20 products were found matching your search for fleischmann in 2 shops:
Trude Fleischmann - Der Selbstbewusste Blick
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 4.28 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Best-Ever Breads - Fleischmann's Yeast
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 58.55 $This is one of my most-used cookbooks. It got so worn out I had to order a new one. The range of recipes is amazing, from regular breads to cinnamon rolls to holiday breads to pizzas and calzones. The pictures are extremely helpful, the recipes are well-explained, and they give wonderful hints as to if the dough can be frozen, etc. I had never made bread before I got this book and now we are hooked on having fresh bread. I especially appreciate the breads that rise overnight in the fridge--I can come home from work and still have fresh bread for dinner. They are also much healthier than many breads because they are low fat and you can make rye, whole wheat, and even herb bread. My friends now request that I bring the dinner rolls to every gathering and potluck! And the pizza and cinnamon rolls are a big hit with kids.
Geology of the Great Basin (Max C. Fleischmann series in Great Basin natural history)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 8.35 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Gentleman in the Outdoors: A Portrait of Max C. Fleischmann
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 77.08 $Title: Gentleman in the Outdoors( A Portrait of Max C. Fleischmann) <>Binding: Hardcover <>Author: SessionsS.Wheeler <>Publisher: UniversityofNevadaPress
Trees of the Great Basin: A Natural History (Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 117.64 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
The Sagebrush Ocean: A Natural History of the Great Basin (Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 37.41 $This tenth anniversary hardcover edition celebrates the Great Basin wilderness in all seasons. "The Great Basin is one of the least novelized, least painted, least eulogized of American landscapes. Stephen Trimble has opened it up with the perception of a frontier scout, but for a different set of people this time: people more eager to know than to possess, more eager to understand than utilize."-Barry Lopez, from the foreword The Sagebrush Ocean "will be a revelation to those who have habitually steeled themselves to drive across the desert at seventy miles an hour, generally at night. They have been missing something fabulous. . . . It ought to be in the pack of every desert camper and every off-road recreationist, just to teach them respect for what they use so freely. It ought to be on the seat of every car that starts across from Salt Lake to Reno, or vice versa, to give even seventy-mile-an-hour travelers some notion of what that apparently monotonous sagebrush ocean contains of the diversity and mystery of life."-Wallace Stegner "The Sagebrush Ocean is one beauty of a book, a triumph of regional literature of the kind we need, to relate more closely to his land of ours."-Harold Gilliam, The San Francisco Chronicle
The Sagebrush Ocean: A Natural History of the Great Basin (Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 147.13 $This tenth anniversary hardcover edition celebrates the Great Basin wilderness in all seasons. "The Great Basin is one of the least novelized, least painted, least eulogized of American landscapes. Stephen Trimble has opened it up with the perception of a frontier scout, but for a different set of people this time: people more eager to know than to possess, more eager to understand than utilize."-Barry Lopez, from the foreword The Sagebrush Ocean "will be a revelation to those who have habitually steeled themselves to drive across the desert at seventy miles an hour, generally at night. They have been missing something fabulous. . . . It ought to be in the pack of every desert camper and every off-road recreationist, just to teach them respect for what they use so freely. It ought to be on the seat of every car that starts across from Salt Lake to Reno, or vice versa, to give even seventy-mile-an-hour travelers some notion of what that apparently monotonous sagebrush ocean contains of the diversity and mystery of life."-Wallace Stegner "The Sagebrush Ocean is one beauty of a book, a triumph of regional literature of the kind we need, to relate more closely to his land of ours."-Harold Gilliam, The San Francisco Chronicle
The Sagebrush Ocean, Tenth Anniversary Edition: A Natural History Of The Great Basin (Max C. Fleischmann Series in Great Basin Natural History.)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.74 $Noted writer and photographer Stephen Trimble mixes eloquent accounts of personal experiences with clear explication of natural history. His photographs capture some of the most spectacular but least-known scenery in the western states. The Great Basin Desert sweeps from the Sierra to the Rockies, from the Snake River Plain to the Mojave Desert. "Biogeography" would be one way to sum up Trimble's focus on the land: what lives where, and why. He introduces concepts of desert ecology and discusses living communities of animals and plants that band Great Basin mountains—from the exhilarating emptiness of dry lake-beds to alpine regions at the summits of the 13,000-foot Basin ranges.This is the best general introduction to the ecology and spirit of the Great Basin, a place where "the desert almost seems to mirror the sky in size," where mountains hold "ravens, bristlecone pines, winter stillness—and unseen, but satisfying, the possibility of bighorn sheep." Trimble's photographs come from the backcountry of this rugged land, from months of exploring and hiking the Great Basin wilderness in all seasons; and his well-chosen words come from a rare intimacy with the West.
