71 products were found matching your search for goncourt in 1 shops:
Journal des Goncourt (coffret de 3 volumes)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 48.09 $Befriedigend/Good: Durchschnittlich erhaltenes Buch bzw. Schutzumschlag mit Gebrauchsspuren, aber vollständigen Seiten. / Describes the average WORN book or dust jacket that has all the pages present.
Pages from the Goncourt Journal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 129.11 $The diary of the two de Goncourt brothers who were novelists, critics and dilettanti of Parisian literary and fashionable circles during the second half of the 19th century. The brothers were opposite in temperament, yet identical in tastes and desires and wrote their "nightly confession" as the effusion of a single ego, exploring their suspicions, neuroses and occasional spite, revealing an honest, uninhibitedly perceptive document. They evoke the liveliness of the "belle epoque" of Parisian life, art, politics, society, women in their confessions as well as discussing well-known figures, including Flaubert, Gautier, George Sand, Victor Hugo, Rodin, Degas, Baudelaire and Sainte-Beuve.
Pages from the Goncourt Journal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.84 $The diary of the two de Goncourt brothers who were novelists, critics and dilettanti of Parisian literary and fashionable circles during the second half of the 19th century. The brothers were opposite in temperament, yet identical in tastes and desires and wrote their "nightly confession" as the effusion of a single ego, exploring their suspicions, neuroses and occasional spite, revealing an honest, uninhibitedly perceptive document. They evoke the liveliness of the "belle epoque" of Parisian life, art, politics, society, women in their confessions as well as discussing well-known figures, including Flaubert, Gautier, George Sand, Victor Hugo, Rodin, Degas, Baudelaire and Sainte-Beuve.
Japon rêvé. Edmond de Goncourt et Hayashi Tadamasa.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 28.08 $Mit 42, tls. farb. bzw. getönten Abb. u. 1 Illustr. 204 S., 1 w. Bl. u. 1 Bl. Kl. 4°. Farb. illustr. OBrosch. Gutes Exemplar. (740 Gr.) Sprache: französisch.
Au revoir là-haut: Prix Goncourt 2013 (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.82 $Paris. 21 cm. 566 p. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial. Idioma Francés. Texte imprimé. 18-Saint-Amand-Montrond. Impr. CPI Bussière. Lemaitre, Pierre(1951-. ) .. Este libro es de segunda mano y tiene o puede tener marcas y señales de su anterior propietario. ISBN: 978-2-226-24967-8
Vie a Coucher Dehors (Folio) : Prix Goncourt de la Novelle 2009
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 21.97 $'En Sibérie, dans les glens écossais, les criques de l'Égée ou les montagnes de Géorgie, les héros de ces quinze nouvelles ne devraient jamais oublier que les lois du destin et les forces de la nature sont plus puissantes que les désirs et les espérances. Rien ne sert à l'homme de trop s'agiter dans la toile de l'existence, car la vie, même quand elle ne commence pas très bien, finit toujours mal. Et puis une mauvaise chute vaut mieux qu'une fin insignifiante.' Sylvain Tesson.
Paris under siege, 1870-1871: From the Goncourt journal
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.43 $Book by Goncourt, Edmond L.A.H.De, Goncourt, Jules A.H.De
Chanson Douce [ Prix Goncourt 2016 ] (french Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 20.52 $Lorsque Myriam, mère de deux jeunes enfants, décide malgré les réticences de son mari de reprendre son activité au sein d'un cabinet d'avocats, le couple se met à la recherche d'une nounou. Après un casting sévère, ils engagent Louise, qui conquiert très vite l'affection des enfants et occupe progressivement une place centrale dans le foyer. Peu à peu le piège de la dépendance mutuelle va se refermer, jusqu'au drame. A travers la description précise du jeune couple et celle du personnage fascinant et mystérieux de la nounou, c'est notre époque qui se révèle, avec sa conception de l'amour et de l'éducation, des rapports de domination et d'argent, des préjugés de classe ou de culture. Le style sec et tranchant de Leïla Slimani, où percent des éclats de poésie ténébreuse, instaure dès les premières pages un suspense envoûtant.
Quelques crivains franais Flaubert, Zola, Hugo, Goncourt, Huysmans, etc
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 38.54 $Cette œuvre (édition relié) fait partie de la série TREDITION CLASSICS. La maison d'édition tredition, basée à Hambourg, a publié dans la série TREDITION CLASSICS des ouvrages anciens de plus de deux millénaires. Ils étaient pour la plupart épuisés ou uniquement disponible chez les bouquinistes. La série est destinée à préserver la littérature et à promouvoir la culture. Avec sa série TREDITION CLASSICS, tredition à comme but de mettre à disposition des milliers de classiques de la littérature mondiale dans différentes langues et de les diffuser dans le monde entier.
