21 products were found matching your search for ersatz in 2 shops:
Ersatz in the Confederacy: Shortages and Substitutes on the Southern Homefront (Paperback or Softback)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.87 $Confederates faced with the deprivation of the Civil War.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 30.19 $Ersatz Moebius - LP 4047179603119
Ersatz II
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 30.19 $Ersatz II Moebius - LP 4047179603218
The Pickelhaube, The: Wartime, Ersatz and Reserve v. 2 [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 14.85 $Covering the history and development of the German pickelhaube.
A Box of Unfortunate Events: The Situation Worsens: The Miserable Mill/The Austere Academy/The Ersatz Elevator
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 102.52 $NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIESA Warning from the Publisher:Imagine you are wearing a bandage that needs to be removed. Are you the sort of person who tears the bandage right off, causing an enormous amount of pain in a short instance? Or do you prefer to spread your pain out over a longer period of time, by slowly unpeeling the bandage from your injury?If you are the first type of person, then this three-book box set might be for you. All of the misery and woe available in three Lemony Snicket volumes—The Miserable Mill, The Austere Academy, and The Ersatz Elevator—have been joined into one compactly miserable package, so readers foolish enough to read about the Baudelaire orphans can be unnerved in a slightly more economical fashion.If you are the second type of person, then volumes four through six in A Series of Unfortunate Events might be for you. Even if you unwisely choose to read them at a more leisurely pace, you will encounter such atrocities as poorly paid employees, a hypnotist, an evil scheme, a gym teacher, dripping fungus, another evil scheme, a fake accent, three mysterious consonants, a red herring, and at least one more evil scheme.Of course, most people would prefer not to be injured at all. We salute these sensible people, who will doubtless not purchase any books by Lemony Snicket, no matter how conveniently bundled.
This Behavior
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.75 $ (+1.99 $)Over the course of the last two decades, Detroit-based duo ADULT. (Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller) have released six albums and nineteen EPs and singles across some of our favorite labels: Mute, Ghostly International, Thrill Jockey, Clone Records, Third Man Records, and their own label, the revered Ersatz Audio. The album, This Behavior, began as 23 demos written and recorded in a remote cabin in the woods of Northern Michigan during the dead of winter. In total isolation, and with a red
Original Copies: Architectural Mimicry in Contemporary China (Spatial Habitus: Making and Meaning in Asia's Architecture)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.28 $A 108-meter high Eiffel Tower rises above Champs Elysées Square in Hangzhou. A Chengdu residential complex for 200,000 recreates Dorchester, England. An ersatz Queen’s Guard patrols Shanghai’s Thames Town, where pubs and statues of Winston Churchill abound. Gleaming replicas of the White House dot Chinese cities from Fuyang to Shenzhen. These examples are but a sampling of China’s most popular and startling architectural movement: the construction of monumental themed communities that replicate towns and cities in the West.Original Copies presents the first definitive chronicle of this remarkable phenomenon in which entire townships appear to have been airlifted from their historic and geographic foundations in Europe and the Americas, and spot-welded to Chinese cities. These copycat constructions are not theme parks but thriving communities where Chinese families raise children, cook dinners, and simulate the experiences of a pseudo-Orange County or Oxford.In recounting the untold and evolving story of China’s predilection for replicating the greatest architectural hits of the West, Bianca Bosker explores what this unprecedented experiment in “duplitecture” implies for the social, political, architectural, and commercial landscape of contemporary China. With her lively, authoritative narrative, the author shows us how, in subtle but important ways, these homes and public spaces shape the behavior of their residents, as they reflect the achievements, dreams, and anxieties of those who inhabit them, as well as those of their developers and designers.From Chinese philosophical perspectives on copying to twenty-first century market forces, Bosker details the factors giving rise to China’s new breed of building. Her analysis draws on insights from the world’s leading architects, critics and city planners, and on interviews with the residents of these developments.
This Behavior
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.84 $ (+1.99 $)Over the course of the last two decades, Detroit-based duo Adult. (Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller) have released six albums and nineteen EPs and singles across some of our favorite labels: Mute, Ghostly International, Thrill Jockey, Clone Records, Third Man Records, and their own label, the revered Ersatz Audio. The album, This Behavior, began as 23 demos written and recorded in a remote cabin in the woods of Northern Michigan during the dead of winter. In total isolation, and with a red
This Behavior
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.75 $ (+1.99 $)Over the course of the last two decades, Detroit-based duo Adult. (Nicola Kuperus and Adam Lee Miller) have released six albums and nineteen EPs and singles across some of our favorite labels: Mute, Ghostly International, Thrill Jockey, Clone Records, Third Man Records, and their own label, the revered Ersatz Audio. The album, This Behavior, began as 23 demos written and recorded in a remote cabin in the woods of Northern Michigan during the dead of winter. In total isolation, and with a red
German Battleship SMS Posen Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.41 $The last ship of the first class of German “Dreadnought” battleships was Ersatz Baden/Posen. The keel for Posen was laid on 11 June 1907 at the Germania Dockyard in Kiel and launching followed on 12 December 1908. The President of the Prussian province of Posen, von Waldow, gave the christening speech and the christening was performed by Fürstin (Princess) Johanna von Radolin. Posen was named after the Prussian Province from 1772 to 1919, and today is known as Poznan province in Poland. On 28 April 1910 Posen was transferred from her construction yard to Kiel Imperial Dockyard and on 31 May was commissioned for the first time. The first pre-trials began on 18 July 1910.
