan who fabricated his heroic war record, who was never a prisoner in the Third Reich and never opposed Franco; a charming, beguiling and compulsive liar who refashioned himself as a defender of liberty and who was unmasked in 2005 at the height of his influence and renown? In this extraordinary novel - part narrative, part history, part essay, part biography, part autobiography - Javier Cercas unravels the enigma of the man and delves with passion and honesty into the most ambiguous aspects of what makes us human - our infinite capacity for self-deception, our need for conformity, our thirst for affection and our conflicting needs for fiction and for truth. Translated from the Spanish by Frank Wynne
Pristine Seas: Journeys to the Ocean's Last Wild Places
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 96.24 $There are places in the ocean virtually untouched by man. They offer a fascinating glimpse into our past and an inspiring vision for the future. They are the last Pristine Seas, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Enric Sala takes readers on an unforgettable journey to 10 of these astounding locations. From the shark-rich waters surrounding Coco Island, Costa Rica, to the iceberg-studded sea off Franz Josef Land, Russia, this incredible photographic collection showcases the thriving marine ecosystems that Sala is working to protect. Offering a rare glimpse into the world's underwater Edens, more than 200 images take you to the frontier of the Pristine Seas expeditions, where Sala's teams explore the breathtaking wildlife and habitats from the depths to the surface—thriving ecosystems with healthy corals and a kaleidoscopic variety of colorful fish and stunning creatures that have been protected from human interference. With this dazzling array of photographs that capture the beauty of the water and the incredible wildlife within it, this book shows us the brilliance of the sea in its natural state. It is a beautiful reminder of what we have to gain by protecting our seas.
The Impostor: A True Story
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 56.00 $Nominated for the Man Booker International PrizeFor decades, Enric Marco was revered as a veteran of the Spanish Civil War, a crusader for justice, and a Holocaust survivor. But in May 2005, at the height of his renown, he was exposed as a fraud: Marco was never in a Nazi concentration camp. And perhaps the rest of his past was fabricated, too, a combination of his delusions of grandeur and his compulsive lying. In this hypnotic narrative, which combines fiction and nonfiction, detective story and war story, biography and autobiography, Javier Cercas sets out to unravel Marco’s enigma. With both profound compassion and lacerating honesty, Cercas probes one man’s gigantic lie to explore the deepest, most flawed parts of our humanity.
Tierra No Nos Pertenece, La. Repensar El Territorio Y La Nación: 2014 (huellas Y Señales)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 54.00 $A lo largo de dos intensas jornadas, los filósofos Yves Charles Zarka y Enric Puig Punyet establecieron un diálogo socrático sobre el mundo contemporáneo a través del constante cruce entre disciplinas: política, estudios culturales, ecología, tecnología, lingüística y, por supuesto, filosofía. El diálogo parte de La inapropiabilidad de la Tierra, un «pequeño libro de principios» que significa para Yves Charles Zarka el punto de arranque para un análisis en diversos planos de nuestra relación con el mundo. A partir de ahí, surgen distintos senderos cruzados que abordan temas tan dispares como la relación entre naturaleza y cultura, la tensión entre identidad y migración, las repercusiones sociales de las tecnologías digitales, el papel de la Unión Europea, los derechos humanos, la resignificación del concepto de «monstruo» o las nuevas formas de terrorismo.
Igualada Cemetery: Eric Miralles and Carme Pinos Architecture in Detail
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 200.00 $In Enric Miralles's work, the site - whether natural landscape or urban grid - is always at the forefront of the final design. At the Igualada Cemetery, situated on the outskirts of Barcelona, the topographical order is framed by sinuous curves and trenches, yet the concrete embankments, overhanging parapets and converging edges relate to the setting as the initially perceived elements within the overall perspective of the space. The disciplines of architecture and landscape are here fused to create a place of tremendous force: burial niches are ranked and stacked to form great funerary walls incised deep into the landscape, and rising to culminate in the entrance marked by great sculptural forms and the mortuary and chapel buildings.
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