Pas pleurer: Ausgezeichnet mit dem Prix Goncourt 2014. Roman
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 27.00 $Deux voix entrelacées. Celle, révoltée, de Georges Bernanos, témoin direct de la guerre civile espagnole, qui dénonce la terreur exercée par les nationalistes avec la bénédiction de l'Eglise catholique contre les mauvais pauvres . Son pamphlet, Les Grands cimetières sous la lune, fera bientôt scandale. Celle, roborative, de Montse, mère de la narratrice et mauvaise pauvre , qui, soixante-dix ans après les événements, a tout gommé de sa mémoire, hormis les jours radieux de l'insurrection libertaire par laquelle s'ouvrit la guerre de 36 dans certaines régions d'Espagne, des jours que l'adolescente qu'elle était vécut dans la candeur et l'allégresse dans son village de Haute Catalogne. Deux paroles, deux visions qui résonnent étrangement avec notre présent, comme enchantées par l'art romanesque de Lydie Salvayre, entre violence et légèreté, entre brutalité et finesse, portées par une prose tantôt impeccable, tantôt joyeusement malmenée.
The genius of the future;: Studies in French art criticism: Diderot, Stendhal, Baudelaire, Zola, the brothers Goncourt, Huysmans
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 110.32 $In shrink wrap. Looks like an interesting title!
Georges Bataille: An Intellectual Biography
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 40.00 $Translated by Krzysztof Filjalkowski and Michael RichardsonWinner of the 1987 Prix Goncourt for BiographyGeorges Bataille (1897–1962), philosopher, writer and founder of the influential literary review Critique, had an enormous impact on the thinking of Foucault, Derrida and Baudrillard, and his ideas have been the subjets of recent debates in a wide range of disciplines.In this acclaimed intellectual biography Michel Surya enters into a complicity with Bataille’s oeuvre to provide a detailed exposition of its themes as they developed against the backdrop of his life. The essence of Bataille’s life and work were defined by transience and effacement, reflecting a will both to contest the impermanence of things and to confront death. His troubled childhood, his relationships with surrealism and his paradoxical position at the heart of twentieth-century French thought are enriched here with testimonies from Bataille’s closest acquaintances, making this a vivid and detailed study. Revealing the contexts in which he worked, and the ways in which his work and ideas took shape, Surya sheds essential light on a figure Foucault described as “one of the most important writers of the century.”
I'm Gone: A Novel
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 22.00 $A sophisticated Parisian art dealer abandons his family to join a treasure hunting expedition to the Arctic, only to find himself caught up in a bizarre theft linked to corruption in the international art market. Winner of the 1999 Prix Goncourt.
The Opposing Shore
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.03 $With four elegant and beautifully crafted novels Julien Gracq has established himself as one of France's premier postwar novelists. A mysterious and retiring figure, Gracq characteristically refused the Goncourt, France's most distinguished literary prize, when it was awarded to him in 1951 for this book. As the latest work in the Twentieth-Century Continental Fiction Series, Gracq'a masterpiece is now available for the first time in English.Set in a fictitious Mediterranean port city, The Opposing Shore is the first-person account of a young aristocrat sent to observe the activities of a naval base. The fort lies at the country's border; at its feet is the bay of Syrtes. Across the bay is territory of the enemy who has, for three hundred years, been at war with the narrator's countrymen; the battle has become a complex, tacit game in which no actions are taken and no peace declared. As the narrator comes to understand, everything depends upon a boundary, unseen but certain, separating the two sides. Besides the narrator there are two other main characters, the dark and laconic captain of the base and a woman whose compex relations to both sides of the war brings the narator deeper into the story's web.For many French readers The Opposing Shore (published as Le rivage des Syrtes ), with its theme of transgressions and boundaries, spoke to the issue of defeat and the desire to fail: a paticularly sensitive motif in postwar French literature. But there is nothing about the novel tying it either to France or to the 1950s; in fact, Gracq's novel, with its elaborate, richly detailed prose, will be of greater interest now than at any point in the last twenty years.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 51.12 $"Chamoiseau is a writer who has the sophistication of the modern novelist, and it is from that position (as an heir of Joyce and Kafka) that he holds out his hand to the oral prehistory of literature."--Milan KunderaOf black Martinican provenance, Patrick Chamoiseau gives us Texaco (winner of the Prix Goncourt, France's most prestigious literary prize), an international literary achievement, tracing one hundred and fifty years of post-slavery Caribbean history: a novel that is as much about self-affirmation engendered by memory as it is about a quest for the adequacy of its own form.In a narrative composed of short sequences, each recounting episodes or developments of moment, and interspersed with extracts from fictive notebooks and from statements by an urban planner, Marie-Sophie Laborieux, the saucy, aging daughter of a slave affranchised by his master, tells the story of the tormented foundation of her people's identity. The shantytown established by Marie-Sophie is menaced from without by hostile landowners and from within by the volatility of its own provisional state. Hers is a brilliant polyphonic rendering of individual stories informed by rhythmic orality and subversive humor that shape a collective experience.A joyous affirmation of literature that brings to mind Boccaccio, La Fontaine, Lewis Carroll, Montaigne, Rabelais, and Joyce, Texaco is a work of rare power and ambition, a masterpiece.