Blue Guide to Indiana Format: Paperback
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.92 $The master of the nearly true is back with The Blue Guide to Indiana, an ersatz travel book for the Hoosier State. Michael Martone, whose trademark is the blurring of the lines between fact and fiction, has created an Indiana that almost is, a landscape marked by Lover's Lane franchises and pharmaceutical drug theme parks. Visit the Trans-Indiana Mayonnaise Pipeline and the Field of Lightbulbs. Learn about Our Lady of the Big Hair and Feet or the history of the License Plate Insurrection of 1979. Let Martone guide you through every inch of the amazing state that is home to the Hoosier Infidelity Resort Area, the National Monument for Those Killed by Tornadoes in Trailer Parks and Mobile Home Courts, and the Annual Eyeless Fish Fry. All your questions will be answered, including many you never thought to ask (like: "What's a good recipe for Pork Cake?").
Agatone e la tragedia attica di fine V sec. a.C. : Studio delle testimonianze e dei frammenti
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 84.24 $Neuware - Der attische Tragiker Agathon (Ende des 5. Jh. v. Chr.) war zu seiner Zeit ein erfolgreicher Bühnenautor und spielte eine avantgardistische Rolle in der tragischen Gattung: Am bedeutendsten ist sein Ersatz der traditionellen Chorpartien durch Choreinlagen, die keine inhaltliche Verbindung zur Handlung haben. Trotzdem scheint er bereits in der Antike in Vergessenheit geraten zu sein. Dieser Band bietet eine kritische Ausgabe und einen Kommentar zu allen 34 überlieferten Fragmenten. Er liefert wichtiges Hintergrundwissen zu Leben und Werk eines bedeutenden Vertreters der griechischen Tragödiendichtung und schafft die Grundlage fu¡r ein tieferes Verständnis der Theaterumwandlung zwischen dem 5. und dem 4. Jahrhundert v. Chr. Die Autorin hat für Ihre Arbeit den Günter Wöhrle-Preis der Stiftung 'Humanismus Heute' erhalten.
Dubious Gastronomy: The Cultural Politics of Eating Asian in the USA
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 52.15 $California roll, Chinese take-out, American-made kimchi, dogmeat, monosodium glutamate, SPAM―all are examples of what Robert Ji-Song Ku calls “dubious” foods. Strongly associated with Asian and Asian American gastronomy, they are commonly understood as ersatz, depraved, or simply bad. In Dubious Gastronomy, Ku contends that these foods share a spiritual fellowship with Asians in the United States in that the Asian presence, be it culinary or corporeal, is often considered watered-down, counterfeit, or debased manifestations of the “real thing.” The American expression of Asianness is defined as doubly inauthentic―as insufficiently Asian and unreliably American when measured against a largely ideological if not entirely political standard of authentic Asia and America. By exploring the other side of what is prescriptively understood as proper Asian gastronomy, Ku suggests that Asian cultural expressions occurring in places such as Los Angeles, Honolulu, New York City, and even Baton Rouge are no less critical to understanding the meaning of Asian food―and, by extension, Asian people―than culinary expressions that took place in Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai centuries ago. In critically considering the impure and hybridized with serious and often whimsical intent, Dubious Gastronomy argues that while the notion of cultural authenticity is troubled, troubling, and troublesome, the apocryphal is not necessarily a bad thing: The dubious can be and is often quite delicious.Dubious Gastronomy overlaps a number of disciplines, including American and Asian American studies, Asian diasporic studies, literary and cultural studies, and the burgeoning field of food studies. More importantly, however, the book fulfills the critical task of amalgamating these areas and putting them in conversation with one another. Written in an engaging and fluid style, it promises to appeal a wide audience of readers who seriously enjoys eating―and reading and thinking about―food.
American Neo-Noir : The Movie Never Ends
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.72 $After scores of books and commentaries on film noir and its classic period, experts Alain Silver and James Ursini turn their full attention to neo-noir, the self-conscious, mannered, sometimes ersatz, and often surprising genre that sprang from the original movement. This volume surveys the full breath of American neo-noir, its style and substance, its evolution over succeeding generations of filmmakers, from activist through postmodern to millennial and on, with extensive illustrations in black-and-white and full-color that capture the genre's dramatic and visual essence.
Love Chronicles of the Octopodes
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.00 $New! // 'In a dystopic future of unregulated gene editing, a woman named Emily wakes up on the wrong side of the universe as an octopus thanks to rogue 'designer genes' run amok. One of thousands of clones generated from a genetic code sequenced from a lock of hair saved from the original Emily Dickinson, the ersatz Emily resembles an octopus but harbors the soul of a human poet and navigates her life in a lagoon as a bumbling 'rogue soul' enamored of black spice cake, botanical monographs, and gingerbread recipes, while romanced by personified moonlight.' ~ Publisher.
