6 products were found matching your search for godley in 2 shops:
Very Best of 10CC (IMPORT)
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 24.99 $ (+1.99 $)18 track digitally remastered includes Neanderthal Man by Hot Legs and three Godley & Creme tracks.
Unendlichkeiten : Roman
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.59 $Neuware - »Banville überrascht erneut mit wohldosiertem Übermaß.« Seamus HeaneyEin langer Sommertag in einem Herrenhaus in Irland: Adam Godley liegt im Sterben, Grund genug für seinen Sohn Adam jun. und seine Tochter Petra, Ressentiments über Bord zu werfen und ihren Vater und ihre erheblich jüngere Mutter Ursula noch einmal zu besuchen. Was die Godleys nicht wissen: Ihr Familientreffen wird von den Göttern beobachtet, die sich nicht scheuen, korrigierend und bisweilen boshaft einzugreifen.Adam Godley, ein bekannter Mathematiker, der sich mit dem Konzept der Unendlichkeit einen Namen gemacht hat, scheint am Ende seines Lebens angekommen zu sein. Während er stumm und dennoch wach in seinem Bett liegt, treffen seine Kinder ein, um ihn noch einmal zu sehen. Da ist sein Sohn Adam, der ihm nie das Wasser reichen konnte und bis heute an der Ablehnung durch seinen Vater leidet, sowie die unglückliche und verstörte Tochter Petra, die die Namen von Krankheiten sammelt, um daraus einen Almanach zu erstellen. Erzählt wird der Roman von niemand Geringerem als Hermes, doch auch Zeus und Pan sind mit von der Partie. Sie lassen es sich nicht nehmen, in das Leben der Sterblichen einzugreifen, mal unterstützend, mal verwirrend und spöttisch.John Banville hat einen Roman geschrieben, in dem lyrische Passagen auf profane treffen und die Götter auf die Menschen. Ein tiefer Einblick in die Schwächen des menschlichen Daseins.»Der Roman enthält alle Markenzeichen, die Banville groß gemacht haben - präzise Sprache, flüssige Erzählweise und einen hintergründigen Humor.« (Sunday Times)»Sein bestes Buch« (Colum McCann)
The Infinities (Signed First edition) [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 150.00 $On a languid midsummer’s day in the countryside, old Adam Godley, a renowned theoretical mathematician, is dying. His family gathers at his bedside: his son, young Adam, struggling to maintain his marriage to a radiantly beautiful actress; his nineteen-year-old daughter, Petra, filled with voices and visions as she waits for the inevitable; their mother, Ursula, whose relations with the Godley children are strained at best; and Petra’s “young man”—very likely more interested in the father than the daughter—who has arrived for a superbly ill-timed visit.But the Godley family is not alone in their vigil. Around them hovers a family of mischievous immortals—among them, Zeus, who has his eye on young Adam’s wife; Pan, who has taken the doughy, perspiring form of an old unwelcome acquaintance; and Hermes, who is the genial and omniscient narrator: “We too are petty and vindictive,” he tells us, “just like you, when we are put to it.” As old Adam’s days on earth run down, these unearthly beings start to stir up trouble, to sometimes wildly unintended effect. . . . Blissfully inventive and playful, rich in psychological insight and sensual detail, The Infinities is at once a gloriously earthy romp and a wise look at the terrible, wonderful plight of being human—a dazzling novel from one of the most widely admired and acclaimed writers at work today.From the Hardcover edition.
The Infinities [first edition]
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 53.00 $On a languid midsummer’s day in the countryside, old Adam Godley, a renowned theoretical mathematician, is dying. His family gathers at his bedside: his son, young Adam, struggling to maintain his marriage to a radiantly beautiful actress; his nineteen-year-old daughter, Petra, filled with voices and visions as she waits for the inevitable; their mother, Ursula, whose relations with the Godley children are strained at best; and Petra’s “young man”—very likely more interested in the father than the daughter—who has arrived for a superbly ill-timed visit.But the Godley family is not alone in their vigil. Around them hovers a family of mischievous immortals—among them, Zeus, who has his eye on young Adam’s wife; Pan, who has taken the doughy, perspiring form of an old unwelcome acquaintance; and Hermes, who is the genial and omniscient narrator: “We too are petty and vindictive,” he tells us, “just like you, when we are put to it.” As old Adam’s days on earth run down, these unearthly beings start to stir up trouble, to sometimes wildly unintended effect. . . . Blissfully inventive and playful, rich in psychological insight and sensual detail, The Infinities is at once a gloriously earthy romp and a wise look at the terrible, wonderful plight of being human—a dazzling novel from one of the most widely admired and acclaimed writers at work today.
Deadly Mistress: A True Story of Marriage, Betrayal and Murder
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 101.97 $LOVE GONE BAD. MURDER GONE WRONG. West Coast doctor Kenneth Stahl would do anything to free himself from his wife Carolyn. Then Adriana Vasco--Kenneth's former receptionist and mistress of nine years--obliged by introducing him to ex-con Dennis Earl Godley. The deal was set. Godley would murder Carolyn for thirty-thousand dollars. On the day after her 44th birthday, the trusting victim was lured to a lonely stretch of road. The deadly rendezvous took a shocking turn. Not only was Carolyn gunned down with a .357 Magnum, but Kenneth would also be killed.The hit man's getaway driver was the other woman, Adriana Vasco. In a sensational trial, a tangled web of lies, sex, and betrayal unfolded as Adriana and Dennis turned against each other...
Vendor: Deepdiscount.com Price: 20.99 $ (+1.99 $)2007 digitally remastered and expanded pressing of the quirky British Rock band's 1973 debut featuring five bonus tracks: 'Hot Sun Rock', '4% of Something', 'Waterfall', 'Bee in My Bonnet' and 'Rubber Bullets' (Single Version). Formed by songwriters Graham Gouldman, Eric Stewart, Kevin Godley and Lol Creme, 10cc weren't quite Art Rock, Pop Rock or Progressive Rock. They took only the best aspects of each style and created a unique sound of their own and were nearly impossible to pigeonhole. 10cc
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