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 22.98 $ (+1.99 $)The Berlin-based electronic duo Tarwater (Ronald Lippok and Bernd Jestram) formed in 1995. They have produced 11 regular studio albums and various collaborations (e.g. with Piano Magic, Tuxedomoon, B. Fleischmann), as well as numerous film and theater scores. Lippok also plays in the band to Rococo Rot. File under: indietronics, neo-Krautrock. Their new album Adrift is an album of voices and rhythms, with an atmosphere that may at first seem reduced, yet further listening reveals a wealth of de http://www.deepdiscount.com/pjx/4047179916325/?utm_source=PJX&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=Banner http://media.aent-m.com/graphics/items/sdimages/a/300/0/3/1/0/2790130.jpg http://media.aent-m.com/graphics/items/sdimages/a/50/0/3/1/0/2790130.jpg 22.98 18.91 1.99 Media > CD new 4047179916325 0.25000 Tarwater CD 1350245X Kollektion 02: Roedelius-Electronic Music About this Kollektion: British songwriter Lloyd Cole has long since been a fan of Hans-Joachim Roedelius and Cluster. For convincing evidence, one need look no further than his 2001 album Plastic Wood, a purely electronic opus which was an unambiguous homage to his musical idols. In 2013, Cole and Roedelius actually joined forces to release their Selected Studies Vol. 1 album (BB 124 CD/LP). Cole has now listened through the Hans-Joachim Roedelius solo archives to present his favorite synthesize http://www.deepdiscount.com/pjx/4047179918824/?utm_source=PJX&utm_medium=Affiliate&utm_campaign=Banner http://media.aent-m.com/graphics/items/sdimages/a/300/2/3/1/0/2790132.jpg http://media.aent-m.com/graphics/items/sdimages/a/50/2/3/1/0/2790132.jpg 22.98 18.91 1.99 Media > CD new 4047179918824 0.25000 Lloyd Cole Blu-ray 1350425X Monty Python Live (mostly): One Down Five To Go Monty Python are flying again for a final reunion, well, sort of. This hugely anticipated live show took place on June 20th 2014 at the O2 Arena in London. At a combined age of just 357, John Cleese, Terry Gilliam, Eric Idle, Terry Jones and Mi
Walzer Oder Nicht
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.09 $ (+1.99 $)Walzer Oder Nicht B. Fleischmann - LP 880918010311
Rozhdestvensky Edition Vol 1
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 49.99 $2009 10 X CD box set collection. Historical Russian Archive live recordings from 1964-1988 conducted by Gennady Rozhdestvensky. Includes orchestral works by Haydn, Dvork, Fleischmann, Shostakovich, Shebalin, Shaporin, Rakov, Agadzhikov, Volkonsky, Belimov, Polovinkin, Mosolov & more.
Carly's Voice: Breaking Through Autism
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 49.77 $The extraordinary and moving story of Carly Fleischmann, a teenager with severe autism who, through technology and today’s social networks, has become a passionate advocate for kids everywhere.At the age of two, Carly Fleischmann was diagnosed with severe autism and an oral motor condition that prevented her from speaking. Doctors predicted that she would never intellectually develop beyond the abilities of a small child. Although she made some progress after years of intensive behavioral and communication therapy, Carly remained largely unreachable. Then, at the age of ten, she had a breakthrough. While working with her devoted therapists Howie and Barb, Carly reached over to their laptop and typed in “HELP TEETH HURT,” much to everyone’s astonishment. This was the beginning of Carly’s journey toward self-realization. Although Carly still struggles with all the symptoms of autism, which she describes with uncanny accuracy and detail, she now has regular, witty, and profound conversations on the computer with her family, her therapists, and the many thousands of people who follow her via her blog, Facebook, and Twitter. In Carly’s Voice, her father, Arthur Fleischmann, blends Carly’s own words with his story of getting to know his remarkable daughter. One of the first books to explore firsthand the challenges of living with autism, it brings readers inside a once-secret world and in the company of an inspiring young woman who has found her voice and her mission.