Dubious Gastronomy: The Cultural Politics of Eating Asian in the USA (Food in Asia and the Pacific)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 29.27 $California roll, Chinese take-out, American-made kimchi, dogmeat, monosodium glutamate, SPAM―all are examples of what Robert Ji-Song Ku calls “dubious” foods. Strongly associated with Asian and Asian American gastronomy, they are commonly understood as ersatz, depraved, or simply bad. In Dubious Gastronomy, Ku contends that these foods share a spiritual fellowship with Asians in the United States in that the Asian presence, be it culinary or corporeal, is often considered watered-down, counterfeit, or debased manifestations of the “real thing.” The American expression of Asianness is defined as doubly inauthentic―as insufficiently Asian and unreliably American when measured against a largely ideological if not entirely political standard of authentic Asia and America. By exploring the other side of what is prescriptively understood as proper Asian gastronomy, Ku suggests that Asian cultural expressions occurring in places such as Los Angeles, Honolulu, New York City, and even Baton Rouge are no less critical to understanding the meaning of Asian food―and, by extension, Asian people―than culinary expressions that took place in Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai centuries ago. In critically considering the impure and hybridized with serious and often whimsical intent, Dubious Gastronomy argues that while the notion of cultural authenticity is troubled, troubling, and troublesome, the apocryphal is not necessarily a bad thing: The dubious can be and is often quite delicious.Dubious Gastronomy overlaps a number of disciplines, including American and Asian American studies, Asian diasporic studies, literary and cultural studies, and the burgeoning field of food studies. More importantly, however, the book fulfills the critical task of amalgamating these areas and putting them in conversation with one another. Written in an engaging and fluid style, it promises to appeal a wide audience of readers who seriously enjoys eating―and reading and thinking about―food.
Dubious Gastronomy: The Cultural Politics of Eating Asian in the USA (Food in Asia and the Pacific)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.81 $California roll, Chinese take-out, American-made kimchi, dogmeat, monosodium glutamate, SPAM―all are examples of what Robert Ji-Song Ku calls “dubious” foods. Strongly associated with Asian and Asian American gastronomy, they are commonly understood as ersatz, depraved, or simply bad. In Dubious Gastronomy, Ku contends that these foods share a spiritual fellowship with Asians in the United States in that the Asian presence, be it culinary or corporeal, is often considered watered-down, counterfeit, or debased manifestations of the “real thing.” The American expression of Asianness is defined as doubly inauthentic―as insufficiently Asian and unreliably American when measured against a largely ideological if not entirely political standard of authentic Asia and America. By exploring the other side of what is prescriptively understood as proper Asian gastronomy, Ku suggests that Asian cultural expressions occurring in places such as Los Angeles, Honolulu, New York City, and even Baton Rouge are no less critical to understanding the meaning of Asian food―and, by extension, Asian people―than culinary expressions that took place in Tokyo, Seoul, and Shanghai centuries ago. In critically considering the impure and hybridized with serious and often whimsical intent, Dubious Gastronomy argues that while the notion of cultural authenticity is troubled, troubling, and troublesome, the apocryphal is not necessarily a bad thing: The dubious can be and is often quite delicious.Dubious Gastronomy overlaps a number of disciplines, including American and Asian American studies, Asian diasporic studies, literary and cultural studies, and the burgeoning field of food studies. More importantly, however, the book fulfills the critical task of amalgamating these areas and putting them in conversation with one another. Written in an engaging and fluid style, it promises to appeal a wide audience of readers who seriously enjoys eating―and reading and thinking about―food.
German Battleship SMS Posen
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 31.39 $The last ship of the first class of German “Dreadnought” battleships was Ersatz Baden/Posen. The keel for Posen was laid on 11 June 1907 at the Germania Dockyard in Kiel and launching followed on 12 December 1908. The President of the Prussian province of Posen, von Waldow, gave the christening speech and the christening was performed by Fürstin (Princess) Johanna von Radolin. Posen was named after the Prussian Province from 1772 to 1919, and today is known as Poznan province in Poland. On 28 April 1910 Posen was transferred from her construction yard to Kiel Imperial Dockyard and on 31 May was commissioned for the first time. The first pre-trials began on 18 July 1910.
A Series of Unfortunate Events #5-9 Netflix Tie-in Box Set
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 46.61 $NOW A NETFLIX ORIGINAL SERIESDon’t be fooled by the new, Netflix-inspired book covers of the second five books in this New York Times bestselling series.The events recounted in this five-book box set (which includes The Austere Academy, The Ersatz Elevator, The Vile Village, The Hostile Hospital, and The Carnivorous Carnival) are sure to depress you. If you cannot stomach stories that find misfortune continuously befalling the three charming Baudelaire orphans, I recommend you make another reading selection.Some boxes should never be opened.
Myth-Gotten Gains (Myth Adventures)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 10.43 $Someone is collecting animated treasures and keeping them from their heroic destinies. Reunited with the lovely Trollop Tananda, Aahz the Pervect must help out a sword called Ersatz, and embark on a quest that just may restore his lost magical powers.
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