Honeymoon (Verba Mundi)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.89 $WINNER OF THE 2014 NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE--Modiano, winner of the Prix Goncourt, constructs "a haunting tale of quiet intensity" (Review of Contemporary Fiction). It parallels the story of Jean B., a filmmaker who abandons his wife and career to hole up in a Paris hotel, with that of Ingrid and Rigaud, a refugee couple he'd met twenty years before, and whose mystery continues to haunt him.
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 2.72 $WINNER FRANCE'S TOP LITERARY PRIZE, LE PRIX GONCOURT 2015This is about one man, an Austrian musicologist called Franz Ritter, who is currently ill with an unspecified disease, who throws away the tablets his doctor gives him and lies awake at night, thinking about various things. These include his unrequited love for the French woman Sarah, his wide-ranging knowledge and views on primarily Western classical music but also some Middle Eastern music and, above all, on matters relating to the Middle East and, in particular, the relationship between Europe and the Middle East. He himself has travelled extensively in the Middle East (though not as much as Sarah) and is very knowledgeable about the subject and about the various Westerners who travelled there and were influenced by that part of the world. He gives us a wide-ranging selection of often highly opinionated anecdotes on the topic, from the various European women who travelled and lived in the Middle East to those writers and musicians who were very much influenced by it, from Balzac, the first Western novelist to insert a piece of Arabic into his novels to composers such as Liszt and Bartók whose music was influenced by the Middle East. He damns Wagner and praises Beethoven (not least because he left Germany, preferring to live in Vienna) and even receives a compass modelled on Beethoven s as a gift from Sarah, a compass which points not North but East. Above all it is a wonderful and learned recitation of the intellectual history of Europe and its association with the Middle East, told in a non-learned manner, as well as a discussion of music and musicology, as Ritter lies in bed in his flat in Vienna, listening to his neighbour, Herr Gruber, wandering around.
Montaillou : The Promised Land of Error
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 25.35 $"Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie has had a success which few historians experience and which is usually reserved for the winner of the Prix Goncourt...Montaillou, which is the reconstruction of the social life of a medieval village, has been acclaimed by the experts as a masterpiece of ethnographic history and by the public as a sensational revelation of the thoughts, feelings, and activities of the ordinary people of the past."―Times Literary Supplement. With a new introduction by author Le Roy Ladurie, this special edition offers a fascinating history of a fourteenth-century village, Montaillou, in the mountainous region of southern France, almost destroyed by internal feuds and religious heterodoxy. Ladurie's portrait is based on a detailed register of Jacques Fournier, Bishop of Pamiers and future Pope Benedict XII, who conducted rigorous inquisition into heresy within his diocese. Fournier was a consummate inquisitor, an acute psychologist who was able to elicit from the accused the innermost secrets of their thoughts and actions. He was pitiless in the pursuit of error, and meticulous in recording that pursuit. LeRoy Ladurie analyzes the behavior, demography, social mentality, and cosmology of the community of peasants and shepherds, and vividly evokes the daily life of the village and mountain pastures. His portrait of Montaillou is dominated by the personal histories of two men: the curé Pierre Clergue, a brutal and powerful man who placed his enemies in the hands of the inquisitor; and the shepherd Pierre Maury, a friend of the Albigensian perfecti and a fatalist who returned from Spain to disappear in the inquisitor's prison in his own country. Montaillou, which has received even more praise than LeRoy Ladurie's earlier work, provides a portrait of a fascinating place with a dark, intriguing history.
Captain Conan
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 26.35 $First published in 1934, Roger Vercel's novel Captain Conan was awarded the Prix Goncourt for its unflinching assessment of the toll fierce combat had taken on the youth of France. Largely autobiographical and told from the perspective of a young lieutenant, the book follows the exploits of a French commando unit attacking Bulgarian outposts along the Romanian border. The unit is led by the twenty-three-year-old Captain Conan, a haberdasher's son who finds his calling as a fearless killer ready to crawl through barbed wire and slit the throats of his enemies on midnight raids. Based on Vercel's comrade to whom the book is dedicated, Conan is loyal only to his men, as all notions of patriotism are lost in place of the fraternity and brutality needed for survival and success in this close, bloody combat.
Le Temps Retrouve (Collection Folio) (French Edition)
Vendor: Abebooks.com Price: 71.71 $L uvre s ouvre sur le séjour du narrateur chez Gilberte de Saint-Loup à Tansonville. Une lecture d un passage inédit du journal des Goncourt entraîne le narrateur dans des réflexions sur l'art et la littérature, d'où il conclut qu'en se demandant « si tous les gens que nous regrettons de ne pas avoir connus parce que Balzac les peignait dans ses livres [...] ne m'eussent pas paru d'insignifiantes personnes, soit par une infirmité de ma nature, soit qu'elles ne dussent leur prestige qu'à une magie illusoire de la littérature ».
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