I'm Not Ready for the Grave Yet
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.09 $ (+1.99 $)I'm Not Ready for the Grave Yet B. Fleischmann - LP 880918811918
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 30.19 $LP version. CD of full album included. "The Berlin-based electronic duo Tarwater (Ronald Lippok and Bernd Jestram) formed in 1995. They have produced 11 regular studio albums and various collaborations (e.g. with Piano Magic, Tuxedomoon, B. Fleischmann), as well as numerous film and theater scores. Lippok also plays in the band to Rococo Rot. File under: indietronics, neo-Krautrock. Their new album Adrift is an album of voices and rhythms, with an atmosphere that may at first seem reduced, yet f
Stop Making Fans
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 29.98 $Double LP version. Housed in a gatefold sleeve; Includes download code. B. Fleischmann, the longest-tenured solo artist on Morr Music, returns with indie-spirited, electronica-enhanced moments of bliss on his new album Stop Making Fans. Recorded with a little help from friends including vocalist Gloria Amesbauer, Markus Schneider (guitars), and Valentin Duit (drums), it's a two-part reflection on artistic self-reliance vs. Fame-seeking conformism, another deeply personal, utterly idiosyncratic a
Nuclear Transmutation: The Reality of Cold Fusion
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 35.81 $The announcement of cold fusion in March 1989 at the University of Utah was greeted with astonishment worldwide. Drs. Martin Fleischmann and Stanley Pons had claimed that an electrochemical cell with heavy water electrolyte and a palladium cathode gave rise to so much excess energy that the mysterious phenomenon had to be nuclear, and was probably a process related to nuclear fusion. Many scientists quickly took sides for or against cold fusion--mostly against. By the end of the summer the experts claimed cold fusion didn't exist. They said it was an experimental error and could not be reproduced. Actually, the story had barely begun. Provocative research had never ended. Cold fusion was and is very much alive. IN THIS BOOK, Dr. Mizuno describes both the dark and bright sides of the cold fusion story: the frustration, the boredom, the endless guerrilla war with scientists who wanted to stop the research, science journalists who appeared to thrive on the outpouring of supposedly negative results, fruitless battles to publish a paper or be heard at a physics conference, but then also the triumph of dramatic experimental results in the production of huge excess energy and the paradigm busting discovery of the low-energy transmutation of heavy elements found on cold fusion electrodes. It is impossible for one book to encompass the now expanding worldwide effort to understand the cold fusion enigma, but for those who want to learn about the rest of the story, this account of one scientist's experience on the frontiers of knowledge is an excellent beginning.
Tapping the Zero Point Energy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.68 $Free energy and anti-gravity are possible today. The theory of zero point energy posits that there are great fluctuations of electrical field energy embedded within the fabric of space. Some examples: · inventor T. Henry Moray produced a fifty-kilowatt free energy machine in 1930 · the Pons/Fleischmann cold fusion experiment produced tremendous heat without fusion The chapters in this remarkable book include: · Artificial Gravity · Stepping Down High Frequency Energy · Noise as a Source of Energy · Macroscopic Vacuum Polarization · Cohering the Zero-Point Energy · The Holistic Paradigm · Electrolytic Fusion: A Zero-Point Energy Coherence? · Scalar Currents and Scalar Waves
Least Action Nuclear Process Theory of Cold Fusion : A Theory of Heat
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 24.04 $Twenty five year after Fleischmann and Pons remarkable discovery of what they described as a room temperature nuclear fusion process, no one can tell you how the observed excess heat and the accompanying nuclear reactions occur. The known limits of physics and chemistry have been exhausted in the search for an answer. And yet, successful experiments take place daily, with no hint of where the ignition energy comes from. This is a collection of published and unpublished papers and essays about the Least Action Nuclear Process theory of cold fusion. It takes the bold step of treating the energy accumulation and energy storage sub-models as reversible thermodynamic processes. But, we know that reversible processes cannot occur in nature. There are no perpetual motion devices. Or...are there? When the author treats the energy accumulation sub-model as an imperfect reversible process, everything changes. Kinetic energy, which is always excluded from the reversible process space, can occur in infinitesimal amounts that fall below the physical processes event horizon, albeit with continuous energy renewal from the most unexpected source. In this way cold fusion’s anomalous behavior falls into place the way that light theory needed only Maxwell’s six equations. Did you know that papers describing biological transmutation of the elements are common at cold fusion conferences? This proximity is not accidental. The author believes that we will find that both processes involve extraordinarily high internal temperatures that are capable of sponsoring nuclear transmutations, and both will be found to be imperfect reversible thermodynamic processes.
Tapping the Zero Point Energy
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 16.98 $Free energy and anti-gravity are possible today. The theory of zero point energy posits that there are great fluctuations of electrical field energy embedded within the fabric of space. Some examples: · inventor T. Henry Moray produced a fifty-kilowatt free energy machine in 1930 · the Pons/Fleischmann cold fusion experiment produced tremendous heat without fusion The chapters in this remarkable book include: · Artificial Gravity · Stepping Down High Frequency Energy · Noise as a Source of Energy · Macroscopic Vacuum Polarization · Cohering the Zero-Point Energy · The Holistic Paradigm · Electrolytic Fusion: A Zero-Point Energy Coherence? · Scalar Currents and Scalar Waves
Cold Fusion: The Scientific Fiasco of the Century
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 100.04 $Professor Huizenga, Co-Chairman of the U.S. Department of Energy Cold Fusion Panel that investigated the claims of Pons and Fleischmann--the scientists behind the ill-fated "cold fusion" experiments at the University of Utah in 1989-- here documents the entire fascinating saga and provides a careful and thorough study of the controversy that followed. The factual, hardhitting account concludes with a discussion of the lessons to be learned from the episode and the implications for the proper conduct of science. In this new paperback edition, the author has taken the opportunity to bring the story of cold fusion up-to-date. This definitive account, will interest all scientists and historians of science, as well as general readers interested in the issues of experimental science and ethical conduct.
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